Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

He just finished his speech. One of the so called journalists just asked him "are you being a sore loser?" right as he started walking out. The gall of these people talking so disrespectfully to the POTUS. Only in the US do we have such freedom to do so, yet these same spoiled and entitled idiots complain about how the US sucks. As someone whose family fled poverty and corruption to come here, this place is a paradise.

What's waco?

In a normal election this would work. Plus Trump did plenty to appeal to the working class white vote. He held rallies in many areas that drew enormous support. Heck Biden publicly stated he'd end the oil industry. If this were a normal election based on normal turnout (not where the dems fudge the numbers) Trump would have coasted in a landslide.

It was actually a major issue for Trump. It also the first of many steps needed to kill the myth that the Republicans are all racists. Demographics isn't destiny as Trump improved by taking areas which he had lost to hillary in 2016. Major Latino areas in Texas and Florida for example flipped for Donald Trump.

Dude he's one man working against 15-20 years of a negative trend. Sure he hasn't been completely successful, but its better than nothing. Plus all the major Bush era establishment cronies are basically ditching the party. With the Lincoln party, they've lost all credibility.

The GOP isn't even "republican" when it comes to the economy. All they do is prattle about "cutting the federal gov't." Yet for the past 30+ years the government and its spending has consistently been growing.

You should make a differentiation between genuine liberals and leftists. There are many of what would be considered Center-of left voters who voted reluctantly for Trump.

True. I'm pretty bitter about the GOP and Fox. I was always iffy about Fox since they weren't as bad as CNN or MSNBC, but they really dropped the ball this time. I'm glad we cut cable in our household. They only thing I really watched Fox for was occasionally Tucker's show from time to time. But Cable media is an ailing beast that needs to die. It was slowly dying until Trump came along and gave them a life-line through rage-bait which they used to subsequently boost viewership with the OrAnGe MaN bAd schtick.
Waco refers to a raid on a cult by the Clinton ATF, resulted in the entire compound burning and a lot of civilians dying. This was one of several incidents in the 90s that spawned the militia movement, because rightly or wrongly the feds were seen as killing civilians who disagreed with the feds. If you ever played farcry 5 that was the inspiration.
Everything comes back to Trump; imagine if they hadn't run him as their nominee for the 2016 election, and ended up with someone like Jeb Bush instead. Now realize that if Trump loses reelection, and for some reason decides not to run in 2024, the Republican party has almost nobody else like him; Jeb Bush for 2024 is a very real possibility.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not going to vote for Jeb Bush, or Mitt Romney, or any other member of the Republican establishment; so unless somebody like Dan Crenshaw gets the nomination, or another outsider like Trump, the Republican party is as good as dead in my eyes.
Time has passed Bush and Romney. We will likely see Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio run in 2024
Well was getting my first tattoo today, so missed most of the news.

Now that I'm caught up, I have to say I am massively disappointed in how many people are wanting to give up and say Trump lost at this point. Even people who know how bad the cheating has been shown to be, and know what is at stake if Trump loses.

We will not know who officially won till the court cases and recounts are finished.
Well was getting my first tattoo today, so missed most of the news.

Now that I'm caught up, I have to say I am massively disappointed in how many people are wanting to give up and say Trump lost at this point. Even people who know how bad the cheating has been shown to be, and know what is at stake if Trump loses.

We will not know who officially won till the court cases and recounts are finished.
I'm on a bit of rollercoaster of having some hope and feeling defeated myself lol.
No I read the corporate filing, and it was clear. If disney tried to buy fox news the sec outright told them they would block the deal.

Perhaps, but there is a connection between the two companies, and most of the unpleasant changes start around the time of the buy out. I just find it a bit suspicious is all.
Perhaps, but there is a connection between the two companies, and most of the unpleasant changes start around the time of the buy out. I just find it a bit suspicious is all.
Murdoch got sick he agreed to the deal when he no longer was able to run it, as I said he handed control of fox news over to his kids, who are left wing
Dem Operative One: “so uh that’s all the ballots huh? Is it enough to win the state for Biden?”

Dem operative two: “just finished counting, even with all the bs ballots and fraud we can’t turn it”

Dem One: “Ahh darn it, let’s do a recount, go find some more ballots!”
Dem Operative One: “so uh that’s all the ballots huh? Is it enough to win the state for Biden?”

Dem operative two: “just finished counting, even with all the bs ballots and fraud we can’t turn it”

Dem One: “Ahh darn it, let’s do a recount, go find some more ballots!”

A recount could go badly for the Dems as well depending on how it goes.
Guys, please, Trump lost. Fair and Square. Hell, it looks like he is going to get Arizona, but he lost Georgia because White Suburban Women hate him. Perdue outran him, and do you think if the Democrats had the ability to change enough votes to get Biden the win, they would have stopped from switching that Senate seat.

Trump is acting like Stacey Abrams, a sore loser, who should just accept they lost and move on. Doing so is better for the country, for Republican Party, and for Trump himself. You can tell he only likes being President when he is doing his rallies, and he could still do those all the time if he accepts his loss, and just goes barnstorming.

Let him go. Let the whole thing be over, and let's move on to the future.

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