United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

You think they care; it 'backfiring' will just be an excuse to do more, worse shit.

Fauci will never be truly held to account for his part in funding the Wuhan Lab, or his many lies since this all began, while the CCP will get away with letting this bug loose on the world because the cannot do fucking lab biosafety right, and it seems increasingly likely we will never get back the civil rights and freedoms that have been abridged to 'fight' the Wu Flu.

Maybe a few red states govs are still trying to honor the Constitution, but no one outside Rand Paul or Boebert seems to care much about the Constitution in DC.

At this point even SCOTUS seems less like it holds to the Constitution than it should, even with court cases going our way a bit. Never forget SCOTUS punted on all the election stuff to ensure the stolen election was formalized.
What could SCOTUS do once the election was certified?
Crowder for the first time said he is worried about how things are gonna go.
Of course he goes back to being himself.

But even Crowder knows when to realnit on

Crowder is basically the center right version of Pool but withess woe is me and more humor so no surprise there.

Though honestly I was kinda hoping he would go the Tucker Carlson route and fedpost IRL a little more. Not because I actually want violence but because bureaucrats tend to back off when the "household names" start to rattle sabers.

So its better to have the seals bark and it get confused for JYDs than something actually happening.
Rule 2A Violation - Using the N Word (Hard R)
Nothing. Which is why he was talking about how they blatantly ignored the case a bunch of states made that the actions done to fortify the election (Change election procedure, emergency ballot laws, mail in, etc) were illegal and they sued only for the SCOTUS to completely opt out and ignore it, which happened before even the first verification in December and was argued and dropped by December 11th. I

f the rumors are to be believed the Boss N***** demanded they hear the case on the merits and do a ruling just like he had done in Bush v. Gore, but Justice Roberts and the Neocon alliance demanded it be dropped out of fear of backlash.

Clarence wanted to do his job. Roberts said "there will be riots, we can't afford that" and so they passed the valid argument. Because the truth is they have been bought and paid for already. Kavanaugh was slandered into the ground and nearly verbally lynched on national television but when push came to shove he was happy to side with the status quo and the uniparty.
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Crowder is basically the center right version of Pool but withess woe is me and more humor so no surprise there.

Though honestly I was kinda hoping he would go the Tucker Carlson route and fedpost IRL a little more. Not because I actually want violence but because bureaucrats tend to back off when the "household names" start to rattle sabers.

So its better to have the seals bark and it get confused for JYDs than something actually happening.
I mean, he is still wanted by Pakistan, has been attacked by tranies and threatened. Has gone out of his way to prove fraud happend, and masks/COVID isn't as bad.
Had caused an adpolcalypse on YouTube. Is in constant talks with Trump Jr. Has gone out to call out Gov Whitmer.

He at least choses a side, and doesn't fence sit. He an AVID gun guy, eyx
Robert's was the reason it wouldn't happen.
Ot seems he has lost some power as they happen happen be taking more and more cases
What could SCOTUS do once the election was certified?
Dude, please tell me you haven't forgotten all the cases SCOTUS refused to hear, regarding state voting laws/actions, before the election 'for lack of injury' and then dismissed afterwards as 'moot'.

Roberts is known to have said getting Trump out and keeping him from getting 8 years was one of his priorities, and he was directly responsible for none of the cases getting heard before or after the election, including the case Texas made that was dismissed on 'lack of standing'.
Robert's was the reason it wouldn't happen.
Ot seems he has lost some power as they happen happen be taking more and more cases
Roberts lost power only in that he is no longer the deciding vote on things; he's still Chief Justice and has a lot of power over which cases are heard at all.
Good try, but that's studying the effects of the vaccine on fetal development.
And you seem to think that said studies are not relevant for 'long term is 1-2 months' as you keep saying.

Knowing the effects of the vax on fetal development is a pretty fucking important bit of knowledge, given the other fertility issues that have been noted regarding the vax's.

It is also part of why most vaxs have multi-year studies done on them before they come close to public use or FDA approval.

No, the vax was rushed to try to bolster Trump's numbers (or at least that was befoe we knew Pence was the arch-traitor, so who know how much control Trump really had), and the Dems were all 'anti-vax' till they got to power, then the script flipped.

Now the virus/vax mandates are the tool the the powers in DC are using to ensure nothing like Trump ever threatens their plans and goals again, regardless of what the Constitution says about the limits on their power.

Biden is an illegit POTUS prosiding over the 'managed decline' of the US to make the US and it's populace bow down to the Great Reset the globalists are trying to force on the world.
Dude, please tell me you haven't forgotten all the cases SCOTUS refused to hear, regarding state voting laws/actions, before the election 'for lack of injury' and then dismissed afterwards as 'moot'.

Roberts is known to have said getting Trump out and keeping him from getting 8 years was one of his priorities, and he was directly responsible for none of the cases getting heard before or after the election, including the case Texas made that was dismissed on 'lack of standing'.
Roberts lost power only in that he is no longer the deciding vote on things; he's still Chief Justice and has a lot of power over which cases are heard at all.
I did forget about them.

Robert's may be chief, but he can only keep things going for so long before he is being shoved under

And this is a specific criticism how? What gets overlooked in these reports is most of these U.S. citizens are actually dual citizens or people who chose to stay for various reasons; short of us forcing them to evacuate at gunpoint, what else could be done? Even better, how else could they have been evacuated, presuming they wanted to do so, short of extending the deadline? Once that happens, cue the Taliban shutting down the airport and slaughtering thousands of American soldiers and civilians.
Good grief. I'm not even on Facebook; I think my account still exists, but I haven't logged into it in years, or actively made use of it in a decade or more.

I'll break this down for you, as something that anyone who has a basic grounding in tactics, strategy, and logistics, will be able to do.

Being pretentious about it doesn't change that your entire post fails to demonstrate any of this. Perhaps you should tone the projection?

When you are organizing an evacuation, especially one with a signed (and currently effective) cease-fire:

1. First is make sure you have the resources to pull out everyone and everything by the agreed-upon withdrawal date. (Biden screwed this up)

Which happened, the evacuation date was actually extended to ensure this.

2. Start evacuating non-essential civilian personnel and material. (Biden screwed this up.)

This was done, the State Department had been encouraging people to leave for months. You can't force people to leave if they don't want to.

3. Start evacuating tertiary support military personnel and hardware. This isn't your mechanics and your repair equipment, this is your clerks and record-keeping stuff. (Biden screwed this up)

Which was done.

4. Evacuate the rest of your civilian personnel and material. (Biden screwed this up.) A handful of people, such as the top-ranking local liaisons, may remain at this stage.

Which was, again, done.

5. Evacuate secondary military personnel and hardware. This is all but a skeleton crew of technical support people, and all hardware that can't carry itself out of the area. (Biden screwed this up, especially with the early and incomplete pull-out of Bagram.)

Which was done. If you're complaining about them leaving pickup trucks behind, why are you?

6. Evacuate everything except for the final duty shift, and all material they won't be carrying out with them. This happens in the last few days. Begin destruction of all equipment you aren't taking with you. (Biden screwed this up.)

Which happened.

7. The final shift leaves, carrying or destroying everything of any value that is left. (Biden screwed this up.)

Which didn't happen.

The particularly infuriating thing about this, is that even with the first half of the steps screwed up, if you get your shit together, and put every damn person and dollar you can behind the job, you can still finish the rest of it and get everyone and everything out, or close enough to it, that you can still call the evacuation a success.

The thing is, at no stage at all did the Biden presidency or the Pentagon display any meaningful level of competence on this. They started cooperating with the Taliban and gave them lists of collaborators, while hiding behind the fences at the Baghdad airport.

Meanwhile, the British were sending expeditions of their own soldiers out past the perimeter to collect their citizens and local support staff. Which proves that it was absolutely possible to do so.

And this immediately confirms to me you have no idea what you're talking about. The British were sending patrols into Kabul, cool, except for the fact there was 20,000 Taliban in or around the city with MANPADs and thus the ability to shut down HKIA and render every single NATO soldier and civilian a KIA or POW. The Taliban tolerated the British because their contingent doing this was relatively small; do you really think they are going to tolerate thousands of American soldiers doing the same?

Get real.

The Biden administration failed the evacuation at every single level, and to a degree that was absolutely mind-blowing. Even after Kabul had fallen, it was entirely possible for the President to just throw men and money at getting every possible passenger and cargo aircraft into and out of Kabul airport, while having the Air Force and Navy Air Corps blomb all the military material that had been so incompetently abandoned.

But no. None of that happened. And the Biden administration started actively impairing efforts by private citizens to get more evacuation work done.

That is a breakdown for how badly things went.

Maybe because, again, the Taliban are the strong power and giving them a reason to shut down HKIA and kill or capture thousands of Americans is a bad idea?
Holy shit you are actually delusional. None of that fucking happened. We literally saw it go down live on TV and Internet, how they hid and just let fuck up after fuck up happen. Straight up some gaslighting going on here. "The evacuation was extendend to do this" lmao holy fuck.

Edit: Also Milley related:

Edit 2: Further WTF:

Straight up treason and collusion with a foreign power.

You are literally just repeating Democrat party talking points.

On Material left behind:

On US civilians being stuck in Afghanistan:

Databases falling into Taliban hands:

Have you been deliberately ignoring any news that does not agree with the official Democrat Party Line?
Have you been deliberately ignoring any news that does not agree with the official Democrat Party Line?

He can't, he must be simply taking his opinion straight from Psaki. Even the complete DNC shills had a moment where they called it out and anyone with some neurons would remember. He straight up went back and erased his memory to fit the narrative.
And this is a specific criticism how? What gets overlooked in these reports is most of these U.S. citizens are actually dual citizens or people who chose to stay for various reasons; short of us forcing them to evacuate at gunpoint, what else could be done?
In the future it might behoove you to actually read an article before making what you think is a witty retort...

Even better, how else could they have been evacuated, presuming they wanted to do so, short of extending the deadline? Once that happens, cue the Taliban shutting down the airport and slaughtering thousands of American soldiers and civilians.
There was no threat of the Taliban doing that... Because it would have resulted in the US sending in 60,000+ troops with orders to exterminate the Taliban...
In the future it might behoove you to actually read an article before making what you think is a witty retort...

There was no threat of the Taliban doing that... Because it would have resulted in the US sending in 60,000+ troops with orders to exterminate the Taliban...
It would be a bloody firefight at first, followed by next day air or even more 82nd and special forces dropping in to bring hell and high water for those people being killed.
13 we should have done something about, but let slip.
Hundreds tk thousands? That is a declaration of war

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