Armchair General's DonbAss Derailed Discussion Thread (Topics Include History, Traps, and the Ongoing Slavic Civil War plus much much more)

I'm curious how you'd make that case. Purely out of curiosity, because it does sound like this guy is one of those who think that imperialism can only be done by the country with the most global influence at the time (if not America specifically).

First of all, I'd like to make the point that imperialism (and globalism) are both fundamentally economic systems.

The 'deep state' is the system of unelected career bureaucrats that run much of the administration of the US government, and the powerful lobbying political systems that influence them.

The 'deep state' itself is pro-globalism, pro-global corporations. Just look at the FED. They don't even put a mask to hide this - they exist to benefit multinational corporations, not American citizens.

Now lets talk about imperial systems. Imperial systems largely exists to facilitate trade for the benefit of the main country - see Pax Romana, Pax Mongolica, Pax Britannica, Pax Americana.

Now here's the thing: there's not really an economic system between globalism and imperialism. At the very least, you could certainly say that nothing else has really been tried, and its doubtful whether or not something else would work.

To be "anti-deep state" is to be "anti-Globalist", or "pro-Imperialist." To be against American imperialism - Pax Americana - is to be pro-globalist, supporting the same ideology as the 'deep state.'
Jackson Hinkle Nazbol Update.


So yeah...

1 An American PATRIOT
2 GOD fearing
4 Marxist Leninist
8 Anti-WOKE
11 Pro-GUN


So many contradictions and ideological conflicts, I'm just gonna list some by number.

For one you could make a decent argument that #4 is inherently contradictory with itself, as popular as it is for people to call themselves a Marxist Leninist.

1 and 4 and 1 and 5 are both contradictory.

2 and 5 are contradictory.

3 and 4 are arguably ideologically contradictory.

5 and 7 are contradictory.

6 and 7 I would argue are contradictory if by anti-Imperialist you specifically mean anti-American-imperialism.

4 and 8 are not inherently contradictory (indeed much the opposite), but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who is genuinely both.

7 and 12 are not inherently contradictory per se, but are contradictory in practice. Arguably 6 and 12 as well.

4 and 9 are not inherently contradictory, but not mutually conductive.

Honestly the dudes list of beliefs sound like a cry for attention more than anything else.
So . . . The man has multiple personalities or a living example of 1984's Double Think?
Jackson Hinkle Nazbol Update.


So yeah...

1 An American PATRIOT
2 GOD fearing
4 Marxist Leninist
8 Anti-WOKE
11 Pro-GUN


see this right here is what tells me that many leftist are nazi's in denial (and many Gen Z right wingers are leftist in denial) replace Marxist Leninist with national socialist and your left with Hitlers platform. Yet I'm sure if you were to call them out on this they'd Reee like no tomorrow.
see this right here is what tells me that many leftist are nazi's in denial (and many Gen Z right wingers are leftist in denial) replace Marxist Leninist with national socialist and your left with Hitlers platform. Yet I'm sure if you were to call them out on this they'd Reee like no tomorrow.
I take offense as a right wing gen z.
I am right wing as in military support.
But, a lot if my generation are going to far because of the policies of the left
I am right wing as in military support.
But, a lot if my generation are going to far because of the policies of the left
Ahh. I agree on Patriotism and Honoring those who chose military service. You give lip service to honoring veterans but depending on the state you fuck them over bad. I find myself shaking my head at how crazy you Americans have been on everything else lately. That's coming from someone who grew up under Marcos' CIA backed regime.
Ahh. I agree on Patriotism and Honoring those who chose military service. You give lip service to honoring veterans but depending on the state you fuck them over bad. I find myself shaking my head at how crazy you Americans have been on everything else lately. That's coming from someone who grew up under Marcos' CIA backed regime.
America's collective ego has been bruised in the last few decades, and they've been shown up for not being the invincible superpower they perceived themselves to be. It's why they've become juiced up on Patriotism Juice (tm).

Oh, don't get me wrong -- America is a superpower and the prefered one to alternative shitheaps like China and Russia, but it's like people learning that Superman isn't just an invincible Superman but a person with flaws and weaknesses (like Kryptonite), and they're either in a little bit of denial over it or are bitterly realizing/accepting it.

Though, I guess the more cynical of people would say "Superman has been revealed to be more like a toned-down Homelander, instead", but that's too cynical for even me.
America's collective ego has been bruised in the last few decades, and they've been shown up for not being the invincible superpower they perceived themselves to be. It's why they've become juiced up on Patriotism Juice (tm).
...You really do not have a good understanding of the mindset of the American Patriot.

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