The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

To make more than a little sense out of this stuff one needs to realize that in US political context "Asians" as a voter group are a purely artificial bag, much like "Hispanics", consisting of few dozens or so of nationalities with different cultures and demographic profiles, and also different numerical impact on the whole grab bag of "Asians". A lot of them lean democrat, true, but a lot of their subgroups do so for shockingly different reasons. Some of it is raw propaganda/media power of DNC's allies - recently seen with these "scandals" about right wing politicians speaking of COVID with terms like "Chinese virus" and acting outraged that its "racist against Asians"... Waitaminute, Asians, all of them? Even the non-insignificant amount of them who aren't Chinese, and on top of that, even those who hate the CCP or despise China for reasons related to their own heritage?
After all, the famously controversial and hard hitting nickname for WHO, "Chinese Health Organization", has been coined not by some white nationalist, nor by Trump administration, but by a Japanese politician.

I disagree that "Asian" in the US context is an artificial bag, any more than it is an artificial bag in a global context. Are there differences between the Chinese and the Japanese, the Japanese and the Korean? Yes. And yes, there are arguably even greater differences between, say, the Mongolians and the Vietnamese. These differences are both cultural and racial. There have been fierce conflicts over these differences between these groups, numerous wars between them.

Are the differences between the Chinese and the Mongolian greater than the differences between the Chinese and the Irish, or the Japanese and the Italians? No, that's ludicrous.

On that note, yes, the southeast Asian (Vietnam, Laos, Burma, etc.) vs northeast Asian (Japan, China, Korea) difference probably does explain *some* of the affinity for affirmative action- I have not seen data to confirm this, but while it is known that it is disadvantageous to northeast Asians relative to general pop, it is at least fairly commonly suspected that is is beneficial to southeast Asians. But I think this is very unlikely to explain the whole or even much of the support here- southeast Asians are a small portion of the total broader racially Asian (northeast + southeast) population. I haven't seen a poll break it down by subset on this issue though, and if you have I'd be curious.
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The way I see it, the politics of race is used to keep divided. To keep us from grouping by our common economic and regional interests (which I consider a way more relevant demographic), and this is so the haves can have more while the poor pay for it. It may look different that trailer park and that inner city tower block, but the issues facing the occupants have a lot in common about families, jobs, health, education, and access to opportunity. I don't have time for racism, I don't have time for racists. I'm happy to get allies of a similar mind willing to work with others.
I don't care what your skin color is, I think it is absurd to think that is relevant. I was raised poor in urban Chicago to a single parent household and honestly I have a lot more in common with people from the city than the suburbs and poor than rich. I identify as "white" because I was raised that way and it was the big family secret that my father was part native so I never knew until I was an adult. It didn't change who I was to discover that I'm not just mostly Slav stock, and I'm not about to be some white person that leverages some small genetic heritage for oppression points. There can be cultural differences - there always have been. But this is America I live in and we are to be committed to being Americans first and then everything else. The Democrats claim to have been helping the poor and the oppressed minorities and all I see are traps and talk and often not disguised racism. The Republicans are not much better in my regard, but at least the racism seems less apparent. Neither party is looking to actually help the poor, the underserved, and the needy in meaningful ways. I believe in capitalism, but capitalism's losers could use a hand and we could all use a fair start. Let me know if you find a party and a candidate that speaks some sense and is willing to make real changes for everybody and I'll be happy to get behind it.

That was my TED talk, thank you for your time.
Are the differences between the Chinese and the Mongolian greater than the differences between the Chinese and the Irish, or the Japanese and the Italians? No, that's ludicrous.
Uhh... I'd actually argue that no, there is a greater difference between traditional Mongolian culture and Chinese / Japanese culture than there is between Chinese and most all European cultures as there is a massive fundamental core difference between the societies that inform everything else about them: settled agricultural societies vs a nomadic herder society. That one facet alone results in utterly massive and major differences between the societies that lead to a LOT of core differences. If you study feudal European culture and compare it to feudual Chinese culture a LOT of similarities pop out, you have periods where warlords and martial virture are the height of society (Tang China, the Samurai in Japan, and much of feudal Europe), you have focus on cities and trade, taxes and ordering society.

Meanwhile when you look at the same periods in Mongolia you see almost none of the same type of things. The Eurasian Steppe people (of which the Mongolians are one) are very unique and their own thing, and share more in common with each other and other traditionally nomadic peoples than they do any of their settled neighbors in the Middle East, east Asia, or Europe. Was their cultural influence by China on the Mongols? Of course, you always have cultural influence from your neighboring civilizations via trade and, well, raiding. But that influence is tempered by the necessity of the steppe and living a nomadic existence which brings its own cultural demands and concerns upon a people.

Now, MODERN Mongolian culture? You mean after Soviet supported suppression of traditional culture Mongol culture to force them into a proper communist mold through the mid-20th century? Sure, that might have made them more in alignment with modern Chinese culture, but I'm not entirely sure you can treat them as a similar group inherently. They are very much their own people, and still keep many traditions that originated from being steppe nomads, and thus are unique to them that set them apart from settled civilizations.
I'm just sitting here wondering when did we start acting like Marxist were based. Last I checked ethno unity up until like the last 5 years was a communist wet dream. One of the big dreams of black suprmacist was the entire african race under the communist flag.
Black supremacy was another of those things dreamed up by someone who has never stepped foot in Africa. Afro-American supremacy maybe, but all blacks? Nonsence.
Serious Answer: It depends. ‘White Nationalist’ could mean anything from ‘I’m white, and I’m a nationalist’ to ‘all whites everywhere should be United in a single ‘nation’’.

An ‘ethnonationalist’ denotes a concern for and loyalty to a particular ethnicity/people/language/kultur and generally the expectation that every other ethnicity do the same.
Thanks, but I believe the first end of the spectrum you outlined wouldn't apply, since I asked about the definition of "white nationalism" and not "white nationalist". A nationalist who's white could plausibly be referred to as a "white nationalist", but I don't think it would make sense to say they subscribe to "white nationalism" just by the fact of being nationalist while white. If you disagree, please explain.

Would you say the expectation you mentioned is a standard or an optional feature of ethnonationalism?
I'm just sitting here wondering when did we start acting like Marxist were based. Last I checked ethno unity up until like the last 5 years was a communist wet dream. One of the big dreams of black suprmacist was the entire african race under the communist flag.

..."no actually class differences- and associated class struggle- are the fundamental Most Important Difference" is literally part of Marxist theory.
Black supremacy was another of those things dreamed up by someone who has never stepped foot in Africa. Afro-American supremacy maybe, but all blacks? Nonsence.
I mean the same with white supremacy in America. Over in Europe there is no such thing as white unity British Irish French Germans polish Romanians Russians are all different peoples with their own unique culture. Now you can say there is a shared European identity but you’d have to point to Christianity, and it isn’t a strong connection because the church split so the only way there was historic solidarity was in the past to protect against Islamic invasions by the Turks or Moors.
Yet your twisted definition of racism is a farce meant only to go on about how both sides are 'anti-white', as if 'white' is a distinct culture and that 'whiteness' must be preserved for its own sake.

So, the definition of racism as hatred, dislike, or ill will towards a race or races is twisted? Pray tell, how would you define racism then in a non-twisted way? Be precise, because a word that suggests complete demonization of those it is used against should have a clearly defined meaning. I defined it because “racism” is so often unclearly defined or else defined in a way so as to essentially be an ethnic slur for white people. Is racism having white privilege? The left wants racism to have the most evil connotations, like slavery or genocide, but for the definition to be broad enough to be used against any of their enemies.

So go ahead and define racism as you want to, and as long as it’s a precise definition I will use that definition in any post I make addressed to you. But depending on how you define racism, don’t expect it to necessarily be something that I (or reasonable people in general) oppose.

As for me acting like “whiteness” is a thing or culture that can be preserved, I never said that whiteness was a culture, but don’t be obtuse, the anti-white left and mainstream have no trouble what so ever in identifying the people that they think are privileged. Universities don’t seem to have any trouble picking out the students who need a 1400 SAT score to get in instead of 1000. The media don’t have any trouble looking at a suspect dying during and arrest and looking at the arresting police too and saying that it was a racially motivated murder.

The only time that race becomes this imaginary mysterious thing is when white people don’t want to be targeted. Then suddenly nobody knows what race is.

We live in America, a melting pot of many races, many ethnicities, and as such, if you want to be an ethnic supremacist of any sort, or think 'preserving the white race' should be a priority, then LEAVE.
Preserving the white race is a terrible thing? I thought that race based genocide was the worst thing ever? I guess it’s only the worst thing ever if white people are committing it, if white peoples are the targets then it’s terrible to oppose the genocide.

Also, white people are the majority race in America, and have been since white people created America. White people first recognized (or created) the rights and freedoms that the white Founding Fathers valued when they created the nation. I would be inclined to say that if you think it’s good for white people to be eradicated, that it is you who should leave America. If you think that white people are terrible, there are numerous nations around the world with very few white people, why live in a white majority nation if whites deserve extermination?

People like you are part of why I would not have kids with a 'white' woman
Well, if nothing else, my post here has at least accomplished that much.

and why I'm fine chasing you to the fringes of American society.
Of course, if you dislike white people and want polices that harm white people, then you’re not going to like people who oppose white people being persecuted.

Edit: Like a lot of this focus on 'anti-white' racism comes across like the Illinois Nazi's from Blues Brothers, only slightly dressed up.
Oh yes, I’m a Nazi because I talk a lot about anti-white racism. I’ll go back to my own definition of racism, hating or wanting to harm some race or races. In my post I never expressed any hostility towards any other race. I never wished harm on any race. I never said that white people were superior or that we should rule over other races. What my post did was say that anti-white racism was prevalent and that it is bad. For that, I’m a racist. For that, you say I’m a Nazi. That was exactly my point about the anti-white racism of the supposed right. That they villainize anybody who is against anti-white racism. That a “racist” is just someone who isn’t anti-white.
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since when did being bred out equal genocide. if your really concerned about perserving the "White race" then take husband and wifes and start shagging like wild beast. No one is castrating you and keeping you from breeding any more than someone is stitching your mouth shut and keeping you from speaking. the question is do you guys actually have the moxy to go through with it, or do you plan on living vicariously through society.
since when did being bred out equal genocide. if your really concerned about perserving the "White race" then take husband and wifes and start shagging like wild beast. No one is castrating you and keeping you from breeding any more than someone is stitching your mouth shut and keeping you from speaking. the question is do you guys actually have the moxy to go through with it, or do you plan on living vicariously through society.
There you go again, doing exactly the same thing as before. If you disagree, make a counter argument, but just acting like people you disagree with aren’t involved in real world activism (when you know nothing about our real lives) is really silly.
There you go again, doing exactly the same thing as before. If you disagree, make a counter argument, but just acting like people you disagree with aren’t involved in real world activism (when you know nothing about our real lives) is really silly.

ok, how many kids do you have? before you say that's uncalled for let me say this. Alot of the left revealed themselves for the scum they are by being hypocrites. Typical people who bark the loudest do the least amount of action. Here is my counter argument. Genocide is the forceful killing of an entire race through means of violence and warfare. Now you and may disagree about whether there is some kind of secret war going on, but the fact is a lack of breeding on the part of white people is NOT genocide. It shows a lack of will to actually pick mates and breed. Whether it's a good thing or a bad is up to you but stop equating a lack of libido whether naturally or artificially induced to violence and freaking war. Racism or the lack there of is NOT genocide. It hurts, it's wrong, it's stupid, but it's not genocide. Frankly when people like you throw terms like that around I tend to look at you the way I look at people who throw around ist and phobes. you people are all bark and no bite.
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ok, how many kids do you have? before you say that's uncalled for let me say this. Alot of the left revealed themselves for the scum they are by being hypocrites. Typical people who bark the loudest do the least amount of action. Here is my counter argument. Genocide is the forceful killing of an entire race through means of violence and warfare. Now you and may disagree about whether there is some kind of secret war going on, but the fact is a lack of breeding on the part of white people is NOT genocide. It shows a lack of will to actually pick mates and breed. Whether it's a good thing or a bad is up to you but stop equating a lack of libido whether naturally or artificially induced to violence and freaking war. Racism or the lack there of is NOT genocide. It hurts, it's wrong, it's stupid, but it's not genocide. Frankly when people like you throw terms like that around I tend to look at you the way I look at people who throw around ist and phobes. you people are all bark and no bite.
I am married and I do have multiple children with plans for more. Not that it matters, my points would stand even if I were childless. I do advocate for people to have kids, in fact I am criticized here because that is in fact the primary activism I advocate for. Conservatives should get married, have big families, and home school their kids. The points I make as just as true (or as false) regardless of how I live my individual life and I’m not going to tell you anything else about my personal life, nor should anybody else feel obligated to.

Is a genocide happening now against white people? Well, we are back to semantics now aren’t we? Is there a major movement supported by the ruling elites of the Western world to eliminate white people? Yes. Are polices being forced on white people and majority white nations to further this goal? Yes. Are the relative white percentage of the population decreasing in every white majority country in the world? Yes. Do white people want this to happen? No. Is this genocide? Well, whether or not the word applies, it’s still horrible and should be considered horrible for any person with even a shred of decency.

Are white people becoming minorities in every traditionally white nation in the world primarily because of violence? No. It is a combination of low birth rates combined with rampant immigration. White people have tried to control their borders, but all politicians (even those on the right who run on stopping immigration) do the bidding of the elites and keep the borders wide open. White people are taxed to support their own destruction. It is true that white people could start having more kids and this would help, I support that 100% and in fact, that is probably the only thing that an individual white person can do to stop their people’s elimination since voting doesn’t work.
I am married and I do have multiple children with plans for more. Not that it matters, my points would stand even if I were childless. I do advocate for people to have kids, in fact I am criticized here because that is in fact the primary activism I advocate for. Conservatives should get married, have big families, and home school their kids. The points I make as just as true (or as false) regardless of how I live my individual life and I’m not going to tell you anything else about my personal life, nor should anybody else feel obligated to.

And I will not ask as I doubt anything else about your personal life has anything to do with the conversation at hand. I will give you props you at least walk the walk so kudos on that regard. I don't agree however that what you do is irrelevant of what you say. If that were true then environmentalism would be a real concern and not just a circus clown show.

Is a genocide happening now against white people? Well, we are back to semantics now aren’t we? Is there a major movement supported by the ruling elites of the Western world to eliminate white people? Yes. Are polices being forced on white people and majority white nations to further this goal? Yes. Are the relative white percentage of the population decreasing in every white majority country in the world? Yes. Do white people want this to happen? No. Is this genocide? Well, whether or not the word applies, it’s still horrible and should be considered horrible for any person with even a shred of decency.

Have white people sat back and waited for the "Right people" to take office while our boarders remained opened. Yes. Have white people helped lead and perpetuate the SJW movment? Yepper and who have been the biggest advocates for these dracionian lock downs during this scamdemic, oh wait that's right White metropolitan Karens. I would feel bad for the so called "White race" (Like an apalachian has much in common with a brit) if the it wasin't so busy gladly bending over while evangelizing about thier personal truth. Heck the government of texas is beegging people to open back up and start living life again and people absoultly refused because they bend the knee to some talking head in Washington Here is a novel idea, learn how to tell elites to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Once is forced, twice is pressured, three times is approval. and we have gone way past three times in terms of bending a knee
And I will not ask as I doubt anything else about your personal life has anything to do with the conversation at hand. I will give you props you at least walk the walk so kudos on that regard. I don't agree however that what you do is irrelevant of what you say. If that were true then environmentalism would be a real concern and not just a circus clown show.
Much to the consternation of some others on this site, I have often said that that we are past the point of votes making a difference. That all we can do is try to withdraw from society, have children, and homeschool those children. That is what I do in my own life, I am a stay at home mother who home schools to protect my kids from leftist indoctrination.

Have white people sat back and waited for the "Right people" to take office while our boarders remained opened. Yes. Have white people helped lead and perpetuate the SJW movment? Yepper and who have been the biggest advocates for these dracionian lock downs during this scamdemic, oh wait that's right White metropolitan Karens. I would feel bad for the so called "White race" (Like an apalachian has much in common with a brit) if the it wasin't so busy gladly bending over while evangelizing about thier personal truth. Heck the government of texas is beegging people to open back up and start living life again and people absoultly refused because they bend the knee to some talking head in Washington Here is a novel idea, learn how to tell elites to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Once is forced, twice is pressured, three times is approval. and we have gone way past three times in terms of bending a knee
What are you trying to say, that white people have earned elimination by not stopping it from happening? Sure, plenty of quite people support terrible political polices, that is true. Then again, look around the world. Are the people in Africa creating great countries to live in? What about Latin America? The Middle East? Eastern Asia? What countries are people trying to move to and what countries are they trying to leave?

I’m not trying to say that white people are better than those other groups, I’m just saying that we don’t deserve elimination. It is true that whites aren’t doing enough to stop our eventual elimination, and I want white people to stand up and do more.
Problem here is that the Left is good at playing the label game and also at twisting definitions. I am an ethnonationalist. But to the Left, that automatically means I am a racist.
Well, yeah, they're actually right about that one. That is racist. The ironic thing is that you and the social justice types actually share a lot of the same rationalizations for it to explain away how it's totally not racist even though it is. I mean, do i really have to explain how not wanting people of other races to live in your country is? Should I even go into the added layer of wanting an ethnostate in the Americas if you aren't Native American? I'm guessing this also means you don't like people who are made up of more than one race?

I don’t like using the word “racism” at all because it’s use is downright Orwellian in its significance and usage. Calling people racist is just giving power to the left.
Uh, no, it doesn't. The Orwellian factor there is the left's insistence on redefining what the word means in order to excuse their own racism. Everything else is just them using the word to attack others, and apparently way too many people being willing to just take their word for it instead of using any kind of critical thought. But I'm sure not going to shy away from calling a spade a spade.

Oh, and I would also remind you that they aren't just racist against white people, they are in fact racist against everyone. I'm not even kidding. Their entire philosophy is built on prejudice, which is to say that they think they people within the different groups they have defined should be exactly alike, not unlike the Borg. This is why they attack any woman or non-white person who does not fit the stereotype(s) that they have assigned to them. And it's not just the "soft bigotry of low expectations" either. Have you actually looked at what's written in Critical Race Theory and thought about what they've actually said? Or any of this other nonsense about math, science, and logic being racist? They're basically saying only white men can do that, and everyone else is too stupid to do it, too lazy to be able to stay on time or to have a good work ethic, etc.
Black supremacy was another of those things dreamed up by someone who has never stepped foot in Africa. Afro-American supremacy maybe, but all blacks? Nonsence.
They tend to forget about actual Africans, or just not care about them, which is pretty ironic. I seem to recall a tweet from one of these types that was along the lines of black Africans not actually being Black. Black (capitalized) has become a political ideology based on skin color for them, but it is based on if one fits within their stereotype, which is why actual Africans and African-Americans who do not share their views are not considered Black to them.

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