Quest Earth: UFO Defense

Character and Organization
  • Husky_Khan

    The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
    > Traveled Across the Western Hemisphere including a Trek from Panama to Manaus after High School. For part of your journey, you were accompanied by one of your best friends. You had some run ins with the Law, specifically the DEA, criminal elements, various indigenous natives, and encountered and worked with the Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society who gave you schooling in biology, Terra Firma Humanis which was an NGO relief and human rights group and while in North America hanged out with members of the Center for Extraterrestrial Studies.
    > Worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
    Believer whose mocked beliefs were later validated
    > Prefers coffee and drinks it semi-regularly
    > Avid basketball player, may have a love for it.
    > Subscribes to 'ritual magic' themed publications.

    Administrative: 4
    Animal Handling: 2
    Athletics: Basketball: 3
    Awareness: 2
    Behaviorialism: 3
    Boating: 2
    Brawling: 2
    Diplomacy: 2
    ESP Knowledge: 1
    Forensics: 2
    Hobby: Photography: 2
    Infiltration: 2
    Interrogation: 3
    Investigation: 5
    Ritual Magic/Occult: 3
    Persuasion: 2
    Savoir Faire: 3
    Science: Biology: 3
    Security: 2
    Small Arms: 3
    Survival: Jungle: 2
    Repair: Electrical: 3
    Repair: Mechanical: 2

    Trait: Politically Protected (Your howling at the moon has been proven right, the US government ain't going to confront you publicly)
    Trait: Connection with the Central Intelligence Agency
    Trait: Criminal Contact (You made a lifelong friend (Loyalty 5) on the wrong side of the law)


    Main Base:

    Field Personnel:
    Senior US Marshal Rose Rollins: Loyalty 5 (Bodyguard Lvl 4, LEO Lvl 3, Detectives Lvl 3) - Field Agent Kit
    Junior US Marshal Lucy Lloyd: Loyalty 5 (Bodyguard Lvl 4, LEO Lvl 3, Detectives Lvl 3) - Field Agent Kit
    4 FBI Agents: Loyalty 3 (Detectives Lvl 2, LEO Lvl 2) - Field Agent Kit

    Combat Personnel:

    Base Personnel:


    Personal Kits:

    6 Field Agent Kits

    Heavy Equipment:

    Ground Vehicles:

    2 Unmarked Police Cars
    1 Unmarked Police SUV

    Marine Vehicles:



    On Deployment/Mission:

    Headquarters Base:

    Personnel will have loyalty rankings based on a scale of 1 through 5 as well as a listing of their relevant skills and capabilities.

    United Nations Council of Funding Nations:

    United States White House (Funding):

    Japan (Funding):

    > Kiryu-Kai
    > Self Defense Forces

    United Kingdom (Funding):
    > Ministry of Intelligence
    > Her Majesty's Armed Forces

    France (Funding):
    > National Center for Space Studies (CNES)
    > Ministry of the Armies

    Russian Federation (Funding):

    China (Observer):

    India (Observer):

    Germany (Observer):

    Brazil (Observer): 2 Cordial

    Canada (Observer):

    Iran (Observer):

    Israel (Observer):

    ASEAN (Observer):

    African Union (Observer):

    Arab League (Observer):

    OEI (Observer): 2 Cordial

    US Congressperson (Not Applicable):

    US Federal Agencies:

    + Choose a Government Favor (US Federal Law Enforcement Agency)
    + Three Favors from DOJ Organizations
    + Potential for Increased Influence with federal law enforcement agencies

    Marshal Service (DOJ): 2 Cordial
    + Two Favors Due
    - One Favor Owed

    Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ): 5 Trusted
    + Three Favors Due

    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (DOJ): 3 Friendly
    + Four Favors Due

    Drug Enforcement Agency (DOJ): 2 Cordial

    Secret Service (DHS):

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS):

    + One Favor Due

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration:

    Center for Disease Control:

    Department of State: 1 Ambivalent

    Central Intelligence Agency (DNI): 3 Friendly

    + Three favors due

    National Security Agency (DNI):

    US Department of Defense:

    United States Navy:

    United States Army:

    United States Air Force:


    Two Favors from Corporations

    Armacham Technology Corporation:

    Black Mesa Research Facility:

    Omni Consumer Products:

    Umbrella Corporation:

    Union Aerospace Corporation:

    HARM Industries:

    Private Organizations & Secret Societies:

    Center for Extraterrestrial Studies: 2 Cordial

    Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society: 2 Cordial

    Terra Firma Humanis: 3 Friendly

    + One Favor Due
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    Skills and Traits Master List
  • Husky_Khan

    The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
    Skills will go from basic, proficient, skilled, expert and master... a basic one to five scale. Still pondering if all non-exotic skills will start off with a 1 ranking or not or if it'll be based on background (ie a military background gives you a basic skill in a yuge swath of skills. Subskills are ones with... sub skills. And Exotic skills are ones that are... well.. exotic.

    If you are at '0' or no rating you are basically untrained/neophyte at it, but can still attempt the skill and it could still work. Just not as effective as if you had some skill in the thing. Like you can still drive, or shoot a pistol or attempt to intimidate a person, it's just your at normal baseline capability at best.

    Animal Handling (sub skills)
    Athletics (sub skills)
    ESP (exotic) (knowledge, no astral walking... Yet)
    Behavioralism (gaining insight from people based on their behaviors, basically reading people)
    Blind Action (exotic)
    Brawling (street fighting)
    Communications (using low and high tech communications)
    Computer Programming
    Computer Use
    Cryptozoology (Exotic)
    Diplomacy (Formal Bargaining and Negotiation)
    Dealmaking (Informal Bargaining and Negotiation)
    Editing (video and audio editing for various reasons)
    Engineering (sub skills)
    Fine Arts (sub skills) (theater, painting, drawing, writing et cetera)
    First Aid
    Gun Fu (Exotic)
    Gunnery (vehicle mounted heavy weapons)
    Hobby (sub skills) (Geocaching, Knitting/Sewing, Birdwatching, Photography, Gaming)
    Humanities (sub skills) (Economics, Sociology, et cetera)
    Infiltration (also breaking and entering)
    Investigation (including deductive reasoning)
    Language (sub skill)
    Logistics (able to organize supplies or inventory efficiently)
    Martial Arts (sub skills)
    Medical (sub skills)
    Melee Weapon (sub skills)
    Oratory (public speaking)
    Parapsychology (exotic)
    Pilot (sub skill)
    Psionics (exotic) (knowledge of psionics, not popping out peoples brains... yet)
    Repair (sub skill)
    Ritual/Occult (exotic)
    Science (sub skill)
    Security (securing locations or people)
    Shadow (following people while unseen)
    Sleight of Hand
    Survival (sub skill)
    Small Arms (sub skill)
    Zero Gravity Movement (exotic)

    Different then skills... these things are experienced/acquired as opposed to something you can just train in. This will expand over time

    Combat Veteran
    Connections: Close or Strong Friendship or Relationship with an NPC of another organization
    Legally Dead (but not literally!)
    Guardian Angel
    Nowhere (No Records of Character)
    Politically Safe
    Psionic Void
    Wanted (By more then evil aliens it seems and likely not in a good way)

    Bodyguard: Awareness, Behaviorialism, Driving, Escape, Security
    Detective: Forensics, Investigation, Interrogation, Photography, Surveillance
    LEO (Law Enforcement Officer): Awareness, Driving, First Aid, Savoir Faire, Small Arms

    Personal Equipment Kits:
    Field Agent Kit: Camera, Flashlight, Handcuffs, Handgun, Light Body Vest, Lockpicking Set, Secure Cell Phone, Tape Recorder, Taser

    Heavy Gear:

    Ground Vehicles:

    Magic Van: ELINT Vehicle with specialized computer that can wirelessly hack into nearby computer systems, also equipped with audio-visual recorders (videocameras, various microphones, starlight scopes etc), wiretaps, electronic scramblers and secure satellite, radio and cellular based communications.
    Unmarked Police Car: High Quality Sedan with powerful engine, backseat confinement, lights and sirens, secure radio, shotgun, spotlight, laptop computer and first aid kit.
    Unmarked Sports Utility Vehicle: High quality SUV with above features plus capable of limited cross country navigation and increased cargo and towing capacity.

    Marine Vehicles:
    Speed Boat: Fast commercial boat, equipped with flare gun, radio and lifejackets.

    Aerial Vehicles:
    FR-71E Blackbird: After decommissioning the SR-71's, much of the fleet fell into care of Black Operations with a fair number heavily modified for a high speed interceptor role. It is believed to be the only terrestrial aircraft currently capable of matching extraterrestrial aircraft in atmospheric speed. It has been modified to be capable of carrying six air to air missiles from two hidden launchers. Also comes with a survival kit, first aid kit, parachute and pressure suit for the pilot.

    Spacecraft: (You wish)

    Laboratory (Aerospace, Biohazard, Biological, Chemistry, Engineering, General Research, Medical etc)
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    Influence, Favors and Organizations
  • Husky_Khan

    The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
    Influence and Favors are what you will use, beyond UN Council of Funding Nations... funding... to create and support your very own shadowy organization.

    Influence: The amount of support an organization will give you or your organization. You might be able to buy aircraft, or facilities, or recruit personnel from these organizations. The higher the influence, the greater the favors you might be able to ask of them.

    Favors: A one time opportunity to request something from that organization on a temporary or expendable basis. Sometimes can be gained/lost via quid pro quo. You won't get a single kickass FBI HRT member for one of your secret Black Ops teams, but you might be able to use the resources of FBI HRT for a single mission.

    Influence will be ranked much like skills... and judged on a zero to five scale (Cold, Ambivalent, Cordial, Warm, Professional, Trusted) and can rise and drop with the choices made and actions that transpire. Whether favors can be successfully called in will be based on the influence level you have with that organization and how ambitious your request is. Access to a Lab or Records might be a Level One Favor, asking a Special Forces Team to engage extraterrestrial hostiles in a random suburb would be a pretty hard Level Five Favor and might have influence ramifications even if successful with the roll of a dice.

    (list will be growing)
    United Nations Council of Funding Nations
    > Main Supply of Funds to Your Organization

    Japan (Funding):
    Kiryu-Kai: Japanese attempt at UFO Interception Task Force
    > Access to Geoscape Satellite Network
    > Access to Aircraft including BMD and fighter jet drones
    > Access to new technologies - Drones, powered exoskeletons

    Self Defense Forces:
    > Recruit 1st Airborne Brigade Personnel
    > Access to 101st NBC Protection Unit
    > Access to Special Operations Group
    > Access to the 1st Helicopter Brigade - dedicated to military and humanitarian efforts
    > Deploy Deep Sea Rescue Vessels
    > Access to Disaster Relief Locations

    United Kingdom (Funding):
    Ministry of Intelligence:
    > Access to GCHQ Electronic Intelligence
    > Access to the National Crime Agency - Lead UK Agency against organized crime
    > Access to 00 Branch - Elite espionage agents, license to kill
    > Access to Q Branch - Gadget workshop for espionage operations

    Her Majesty's Armed Forces:

    France (Funding):
    National Center for Space Studies:
    > SEPRA Investigation - Space Agency devoted to investigating UFO phenomena
    > Access to the MEOSAR (Medium Earth Orbiting Search and Rescue) Satellite Network -
    > Access to Guiana Space Center Missions -

    Ministry of the Armies:
    > Access to DGSE COMINT Department - French Intelligence Electronic Surveillance Network
    > Access to the DGSE Action Division - French Special Forces

    Russian Federation (Funding):

    China (Observer):

    India (Observer):

    Germany (Observer):

    Brazil (Observer):

    South Korea (Observer):

    Canada (Observer):

    South Africa (Observer):

    Iran (Observer):

    Israel (Observer):

    ASEAN (Observer):

    African Union (Observer):

    Arab League (Observer):

    OEI (Observer):

    United States White House:
    > Political Protection
    > Exerting favors from other US agencies/groups

    US Congressperson:
    Political Protection
    > Horse Trading Favors on a favorable basis (ie 2 to 1)

    Department of Justice: USMS (Marshal Service), FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms), DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)
    > Access to Recruitment of Department of Justice Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Asset Forfeiture (USMS, DEA) - Seizure of Assets Associated with Criminal Actions
    > Access to SOG Protection (USMS) - Elite LEO close protection to personnel and convoys
    > Access to WITSEC (USMS) - Witness Protection Access or Usage
    > Access to Forensic Crime Labs (FBI)
    > Access to DNA Database (FBI)
    > Access to HRT (FBI) - Hostage Rescue Team, elite SWAT team highly trained in hostage rescue
    > Access to SWAT Team (FBI, ATF, DEA)
    > Search and Seizure (ATF, DEA) - Obtain warrants to search assets or properties and seize potentially illegal contraband
    > Police Cooperation - Ensure Local Police Cooperation for investigations, media relations or securing a perimeter etc
    > Access to Criminal Databases (All) - Fingerprints, Criminal Records etc
    > Legal Resources (All) - Place DoJ legal or prosecutorial pressure on private individuals or enterprises.

    Department of Homeland Security: USSS (Secret Service), ICE (Immigration/Customs Enforcement),
    > Access to Recruitment of Department of Homeland Security Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Access to Documents Lab (USSS) - Create forged documents or currency
    > Access to Laundered Funds (USSS) - Earn temporary funding from seized laundered financial assets
    > Smuggling (ICE) - Agents can bring items (nonharmful) or individuals (non-coerced) across borders either way or provide support to do so abroad.
    > Unrestricted Access (USSS) - Permit Access to normally restricted facilities or government individuals
    > Access to Seized Property (ICE) - Customs seizes large numbers of vehicles and other craft and items smuggled within.
    > Access to Personal Protection Details (USSS) - Elite LEO close protection to personnel and convoys
    > Federal Protective Service (All) - Provides uniformed and trained private security guards to facilities and events.
    > Access to Population Database (ICE)
    > Access to Crime Labs (ICE)
    > Access to SWAT Team (ICE, USSS)
    > Police Cooperation (All)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration:
    > Access to Recruitment of NASA Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Access to Satellite Data
    > Access to Space Missions - Ranging from launching satellites to shuttle missions
    > Access to Anti-Satellite Weapons
    > Access to New Aerospace Technology
    > Access to Engineering & Science Research Labs

    Center for Disease Control:
    > Access to Recruitment of HHS Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Access to Biohazard Labs
    > Access to Dangerous Toxins
    > Enabling of Quarantine Operations
    > Access to Medical Facilities
    > Access to Biological Research Labs

    State Department:
    > Access to DSS Recruitment and Resources - Diplomatic Security Service
    > Diplomatic Immunity - Can offer limited or full immunity for various periods of time abroad
    > Diplomatic Pouch - Confidential transport of items or people internationally
    > Favors with Foreign Government
    > Extradition - Attempt extradition of foreigners into your custody
    > Diplomacy - Influence foreign governments
    > Access to Interpol - Access to the international network and database of police organizations

    Department of National Intelligence:
    > Access to Recruitment of Intelligence Community Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Access to Worldwide Black Sites (CIA) - Confidential safe houses and facilities located worldwide
    > Access to Black Transportation Network (CIA) - Secret network of transportation worldwide
    > Access to Spy Satellite Data (CIA)
    > Access to Codebreaker Supercomputers (NSA)
    > Access to Unlimited Wiretaps (NSA)
    > Access to Computer Security Database (CIA & NSA)
    > Extraordinary Rendition (CIA) - Abducting guilty and suspected guilty individuals worldwide

    Department of Defense:
    > Military Base Access
    > Access to Military Testings Labs and Grounds
    > Access to Military Satellite Data
    > Access to worldwide transportation network
    > Access to respective advance military technology - Individual branch research labs/DARPA

    United States Navy:
    > Access to recruitment of US Navy/Marine/Coast Guard Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Access to Watercraft and Naval Aviation
    > Access to Navy/Marine Special Operations
    > Coast Guard Interdiction/Seizure
    > Smuggling
    > Access to NOAA Surface and Underwater Research/Exploration - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    United States Army:
    > Access to recruitment of US Army Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Access to Ground Equipment and Army Aviation
    > Access to Army Special Forces Advisors - Specialized in training third party organizations in military operations
    > Access to Army Corps of Engineering - If you build it.
    > Access to Army Rangers/ Light Infantry
    > Access to AMRIID Biolabs - The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

    United States Air Force:
    > Access to recruitment of US Air Force Personnel and equipment acquisition
    > Access to Aerial Equipment including electronic warfare and command and control aircraft
    > Access to Air Force Special Operations Command
    > Smuggling
    > Access to Civil Air Patrol - Civilian auxiliary to the US Air Force
    > Access to Air Force Office of Scientific Research - Physics and Aerospace Research with private/international partners

    > Access to New Technologies - (dependent on corporation)

    Armacham Technology Corporation: A leading high tech military contractor. Occupies a middle ground between Umbrella and HARM Industries.
    Access to Private Prisons - ATC maintains control over a network of private prison facilities around the world.
    > Access to Replica Troops - Special bioengineered light infantry/special forces troops
    > Access to Weapons Labs - Special labs for weapons testing and applications
    > Access to Commercial Spy Satellites -
    > Access to Cloning Labs

    Black Mesa Research Facility: Premier private research facility that is partially government funded. Dedicates research into all manners of cutting edge science and technology with a focus on long term scientific advancement over short term profit.
    > Access to Engineering Labs - Secure, safe labs for all sorts of engineering testing.
    > Access to Satellite/Space Launches - The facility maintains its own satellite launching facilities
    > Secure Vault Storage - Used to secure all sorts of nuclear products, exotic technologies and more.
    > Access to Science Team - Top quality science team can be contracted for diverse range of research

    Omni Consumer Products: Megacorporate supplier of large volumes of consumer products, large scale construction, logistics provider and technical support and software. It dabbles in everything and it or its many branch companies have footprints worldwide.
    > Access to Home Surveillance Network - Yes.. your smart home full of consumer products is spying on you
    > Political/Police Favors - OCP is a worldwide consumer products company
    > Slush Funds - It's a huge company with huge amounts of assets that can be put in the right place
    > Access to Construction Projects -
    > Access to New Markets - OCP has a worldwide supply chain and the associated benefits
    > Public Relations - OCP can crush, squash, leak or manipulate stories in the media spotlight

    Umbrella Corporation: A military contractor whose the worldwide leader in pharmaceuticals as well as barely illegal biological warfare research.
    > Access to Wetworks - Umbrella has its own Black Ops commando force for sanitzing/cleaning messy affairs.
    > Access to Biohazard Labs - Maintain top notch research and testing facilities with high security
    > Access to Toxins - Virulent and dangerous biological research is one of their specialties.
    > Access to Medical Labs - Top notch private medical care
    > Access to Biology Labs -

    Union Aerospace Corporation: Led by Nwabiduke Morgan, the UAC is pioneering the private drive into space with satellites, space launches and research into offworld exploration via manned missions and eventual expansion/colonization.
    > Access to Aerospace Labs
    > Access to Satellite Launches
    > Access to Space Exploration Research - Leader in prefab construction, hydroponics, space manufacturing etc
    > Access to Private Spacecraft Missions
    > Access to prototype AI based Supercomputer

    HARM Industries: A merger of the MARS Corporation and Hammer Industries. Leading military technology manufacturer, supplier and researcher.
    > Worldwide Military Connections - Favor trading with foreign military organizations
    > Paramilitary Forces - Ranging from basic infantry mercenary forces to special service level contractors
    > Weapons Labs and Proving Grounds
    > Smuggling
    > Access to Military Equipment
    > Worldwide Black Operations - Favor trading and access to international cartels and transnational groups

    Private Organizations:
    Center for Extraterrestrial Studies: Founded in the 50's by former scientists, researchers and intelligence agents to investigate UFO sightings and search the stars for extraterrestrial life. Apply a scientific rigor to private research despite obfuscation due to skepticism, mockery and hoaxes. Experiencing recent validation.
    > UFO Watchers - Access to a worldwide network of UFO watchers who are vetted by the organization itself for reliability

    Royal Scientific Expeditionary Society: Meritocratic explorers organization founded in the 19th century dedicated to the exploration of the final frontiers of the world and research into unknown species, locales and other mysteries still unknown to science.
    > Access to Academic Labs - Opens up a wide variety of university labs around the globe for various forms of less intense research.
    > Fund Expeditions - If you can propose a worthy scientific objective, they will fund missions around the world to investigate.
    > Bush Transport - Access to hard to access areas of the world via small planes, ATV's and other forms of basic transport.
    > NGO Credentials - Gain access to areas and people who maybe reluctant talking to government organizations.
    > Access to Academia - Recruit academic personnel or acquire their resources.

    Terra Firma Humanis: An international organization that researches and advocates on Human Rights, with a focus both on oppressed groups based on cultural, political, ethnic and religious identifiers as well as the preservation of endangered and indigenous cultures and peoples. Their operations focus on advocacy and self sufficient of indigenous and marginalized groups ranging from pressure on governments, legal aid to direct assistance to afflicted groups.
    > Worldwide NGO Access - As a trusted aid group, they have access to places even governments don't
    > Global Medical Facilities - Safe medical treatment and perhaps even safe houses and Mercy Ships
    > Access to UN Peacekeeper Assets - Work closely with the United Nations who often provides security and other support
    > Local Favors/Connection - Ranging from village elders, to indigenous tribes and local aid groups, they have those low key connections.
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