Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

I Joined A Far-Right Group Of Moms. What I Witnessed Was Frightening

HuffGlue moron joins a group of local moms, is shocked and horrified to find they are not a cult. Cannot believe they are using the same tactics leftists do to try and unseat current power on schools, thinks asking for push-back is insurrection, they are all racist for denying white privilege, and more.

Read Stowell on the annointed the left has been filled with self rightous assholes for a very long time.
Read Stowell on the annointed the left has been filled with self rightous assholes for a very long time.

You know the self righteousness on the left reminds me a lot of the crazy "Rock music is the devil" type Christians that were big in the 80's and 90's. Now they are just self righteous and have their heads up their ass about being woke. The end result seems to be the same though, More government control.
You know the self righteousness on the left reminds me a lot of the crazy "Rock music is the devil" type Christians that were big in the 80's and 90's. Now they are just self righteous and have their heads up their ass about being woke. The end result seems to be the same though, More government control.

1991: You 12yo son has been seen playing with some dolls at school and seems more interesting in girly hobbies like cooking and art. We think he might be a queer. We recommend you send him to conversion therapy and prayer so he will not chose to be gay.

2021: You 12yo son has been seen playing with some dolls at school and seems more interesting in girly hobbies like cooking and art. We think he he is trans. We recommend he be send to a psychiatrist and look into hormone treatments to start transitioning.

Time is a flat fucking circle
And there is also the possibility that certain...fictional sects may morph into and be recognized as legit IRL religions.

Case and point, Australia recognizing Jedi as an official religion.

Give us nerds a few years and we'll make new religions that have nothing to do with Wokism, bit without the baggage of established religions, and govs will recognize them once enough adherents decent to identify as such on religious questionnaires.
Won't work, look what happened to /tg/'s Mechanicus and that was designed from the group up with exactly those intentions, to provide pseudo-theological justifications.
  • The deliberate destruction and vandalism of information and archives is an abomination and all information should be redundantly backed up to make it as difficult as possible to do so.
  • Technological templates should be open-source and not require external connections so that they can continue to function despite deliberate sabotage/lack of backwards comparability and be manually cleansed of spyware.
  • Planned obsolesce and spyware are deliberate harm to the sacred Machine Spirits, done for the most basely human of motives and as such is an abomination whose designers should ideally be punished by Servitude Imperpituis.
  • Relocating technological manufacturing careers abroad beyond your control and the access of your population is yet another abomination.
  • Mechanisms of industry and warfare must continue to require humans, fear the implications of the Abominable Intelligence.
As soon as that got popular enough to get its own webpage, not even an actual church or followers, a fucking webpage, hordes of wokeists descended upon it and decided the true meaning of the Mechanicus was transgenderism* and since they outnumbered the original fa/tg/uys, they took the whole thing over. Then the website went down since the original creator wasn't paying for hosting since it wasn't their project anymore.

Won't work, look what happened to /tg/'s Mechanicus and that was designed from the group up with exactly those intentions, to provide pseudo-theological justifications.
  • The deliberate destruction and vandalism of information and archives is an abomination and all information should be redundantly backed up to make it as difficult as possible to do so.
  • Technological templates should be open-source and not require external connections so that they can continue to function despite deliberate sabotage/lack of backwards comparability and be manually cleansed of spyware.
  • Planned obsolesce and spyware are deliberate harm to the sacred Machine Spirits, done for the most basely human of motives and as such is an abomination whose designers should ideally be punished by Servitude Imperpituis.
  • Relocating technological manufacturing careers abroad beyond your control and the access of your population is yet another abomination.
  • Mechanisms of industry and warfare must continue to require humans, fear the implications of the Abominable Intelligence.
As soon as that got popular enough to get its own webpage, not even an actual church or followers, a fucking webpage, hordes of wokeists descended upon it and decided the true meaning of the Mechanicus was transgenderism* and since they outnumbered the original fa/tg/uys, they took the whole thing over. Then the website went down since the original creator wasn't paying for hosting since it wasn't their project anymore.


Wow. Talk about the reason why we can’t have nice things.

Also why gatekeeping is deadly important in more then just fandoms.
As soon as that got popular enough to get its own webpage, not even an actual church or followers, a fucking webpage, hordes of wokeists descended upon it and decided the true meaning of the Mechanicus was transgenderism* and since they outnumbered the original fa/tg/uys, they took the whole thing over.
Once again leftoids destroy a perfectly reasonable and good thing. They are chaos cultists in all but name. I have some ideas on how to deal with them, but can't share them.
More excellent reportage from CNN, in this case as CNN's John Berman interviewed Dr. Anthony Fauci, asking him how he felt about a Fox News Host, Jesse Watters, telling an audience that they should ambush Fauci and get him with a "killshot.".

TownHall said:
"On the subject of divisiveness, Dr. Fauci, I'm not going to play it because frankly, I think it's dangerous," Berman started. "But Jesse Watters, who is a Fox News entertainer, was giving a speech to a conservative group where he talked about you and suggested to the crowd that they 'ambush' you with what he said was some rhetorical 'killshot,' that was his exact word. I'm wondering, you know, how much that concerns you when you hear language like that about you and your well-being?"
Dr. Fauci responded, calling it "horrible" and stating that Watters should "be fired on the spot."

Shocking. Appalling.

TownHall said:
By looking at the entirety of Watters' remarks, it's plain to see Watters is using a metaphor to talk about a type of interview where an unsuspecting public official is confronted on camera by a journalist or truth-seeking American and asked uncomfortable questions about their policies or past statements in order to elicit a reaction or catch them in a lie to create a viral moment.

"Let's just say Fauci comes to town. ... You got to ambush a guy like Fauci. Okay? This is how you do these ambushes like [Project Veritas'] James O'Keefe. You gotta be respectful because they'll turn the tables on you and have it blow up in your face," Watters said.

Not only did Watters tell the audience to be "respectful" if they ever confronted Dr. Fauci, but he addressed a specific "ambush," the type done by Project Veritas founder and undercover journalist James O'Keefe. O'Keefe's interactions asking prominent figures tough questions are nowhere close to violent. Do they make the subject of the interview feel awkward or nervous? Yes, and that's the point.

The "killshot," as Watters describes it, is that final question the interviewer asks the caught-off-guard interviewee that is either impossible for them to answer or one the interviewer knows they will refuse to address. It is the toughest question, backed up by facts, that will leave an interviewee panicked and looking for an exit.

Oh huh hurm...

I Joined A Far-Right Group Of Moms. What I Witnessed Was Frightening

HuffGlue moron joins a group of local moms, is shocked and horrified to find they are not a cult. Cannot believe they are using the same tactics leftists do to try and unseat current power on schools, thinks asking for push-back is insurrection, they are all racist for denying white privilege, and more.
I just found this via Tim Pool's video on the topic.

A YouTube commentator said it best:

So in short: - Very liberal woman joined conservative woman's group
- She discovers these women were actually far nicer people than her usual liberal friends
- She discovers their concerns are actually quite valid and reasonable
- To solve her resulting cognitive dissonance, she twists what these women believe into something grotesque in her head
- This allows her to turn these women's friendliness into something dangerous and sinister
- She can now go on telling herself her political beliefs really are correct, but she's more unhappy now because subconsciously she knows she's lying to herself and everyone around her, all day, every day of her life

She's even subconsciously altering how she wrote the article itself over time: "far-right" and other rhetoric becomes "conservative" and such the longer it goes on.

Her subconscious is practically laughing at her and her friends, now.
They honestly don't realize that all they're doing is turning more and more average people transphobic -- and I don't mean against trans-trenders, which most "transgender" people are these days ("Oh, like playing a role-playing character of the opposite sex in a video-game? You must be an 'egg'!"/"Oh, it's not a non-diagnosed mental illness that can be treated with drugs and therapy e.g. schizophrenia, just transition and it'll be a silver bullet to all your ailments!"/"Little Timmy/Sarah was playing with a doll/truck at five years old? Must be trans!"), I mean actual sufferers of gender-dysphoria.

You know, the poor souls that these treatments they're abusing and using as weapons were originally designed to help?

You're seeing a similar thing with the LGBTQ-fucking-kitchen-sink community -- the Average Joe and Jane do not have any problems with gay, bisexual, or lesbian people if they're just, you know, regular people with a different orientation.

Walk down the street and see a crowd of normal people doing normal things? Odds are a few of those people aren't heterosexual. No-one cares.

What people do have issues with is the sick shit and degeneracy you see in said community, and their expecting to be a protected class legally and socially (e.g. fucking in the streets and in-front of kids, brainwashing your kids into thinking this shit is normal e.g. the naked rainbow monkey suit-guy at that London Library, wearing fetish gear on the street, et cetera); "One rule for thee, one rule for me."

And people wonder why homophobia is on the rise again?

Let's not even get into all the anti-White racism that's spreading now, especially with Burn, Loot, and Murder -- again, cause and effect of why anti-Black racism is on the rise again.

It also doesn't help that all the words and stereotype your racist great-grandfather or great-grandmother had? That you typically ignored at Thanksgivings or Christmases? The racists in the Black community are pretty much proving their words right, tarring Black people on the whole, and now instead of just dismissing said "words of wisdom" from their elders, they're thinking "huh, maybe great-grandma/grandpa were correct that Black people are fucking thieves, murderers, women-stealers, and all that nasty shit".

And the worse thing? These brain-dead fucking Leftards can't see it, while everyone else, even if they're not Conservative, are just staring in disbelief.

...Yeah, I went on a bit of a rant there, heh.

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