Quest Earth: UFO Defense


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
GM's Note: This thread is following a CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure format, feel free to elaborate on answers to the questions/choices offered) The OOC/Non-RP discussion thread is located here.

>>> Acessing STYXNET
>>> IRIS MESSAGE: Priority One
To: Provisional 'Commander' Candidate
Sub: Prepatory Meeting with United Nations Council of Funding Nations (UNCFN)

At 800AM Eastern Standard Time (US) two U.S. Federal Marshals from the Bureau will escort you from your hotel room to the UN Compound DC-3 Tower. There you will be briefed by the Special Representative to the Secretary General - UNCFN Marita Covarrubias before your preliminary meeting with the UNCFN.

There'll be psionic testing during your preliminary interview. You'll hear a buzzing sound.

Be prepared to submit your credentials, qualifications and relevant experiences and skills to the UNCFN. During this hearing the UNCFN may wish to submit you to questioning. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. You will be placed under oath for this hearing.

Both the preliminary meeting with the SRSG-UNCFN and the hearing with the UNCFN are confidential. The two U.S. Federal Marshals will provide guidance in regards to moderate any potential improper point of orders or inquiries.

Sig: Office of the United Nations Council of Funding Nations (UNCFN)
CoSig: United States Congressional Special Action Program Oversight

0830 Hours, Eastern Standard Time US

Your eyes flash open, immediately focusing on a blonde woman sitting behind the desk. Polished wood. Nameplate on the desk indicates her name is 'Marita Covarrubias.' You see the title SRSG hyphenated after her name. There's a United Nations globe logo on the back of her computer monitor. The decor around her office is simple, utilitarian. Pens in a cup. A couple of small landscape painting on the wall. Window behind you. Your sitting in a cushioned office chair in front of the desk.

The woman turned her head towards you finally, blue eyes meeting yours. Studying you quietly even as she offers a warm smile before speaking. "So this is for your file before you meet the Council," she started to explain, which did little to mitigate how awkward her next question was. "What is your gender?"

[] - Male
[] - Female

Kudos to her. She must be a pure bureaucratic creature. Didn't even crack her stoic visage as she asked a pretty... awkward question that should've been somewhat self evident. Unflattering or not, you're fairly certain that your gender must be somewhere in the system.

She typed the answer into the computer. "Sorry about this," the SRSG then said with a bit of a smile, making it a bit more awkward. "The Council prefers a full write up during the psionic testing, including basic biographical information just for confirmation purposes," she then explained after the fact, apparently sensing your reaction to the first question. "It will help create a benchmark for potential variation later on."

"With that said... I guess I won't need to ask about your nationality. American," she then added, the last word almost sounding more like a question then a fact before seamlessly moving on the next question.

[]I am an American.
[]Say Nothing.

"And your... schooling?" Marita then asked.

[] - Ivy League University
+ Choose two civilian skills (Humanities, Engineering or Science sub skill)
+ Choose a US Government favor.
+ Potential for Increased Influence with the US executive branch and Congress
[] - Just... College.
+ Choose an academic skill (Humanities, Engineering or Science sub skill)
+ Choose a civilian skill (Administrative, Athletics, Computer Use/Programming, Logistics, Martial Arts, Teaching)
+ Choose a Corporation Favor (lotta megacorporations out there)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with private corporations and organizations
[] - Just getting my feet wet.
+ Choose an espionage skill (Behaviorialism, Disguise, Escape, Shadow, Stealth, Surveillance, Survival)
+ Choose a civilian skill (Administrative, Athletics, Computer Use/Programming, Logistics, Martial Arts, Teaching)
+ Choose a US Law Enforcement Agency Favor
+ Potential for Increased Influence with the US Law Enforcement agencies
[] - Traveling on... Adventures.
+ Choose an exotic skill (Ritual/Occult, Parapsychology, Ufology, Psionic Knowledge, Basic ESP)
+ Choose an academic skill (Humanities, Engineering or Science sub skill)
+ Choose a civilian skill (Animal Handling, Athletics, Brawling, Navigation, Repair, Savoir Faire, Survival)

"So your background. How did you get your start?"

[] - Military (Air Force, Army, Navy)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with primarily US military organizations
+ Choose a Weapons Skill
+ Choose a Military Favor (Air Force, Army or Navy)
[] - Civilian - Government (State, NASA, FAA)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with the US executive branch and other agencies
+ Choose a civilian skill (Administrative, Computer Use, Communications, Politics, Diplomacy, Science sub skill)
+ Choose a Government Favor (US Congressperson or non-LEO Federal Agency)
[] - Civilian - Law Enforcement (FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, CIA)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with federal law enforcement agencies
+ Choose a following LEO skill (Investigation, Forensics, Awareness, Escape, Interrogation, Shadow)
+ Choose a Government Favor (US Federal Law Enforcement Agency)
[] - Civilian - (Academia, Defense Contracter)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with non-governmental research organizations or defense contractors
+ Choose an academic skill (Humanities, Engineering or Science sub skill)
+ Choose a Corporation Favor (lotta megacorporations out there)

Marita's fingers tapped into the keyboard again, almost eclipsing a faint buzzing sound that faintly reverberates in the back of your ears for a bit longer before looking up from the monitor again. "So before we get into specifics, why do you feel you'd be best for this position, Commander."

[] - People Person. I’m good at putting people at ease and on a federal and political level it has resulted in a lot of positive relations with people.
+ Choose two social skills (diplomacy, savoir faire, politics, intimidation, interrogation, persuasion)
+ Increased influence with any group
[] - Veteran. I have a lot of relevant experience not just with operations but leadership under duress as well.
+ Choose a weapons skill
+ Increased influence with a branch of the US Military
[] - Technocratic. I have a lot of expertise in bringing out the best in fields of science and technological research and its relevant applications.
+ Increased influence with any two non-LEO or non-Military Federal Agency
+ Choose a civilian skill (Humanities, Engineering or Science sub skill)
[] - Believer. While many people mocked the idea of things many considered impossible or merely implausible I was more than willing to take the risk investing wholly in this cause.
+ Trait: Politically Protected (Your howling at the moon has been proven right, the US government ain't going to confront you publicly)
+ Choose an exotic skill (Ritual/Occult, Parapsychology, Ufology, Psionic Knowledge, Basic ESP)
[] - Shadow Broker. In the world of spycraft and black operations, this organization and its cause was beneath… or above all of it. I found that challenge both intriguing and suitable.
+ Choose an espionage skill (Hacking, Awareness, Sleight of Hand, Shadow, Infiltration, Stealth, Escape)
+ Increased influence with two federal intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA et cetera)
[] - Duty. When called upon, I answered. I am the right person at the right time.
+ Increased influence with the US Executive Branch
+ Choose two favors from any four different government agencies.

"Well..." Marita then said with a pause, her eyes darting between her desktop monitor and then finally lifting a hand from her keyboard and tapping a button on the desk beside her computer. The buzzing stopped. "We have your brain scan on file from the questions. The Council will be ready to meet you momentarily."

With that said the SRSG paused and glanced up at you.

"Did you have any questions for me first?"
Character and Organization
> Traveled Across the Western Hemisphere including a Trek from Panama to Manaus after High School. For part of your journey, you were accompanied by one of your best friends. You had some run ins with the Law, specifically the DEA, criminal elements, various indigenous natives, and encountered and worked with the Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society who gave you schooling in biology, Terra Firma Humanis which was an NGO relief and human rights group and while in North America hanged out with members of the Center for Extraterrestrial Studies.
> Worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Believer whose mocked beliefs were later validated
> Prefers coffee and drinks it semi-regularly
> Avid basketball player, may have a love for it.
> Subscribes to 'ritual magic' themed publications.

Administrative: 4
Animal Handling: 2
Athletics: Basketball: 3
Awareness: 2
Behaviorialism: 3
Boating: 2
Brawling: 2
Diplomacy: 2
ESP Knowledge: 1
Forensics: 2
Hobby: Photography: 2
Infiltration: 2
Interrogation: 3
Investigation: 5
Ritual Magic/Occult: 3
Persuasion: 2
Savoir Faire: 3
Science: Biology: 3
Security: 2
Small Arms: 3
Survival: Jungle: 2
Repair: Electrical: 3
Repair: Mechanical: 2

Trait: Politically Protected (Your howling at the moon has been proven right, the US government ain't going to confront you publicly)
Trait: Connection with the Central Intelligence Agency
Trait: Criminal Contact (You made a lifelong friend (Loyalty 5) on the wrong side of the law)


Main Base:

Field Personnel:
Senior US Marshal Rose Rollins: Loyalty 5 (Bodyguard Lvl 4, LEO Lvl 3, Detectives Lvl 3) - Field Agent Kit
Junior US Marshal Lucy Lloyd: Loyalty 5 (Bodyguard Lvl 4, LEO Lvl 3, Detectives Lvl 3) - Field Agent Kit
4 FBI Agents: Loyalty 3 (Detectives Lvl 2, LEO Lvl 2) - Field Agent Kit

Combat Personnel:

Base Personnel:


Personal Kits:

6 Field Agent Kits

Heavy Equipment:

Ground Vehicles:

2 Unmarked Police Cars
1 Unmarked Police SUV

Marine Vehicles:



On Deployment/Mission:

Headquarters Base:

Personnel will have loyalty rankings based on a scale of 1 through 5 as well as a listing of their relevant skills and capabilities.

United Nations Council of Funding Nations:

United States White House (Funding):

Japan (Funding):

> Kiryu-Kai
> Self Defense Forces

United Kingdom (Funding):
> Ministry of Intelligence
> Her Majesty's Armed Forces

France (Funding):
> National Center for Space Studies (CNES)
> Ministry of the Armies

Russian Federation (Funding):

China (Observer):

India (Observer):

Germany (Observer):

Brazil (Observer): 2 Cordial

Canada (Observer):

Iran (Observer):

Israel (Observer):

ASEAN (Observer):

African Union (Observer):

Arab League (Observer):

OEI (Observer): 2 Cordial

US Congressperson (Not Applicable):

US Federal Agencies:

+ Choose a Government Favor (US Federal Law Enforcement Agency)
+ Three Favors from DOJ Organizations
+ Potential for Increased Influence with federal law enforcement agencies

Marshal Service (DOJ): 2 Cordial
+ Two Favors Due
- One Favor Owed

Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ): 5 Trusted
+ Three Favors Due

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (DOJ): 3 Friendly
+ Four Favors Due

Drug Enforcement Agency (DOJ): 2 Cordial

Secret Service (DHS):

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS):

+ One Favor Due

National Aeronautics and Space Administration:

Center for Disease Control:

Department of State: 1 Ambivalent

Central Intelligence Agency (DNI): 3 Friendly

+ Three favors due

National Security Agency (DNI):

US Department of Defense:

United States Navy:

United States Army:

United States Air Force:


Two Favors from Corporations

Armacham Technology Corporation:

Black Mesa Research Facility:

Omni Consumer Products:

Umbrella Corporation:

Union Aerospace Corporation:

HARM Industries:

Private Organizations & Secret Societies:

Center for Extraterrestrial Studies: 2 Cordial

Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society: 2 Cordial

Terra Firma Humanis: 3 Friendly

+ One Favor Due
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Skills and Traits Master List
Skills will go from basic, proficient, skilled, expert and master... a basic one to five scale. Still pondering if all non-exotic skills will start off with a 1 ranking or not or if it'll be based on background (ie a military background gives you a basic skill in a yuge swath of skills. Subskills are ones with... sub skills. And Exotic skills are ones that are... well.. exotic.

If you are at '0' or no rating you are basically untrained/neophyte at it, but can still attempt the skill and it could still work. Just not as effective as if you had some skill in the thing. Like you can still drive, or shoot a pistol or attempt to intimidate a person, it's just your at normal baseline capability at best.

Animal Handling (sub skills)
Athletics (sub skills)
ESP (exotic) (knowledge, no astral walking... Yet)
Behavioralism (gaining insight from people based on their behaviors, basically reading people)
Blind Action (exotic)
Brawling (street fighting)
Communications (using low and high tech communications)
Computer Programming
Computer Use
Cryptozoology (Exotic)
Diplomacy (Formal Bargaining and Negotiation)
Dealmaking (Informal Bargaining and Negotiation)
Editing (video and audio editing for various reasons)
Engineering (sub skills)
Fine Arts (sub skills) (theater, painting, drawing, writing et cetera)
First Aid
Gun Fu (Exotic)
Gunnery (vehicle mounted heavy weapons)
Hobby (sub skills) (Geocaching, Knitting/Sewing, Birdwatching, Photography, Gaming)
Humanities (sub skills) (Economics, Sociology, et cetera)
Infiltration (also breaking and entering)
Investigation (including deductive reasoning)
Language (sub skill)
Logistics (able to organize supplies or inventory efficiently)
Martial Arts (sub skills)
Medical (sub skills)
Melee Weapon (sub skills)
Oratory (public speaking)
Parapsychology (exotic)
Pilot (sub skill)
Psionics (exotic) (knowledge of psionics, not popping out peoples brains... yet)
Repair (sub skill)
Ritual/Occult (exotic)
Science (sub skill)
Security (securing locations or people)
Shadow (following people while unseen)
Sleight of Hand
Survival (sub skill)
Small Arms (sub skill)
Zero Gravity Movement (exotic)

Different then skills... these things are experienced/acquired as opposed to something you can just train in. This will expand over time

Combat Veteran
Connections: Close or Strong Friendship or Relationship with an NPC of another organization
Legally Dead (but not literally!)
Guardian Angel
Nowhere (No Records of Character)
Politically Safe
Psionic Void
Wanted (By more then evil aliens it seems and likely not in a good way)

Bodyguard: Awareness, Behaviorialism, Driving, Escape, Security
Detective: Forensics, Investigation, Interrogation, Photography, Surveillance
LEO (Law Enforcement Officer): Awareness, Driving, First Aid, Savoir Faire, Small Arms

Personal Equipment Kits:
Field Agent Kit: Camera, Flashlight, Handcuffs, Handgun, Light Body Vest, Lockpicking Set, Secure Cell Phone, Tape Recorder, Taser

Heavy Gear:

Ground Vehicles:

Magic Van: ELINT Vehicle with specialized computer that can wirelessly hack into nearby computer systems, also equipped with audio-visual recorders (videocameras, various microphones, starlight scopes etc), wiretaps, electronic scramblers and secure satellite, radio and cellular based communications.
Unmarked Police Car: High Quality Sedan with powerful engine, backseat confinement, lights and sirens, secure radio, shotgun, spotlight, laptop computer and first aid kit.
Unmarked Sports Utility Vehicle: High quality SUV with above features plus capable of limited cross country navigation and increased cargo and towing capacity.

Marine Vehicles:
Speed Boat: Fast commercial boat, equipped with flare gun, radio and lifejackets.

Aerial Vehicles:
FR-71E Blackbird: After decommissioning the SR-71's, much of the fleet fell into care of Black Operations with a fair number heavily modified for a high speed interceptor role. It is believed to be the only terrestrial aircraft currently capable of matching extraterrestrial aircraft in atmospheric speed. It has been modified to be capable of carrying six air to air missiles from two hidden launchers. Also comes with a survival kit, first aid kit, parachute and pressure suit for the pilot.

Spacecraft: (You wish)

Laboratory (Aerospace, Biohazard, Biological, Chemistry, Engineering, General Research, Medical etc)
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Influence, Favors and Organizations
Influence and Favors are what you will use, beyond UN Council of Funding Nations... funding... to create and support your very own shadowy organization.

Influence: The amount of support an organization will give you or your organization. You might be able to buy aircraft, or facilities, or recruit personnel from these organizations. The higher the influence, the greater the favors you might be able to ask of them.

Favors: A one time opportunity to request something from that organization on a temporary or expendable basis. Sometimes can be gained/lost via quid pro quo. You won't get a single kickass FBI HRT member for one of your secret Black Ops teams, but you might be able to use the resources of FBI HRT for a single mission.

Influence will be ranked much like skills... and judged on a zero to five scale (Cold, Ambivalent, Cordial, Warm, Professional, Trusted) and can rise and drop with the choices made and actions that transpire. Whether favors can be successfully called in will be based on the influence level you have with that organization and how ambitious your request is. Access to a Lab or Records might be a Level One Favor, asking a Special Forces Team to engage extraterrestrial hostiles in a random suburb would be a pretty hard Level Five Favor and might have influence ramifications even if successful with the roll of a dice.

(list will be growing)
United Nations Council of Funding Nations
> Main Supply of Funds to Your Organization

Japan (Funding):
Kiryu-Kai: Japanese attempt at UFO Interception Task Force
> Access to Geoscape Satellite Network
> Access to Aircraft including BMD and fighter jet drones
> Access to new technologies - Drones, powered exoskeletons

Self Defense Forces:
> Recruit 1st Airborne Brigade Personnel
> Access to 101st NBC Protection Unit
> Access to Special Operations Group
> Access to the 1st Helicopter Brigade - dedicated to military and humanitarian efforts
> Deploy Deep Sea Rescue Vessels
> Access to Disaster Relief Locations

United Kingdom (Funding):
Ministry of Intelligence:
> Access to GCHQ Electronic Intelligence
> Access to the National Crime Agency - Lead UK Agency against organized crime
> Access to 00 Branch - Elite espionage agents, license to kill
> Access to Q Branch - Gadget workshop for espionage operations

Her Majesty's Armed Forces:

France (Funding):
National Center for Space Studies:
> SEPRA Investigation - Space Agency devoted to investigating UFO phenomena
> Access to the MEOSAR (Medium Earth Orbiting Search and Rescue) Satellite Network -
> Access to Guiana Space Center Missions -

Ministry of the Armies:
> Access to DGSE COMINT Department - French Intelligence Electronic Surveillance Network
> Access to the DGSE Action Division - French Special Forces

Russian Federation (Funding):

China (Observer):

India (Observer):

Germany (Observer):

Brazil (Observer):

South Korea (Observer):

Canada (Observer):

South Africa (Observer):

Iran (Observer):

Israel (Observer):

ASEAN (Observer):

African Union (Observer):

Arab League (Observer):

OEI (Observer):

United States White House:
> Political Protection
> Exerting favors from other US agencies/groups

US Congressperson:
Political Protection
> Horse Trading Favors on a favorable basis (ie 2 to 1)

Department of Justice: USMS (Marshal Service), FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms), DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)
> Access to Recruitment of Department of Justice Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Asset Forfeiture (USMS, DEA) - Seizure of Assets Associated with Criminal Actions
> Access to SOG Protection (USMS) - Elite LEO close protection to personnel and convoys
> Access to WITSEC (USMS) - Witness Protection Access or Usage
> Access to Forensic Crime Labs (FBI)
> Access to DNA Database (FBI)
> Access to HRT (FBI) - Hostage Rescue Team, elite SWAT team highly trained in hostage rescue
> Access to SWAT Team (FBI, ATF, DEA)
> Search and Seizure (ATF, DEA) - Obtain warrants to search assets or properties and seize potentially illegal contraband
> Police Cooperation - Ensure Local Police Cooperation for investigations, media relations or securing a perimeter etc
> Access to Criminal Databases (All) - Fingerprints, Criminal Records etc
> Legal Resources (All) - Place DoJ legal or prosecutorial pressure on private individuals or enterprises.

Department of Homeland Security: USSS (Secret Service), ICE (Immigration/Customs Enforcement),
> Access to Recruitment of Department of Homeland Security Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Access to Documents Lab (USSS) - Create forged documents or currency
> Access to Laundered Funds (USSS) - Earn temporary funding from seized laundered financial assets
> Smuggling (ICE) - Agents can bring items (nonharmful) or individuals (non-coerced) across borders either way or provide support to do so abroad.
> Unrestricted Access (USSS) - Permit Access to normally restricted facilities or government individuals
> Access to Seized Property (ICE) - Customs seizes large numbers of vehicles and other craft and items smuggled within.
> Access to Personal Protection Details (USSS) - Elite LEO close protection to personnel and convoys
> Federal Protective Service (All) - Provides uniformed and trained private security guards to facilities and events.
> Access to Population Database (ICE)
> Access to Crime Labs (ICE)
> Access to SWAT Team (ICE, USSS)
> Police Cooperation (All)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration:
> Access to Recruitment of NASA Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Access to Satellite Data
> Access to Space Missions - Ranging from launching satellites to shuttle missions
> Access to Anti-Satellite Weapons
> Access to New Aerospace Technology
> Access to Engineering & Science Research Labs

Center for Disease Control:
> Access to Recruitment of HHS Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Access to Biohazard Labs
> Access to Dangerous Toxins
> Enabling of Quarantine Operations
> Access to Medical Facilities
> Access to Biological Research Labs

State Department:
> Access to DSS Recruitment and Resources - Diplomatic Security Service
> Diplomatic Immunity - Can offer limited or full immunity for various periods of time abroad
> Diplomatic Pouch - Confidential transport of items or people internationally
> Favors with Foreign Government
> Extradition - Attempt extradition of foreigners into your custody
> Diplomacy - Influence foreign governments
> Access to Interpol - Access to the international network and database of police organizations

Department of National Intelligence:
> Access to Recruitment of Intelligence Community Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Access to Worldwide Black Sites (CIA) - Confidential safe houses and facilities located worldwide
> Access to Black Transportation Network (CIA) - Secret network of transportation worldwide
> Access to Spy Satellite Data (CIA)
> Access to Codebreaker Supercomputers (NSA)
> Access to Unlimited Wiretaps (NSA)
> Access to Computer Security Database (CIA & NSA)
> Extraordinary Rendition (CIA) - Abducting guilty and suspected guilty individuals worldwide

Department of Defense:
> Military Base Access
> Access to Military Testings Labs and Grounds
> Access to Military Satellite Data
> Access to worldwide transportation network
> Access to respective advance military technology - Individual branch research labs/DARPA

United States Navy:
> Access to recruitment of US Navy/Marine/Coast Guard Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Access to Watercraft and Naval Aviation
> Access to Navy/Marine Special Operations
> Coast Guard Interdiction/Seizure
> Smuggling
> Access to NOAA Surface and Underwater Research/Exploration - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

United States Army:
> Access to recruitment of US Army Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Access to Ground Equipment and Army Aviation
> Access to Army Special Forces Advisors - Specialized in training third party organizations in military operations
> Access to Army Corps of Engineering - If you build it.
> Access to Army Rangers/ Light Infantry
> Access to AMRIID Biolabs - The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

United States Air Force:
> Access to recruitment of US Air Force Personnel and equipment acquisition
> Access to Aerial Equipment including electronic warfare and command and control aircraft
> Access to Air Force Special Operations Command
> Smuggling
> Access to Civil Air Patrol - Civilian auxiliary to the US Air Force
> Access to Air Force Office of Scientific Research - Physics and Aerospace Research with private/international partners

> Access to New Technologies - (dependent on corporation)

Armacham Technology Corporation: A leading high tech military contractor. Occupies a middle ground between Umbrella and HARM Industries.
Access to Private Prisons - ATC maintains control over a network of private prison facilities around the world.
> Access to Replica Troops - Special bioengineered light infantry/special forces troops
> Access to Weapons Labs - Special labs for weapons testing and applications
> Access to Commercial Spy Satellites -
> Access to Cloning Labs

Black Mesa Research Facility: Premier private research facility that is partially government funded. Dedicates research into all manners of cutting edge science and technology with a focus on long term scientific advancement over short term profit.
> Access to Engineering Labs - Secure, safe labs for all sorts of engineering testing.
> Access to Satellite/Space Launches - The facility maintains its own satellite launching facilities
> Secure Vault Storage - Used to secure all sorts of nuclear products, exotic technologies and more.
> Access to Science Team - Top quality science team can be contracted for diverse range of research

Omni Consumer Products: Megacorporate supplier of large volumes of consumer products, large scale construction, logistics provider and technical support and software. It dabbles in everything and it or its many branch companies have footprints worldwide.
> Access to Home Surveillance Network - Yes.. your smart home full of consumer products is spying on you
> Political/Police Favors - OCP is a worldwide consumer products company
> Slush Funds - It's a huge company with huge amounts of assets that can be put in the right place
> Access to Construction Projects -
> Access to New Markets - OCP has a worldwide supply chain and the associated benefits
> Public Relations - OCP can crush, squash, leak or manipulate stories in the media spotlight

Umbrella Corporation: A military contractor whose the worldwide leader in pharmaceuticals as well as barely illegal biological warfare research.
> Access to Wetworks - Umbrella has its own Black Ops commando force for sanitzing/cleaning messy affairs.
> Access to Biohazard Labs - Maintain top notch research and testing facilities with high security
> Access to Toxins - Virulent and dangerous biological research is one of their specialties.
> Access to Medical Labs - Top notch private medical care
> Access to Biology Labs -

Union Aerospace Corporation: Led by Nwabiduke Morgan, the UAC is pioneering the private drive into space with satellites, space launches and research into offworld exploration via manned missions and eventual expansion/colonization.
> Access to Aerospace Labs
> Access to Satellite Launches
> Access to Space Exploration Research - Leader in prefab construction, hydroponics, space manufacturing etc
> Access to Private Spacecraft Missions
> Access to prototype AI based Supercomputer

HARM Industries: A merger of the MARS Corporation and Hammer Industries. Leading military technology manufacturer, supplier and researcher.
> Worldwide Military Connections - Favor trading with foreign military organizations
> Paramilitary Forces - Ranging from basic infantry mercenary forces to special service level contractors
> Weapons Labs and Proving Grounds
> Smuggling
> Access to Military Equipment
> Worldwide Black Operations - Favor trading and access to international cartels and transnational groups

Private Organizations:
Center for Extraterrestrial Studies: Founded in the 50's by former scientists, researchers and intelligence agents to investigate UFO sightings and search the stars for extraterrestrial life. Apply a scientific rigor to private research despite obfuscation due to skepticism, mockery and hoaxes. Experiencing recent validation.
> UFO Watchers - Access to a worldwide network of UFO watchers who are vetted by the organization itself for reliability

Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society: Meritocratic explorers organization founded in the 19th century dedicated to the exploration of the final frontiers of the world and research into unknown species, locales and other mysteries still unknown to science.
> Access to Academic Labs - Opens up a wide variety of university labs around the globe for various forms of less intense research.
> Fund Expeditions - If you can propose a worthy scientific objective, they will fund missions around the world to investigate.
> Bush Transport - Access to hard to access areas of the world via small planes, ATV's and other forms of basic transport.
> NGO Credentials - Gain access to areas and people who maybe reluctant talking to government organizations.
> Access to Academia - Recruit academic personnel or acquire their resources.

Terra Firma Humanis: An international organization that researches and advocates on Human Rights, with a focus both on oppressed groups based on cultural, political, ethnic and religious identifiers as well as the preservation of endangered and indigenous cultures and peoples. Their operations focus on advocacy and self sufficient of indigenous and marginalized groups ranging from pressure on governments, legal aid to direct assistance to afflicted groups.
> Worldwide NGO Access - As a trusted aid group, they have access to places even governments don't
> Global Medical Facilities - Safe medical treatment and perhaps even safe houses and Mercy Ships
> Access to UN Peacekeeper Assets - Work closely with the United Nations who often provides security and other support
> Local Favors/Connection - Ranging from village elders, to indigenous tribes and local aid groups, they have those low key connections.
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[X] - Male
[X]Say Nothing.
[X] - Traveling on... Adventures.
+ Ritual/Occult
+ Science: Biology
+ Repair: Mechanical
[X] - Civilian - Law Enforcement (FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, CIA)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with federal law enforcement agencies
+ Forensics
+ Choose a Government Favor (US Federal Law Enforcement Agency)
[X] - Believer. While many people mocked the idea of things many considered impossible or merely implausible I was more than willing to take the risk investing wholly in this cause.
+ Trait: Politically Protected (Your howling at the moon has been proven right, the US government ain't going to confront you publicly)
+ Basic ESP
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[X] - Male
[X]Say Nothing.
[X] - Traveling on... Adventures.
+ Ritual/Occult
+ Science: Biology
+ Repair: Mechanical
[X] - Civilian - Law Enforcement (FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, CIA)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with federal law enforcement agencies
+ Forensics
+ Choose a Government Favor (US Federal Law Enforcement Agency)
[X] - Believer. While many people mocked the idea of things many considered impossible or merely implausible I was more than willing to take the risk investing wholly in this cause.
+ Trait: Politically Protected (Your howling at the moon has been proven right, the US government ain't going to confront you publicly)
+ Basic ESP
Looks good to me.

[X] - Male
[X]Say Nothing.
[X] - Traveling on... Adventures.
+ Ritual/Occult
+ Science: Biology
+ Repair: Mechanical
[X] - Civilian - Law Enforcement (FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, CIA)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with federal law enforcement agencies
+ Forensics
+ Choose a Government Favor (US Federal Law Enforcement Agency)
[X] - Believer. While many people mocked the idea of things many considered impossible or merely implausible I was more than willing to take the risk investing wholly in this cause.
+ Trait: Politically Protected (Your howling at the moon has been proven right, the US government ain't going to confront you publicly)
+ Basic ESP
[X] - Male
[X]Say Nothing.
[X] - Traveling on... Adventures.
+ Ritual/Occult
+ Science: Biology
+ Repair: Mechanical
[X] - Civilian - Law Enforcement (FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, CIA)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with federal law enforcement agencies
+ Forensics
+ Choose a Government Favor (US Federal Law Enforcement Agency)
[X] - Believer. While many people mocked the idea of things many considered impossible or merely implausible I was more than willing to take the risk investing wholly in this cause.
+ Trait: Politically Protected (Your howling at the moon has been proven right, the US government ain't going to confront you publicly)
+ Basic ESP

It's a sweep in every category!

If you wanna choose a skill other then Basic ESP that is fine. I don't think I made it clear it was knowledge of ESP as opposed to being able to do cool ESP stuff. I'll keep that interest in mind however regardless. :sneaky:

The SRSG asked her question but before you could respond, a uniformed, well as uniformed as a Federal Marshal could be, crouched down in front of your chair and cocked her head to her side. Your eyes drink up her figure, taking a moment to recall her face. Dark features. Smooth skin. Straightened hair, tight and tied back. Glock on her hip. Marshals star looped around her neck. "Hold still sir. We're removing the probe leads," the woman then said, raising a thin eyebrow a bit. This was clearly something beyond her typical line of duty.

Another hand... a pair of hands, suddenly press against your temples. Soft fingertips. Slightly cold to the touch. But gentle. The fingertips trace to the previously unfelt round adhesive pads stuck to the sides of your forehead. They were taking the readings. It looked like some ancient electrode device out of a 1950's mental hospital but it was actually a neural scanner. Not just detecting a baseline for brain activity and patterns to discern whether you had been compromised by telepathic abilities once considered... fantasy.

Or at least science fiction.

What might've been more fiction is the efficacy of this method. The scientific theory behind it was solid enough but without a controlled experiment, it was still basically a guided shot... in the dark. Regardless, it was removed and your mind freed for the moment. You catch a glimpse of the second Marshal. Her features seem softer, Her face a bit more florid. You recognize her face as well, but like with the African-American Marshal, it's a familiar face but not quite friendly.

The Blonde professional behind the desk smiled at you. "You might feel some disorientation or mental fuzziness for a few minutes, that's perfectly normal," Marita then stated, her hands moving back to the keyboard and then nodded her head curtly to the African-American woman. "Senior Deputy Marshal Rose Rollins-," The one named Daisy nodded her head and rose up to her feet, taking a few steps back and standing by the wall, keeping her eye on the door and everyone in the room at the same time.

"-and her partner, Junior Marshal Lucy Lloyd." The Junior Marshal stepped into your view, just enough that you only barely had to turn your head as she nodded and smiled at you. Memories start to coalesce in your mind as the second Marshal took a step back. Were they more then familiar faces?

[1] Either the UNCFN (Council of Funding Nations) or the US Government assigned these two to be your protective escort detail for the time being. That's all you know or want to know.
+ Potential for Increased Influence with US Congressperson
+ Choose a civilian skill (Administrative, Communications, Diplomacy, Politics)
[2] The UNCFN or the US Government assigned two US Marshals because it makes sense. They're less likely to be compromised because they aren't as 'visible' like the FBI or CIA for example. Plus they are reliable enough that they've been entrusted to serve federal warrants to other federal agencies, controlling WITSEC and guarding our nuclear arsenal domestically.
+ Potential for Increased Influence with Department of Justice Agency (USMS, FBI, ATF, DEA)
+ Potential for Increased Influence with US Congressperson
[3] The UNCFN or the US Government assigned two US Marshals because I recommended it. They're less likely to be compromised because they aren't as 'visible' like the FBI or CIA for example. Plus they are reliable enough that they've been entrusted to serve federal warrants to other federal agencies, controlling WITSEC and guarding our nuclear arsenal domestically.
+ Potential for Increased Influence with Department of Justice Agency (USMS, FBI, ATF, DEA)
+ Two favors from the US Marshal Service
[4] I recommended these two US Marshals personally, based on prior history.
+ Senior Deputy Marshal Rose Rollins and Lucy Lloyd join your Organization (even before its founded, if its founded)
+ Potential for Greatly Increased Influence with US Marshal Service

"So, these adventures of yours," Marita then said, having given you a moment to collect yourself. "Biology classes... and a job as a mechanic. Plus..." she paused, clearly reading about the documentation about how you had dabbled in practicing ritual magic... or at least it says you just dabbled in it. "You really are a Believer aren't you," she then said with a smirk, her icy exterior cracking some more now that the psionic testing was over. "Tell me about your time abroad."

[1] Into the Wild. Some people go backpacking in Europe, I took a one way flight to the nearest jungle. Landed in Panama City and some time later, I ended up in Manaus. Only sixteen hundred miles away. Did most of it by boat and I spent a lot of time learning about mechanical things. Small engines. Generators. That sort of thing. For a good portion of the journey I was also attached to a naturalist group. A Conservatory and Exploration society. They had some biologists and other researchers on staff. Went to a lot of villages, met lots of interesting people.
+ Choose three civilian skills (Animal Handling: Sub Skill, Athletics: Sub Skill, Boating, First Aid, Navigation, Survival: Jungle)
+ Choose an increase to civilian skill (Science: Biology or Repair: Mechanical)
+ Increased influence with a UNCFN Delegate (OEI or Brazil)
+ Increased influence with the Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society
+ Increased influence with Terra Firma Humanis
[2] Backpacking in Europe. Some people go into the Wild, I spent a Gap Year Backpacking into Europe and doing a lot of sightseeing. My passport got worn out and filled with visa stamps in no time and I made lots of friends every few weeks bouncing around from one countries where I'd shack up at a hostel to another one where I'd be snoozing on a sofa or some campus apartments dorm bed... not always alone.
+ Choose two civilian skills (Behavioralism, Computer Use, Dealmaking, Diplomacy, Gambling, Persuasion, Savoir Faire)
+ Choose two Humanities sub skills.
+ Increased influence with a UNCFN Delegate (Britain, France, Germany)
+ Choose a favor from a foreign government organization (Britain, France, Germany)
[3] Walkabout. My best friend and I went on a Walkabout to find outselves. Not going to lie but I won't get into detail and not just because I can't recall it all. But for a while there I felt like Buddha and became one with everything.
+ Choose one civilian skill (Behaviorialism, Dealmaking, Disguise, Escape, Infiltration, Repair, Savoir Faire)
+ Choose one civilian skill (Administrative, Awareness, Brawling, Computer Use, Communications, Science: Chemistry)
+ Increase in exotic skill (Ritual/Occult)
+ Increased influence with the Drug Enforcement Agency
+ Increased influence with Center for Extraterrestrial Studies
+ Trait: Criminal Contact (You made a lifelong friend (Loyalty 5) on the wrong side of the law)
[4] I recommended these two US Marshals personally, based on prior history.
+ Senior Deputy Marshal Rose Rollins and Lucy Lloyd join your Organization (even before its founded, if its founded)
+ Potential for Greatly Increased Influence with US Marshal Service
[1] Into the Wild. Some people go backpacking in Europe, I took a one way flight to the nearest jungle. Landed in Panama City and some time later, I ended up in Manaus. Only sixteen hundred miles away. Did most of it by boat and I spent a lot of time learning about mechanical things. Small engines. Generators. That sort of thing. For a good portion of the journey I was also attached to a naturalist group. A Conservatory and Exploration society. They had some biologists and other researchers on staff. Went to a lot of villages, met lots of interesting people.
+ Choose three civilian skills (Animal Handling: Sub Skill, Boating, Survival: Jungle)
+ Choose an increase to civilian skill (Science: Biology)
+ Increased influence with a UNCFN Delegate (OEI or Brazil)
+ Increased influence with the Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society
+ Increased influence with Terra Firma Humanis
[4] I recommended these two US Marshals personally, based on prior history.
+ Senior Deputy Marshal Rose Rollins and Lucy Lloyd join your Organization (even before its founded, if its founded)
+ Potential for Greatly Increased Influence with US Marshal Service
[3] Walkabout. My best friend and I went on a Walkabout to find outselves. Not going to lie but I won't get into detail and not just because I can't recall it all. But for a while there I felt like Buddha and became one with everything.
+ Choose one civilian skill (Savoir Faire)
+ Choose one civilian skill (Administrative)
+ Increase in exotic skill (Ritual/Occult)
+ Increased influence with the Drug Enforcement Agency
+ Increased influence with Center for Extraterrestrial Studies
+ Trait: Criminal Contact (You made a lifelong friend (Loyalty 5) on the wrong side of the law)
Last edited:
[4] I recommended these two US Marshals personally, based on prior history.
+ Senior Deputy Marshal Rose Rollins and Lucy Lloyd join your Organization (even before its founded, if its founded)
+ Potential for Greatly Increased Influence with US Marshal Service
[1] Into the Wild. Some people go backpacking in Europe, I took a one way flight to the nearest jungle. Landed in Panama City and some time later, I ended up in Manaus. Only sixteen hundred miles away. Did most of it by boat and I spent a lot of time learning about mechanical things. Small engines. Generators. That sort of thing. For a good portion of the journey I was also attached to a naturalist group. A Conservatory and Exploration society. They had some biologists and other researchers on staff. Went to a lot of villages, met lots of interesting people.
+ Choose three civilian skills (Animal Handling: Sub Skill, Boating, Survival: Jungle)
+ Choose an increase to civilian skill (Science: Biology)
+ Increased influence with a UNCFN Delegate (OEI or Brazil)
+ Increased influence with the Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society
+ Increased influence with Terra Firma Humanis


[3] Walkabout. My best friend and I went on a Walkabout to find outselves. Not going to lie but I won't get into detail and not just because I can't recall it all. But for a while there I felt like Buddha and became one with everything.
+ Choose one civilian skill (Savoir Faire)
+ Choose one civilian skill (Administrative)
+ Increase in exotic skill (Ritual/Occult)
+ Increased influence with the Drug Enforcement Agency
+ Increased influence with Center for Extraterrestrial Studies
+ Trait: Criminal Contact (You made a lifelong friend (Loyalty 5) on the wrong side of the law)

I mean... the two could've happened at the same time... truly interesting young adulthood.

Marita smirked to herself. She had undoubtedly been canvassing a great many candidates and screened more then a few of them personally, but it was apparent that the SRSG's typically unflappable stoicism had flagged a bit at your candid answers. Spending months... years in the Amazon jungle. Meeting primitive tribes. Working with environmentalists. Getting an extensive teaching about biology from classrooms no more advanced then a Toughbook and hut with a thatch roof. Encounters with shamans and drug cartels. And while you didn't quite explicitly say it, you know your name is known by the DEA somewhere... if not on record... burned into one of their agents memories at least.

"Okay," Marita then said before nodding to the two Marshals. "The Council is ready to see you," she said with a smile. "I'm updating your STYX file but chances are they'll be going over your official record and qualifications." She was still typing away at her console even as you saw Marshal Rollins smiling at you, gesturing you could rise from your seat.

But as you rise, the Special Representative asked one more question. "Ummm… they'll also ask you about the... incident," she then said in brief before glancing at the two Marshals. "It's still confidential of course but, it's the Council. You wouldn't expect them to not try to know everything about their Commander candidates." Marshal Rollins paused a moment, searching your eyes, and then gestured for the door as Marita glanced up at you as you walked past her desk. "Good luck."

Incident... such a generic term but you know exactly what she's referring to even if it has been locked up and classified, buried deep and for the past few months of your life, you were basically being told to forget it... by the sparingly few people who even knew about it.

[1] The incident occurred, ironically enough, during my vacation time. I was with some friends who I knew back when I was traveling through the Amazon. [Stargate themed]
+ Choose a civilian skill (Administrative, Athletics, Computer Use/Programming, Logistics, Survival: Jungle, Tracking)
+ Choose a Humanities skill (Anthropology, Sociology, Economics etc)
[2] While working with law enforcement, I was given a lead by a CIA official I had an acquittance with about a lead about a foreign national trying to make contact with US Defense contractors right here in the United States. [Random Franchise Themed]
+ Choose two favors from Corporations
+ Trait: Connection with the Central Intelligence Agency
[3] We were investigating missing person cases. The police kicked it up to our agency and I led a team to investigate. You recall doing a little digging and quickly getting in over our paygrade. (X-Com themed)
+ Increase influence with two DoJ Agencies (FBI, USMS, ATF, DEA)
+ Gain a Small Arms Weapon Skill
[4] We were working alongside the Air Force Police, NCIS and FAA in researching strange atmospheric contacts and violations of military airspace. (Mass Effect themed)
+ Increase influence with the US Air Force
+ Increase Influence with the US Navy

Marita buzzes you out of her office and back into the hallway. Up ahead is another checkpoint. Reinforced security doors. There were a pair of United Nations Security Officers standing behind the doors who promptly buzzed them through. Both of the security officers briefly faced off with their US Marshal counterparts, but even with the police style uniforms, fancy light blue berets and openly carried pistols, you knew the two Marshals cut a far more imposing image with their jackets, dark jeans, marshal stars and hiking boots.

"You three can proceed down to the second checkpoint but the Marshals will have to remain outside the council chambers," one of the UN security officers then said, before gesturing even farther down the corridor. It had a slight descent and a turnaround about fifty meters down. They were heading underground though not extremely so. This whole building was new, including the foundation and as the three of them headed down the corridor, just enough for the three of them to walk abreast the only other door they passed were marked for maintenance access.

"Dry chemical sensor," Marshal Lloyd then said with a smile, nodding towards what looked like an innocuous wallet sized vent on the wall.

"Motion. Cameras. Thermals. None of this is going to help if the aliens blast through," Rollins replied calmly as they rounded the corner. "I bet they have the corridor rigged," she added after a bit of thought.

"No signals down here either," her Junior partner then responded as they came upon another fifty meter hallway still going on a slight descent. At the very base of the corridor was another security checkpoint with its own doors and a body scanner. The guards here were wearing smart dark business suits however, offering the very professional and quietly menacing vibe. "At least they aren't wearing sunglasses," she quipped.

There were about four guards, two on either side of the barrier. One was sitting down, monitoring the sensors and apparently had a secure line to the offices above. He nodded to the two guards on the other side to approach the three of you as you drew in closer.

"Hello," one of the guards then said. He was wearing a UNCFN badge,. It looked new which made sense considering the whole organization was rather new. "The Marshals will remain out here if I may search you for weapons or devices," he then added, his English being good but having a slightly foreign accent.

"Pat down before the scan?" Marshal Lloyd asked, more curiously then anything.

The guard paused and smiled at her as he bid you to lift your arms up. "You'd be past us if you went through the scanner first sir," he then explained, more to you then to your escorts.

[1]Nothing to be found.
+ Brawling Skill increase
[2]Just a gun. As expected.
+ Small Arms Skill increase
[3]And the backup gun. Just to be safe.
+ Gunnery Skill increase
[4]Knife too? More of a multitool really.
+ Melee Weapon Skill increase

Between the patdown and the scanner, you are sufficiently searched and as you glance back, the two Marshals smile at you from the other side of the checkpoint. "Send us a postcard!" Marshal Lloyd then adds as one of the suit clad bodyguards accesses an electronic keypad with a built in camera showing the both of you.

Perhaps surprisingly, you hear a feint scraping sound... somewhere and realize they have a viewing slit on you all as well, just in case that was compromised as well.

But eventually you are buzzed in.

The guard gestures for you to step in and the door closes behind you, leaving you alone in an almost alcove looking chamber with a pair of wood surfaced and paneled double doors in front of you.

It took another moment before those doors opened up. If the Marshals had been with you still, chances are Lucy would be suppressing the urge to chuckle. It was a literal shadow council. The chamber itself was dimly lit, with exception of the central area. There were a series of fifteen desks arranged in a semicircle on the opposite side of the council chambers as you stepped into the central area, noticing a quartet of similar garbed security personnel standing guard by the door. And sure enough, each of the people behind each of the desks almost seemed to have their faces obscured and while large screens were mounted above and behind their desks, they all seemed to be present.

The fact that the desks were mounted on a two or three foot rise above the floor you were standing upon put each of the Council Members slightly above you in eye level, requiring you to ever so slightly tilt your head up to see them. You could see the nameplates of the sixteen countries... or in some cases representative organizations, clearly on their desks however.

It was the shrouded man in the middle of the semicircle who was sitting behind the desk of the nameplate Japan that addressed you first in very precise and exacting English.

"Thank you for answering our summons. This is the Council of Funding Nations. We have been empowered by the United Nations and our member governments to empower the creation and development of an organization to deal with the growing threat of extraterrestrials upon our society. To this end, we are looking for a 'Commander' to lead this organization. As you are more then aware, the extraterrestrials have so far not responded to any and all attempts at diplomacy or even communication and recently their incursions have shifted from observation and reconnaissance to abduction and mutilation. Despite blackouts and secrecry, the idea of extraterrestrial life is an open secret now but if the true scale of the threat was known to the general public, it would foment worldwide chaos. Last year... in Geneva, the United Nations empowered this select council to create an international task force to investigate, research and if necessary... combat this extraterrestrial threat. The purpose of this visit is to select a 'Commander' for this task force."

"Our duties towards you are that we will provide funding, oversight, protection and deniability for this task force. Your duties to us will be to investigate, research and combat this threat," he then stated, reusing the same terminology from before. "With that understanding out of the way, we will ask you question about your background and then you can take the opportunity to explain to us what thoughts you might bring to us as the Commander of this expedition."

The representative from Japan glanced to his side and then the American councilmember then cleared his throat. "Tell us about your service in the Federal government up to the point that led to... the incident in question if you please," the American councilmember then said in a more gruff and detached voice.

[1]Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose three following LEO skill (Investigation, Forensics, Awareness, Disguise, Escape, Interrogation, Security. Shadow)
+ Gain a Small Arms Weapon skill
+ Greatly increased influence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose two favors from the DoJ organizations (FBI, USMS, ATF, DEA)
+ Recruit: Four FBI Field Agents- Loyalty Three (Used as field personnel to investigate and develop leads as well as other tasks, interdiction, interference, security et cetera)
[2]Department of Homeland Security - US Secret Service
+ Choose three following LEO skill (Investigation, Forensics, Awareness, Forgery, Escape, Interrogation, Security, Shadow)
+ Gain a Small Arms Weapon skill
+ Greatly increased influence with the US Secret Service
+ Choose two favors from DHS organizations (USSS, ICE)
+ Choose two favors from the (White House, US Congressperson)
[3]Department of National Intelligence - Central Intelligence Agency
+ (Choose an espionage skill (Administrative, Disguise, Escape, Interrogation, Infiltration, Investigation, Security, Surveillance)
+ Gain a Small Arms Weapon skill
+ Greatly increased influence with the Central Intelligence Agency
+ Choose two favors from DNI organizations (CIA, NSA)
+ Choose two favors from foreign organizations
[4]Department of National Intelligence - National Security Agency
+ Choose four Espionage skills (Communications, Cryptology, Computer Programming, Editing, Hacking, Investigation, Security, Surveillance)
+ Greatly increased influence with the National Security Agency
+ Choose two favors from DNI organizations (CIA, NSA)
+ Acquire: NSA Magic Van (highly reliable and effective vehicle based ELINT tool used for undetected access of nearby computer/electronic systems)

The United States Councilmember then paused. This was all known of course and despite all of the shadow council subterfuge, even you could sense what they really wanted to know about. What really brought you here.

"Over six months ago," the American Councilmember then stated. "You encountered the threat.. directly. It's been confidentially sealed of course. Completely blackout. Even our council doesn't have full access to the records of what happened. But you were there. You've been authorized to speak about it. Please be as frank as possible."
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[2] While working with law enforcement, I was given a lead by a CIA official I had an acquittance with about a lead about a foreign national trying to make contact with US Defense contractors right here in the United States. [Random Franchise Themed]
+ Choose two favors from Corporations
+ Trait: Connection with the Central Intelligence Agency
[2]Just a gun. As expected.
+ Small Arms Skill increase
[1]Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose three following LEO skill (Awareness, Interrogation, Security)
+ Gain a Small Arms Weapon skill
+ Greatly increased influence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose two favors from the DoJ organizations (FBI, USMS, ATF, DEA)
+ Recruit: Four FBI Field Agents- Loyalty Three (Used as field personnel to investigate and develop leads as well as other tasks, interdiction, interference, security et cetera)
[4] We were working alongside the Air Force Police, NCIS and FAA in researching strange atmospheric contacts and violations of military airspace. (Mass Effect themed)
+ Increase influence with the US Air Force
+ Increase Influence with the US Navy
[2]Just a gun. As expected.
+ Small Arms Skill increase
[4]Department of National Intelligence - National Security Agency
+ Choose four Espionage skills (Choose an espionage skill (Communications, Cryptology, Computer Programming, Editing, Hacking, Investigation, Security, Surveillance)
+ Greatly increased influence with the National Security Agency
+ Choose two favors from DNI organizations (CIA, NSA)
+ Acquire: NSA Magic Van (highly reliable and effective vehicle based ELINT tool used for undetected access of nearby computer/electronic systems)
[2] While working with law enforcement, I was given a lead by a CIA official I had an acquittance with about a lead about a foreign national trying to make contact with US Defense contractors right here in the United States. [Random Franchise Themed]
+ Choose two favors from Corporations
+ Trait: Connection with the Central Intelligence Agency
[2]Just a gun. As expected.
+ Small Arms Skill increase
[1]Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose three following LEO skill (Awareness, Interrogation, Security)
+ Gain a Small Arms Weapon skill
+ Greatly increased influence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose two favors from the DoJ organizations (FBI, USMS, ATF, DEA)
+ Recruit: Four FBI Field Agents- Loyalty Three (Used as field personnel to investigate and develop leads as well as other tasks, interdiction, interference, security et cetera)
[2] While working with law enforcement, I was given a lead by a CIA official I had an acquittance with about a lead about a foreign national trying to make contact with US Defense contractors right here in the United States. [Random Franchise Themed]
+ Choose two favors from Corporations
+ Trait: Connection with the Central Intelligence Agency
[2]Just a gun. As expected.
+ Small Arms Skill increase
[1]Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose three following LEO skill (Awareness, Interrogation, Security)
+ Gain a Small Arms Weapon skill
+ Greatly increased influence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Choose two favors from the DoJ organizations (FBI, USMS, ATF, DEA)
+ Recruit: Four FBI Field Agents- Loyalty Three (Used as field personnel to investigate and develop leads as well as other tasks, interdiction, interference, security et cetera)

Less then one year earlier...
Mission 00
"The Incident"

He was pushing the silk hankerchief into his closed fist. Magic tricks. This was beginning to feel like a stakeout as you waited for your contact to finally arrive. Glancing about, you take in the details, keeping yourself sharp as you note all of the notable features surrounding this underpass you're meeting at. The location of the bits of trash. Graffiti on the highway overpass support pillars. Counting cars as they roll by. But your partner is talking to you now. Shockingly, he opened up his hands and sure enough the brightly colored hankerchief he was pushing into his fist a moment ago was apparently gone.

[1] Are you seriously going to do a magic trick now Jimmy?
+ Gain Intimidation skill
[2] I can see the fake thumb... on your thumb.
+ Gain Sleight of Hand skill
[3] You must be popular with children.
+ Gain Behaviorialism skill

Sufficiently chastened, your partner, FBI Special Agent James "Jimmy" Woo put both the hankerchief... and the fake thumb away and just in time too as you both suddenly eyed a suspiciously immaculate luxury sedan pulling around the corner and driving slowly up the road underneath the highway overpass. "What is it with meeting under highway overpasses?" Jimmy asked as the other car finally came to a stop and flashed its hi-beams briefly at your car three times. Simultaneously, your phone vibrated and it only took a glance for you to see the truncated name 'AConklin' on the screen.

"It's him," you confirm as you reach for the passenger side door.

It's then your partner pointed something else out. "There's another car pulling up," he said, a tinge of uncertainty in the air as you step out of the vehicle. At the same time, your contact at the CIA emerges from the other car, flashing you an OK sign as a third car joins your impromptu gathering under the highway. The third car wasn't a sedan like yours or the CIA mans, it was a four wheel drive sports utility vehicle. It was all black of course with the tinted windows, but had mud between the tire treads and spackled across its lower reaches.

"I asked them to come here," your connection at the CIA then said as he walked away from his car, a smile growing on his face as he approached you, hand extended. Jimmy followed you out of the car but remained a few steps behind you as you shook hands with the CIA Agent.

"Jimmy... this is Alexander Conklin, Special Activities Division, CIA. Alex, Special Agent Jimmy Woo," you say introducing your partner.

Alex smiled and nodded, shaking his hand as well before glancing back at you. "Pleased to meet you Jimmy," the older Agency man said with a nod as the SUV came to a stop and the two front doors opened up. A bit surprisingly, two young women with Marshal stars emerged from the SUV.

Two faces you'd become far more familiar with over the next few months.

Alexander Conklin introduced them as Marshals Rose Rollins and Lucy Lloyd, US Marshals Service.

Already your mind was buzzing.

[1] US Marshals? Are we pursuing a fugitive?
+ Gain skill Investigation.
+ Gain favor from the US Marshal Service
[2] US Marshals? Are they here to deputize you so you can operate domestically?
+ Gain skill Awareness.
+ Gain favor from the Central Intelligence Agency
[3] US Marshals? So like us but with the additional skill of being able to taste manure and instantly know how old it is.
+ Gain skill Tracking.
+ Gain favor from the US Army
[4] US Marshals? If you were going to arrest me, you would've brought more cowgirls.
+ Gain skill Savoir Faire
+ Gain favor from the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Within moments Conklin was already chuckling. Between Marshal Lloyd waggling her eyebrows at you and Jimmy somehow... perhaps magically... producing a pen from behind Marshal Rollins' ear, the grizzled CIA vet had to shake his head clear as he tried to get down to business. "Seriously... the reason I brought you guys here is for this..."

He produced a dossier from his briefcase.

All it had was a name, a phone number, a PO Box address... and a couple of pictures taken from various ranges. They looked like stills pulled from security cameras.

Needless to say... it was a bit underwhelming.

"The name," Alexander said, pointing a finger on the dossier. "Ken Brac. That and the PO BOX address surfaced during an overseas intelligence operation. We were looking into arms smuggling from US private contractors to foreign criminal organizations via third parties."

"What third party criminal organization?" Marshal Rollins asked. "Anyone we heard of?"

"The Black Dragons," Agent Conklin replied, the answer, though clear, still sounding vague as Marshal Rollins shrugged her shoulders and for some reason Marshal Lloyd glanced at Jimmy Woo.

"Black Dragon? That could be Triads. Yakuza. Anything... West of Hawaii and East of Mongolia," Rollins said dispassionately.

"Mean anything to you?" Marshal Lloyd asked your partner with a grin, as it could almost be detected she was playfully stereotyping him because he was Asian. Jimmy smirked back sarcastically, drawing a smile from the more junior Marshal before they brought their attention back to the issue at hand.

"This society is more multiethnic. They have bases of operation in Australia as well as the United States, including here. These pictures were taken from security cameras... at the post office and other places over the past few days," Conklin then said, pointing to the second page of the two page dossier showing a plot point map of his movements. "We have reason to believe that this Ken Brac guy... he's working the ground here to find and facilitate weapon shipments to his suppliers abroad with American weapons and ordinance. As you all know, the CIA is an intelligence gathering agency, we have no official surveillance or law enforcement powers here in the States... hence..." he said, gesturing to the four of you.

[1] Why contact both organizations?
+ Gain Interrogation Skill
+ Gain influence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Lose influence with the US Marshal Service
[2] Will you be joining us? The Marshals can deputize you after all.
+ Gain Diplomacy Skill
+ Gain favor Central Intelligence Agency
+ Owe favor to the US Marshal Service.
[3] Thanks for the lead, we'll get on this and get back to you with what we find out.
+ Gain Politics Skill
+ Gain influence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
+ Lose influence with the Central Intelligence Agency

"So... we have a name, a PO Box... and a criminal connection," your partner then said before glancing at the Marshals, before his eyes fell upon you. "How did you wanna break this down?

[1] We'll pull the records. Post Office records for the PO Box and from there and using the name we'll try and find out his credit information, banking information, tax records, social security.... online accounts et cetera. You two Marshals can work on finding if this Ken Brac has any sort of criminal record or associations with other unsavory individuals.
+ Use Law Enforcement Favors/Influence to access records. (Free for this Mission)
+ Apply Computer Use/Hacking skill (Free for this Mission)
[2] We'll start with talking to the postal workers, see if any of them know anything. We should also pool resources, see if the Black Dragon has any operations or personnel working in this city. Work through law enforcement contacts. See if his name turns up. Also screen the mail as it comes in for anyone with his name and try and surreptiously check the mail contents.
+ Use Law Enforcement Favors/Influence for police records (Free for this Mission)
+ Apply Investigation/Interrogation/Persuasion skill (Free for this Mission)
[3] We'll stake out the post office and wait for him to show up. Shadowing and tracking individuals especially in a city without being noticed is easier with multiple people, so all four of us working towards the same goal should be able to discern his home location, and any other places he might be visiting while minimizing our chance of detection. We'll work from there.
+ Deploy four Field Agents to this investigation (Free for this Mission)
+ Apply Surveillance/Shadow/Tracking skill (Free for this Mission)
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[3] You must be popular with children.
+ Gain Behaviorialism skill
[1] US Marshals? Are we pursuing a fugitive?
+ Gain skill Investigation.
+ Gain favor from the US Marshal Service
[1] Why contact both organizations?
+ Gain Interrogation Skill
+ Gain influence with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Lose influence with the US Marshal Service
[2] We'll start with talking to the postal workers, see if any of them know anything. We should also pool resources, see if the Black Dragon has any operations or personnel working in this city. Work through law enforcement contacts. See if his name turns up. Also screen the mail as it comes in for anyone with his name and try and surreptiously check the mail contents.
+ Use Law Enforcement Favors/Influence for police records (Free for this Mission)
+ Apply Investigation/Interrogation/Persuasion skill (Free for this Mission)
[3] You must be popular with children.
+ Gain Behaviorialism skill
[1] US Marshals? Are we pursuing a fugitive?
+ Gain skill Investigation.
+ Gain favor from the US Marshal Service
[2] Will you be joining us? The Marshals can deputize you after all.
+ Gain Diplomacy Skill
+ Gain favor Central Intelligence Agency
+ Owe favor to the US Marshal Service.
[2] We'll start with talking to the postal workers, see if any of them know anything. We should also pool resources, see if the Black Dragon has any operations or personnel working in this city. Work through law enforcement contacts. See if his name turns up. Also screen the mail as it comes in for anyone with his name and try and surreptiously check the mail contents.
+ Use Law Enforcement Favors/Influence for police records (Free for this Mission)
+ Apply Investigation/Interrogation/Persuasion skill (Free for this Mission)

gain a favor spend a favor so we don't have to worry about negative consequences after this post.
[3] You must be popular with children.
+ Gain Behaviorialism skill
[1] US Marshals? Are we pursuing a fugitive?
+ Gain skill Investigation.
+ Gain favor from the US Marshal Service
[2] Will you be joining us? The Marshals can deputize you after all.
+ Gain Diplomacy Skill
+ Gain favor Central Intelligence Agency
+ Owe favor to the US Marshal Service.
[2] We'll start with talking to the postal workers, see if any of them know anything. We should also pool resources, see if the Black Dragon has any operations or personnel working in this city. Work through law enforcement contacts. See if his name turns up. Also screen the mail as it comes in for anyone with his name and try and surreptiously check the mail contents.
+ Use Law Enforcement Favors/Influence for police records (Free for this Mission)
+ Apply Investigation/Interrogation/Persuasion skill (Free for this Mission)

As a special (unseen) bonus for this choice, Alexander Conklin can join the group for this mission since as a member of the CIA, he can be deputized by the Marshals.

Don't worry, this tie breaking decision only occurred after much (three) coin flips

Agent Conklin almost seemed to smile at the invitation, even though his intent was clear it seemed to be somewhat flattering that you simply laid out the offer for the Marshals to deputize him. Both Lucy and Rose seemed to smirk at it as they exchanged glances and then excused themselves momentarily before Rose headed back to her car and grabbed a Special Deputy Badge for the CIA Agent. It wasn't a Marshals Star... just a card in a plastic card attached to a lanyard but it would suffice as she held it out for the CIA Agent. "Just repeat after me Agent Conklin."

"On my honor I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the Constitution, the community and the Agency I serve, so help me God," Rose then stated, with the CIA Agent raising his right hand and reciting it soonafter as affirmation.

"Moving... really..." Marshal Lloyd said with an emotional sniffle, wiping a fake nonexistent tear from her dry cheek. Rose smirked. "Laugh it up, you'll be writing up the deputation paperwork for the Attorney Generals office while Alex and I get to kick down doors."

[1] I hope your joking... I was thinking Jimmy and I would be kicking down the doors to Black Dragon Hives of Scum and Villainy.
+ Gain favor with the FBI
+ Gain influence with the FBI
+ Gain skill point Investigation
- Lose influence with the US Marshal Service
[2] You can seek out some leads from law enforcement, I want to talk with one of my informants first.
> Use 'Trait: Criminal Contact (You made a lifelong friend (Loyalty 5) on the wrong side of the law)'
+ Gain skill point Savoir Faire
[3] While you do that we can screen the postal office. Go through the mail and interview the employees.
+ Gain favor with the US Marshal Service
+ Gain skill point Diplomacy

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