Election 2020 So long Bernie! [DROPPED OUT; CAMPAIGN SUSPENDED]


Primarch to your glory& the glory of him on Earth!

So Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the 2020 Democratic Primary effectively sealing Biden's nomination for the upcoming General Election. I'll have to say, I am quite a bit surprised Sanders didn't fight any further but I guess this Covid-19 forced his hand.

Democratic Party must also be relieved as now they can start to expend energy and effort towards the General Election instead of having to keep bickering in a Primary already settled mathematically.

Another campaign lost.

What will the Bernie Bros do?
Wait for 2024 and moan how Bernie could have defeated the Bad Orange Man

To think I used to somewhat like Bernie, thought he was the genuine article. Even if he was socialist that he cared for the common person...but his actions like disabused me of this notion. Really, if anyone still believes in him after he sold out twice, they are hopeless. So in the end, the socialism I can tolerate as a difference in opinion, it is his sellout nature which I find intolerable.
Everytime I see people go "Burnie would get rid of my student loans!" And complain about how they are in dept for ever now since he dropped out. I always think "if you are fit and mentally able, join the army, they have student loan forgiveness". We could always use more infantry

I saw a story about how a guy took out a Student Loan, I think about 5k or 10K and sent it to the Bernie campaign. He wasn't worried about paying it back because he knew Bernie would win and thus forgive the debt.Then Bernie dropped out, won't refund the money, and now he has to pay it back.

Idiots like that deserve what they get.
Oh, that's already going on.
I am saying for all those Burnie Bros that are under 35 and have no health issues. They wont want to join, but they have an incentive!
I saw a story about how a guy took out a Student Loan, I think about 5k or 10K and sent it to the Bernie campaign. He wasn't worried about paying it back because he knew Bernie would win and thus forgive the debt.Then Bernie dropped out, won't refund the money, and now he has to pay it back.

Idiots like that deserve what they get.
Wow. I remember the 2016 campaign my friend and his sister wanted Burnie for the college, as in free college. Besides that they liked hin better then Hillary so.

I always suggest the Military for those with student loans, or want free college
Oh boy oh boy, the Neoliberals are really going to regret this!
Here's the thing, Biden should've been allowed to win handily against Sanders in a few more primaries, THEN let Sanders give his endorsement right before the Democratic convention. In doing so, it keeps the Bernie Bros gobsmacked in the crucial days right before the convention starts so they're less likely to organize and cause trouble.
But now that Bernie Sanders went and yielded to Biden in April, the angry Bernie Bros will have months to fester in their hatred for the normie liberal establishment. There will be blood because of this.
Witness the controversy in Bernie's own campaign:
Go for it Bernie Bros! Do not fade quietly into the night!
Everytime I see people go "Burnie would get rid of my student loans!" And complain about how they are in dept for ever now since he dropped out. I always think "if you are fit and mentally able, join the army, they have student loan forgiveness". We could always use more infantry
Or, if you're not mentally fit, you could also seek student loan forgiveness based on disability; that's what I did.

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