PC Gaming Baldurs Gate 3

Can we go back to talking about how bangable Gith are or whatever? :p
Actually I misheard what the Tieflings were saying about our slender, lithe, with legs that go all the way, nubile Gith FL - since EA she's been a "mottled toad" to me, and not "yellow as a toad" ...

In unrelated news, if you google "Dubai call girls" the topmost hit will be the bg3 larian studies forum :).
"Abortion pills in Kuwait" is heading in the same direction.
Some bot found the forum and its antiquated software and is flooding it with spam threads advertising the above.
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The best Waifu in BG3 she even has handles, I mean excellent horns!
an impressive rack to be sure. however I am all about Karlach.
Brings back memories of a fanfic where the MC - a hunting lodge employee - was explaining that "hunters like to brag about bagging throphies with immpresive racks". As his exposition was given to a stone-faced female audience, once his brain caught up with his mouth, he felt kinda one inch tall ...
There's two awkward Tiefling girls with horns in the game as companion NPC's?!
As of today - no. But this is a "living" game, so who knows what Patch no.x will bring?
Besides Hot Momma Karlach you can only add a Tiefling boy to the Party.

You can change his stats and class and appearance (horns included), but not sex.
So I just got to the part with one of the characters from BG 1 & 2, and I gotta say, they screwed it up.

Viconia deserved better. I know it's technically canon that she stayed loyal to Shar, but it was so much cooler when she turned good.
Is there a Death Grindcore Black Epic Nordic Mongol Throatsinging Folkmetal version of the Karlach song?

Jonathan Young is showing his age, sadly :(

The last video is pre-Patch 3, as the armour still has an OTT gorgette. I know, I should go out more :)
Just had Jaheira die on me - the Winged Ghouls got some Critical Hits in - [faux Russian accent a la Jaheira] - "Buba stronk, not hit F8".
Just had Jaheira die on me - the Winged Ghouls got some Critical Hits in - [faux Russian accent a la Jaheira] - "Buba stronk, not hit F8".
I never got why they used Jaheira, tbh. They should have brought back Jan Jansen instead. Much more fun.
IMO none of the "originals" should had been used.
And lvl 8? At her age? After the events of BG1&2? She should be like Elminster - off the charts ...
Here I can "buy" Minsc - being statusque degraded his capabilties.

Jansen? Was that the flatulent turnip obsessed nitwit? If yes - "we hates him, My Precious, we really does!"

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