Apparently he's being tipped for some sorta Czar type posting which won't require Senate confirmation.Why do you think RFK Jr. will have a problem getting through confirmation in a Republican controlled Senate?
Apparently he's being tipped for some sorta Czar type posting which won't require Senate confirmation.Why do you think RFK Jr. will have a problem getting through confirmation in a Republican controlled Senate?
Article: After a flurry of DOJ filings in January, the next shoe to drop will be a potential vacancy on the high court. The morning after the election, Ed Whelan wrote "I expect Alito to announce his retirement in the spring of 2025." This statement was made quite categorically. I think Ed knows something here. I told a reporter today that I would not blame Justice Alito for stepping down. He could spend time at his home on the Jersey Shore without the media trying to destroy him. Plus, his judicial legacy is set with the Dobbs decision. Indeed, the arc from his Third Circuit decision in Casey to Dobbs is a remarkable journey. If Justice Alito does decide to step down, that will immediately put forward a contest among the various Trump circuit nominees. No, I will not engage that debate here. Another time.
Ed, however, is not so sure about Justice Thomas. He writes "I hear some folks say that Thomas won't retire." I've heard much the same. One friend told me that the only way Justice Thomas leaves the Court is in a pine box. I can fully understand that point. And in candor, is there really anyone better on the lower courts than CT? Even someone thirty years younger? I'm not so sure.
Perhaps there is one carrot that could entice Justice Thomas to step down: the opportunity to serve as Attorney General. Imagine that for a moment. Clarence Thomas could be the most transformative Attorney General since Ed Meese. He could recommit the Department of Justices to the original meaning of the Constitution, in every facet of its operations. There are many federal statutes whose constitutionality would no longer be defended. Entire volumes of OLC opinions can be reviewed. Agency memoranda can be tossed in the incinerator. Statements of interest would be filed in all the right cases. And I have no doubt that the Thomas clerk network would be willing to staff each and every post in the Justice Department. It would be a veritable constitutional army. In four years, so much good could be done. Of course, I can't imagine that Justice Thomas would ever want to go through another confirmation hearing. Still, all things considered, it is worth considering. And if Thomas is not confirmed, he can go back to the job he loves.
Of course, there is also the center seat. Ed Whelan says there is a "strong possibility that Chief Justice Roberts" may step down over the "next ten or twenty years." It could happen sooner. Feel free to discount any such speculation, especially in light of my repeated calls for Roberts to resign. This position has to be exhausting. Roberts has had to shoulder more crises than any Chief Justice since the New Deal. Now is not the place to assess Robert's performance, other than to say it is a thankless task. Moreover, Roberts came to the Court with the goal of building up the institution, and having fewer 5-4 decisions. To the extent Roberts has been successful at that goal, it is by using his own vote to join the left. Roberts has had limited success in persuading others. And I doubt that task will get any easier with one or two more Trump appointees. No one would begrudge Roberts for moving on.
IIRC, because it would cost too much to take it along. And at any rate, the Taliban has neither the interest nor the means to carry out terrorist activities against the US anymore.WHY WAS ALL THE EQUIPMENT LEFT BEHIND, INTACT!?? Just to spite Trump?! you fucking retards. Funding even more terrorism for the next decade.
There is more legal justification to go with mutiny charges with those that didn't withdraw on Trumps orders near the end of his last term, and you would basically get the same people.While it would never happen, public executions for the top layer of leaders responsible for the disaster of an Afghanistan withdrawal.
Pompeo also plotted to assassinate Assange, begged Trump not to release the JFK files, and helped broker the sale of US Steel to the Japanese (a deal which Trump has been very open about opposing and which he wants to block if he still can). He was going to run against Trump in the Republican primaries as well, but backed out in early 2023 because he still had enough brains to see where the people who did commit to that (like DeSantis) were going to end up. Man's a neocon snake whose fundamental principles (as with all neocons) are ultimately fundamentally opposed to Trump's and should at best be made US Ambassador to the UN, a post of some prestige which however also comes with no power to start wars or get up to any CIA dirty tricks.Pompeo stayed with Trump even through the Jan 6th and everything.
He was also a huge part of trumps diplomacy in ME
Flynn would be better in DNI or Defense, thiugh DNI would be better just due to the fact it's what he knows.
As for the military stuff, Milley is already out of it all, and Trump is most likely going to fire the entire Joint chiefs, and thier enlisted leaders.
He may gut a large majority of the generals.
Thw only issue is how to understand the generals that are actively trying to train us to win wars vs those thay focus on political stuff
Iirc most stuff like helicopters had been attempted to be sabatoged.While it would never happen, public executions for the top layer of leaders responsible for the disaster of an Afghanistan withdrawal. When you have all the resources and time in the world to do it even a little better, there was no excuse for that shit show. I am tired of the "just following orders" excuse for sheer incompetence and failure. If people are gonna perform as if their lives are on the line(in terms of blindly following orders), maybe they should be. WHY WAS ALL THE EQUIPMENT LEFT BEHIND, INTACT!?? Just to spite Trump?! you fucking retards. Funding even more terrorism for the next decade.
It was all for nothing in the end and a terrible ending for the 9/11 saga.
So Pompeo wanting to kill Asaange? The guy who withheld releasing Russian secrets but gladly US ones?Pompeo also plotted to assassinate Assange, begged Trump not to release the JFK files, and helped broker the sale of US Steel to the Japanese (a deal which Trump has been very open about opposing and which he wants to block if he still can). He was going to run against Trump in the Republican primaries as well, but backed out in early 2023 because he still had enough brains to see where the people who did commit to that (like DeSantis) were going to end up. Man's a neocon snake whose fundamental principles (as with all neocons) are ultimately fundamentally opposed to Trump's and should at best be made US Ambassador to the UN, a post of some prestige which however also comes with no power to start wars or get up to any CIA dirty tricks.
There's no justice in Milley being allowed to chill at Princeton with his ill-gotten pension and connections. I know the US military can recall retired personnel to face the music in courts-martial, it's been done for sex offenders and such before and a retired admiral (Richard Brown) was censured over the USS Bonhomme Richard fire. Milley's constant undermining of Trump on everything from paralyzing his response to the 2020 BLM riots (in hindsight part of a color revolution at home against Trump) to purposely botching the Syrian withdrawal and the now-infamous chitchatting with China about nukes behind his back, then the rout from A-stan under Biden - this stuff requires, demands a severe correction.
Bastard's got to be dragged screaming in front of a firing squad, a noose or at best into solitary confinement in the deepest, darkest cell at Leavenworth for the rest of his days or else other serpents in uniform will always feel confident that they can conspire against the Commander-in-Chief and get away with it, motherfuckers are already conspiring to use any excuse they can find to avoid obeying Trump's orders and resist attempts to fire them within 72 hours of the election. (Can you even call this conspiring?? We know about it because the conspirators thought themselves so untouchable, they were bragging about their plans to CNN...) Examples must be made and heads must roll to make it clear that 'defense officials' conspiring like this are unacceptable and that America is a country in which treason can still get you killed or jailed for life (preferably executed if at all possible, it would suck to have to pay taxes with the knowledge that your dollars are going to keep scum like Milley alive).
The good news re: a great cleansing of the military is that a lot of the worst agents have clearly thought themselves to be invincible and been very, very open about their degenerate ways and allegiance to globohomo above the Stars & Stripes. Joint Chiefs Chairman Brown for example has been an extremely outspoken advocate of DEI and racially discriminatory hiring/promoting practices, while the alphabet perverts are apparently allergic to the notion of not attention-whoring in news articles or on social media at every opportunity, like this fucking clown here. These people's names and faces are one search away and finding reasons to get rid of them can't be that hard, they're practically daring Trump to give them the ax with every article they spam and every conspiracy they decide to not only partake in but also brag to the media about.
The more insidious threat are the people who aren't so overt about their insanity & true allegiances but who will throw hissy fits and pull out the knives once Trump does something they don't like, the John Kelly types. I don't doubt the good guys will have to dig deep and get up to some intrigues of their own to root those sorts out of the military. But frankly it's got to be done, the deep state play is clear from those idiots who talked to CNN just now - get the media to spin up hysteria about how things like deporting illegals or invoking the Insurrection Act to suppress 2020-style rioting are unconstitutional and evil, so as to manufacture the justification for a military coup from the left - and it has to be stopped at all costs. Defeating China or going on another Mideastern adventure must necessarily take a back seat to excising leftist influence in the ranks and completely destroying the Clinton->Obama->Biden-era politicization of the military, you can ask Nicholas II and the Russian Provisional Government about what happens if one's foolish enough to try waging war abroad when his home front is still in such disarray that he's liable to get coup'd if he looks away from the absolute state of his military even once.
Yeah, the guy who was one among many victimized in the Russiagate hoax, the guy who the deep state first tried to extradite by way of a #MeToo attack in Sweden, the guy who had to live in the Ecuadorian embassy even after Bradley Manning was let out of prison and allowed to become a trans icon. That Assange. I give no credence, no benefit of the doubt to the glowies who have been after his head for ages and the Democrats who used to be his biggest fans but turned against him once he started shitting on neolibs in addition to neocons.Iirc most stuff like helicopters had been attempted to be sabatoged.
Add in how maintenance heavy things are.
All they had to do was fucking take out a few parts and boom deadlines
So Pompeo wanting to kill Asaange? The guy who withheld releasing Russian secrets but gladly US ones?
Some say that on cold nights in South Carolina, if you walk the beach and listen to the waves crashing on the shoreline, you can hear an eerie voice on the wind calling for greater US presence in the Middle East.Whatever happened to Nikki Haley anyways? She ran for a long time on Dem donor money against Trump and then just fucked off into the sunset.
I'm feeling positive. Let's buy Greenland.
Looks like its official policy.
Whatever happened to Nikki Haley anyways? She ran for a long time on Dem donor money against Trump and then just fucked off into the sunset.