Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

If this is true, this is the smoking gun he needed. Finally.

It'll also cost the democrats in 2022. And 2024. Full blown GOP majority's in all 3 branches. Bring it on.

If this is true, the democrats are DONE. Just done as a party for at least a few years. Probably will get a republican in 2024 as well.

Wouldn't be nice to be able to have opinions online and not have an outrage mob come for you. To be able to play the video games you want with out some pink haired asshole ruining them? To work in peace and not have to deal with a sentivity meeting that's more then 'don't be an asshole guys?'
I agree that it doesn't.

But man, running cover for them like he is...is kinda pathetic.

He, and the rest of the media, have done something very stupid if Trump can prove the 2.7 million votes thing. Do they think electoral fraud would only implicate the Democrats? They'd be caught in the net as well, seen as providing cover for a near hostile takeover.

Do they not think Trump wouldn't come for them in such a scenario?
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