Redstate - FBI Employees Terrified of Being Fired When Trump Arrives: He's 'Going to Smash the Place to Pieces'
They should be, and he damn well should. The 'intelligence community' and 'legal community' have so, so fucking much to answer for from these last 8 years: the Russia hoax, the endless lawfare and destruction of political norms, relentless persecution of everyone from the J6ers to lawyers offering to represent Trump in the legal disputes over the 2020 election, throwing people like Douglas Mackey in prison or outright murdering them in break-of-dawn raids for making memes, launching raids against pro-life activists and terrorizing their families with such cruelty that their wives have miscarriages, jailing grannies for praying in the wrong place, their possible to probable involvement in the assassination attempts against him as well as the actual assassination of RFK Jr.'s kin, and much more. The J6 people shouldn't just be pardoned and the DOJ forced to give them as much money as they ask for in settlements, every fedboi who put them in cuffs and every informant who snitched on their friends & family should take their place. Or be thrown off Mount Rushmore in imitation of the ancient Roman custom for disposing of traitors, that'd be cool too.
For that matter the military clearly is in need of a deep cleaning too. Milley should be looking at a death sentence or at best life imprisonment for going behind Trump's back to talk nukes with the Chinese, that's textbook treason. The same goes for the generals who explicitly refused to obey orders to pull out of Syria and lied about it until Biden got in. Every political general installed by Clinton, Obama and Biden needs to be thrown out on their asses and the thousands of soldiers they trained to gun down conservatives, Catholics, pro-lifers, etc. similarly drummed out or reassigned to janitorial duty under a volcano until their contracts expire,
every single one of those is a dagger pointed at the Republic and innocent Americans. A complete shutdown of programs tying aid (civil or military alike) to pushing globohomo shit abroad is also an obvious must. Make the American military actually American again, and not merely the big bully club of globalist puppetmasters.
You kidding or trolling? Orange Man just got a mandate from an electorate that's clearly fed all the fucking way up with the left. Fuck compromising with the left lmao, he should be creating his own Vlad Tepes-esque impaled forest of Antifa around DC and the voters will cheer him on, if they didn't want that then Nikki Haley would've won more than just Vermont in the primaries and Kamala Harris would be president-elect today. The GOP establishment and the neocons ARE the same thing and both ate shit just now precisely because so many have decided those you slander as 'MAGA cultists' were right all along, the careers of people like Liz Cheney and Rick Wilson just crashed and burned in the most epic way imaginable short of Trump personally running them over on the back of a mammoth.
It's only if Trump cucks to the leftoid shitbags and the neocon RINO wing that he would go down as one of the 'worst presidents of all time' for squandering such a golden mandate. No, this is neither the time nor the place to show any mercy or offer any compromise to those who have already shown themselves to be among the most merciless and uncompromising tyrants of the modern age these past years, and who by & large don't even have the grace to shut up & stop wishing sadistic deaths on right-wingers in defeat. Inversely if he instead crushes said tyrants into the dust and gives them the most humbling assfucking in history since Dong Zhuo purged the eunuchs, and if he can achieve the core priorities of resolving the immigration crisis + castrating the 'intelligence community'/deep state (and more generally taking a Milei-esque buzzsaw to the administrative state) + shoring up election integrity (his new legal team has done a good job of fighting Democrat shadiness this campaign already) then he'll truly deserve his own place on Mt. Rushmore.