Nah Immortal is right. The RINOs will use this to try and paint themselves as a alternative to Dems despite being the exact same shit and having covered hard to make sure no election fraud investigation went on and turning on their own base. The Uniparty has that name for a reason. RINOs are just as useless as the regular Dems. They will be "conservative" in the same way Boris Johnson is conservative: Keeping absolutely everything the way the left/opposition wants and doing what they ask in very slow motion to pretend to care.
They deserve nothing in 2022 or 2024, because they have done nothing different. If they had had their way it would have been just as bad, except we would be going back real soon. They are more worried about the status quo than anything. They will gladly burn their grand kids on a pyre to keep the same bullshit they have been pulling since the 1990's going, to keep the debt growing and the flawed system working instead of fix anything. Their claims of love of the nation are complete lies, and they refuse to admit they are as bad if not worse than the redcoats the founding fathers fought against at the moment. They believe on their television controlled by the opposition, they constantly try and play a deal game with a opponent that has made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR it only plays to win, not to negotiate for over 20 years and every time they fall for the exact same play.
Push comes to shove, the likes of Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell will order police to shoot their own people and demand they let leftist judges arrest and destroy their lives out of a desire of "being the bigger man". I would compare it to Chamberlain appeasing Hitler but that would honestly be unfair to Chamberlain as he wasn't throwing his own electorate and at least made some moves to try and work something when it came failing. The fact these people were OK with a Jan 6th commission but at no point asked for a commission on BLM and Antifa violence that happened for 6 months straight in return at least tells you all you need to know.
I will shed no tears when the day of the rope comes. They are making their own bed here.