More.I would be not suprised,if they manage to finish entire cyvilization.Millions
Well,humanity would survive,but beginning from hunter-gatherers level again would be not funny.
Not my problem,i would not survive that.
More.I would be not suprised,if they manage to finish entire cyvilization.Millions
Schizoposting time, Shaper/Machinist divide form Bruce Sterling's Schismatrix. Neoliberal oligarchy where theoretically anyone can make it but in practice few do vs racist übermensch who don't pretend that their society possesses fictitious upward social mobility but who also aren't company town serfs.Which begs the question; why are they're so obsessed with digital immortality, when biological immortality would be far easier and quicker to achieve, and doesn't come with any existential questions like is it actually you, or just a soulless copy?
When he goes I hear there is a nice warm place waiting for him.when he dies I will not miss him at all.
Warm - certainly.Nice - not so.Poor idiot probably belive that he is god and real satan do not exist.Reality would shock him - but,it is norm for progressives.Reality always shock them.When he goes I hear there is a nice warm place waiting for him.
We've all seen Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo and other classic cartoons.
There's a famous Motif where characters run off cliffs and stand for a moment suspended in the air as if gravity no longer exists. It's not until they look down and realize they aren't supported by anything physical that the little 'help' sign comes up or they hop in each other's arms and they plummet Down and out of sight.
We currently have a Wily Coyote economy, predicated on making nothing that actually exists, which pays people only to affirm an ideological consensus. And who treat the reintroduction of fiscal responsibility in shareholder accountability to a company as an Extinction event.
The existential fear expressed by those corporate pets can be understood in religious terms. Upon his acquisition of Twitter Elon Musk fired half of all staff. These were mainly from redundant departments, like trust and safety and human resources.
This set in motion the falling of fiscal dominoes. Meta announced it would fire 11,000 employees to reduce operating costs; Amazon likewise is rumored to fire 10, 000.
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion protection racket began wailing and gnashing their teeth, exposing their self-awareness of the superfluity of their grievance-mongering industry. Their outrage at Musk setting the example for how Silicon Valley can function fiscally responsibly by firing thousands of useless employees, exposes how our information economy exists arbitrarily
to perpetually employ people. Economic activity has become a way of supplying emotional consolation to adults with Arrested Development.
Fleeting fulfillment and peer recognition motivates much of our modern economy. Particularly when raw survivalism is less of a worry, because stocking shelves and keeping the lights on is always someone (a man's) else's job. Dependable employment in institutions like Tech corporations act as scaffolding for a dilapidated sense of self. A selfish egocentric existence unmoored from duties to family, community and deity and trap between the Rock and Hard Place of nihilism and narcissism.
It also supplants the vacant religious instinct of many, with the false promise of their engagement in a historicist project. In
having a claim to have expedited how soon history's long Arc is contorted towards Justice. The hidden nihilism of this project is never betrayed; that, if inevitable, we might as well not participate because Humanity will reach this Equitable tolerant apotheosis regardless of the obstructions it will roll on over as speed bumps along the way.
Our instinctive disbelief in our inability to shape social events is perhaps best portrayed by Arch-Progressive atheist Sam Harris, whose disbelief in Free Will doesn't stop him exhibiting such outrage at Donald Trump as a disruption to his enlightened
rationalist hegemon. That he would rather Hunter Biden horde the corpses of children in his basement than Trump have a business venture which doesn't pan out.
Sam Harris: "At that point Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement I would not have cared."
Especially considering he just quit Twitter- keep crying.
Lots of people are paid for no reason other than to satiate that desperate need to belong to something. If not a family, then as a figure of epocal provenance. These childless millennials and post-fukuyaman genexes seek the end of History they were promised. They wish to plant their pride flag in the territory at the end of the timeline. ESGs exist to enforce this ideological hegemony. Environmental, social and governance scores are the metrics by which the World Economic Forum and its hedge fund investor partners; Vanguard, State Street, BlackRock alike, assess who is doing enough Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and
sustainability activism to subsidize to the tune of trillions of dollars a year.
The money lenders in question appoint experts in those fields of corporate social responsibility; intersectional identity group advancement and environmentalism. These stakeholders supplant the shareholder investors as to who the company is responsible to. This remoralizes the movers and shakers in markets, reorienting them toward ubiquitizing the activist narratives
rather than providing goods and services to turn a profit.
It also deepens the incestuous relationship between legislators and lobbyists. Power and capital centralized in these behemothic corporations because the regulatory burden they have a hand in creating is too much for burgeoning competitors to bear.
Remember that old Robin Williams bit, about politicians wearing their sponsors on badges like NASCAR? That now becomes a
mandate to adorn your public-private-partnered institution with a nauseating kaleidoscopes of flags flying for black power and pride.
It's a system which ensures against the tried truism of customer accountability; 'get woke go broke'. But ESGs are not the tail wagging the dog or an end onto themselves. The ambition of a circular donut economy controlled by activist corporations is
an inevitable product of a technological economy which produces nothing tangible. But is nonetheless engaged in the project of endless progress to satisfy its participants. Without a religious mission, like Christianity for example, grounded in the material plane of God's creation, Capital converges with ideology to create meaning. ESGs are just an apparatus to enforce the Elite's definition of that meaning onto us, who are 'too stupid' to have figured it out for ourselves.
Of course, this ideology festers in departments which are unproductive and entirely relational like HR. HumanResources staff are the doctrinal interpreters of a new collectivist Faith; the Tea Leaf readers for systemic racism. Who propelled the economy towards the Promethean ambition of our self-redefinition as equitably valuable and prosperous.
So, when these departments are called for something tangible, say repairing the deficit resulting from hemorrhaging 4 million dollars a day in operation costs, they perceive it not as an unexpected interruption in their revenue new streams. But as an
existential threat akin to the Antichrist occupying their Church.
The media, international bodies, governments Tech platforms and Talking Heads form a sky-screaming chorus because their grand moral Crusade has been exposed as funded by nothing but unsustainable debt and fueled by ideology alone.
We've seen the adult daycare videos of LinkedIn and Twitter employees who do no actual work but instead paid to practice yoga poses, fill cereal bowls with Chia seed muesli and drink wine at networking functions. The occupants of this high-tech crash are a walking advertisement for the Gilded Age lifestyle of material abundance and spiritual emptiness promised by the
aspirational digital Stalinists chairing the World Economic Forum. And these corporate pets broadcast their decadence
on Tick Tock because they fear that if starved of digital validation to displace their internal and localized sense of meaning they, like a human Tamagotchi will die of neglect.
While Musk governs with some arbitrariness -see the Alex Jones decision for example- he still represents an Extinction event
for this hollow Progressive project. The useless midwits on non-performance salaries Fear The Exodus the ESGs inhibit.
Some might ask is it not benevolent to prop the system up if it provides these people with some fleeting fulfillment? Such an argument is about minimizing harm rather than affirmatively constructing something good unto itself. The deficit of manifested virtue makes these barely coping people power mad and resentful, fearing losing what they've coveted in a world they see is capricious and unfeeling. A salary job as an HR exec who deludes themselves into fighting bigots beneath every rock to avoid the pain of admitting how meaningless their life really is seems like a corporate sedative for society-wide nihilism. These (predominantly women) would be happier at home.
Government jobs serve the same function with every Department permanently encrusted by Financial Barnacles who avoid performance reviews like it will give them leprosy. I suppose it is misogyny to notice that giving women the vote resulted in exponentially increasing State spending, in turn creating the perverse incentive for the state to expand the tax base by legitimizing the activism of second wave feminists, like Simone de Beauvoir. Who said that women's total Workforce
enrollment was the mean by which she should destroy the family- 'you will love nothing and you will be happy', I guess.
Musk being in commensurate with the Diversity Equity, inclusion and sustainability agenda reminds them that their nihilistic existence rests precariously on ideological consensus alone. They make nothing, they do nothing, they speak untruths and feel entitled to others innovative greatness. So folks like Musk are their rapture.
But let's play their vision out to its logical conclusion; are we losing out on something for not committing to their vision? Absent a Christian-style motivation to steward the world in balancing human habitation and respecting God's creation at once, there's no argument against outsourcing the satiation of your pleasures to some kind of digital simulacrum. Nihilism is conjoined with Hedonism without a higher ideal or social bonds to nobly subordinate yourself to. One seeks the dopamine
brain blasts for pleasure instead.
But that Bacchanalia lifestyle depends on resource consumption. To maximize your pleasure while minimizing the cost requires the utilitarian micromanagement of all resources. This is most effectively done with brain stimulation in a digital landscape, for example. Plugged into the metaverse, having vicarious adventures on renewable powered Robert Nozick-experience machines. Enter the WEF'spromise of abundance equity and decarbonizing the economy. Fully automated, luxury coomerism. The last man of the atomized urban Studio Department dwelling Millennial working HR and Tech the economy becomes focused on abstract Collective projects, like maximum human flourishing while also digitizing itemizing and minimizing our physical and material goods and impacts on the world.
The Great Reset essentially constitutes the digital eviction of Humanity's footprint from the planet as Eco misanthrope Bill
McKibben argued in 'the End of Nature'; ' Policymakers imperative is now to construct a humbler world, in which human
happiness is subordinated to minimizing our ecological impact on the planet.'
The interests of Malthusians and hedonists have converged here. With less human activity and less humans, there will be more for an appointed few to gorge themselves on guilt-free. This is the vision of an organized Elite who self-describe as pilot fish.
Klaus Shwab: "It should be governments and business governments and business have to cooperate in order to become a fast fish. Because in our world of today it's not anymore so much it's a big fish who eats the small fish but it is a fast fish who
eats a slow fish. And in order to be a fast fish and a big fish, hopefully like Indonesia, you have to have two co-pilots; business
and governments."
Swimming in the wake of great historical forces like the climate crisis which devour up peasants like prey and allow them to swim with the current and feast on the carcasses. Their self-erasure and opulent Utopia is a product of their impotence in the face of cataclysms that their ideology predict will come to pass; 'the bigger fish'. Just as they're persuaded by the fear-mongering of peddling existential crises ecological or social, the many moving parts involved in enacting their vision are also scared into compliance. Compulsion is only possible through fear; but fear is contingent on recognizing something as
either a threat or a legitimate authority.
It's simple; if we disenchant ourselves of the delusions on which their ouroboros economy of ideological promises rests, then their way to gain power is gone. They dissipate like a belittled Freddy Krueger.
The likes of Trump or Musk buying Twitter represents Extinction events to ESGs and this ideological economy. Those events signal to us that they can be made afraid. We have been given our mode of defying this International consensus. A counter-captured Libertarian King who thwarts their technocracy at every turn. Their fear of recognizing that they stand on nothing is what makes them so dictatorial. Pardon the pun but the West is shitting bricks at the fact an adversarial parallel economic block has monopolized. Most mineral, fuel and precious metal procurement, refinement and distribution supply chains. China and Russia own lots of gold, medals and gas; whereas again we make nothing.
The complacency of the post-cold war consensus of Eternal Western dominance allowed Insidious globalists to covertly
price us into irrelevance in the international market. Imperialism is still the name of the game for up-and-coming countries; however, in Africa, Asia and South America, China is the only game in town. If you're starving you'll take the Belton Road
over Net Zero any day.
They're (the WEF) trading in fear and influence; it's why governments can pass the obviously incongruous policy that there's such a hole in the budget that they have to plunder your paycheck with the highest tax rate since the second world war and then commit trillions in climate reparations to nuclear-armed Pakistan. Our actual finances are based on debt, unfulfillable
promises. But such nonsense is perpetuated to cling to a consensus; reality running aground on the rocks of opposing World Views and enforcement costs.
The Numbers never mattered, it's all about picking where you wish to trade your influence to ensure ideological hegemony. They silence dissent so that their consensus reality can be enforced before too many people wake up to its obvious absurdities.
This is why the conclusion of Fight Club makes no sense for example, bombing the buildings of credit card companies won't do anything. Our currency, our Commerce, our transaction history exist purely in the ether and they want to make that worse. Nothing short of a double barrel blast of an EMP and an Amnesia-inducing mind virus could permanently reset the technological financial status quo. The great reset is an acceleration and fortification of this arbitrarily digitized economy. They
don't want the problems fixed; they want their thumb on the scale forever so that only we suffer its contradiction.
Were we all to die out from demographic collapse, illness or some other conspiracy theory (industrial machinations beyond our present imaginations I'm sure) then these renewably run algorithmic devices will continue functioning for capital's sake, long after we're dead. Just as Nick Land predicted, the wheel will spin regardless if we hamsters do any actual running.
Nevertheless, there will be a collapse; they just hope that said collapse precipitates their dystopian vision. But we can avert that path with constant vigilance and non-compliance. If we get complacent, the international consensus will reanimate their unsustainable empty promise model, like Crafty in Grant Morrison's 'Animal Man'.
So let's not roadrun headlong into the mirage of a tunnel to Utopia painted on a wall. Their consensus reality relies on manufactured consent; if it didn't the media wouldn't waste so much money trying to convince you to accept unquestioningly The Message. So reject it, disengage, stop funding them. Localize, organize, support those building counter-consensus with
their investigative journalism or escapist entertainment, board assets and tangible things.
Become self-sufficient, cultivate virtue and family values in anticipation of the day when we can become single-income parents again. We must mount a great retreat from globalism to localism; from cultural universality to parochiality; from Dynasty back into family. A great reset, equally precipitated by next year's Financial collapse, onset by the saboteur action of the elite, but based. This will of course require the defunding of grievance-mongering nonprofits, the electoral ostracism of captured politicians and investigations and appropriate punishments given to those actually peddling misinformation. But we must first undo the discouragement inflicted on us to pacify resistance to their totalitarian Vision. We must make the mocking tongue of the Roadrunner, standing on the precipice while the materialistic, hedonistic, International hover ignorantly over the thousand foot drop. Our animating principle- the hapless coyote only plummets into the canyon when he sees that there's nothing
beneath him. So make them look; it will only all fall when we realize they stand on nothing at all.
Meta and Amazon aren't good examples. Tech companies have been waiting to lay people off without it seeming "mean" or signalling corporate issues, they over hired and we all know that it takes a lot less engineers than they have. Twitter and the recession gave them this excuse and they took it.
Amazon also has seen a huge drop in quality and has real competition these days in the form of classic retailers like target and walmart finally gaining a real online presence without the subpar quality we now expect from Amazon.
The Swiss army will deploy 5,000 troops to protect the globalist elites gathering at the World Economic Forum’s summit in Davos and ensure the elites have no contact whatsoever with common people.
Authorities have indicated the troops have been authorized to utilize coercive police measures to fulfill their security mission.
“The Federal Parliament has set a ceiling of 5,000 troops who will serve in support during the WEF, which will run from January 10 to 26. Some of them will be stationed directly in Davos, where the annual meeting will be held from January 16 to 20,” the statement read.
According to the statement, other servicemen will provide logistics and air force operations support throughout Switzerland. Soldiers will be authorized to “use coercive police measures to carry out their respective tasks,” the government said.
There will also be snipers on the roofs of most buildings, and in previous years the WEF Police have shot drones from the sky.
TruthTalk reports: The WEF predicts that soon everyone will be able to ‘rent’ anything they need under the cover of ‘sustainable development’ (SDGs) and ‘saving the planet’ (Net Zero). There is no doubt that the tiny elites who rolled out the Great Reset will own it all.
The number of participants in the forum is currently unknown. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso, and Colombian President Gustavo Petro will attend the Davos forum personally, according to the latest information. Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves will also be attending.
Zelensky will also speak at the World Economic Forum’s Davos meeting alongside CNN anchors and NATO chiefs.
Only distinguished delegates were allowed to fly in and out of Davos last year due to a no-fly zone.
WEF Declare Humans Who Wish To Live Must Become Batteries For AI
Advertising enquiries: Despite what the mainstream media are attempting to convince us, the World Economic Forum are not trying to fix the world for humanity. They’re
There has been fierce opposition to the WEF’s extremist agenda, including The Great Reset, Build Back Better, and You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy. The WEF is now feeling the heat. In response to those who oppose its techno-tyranny, it has waged a defensive PR campaign recently. The World Economic Forum also recently canceled its Twitter feed in favour of Chinese state-run social media:
Klaus Schwab gave the opening remarks in November at the B20 event. He said that “What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world, and the world will look differently after we have been through this transition process” (aka the Great Reset).
The coronavirus pandemic has been the vehicle for the Great Reset conceived by Klaus Schwab of the WEF. Globalists intend to eradicate all borders, dismantle the free market, and drastically reduce the global population.
WEF Declares People Have No Right To Own Cars: ‘You Can Walk or Share’
Advertising enquiries: Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has declared that people have no right to own their own car and can instead “walk or share.” According to the WEF,
The abrupt push by Democrats led by the Biden Regime to ban gas stoves has enraged and confused Americans across the country. The good news is we may have found the primary culprit behind the push and it’s connected to the World Economic Forum., which first broke this story, points out prominent Democrats and liberals never demonstrated an iota of concern over gas stoves before. Not even noted low-IQ Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who made an utter fool of herself by claiming a study shows gas stoves are dangerous to brain health.
Charles C. W. Cooke
This is one of the creepiest parts of modern progressivism. AOC had never tweeted about stoves before yesterday, but, when she did for the first time, her tone was one of weary condescension toward the bitter-enders whom she's been trying to inform for years. It's cultish.
7:33 AM · Jan 11, 2023
So why the manufactured outrage over gas stoves? Where did this study AOC cited come from? has the answer:
“Regardless, it’s worth asking where this is all coming from, right? Why did Democrats all start moving in lockstep to ban gas stoves, seemingly with no prior concern at all? And sure enough, with a little digging, it’s been revealed that this isn’t just idle science taking place.”
“The company behind the study is called “Carbon-Free Buildings.” That company is a partner of the World Economic Forum and has a true-believer CEO who wants to rid the world of all carbon emissions (which is impossible and would lead to mass extinction).”
Rising serpent
OMG. The company that wrote the article being used to ban gas stoves is a world economic forum (WEF) partner.
11:37 PM · Jan 10, 2023·
To no one’s surprise this all connects back to the World Economic Forum (WEF). The same megalomaniacs who years ago informed the masses that they “will own nothing and be happy.”
Certainly looks like the Regime and its fellow Democrats have received marching orders from their globalist masters. The WEF and the Democrats both share a common goal of eliminating fossil fuels for the commoners while they fly gas-guzzling private jets across the globe. The elimination of gas stoves qualifies another step toward completing their scheme.
As the Joker from The Dark Knight once said, “it’s all part of the plan.” If you have not realized this until now, then you really have not been paying attention.
The new study the Consumer Product Safety Commission wants to rely on to ban gas stoves is classic junk science.
Here is the study. The abstract is below.
Here is a quick summary of the some of study’s principle flaws, in no particular order:
If none of that means anything to you. you need to read “Junk Science Judo: Self-defense Against health Scare and Scams.”
- It’s not actual research on children. It is a meta-analysis of previously published (and ignored) studies — a study of otherwise unpersuasive studies. The authors did a literature search for previous epidemiologic studies on gas stoves and asthma in kids and then just mixed those results together in an effort to contrive statistical significance. This is a bogus technique for a number of reasons including publications bias in the component studies — i.e., studies with null results aren’t published.
- The study results, including the component studies, are weak statistical associations — i.e., noise range correlations. The study results, likely including the component studies, are not statistically significant either.
- Asthma is an allergic disease. There are no allergens in natural gas. So the study has no biological plausibility. No one knows what causes asthma in children and so competing causes could not be ruled out.
- The claim that gas stoves are responsible for 12% of childhood asthma – an epidemiologic concept called “attributable risk” – is entirely bogus because epidemiological studies can only be used to associate exposures with disease. They cannot be used to determine risk of disease because (1) the underlying data is not representative of the population; and (2) epidemiologic studies are just statistics (i.e., correlation is not causation) and cannot be used by themselves to determine cause-and-effect relationships.
Big thumbs up for actually posting a transcript. I hate watching videos, and posts of literally just an embedded video and nothing else are becoming increasingly common.
What could work around any planned anti-WEF protest in Davos would have been a global anti-WEF protests held in major cities around the world, but given that no one is seriously taking the WEF as much as the diehard anti-globalists, it would indeed be a long, uphill war against them. Heck, a barrage of anti-WEF slogans and memes would be a nice start.WEF Require 5,000 Troops To Protect Them From Common People
WEF Require 5,000 Troops To Protect Them From Common People
People are waking up & the elite are
...the tinfoil-hat-side of my brain is now waiting for the 'right wing attack against the WEF' that will obliterate many people there and be the 'reason we have to embrace the WEF's plans.'