Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

Mass migration of you own people to begin living on the newly conquered lands, Something that never really happened in India.
There were over a hundred thousand British soldiers, administrators, and their families ruling India.

Settler colonization was just a subtype for sparsely ruled but resource rich regions like North America and Australia. 90% of colonial governments were just a single office's worth of bureaucrats and a few thousand soldiers.
There were over a hundred thousand British soldiers, administrators, and their families ruling India.

Settler colonization was just a subtype for sparsely ruled but resource rich regions like North America and Australia. 90% of colonial governments were just a single office's worth of bureaucrats and a few thousand soldiers.

Which is why it's debatable whether many of the lands ruled by the British Empire really count as "colonies" in the strict sense at all.
Rhodesia was a colony, for example. It even developed to the point of UDI, complete with a long document full of sentences starting with "Whereas".

It's entirely possible for a nation to become an imperial power, conquering and ruling over other peoples, without trying to replace them all with settlers.
It's also a lot easier to put settlers in places where there aren't already other people.
Which is why it's debatable whether many of the lands ruled by the British Empire really count as "colonies" in the strict sense at all.
They were the literal definition of a colony. Imperial colonies are defined by their resemblance to the British Empire.

I think what you're trying to do is to force parallels to immigration. In which case please stop, the logic is so tortured that it belongs in Guantanamo Bay.
They were the literal definition of a colony. Imperial colonies are defined by their resemblance to the British Empire.

I think what you're trying to do is to force parallels to immigration. In which case please stop, the logic is so tortured that it belongs in Guantanamo Bay.

Mass immigration of the sort we're seeing in some parts of the world could indeed be seen as a form of conquest-by-colonization, rather than first conquering then bringing in settlers, but no, that was not the point I was making.

Anyway.. memes.
On the subject of recruiting "tech bros", someone from Russia made a comment:
I am not an American and I have never crossed the Atlantic – but, as a general point, any line of reasoning that assumes:
1) that a country with a population the size and quality of America (or Russia, France, Germany, etc) cannot produce its own highly-skilled IT, research, engineering, etc. professionals;
2) that it is normal and and acceptable to brain drain the entire world using economic incentives and globalist ideological propaganda;
3) that it is normal and acceptable to deprive your own population of socioeconomic opportunities to save a few bucks by claiming 1) and engaging in 2);
is not only morally reprehensible and psychotic, but also the sort of self-serving, hypocritical lie that incites homicidal rage in the people who are being damaged by it, and permanently erodes the social fabric on every level.
Musk isn't responsible for education, and I'm sure he wants to fix that problem. Not that he can, but still.

However, he's the CEO of a major company and a Conservative politician, which means he does have a duty towards growing the tech sector- one way or another.

You can stop him, of course, but that will have consequences.
It's almost like they DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT instead of just continuing to fill the river with filth and corpses.

What they "did about it" was to dump even more filth and corpses into the river until it catastrophically overloaded in the manner described, and only then were they willing to build more extensive underground sewage works to carry it outside the city proper.

For a moment or so I thought it was going to be that said Commissioner was a Malthusian and wanted more poor people to die so as to reduce the surplus population, or something like that.

No, the sad thing was that the guy was sincerely a reformer. . . but due to his scientific ignorance, his reforms actually made the problem so much worse.

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