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Yes but also consider that we're fucking nerds. Who are also pedantic as fuck.
the question is more can we figure out how to do it. we could totally do it if we are in a plane. not sure if we could do it in a heli. the speed and fuel economy there is something i don't know off hand. there are probably boats that could do it. not sure offhand but they wouldn't need to stop so the question is how ridiculous is a 70 knot speed for a modern ship. looking at the conversion prolly a bit.

on a side note when the pokewalker was a thing for heart gold and soul silver versions I got on a a treadmill and walked enough to get a spiritomb. i did the calculation and it required enough walking with my gait that it was actually 1000 miles. i did it over a bit less than 2 months.
The last one didn't completely suck balls for Poland. Poland did, after all, get its borders from the year 1000 restored after the end of World War II:


And while the Holocaust was certainly an extremely massive tragedy for Poland's Jews, it might have been less so for Poland itself since if most of Poland's Jews would have survived, then they might have subsequently emigrated to Israel en masse just like ex-USSR did Jews did (well, to Israel or the US or Canada or Germany, et cetera). So, Poland itself might not have benefitted too much from this, though again, it would have obviously undoubtedly been the best outcome.

We lost cities which was polish almost from beginning,like Lwów,for cities which once was polish but becomed german 500 years ago.Not good exchange.

And,what is even worst,our elites was not only murdered,/germans did it,too/ but also repaced by soviet fake elites.
As a result,we have now dudes who consider temselves as elites,and are nothing but soviet descendents.
And at least 20% of population vote for them no matter what.

Only good things about germans genociders - they do not pretend that they genocide us for Poland,and do not create fake poles.

Yeah, if I were the fellow answering the question, I’d cap it off with a smart-ass “last word” reply, just because division shouldn’t be this hard. (And can even be done with a calculator, too! 😱)

(e.g.: “Reality doesn’t care if you agree, but you’re welcome.” (y))

True - but leftists do not agree with reality on many topics.And it never was problem for them,only for those who say so,becouse they becomed denizend of gulags and mass graves.

I mean... in some cases, it's not immediately clear who the good guys and bad guys are for more "ignorant" audiences, seeing as certain theaters had the appearance of bad guys and worse guys competing for who could rack up the largest body count. (See the Eastern Front and Asia-Pacific for examples of this.) Still, agreed when it comes to more "clear-cut" theaters (like the Western Front), especially since the Nazis are a nation of super-villains who you definitely don't want to win.
Let's see here: determined, strong adherence to their beliefs, want to help people, willing to kill to accomplish their goals... Basically the same person, but on other sides of the political spectrum.

I mean, my dad and I have very similar personalities, but he's a center-left type who listens to all the MSM. This stuff isn't that unusual.

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