Five minutes of hate news

Also, if you want to "deradicalize" us, you do know that trying to defend the indefensible and refusing to actually address our points is not going to win you any favour. In fact it is going to make what you are pitching, politically, unappealing to us. Though, you are probably just a troll and thus don't care about actually trying to convince us of trying to move to what you'd deem as a more "acceptable" position.
I am starting to doubt they are trolling.
While they are defending the indefensible, for any woke cultist this indefensible is their life's creed.

The only person I can imagine defending a woke cult position (like what happened with that hospital) would be a member of the woke cult who is a genuine believer.

In that case they would genuinely believe that if they only repeat woke slogans enough that they will "deradicalize" us (translate: convert to woke cult zealots).
I am starting to doubt they are trolling.
While they are defending the indefensible, for any woke cultist this indefensible is their life's creed.

The only person I can imagine defending a woke cult position (like what happened with that hospital) would be a member of the woke cult who is a genuine believer.

In that case they would genuinely believe that if they only repeat woke slogans enough that they will "deradicalize" us (translate: convert to woke cult zealots).

Unfortunately, reality doesn't work like Age of Empire and you can't just wave a stick around and go "WOLOLO!" and suddenly change a guy's shirt colour.

And, hilariously it will have the opposite effect...

Also, I believe this is relevant...

Could you stop refusing to actually engage the subject matter? You are literally apologizing for a grave breach in medical ethics, and for a hospital breaking the law and violating a person's rights...because of their politics.
To explain the woke position on this subject.
woke position said:
"evil nazi bitch got what she deserved for being transphobic. I am glad she was raped. I hope she gets raped again. and I hope she dies from not receiving this surgery"
In woke cult, "Nazies" (anyone who is not a part of the woke cult) are demons made of pure evil.

you cannot reason with Pure Evil and should never seriously debate them. They want you dead because they are Evil. Listening to their words might corrupt you.

Anything you do to harm them is preemptive self defense and perfectly justified. Just like how a holy templar will not apologize for the burning torture his holy water causes a demon, nor for preemptively attacking a demon just going about its daily business.

Human rights are for humans, and not for Demons made of Pure Evil.

The woke cult is so dangerous because it defines anyone who disagrees with them on anything as a member of the Demons.

Every book, every movie, every cartoon, every news report, and every world history class in western culture all hammer in home the point that Nazies == Evil Demons. And every sermon by the cult hammers in that "conservatives" == Nazies

It is quite ironic too. As their endless witch hunts result in them doing monstrous things such as... for example... kicking out a raped woman from life saving surgery because she offended the cultist staff members

This has been well known for nearly a decade, and was shown first through the research on Moral Foundation Theory by Haidt.

"Across the political spectrum, moral stereotypes about “typical” liberals and conservatives correctly reflected the direction of actual differences in foundation endorsement but exaggerated the magnitude of these differences. Contrary to common theories of stereotyping, the moral stereotypes were not simple underestimations of the political outgroup's morality. Both liberals and conservatives exaggerated the ideological extremity of moral concerns for the ingroup as well as the outgroup. Liberals were least accurate about both groups. "

"In a study I did with Jesse Graham and Brian Nosek, we tested how well liberals and conservatives could understand each other. We asked more than two thousand American visitors to fill out the Moral Foundations Qyestionnaire. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out normally, answering as themselves. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as they think a “typical liberal” would respond. One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as a “typical conservative” would respond. This design allowed us to examine the stereotypes that each side held about the other. More important, it allowed us to assess how accurate they were by comparing people’s expectations about “typical” partisans to the actual responses from partisans on the left and the right)’ Who was best able to pretend to be the other?

The results were clear and consistent. Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who described themselves as “very liberal.” The biggest errors in the whole study came when liberals answered the Care and Fairness questions while pretending to be conservatives."

These studies were done nearly a decade ago BEFORE media siloing and and as much sorting has happened. Given the systemic efforts at censoring Conservative speech that happens on modern college campuses and algorithmically by Google and other companies, I can only imagine it has gotten worse as time goes on.

This ability to more correctly predict how someone on the left would answer political questions showcases well that the typical conservative is less siloed and more exposed to left wing ideas than the inverse, and the consistent inability of liberals, especially far left liberals, to answer these questions correctly as conservatives would shows that they both don't understand the right and are not exposed to right wing ideas, thus they are more consistently in echo chambers and getting siloed information.

As to polarization and the left moving more leftward more rapidly than the right, well, despite the headlines, the Washington Post showcased it rather dramatically:
View attachment 1510
This shows that the Republican party, while it has moved rightwards since 2000, has only had slight movement in that direction. Meanwhile the Democrats have shifted DRAMATICALLY leftward in comparison and very rapidly as well.

This is backed up by other surveys, take this article going over the details, with this chart that showcases things:
View attachment 1511

Now, you might consider the Democrats going farther to the left a good thing, and that's fine. You might also consider that the Republicans remaining more or less consistently right wing to be a bad thing, that's also fine. What is undeniable though is that Democrats have moved more left, faster than Republicans have shifted rightward in the last two decades.
Remember, you're stupid.
Pretty good write up
One thing of note is that the woke devoured the left. the old leftists who didn't assimilate all jumped ship (as per elon musks famous picture)
liberals endorse the individual-focused moral concerns of compassion and fairness more than conservatives do, and conservatives endorse the group-focused moral concerns of ingroup loyalty, respect for authorities and traditions, and physical/spiritual purity more than liberals do
The woke cult has no compassion, and cares not for fairness
The woke cult highest concern is ingroup loyalty (which is absolute.) respect for authorities (of the cult), respect for traditions (of the cult) and spiritual purity (of the cult's creed).

Like a god of atheism, the Woke Cult is a living oxymoron. (edit: doublethink!)
They are a zealous religious cult of "atheism".
A compassionless ingroup of "no borders/one race".
Authoritarian worshippers of "democracy" and "communism" (and isn't that a hoot of a combination). Only you have to "protect" democracy from evil voters (outgroup, those not of the cult)
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Pretty good write up
One thing of note is that the woke devoured the left. the old leftists who didn't assimilate all jumped ship (as per elon musks famous picture)

The woke cult has no compassion, and cares not for fairness
The woke cult highest concern is ingroup loyalty (which is absolute.) respect for authorities (of the cult), respect for traditions (of the cult) and spiritual purity (of the cult's creed).

Like a god of atheism, the Woke Cult is a living oxymoron. (edit: doublethink!)
They are a zealous religious cult of "atheism".
A compassionless ingroup of "no borders/one race".
Authoritarian worshippers of "democracy" and "communism" (and isn't that a hoot of a combination). Only you have to "protect" democracy from evil voters (outgroup, those not of the cult)
Most wokies are atheists, but not all atheists are wokies. :)

Everyone on here knows I'm an atheist, and if someone tried to say I was a wokie cult member because of that, I'd laugh in their face. :ROFLMAO:
Most wokies are atheists, but not all atheists are wokies. :)

Everyone on here knows I'm an atheist, and if someone tried to say I was a wokie cult member because of that, I'd laugh in their face. :ROFLMAO:

And remember, you can be religious while being atheist, like in certain Eastern Religions or Sects. Or Communism, which I (and many others) would argue is also a religion, and there is a large amount of scholarship on the topic...

So yeah, they are a cult and probably even a nascent atheistic faith. Though, I have my doubts it will stay atheistic...
Uh, most wokies/'liberals'/atheists are religious. Their Politics are Their God. They have hymnals and chants(All those protests where they sing and chant, you know), sinners and heretics(They self-flagellate like that one Catholic sect, and they actively pursue and hunt those that disagree with them, TERFs are definitely Heretics), blasphemy (Islam is Right about Women, What is a Woman?) and apostates(Ye, Candace Owens, etc Every non-white male conservative).

And they only care for ingroup loyalty. How many rapists and pedophiles turned out to be prominent hardcore lefties, are still prominent hardcore lefties? Because their 'politics' are right?

George Takei admitted that he committed the statutory, if nothing else, rape of a minor (He was 19 and the boy 14) on I think Howard Stern's show, acted proud of it, not a peep. Riley Reid lost her virginity by drugging/getting a guy drunk and forcibly penetrating herself with a man who had already said no three times and said no even while drunk af, and she tells the story all the time, no one cares. Amber Heard brutalized the fuck out of Johnny Depp with an incredible wealth of evidence, and people attack the victim despite the many many calls to believe victims.

It's not even principled in group loyalty. They don't even follow their own rules. The biggest racists are typically wokies, the worst sex offenders, the worst domestic abusers.

Because their religion is about loyalty to the group, not even to each other but the group, and subversion. They have no principles but an incredibly nebulous 'victory.'

It's part of why the group is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Just not fast enough for people like me to be happy. The Millennials and 'liberal' Gen X and Gen Z are being confronted with the failures of their ideological positions, just like the Christians of old were, but instead of adapting like Christians and Jews did, they just attempt to suppress and oppress and it's getting less and less effective. They're splintering and breaking into factions.

TERFs are gaining in power and strength as the Trans 'politics' are shooting Trans people in the genitals. Lesbians and Bi people are increasingly marginalized by their 'own' super groups. Homosexuals in France were voting for the conservative party because they're afraid of the Muslim immigrants hurting/killing them more than they're afraid of not being able to get married any more. The Muslims were never part of the left anyways.

The Wokies are losing the culture war. Especially the long war. Because they lack principles. Their foundation is sand and salt. It is weak.

If they aren't beaten by the Western Conservative, Moderates, and Centrists, then it'll be the Muslims. Look at all the W's Muslims in France and England have been picking up recently. Which might even be worse than the wokies winning.

Most Atheists aren't the okay to great thinkers of the 20th century anymore, either. Most fall into the 'politics are god but we don't realize that' trap, than 'faith to reason is better than faith to an ultimately nebulous god' camp.
Most wokies are atheists, but not all atheists are wokies. :)

Everyone on here knows I'm an atheist, and if someone tried to say I was a wokie cult member because of that, I'd laugh in their face. :ROFLMAO:
I am also an atheist.
Yes, the woke cult are not atheists, they call themselves atheists but they are religious zealots.
Hence I am calling them a religious cult of atheism. Their doublethink is strong.
I am also an atheist.
Yes, the woke cult are not atheists, they call themselves atheists but they are religious zealots.
Hence I am calling them a religious cult of atheism. Their doublethink is strong.

Their not as strong as you are.

Some people when faced with the prospect of nilahism just fucking break. The idea of there being no inherent meaning to the suffering we experience in life is a daunting prospect and a lot of people cant handle it. They just don't have your strength of charater or will.
Honestly, I can't blame them. If I had children in the UK I'd look for a White Supremicist gang for protection because the local police would rather turn my children over a pimp enslaving them than protect them.

If you want to be angry at anyone, be angry at the UK police who support child rape.
> White supremecist
Flyer Actually says said:
Calling on white men to protect their children is white supremacy now.

The muslim rape gangs are specifically targeting white children due to being racist.
If you are white who is not a white supremecist you are supposed to just let your children be raped and murdered due to their race.
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P.S i have friend,who argue the same - deep state are good people who knew how to govern USA,without them state would cease to exist.
> cusp of civil war
> riots
> worse economy ever
> collapsing industrialization
> complete distrust in govt
> deep state all went to Epstein'd child rape brothel
> abolishment of fundamental rights like free speech
> good people
> know how to govern well

my sides are in orbit right now.
> cusp of civil war
> riots
> worse economy ever
> collapsing industrialization
> complete distrust in govt
> deep state all went to Epstein'd child rape brothel
> abolishment of fundamental rights like free speech
> good people
> know how to govern well

my sides are in orbit right now.

Exactly.But my friend still belive,that USA need deep state to lead americans scheeps,becouse they would die on their own.
He think probably the same about Poland.I would ask him next time we meet.

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