Armchair General's DonbAss Derailed Discussion Thread (Topics Include History, Traps, and the Ongoing Slavic Civil War plus much much more)

To be fair, Poles are rather culturally compatible with Russians.
>Culturally compatible.
The only things Poles have in common with Russia are drinking Vodka(our Polish invention from Sandomierz), a language derived from the same stem (with Russian having a lot of words from Polish, the reverse being much less) and the fact that we were in a communist camp together.

Other than that, you have two completely different nations differing in everything from the basics of behavior to mentality to the style of building and organizing everything. Stop thinking that a Pole has anything in common with a Russian. There is no such thing, it's hard to find two more different Slavic nations.
Because it is not just a question of the individual. Diversity always leads to trouble - such as violence and societal breakdown. And there are also psychological and biological issues in having children with people who are too genetically distant, almost as many as having children with people who are too genetically close (look at ligers for a non-human example).

Have you ever considered the possibility of confounding: As in, less psychologically healthy people being more inclined to enter mixed-race marriages in the first place? (Not that there's anything inherently wrong with entering into a mixed-race marriage, of course.)
If Russia will ever experience regime change and subsequently push to enter the EU (after paying reparations to Ukraine, et cetera, of course), is there any realistic chance that Kazakhstan would also seek to join the EU, especially if it will democratize? I'm asking because Kazakhstan also has a little bit of territory in Europe and thus would technically be eligible for European Union entry, I think. Also, it's Muslim-majority, but even more moderate than Turkey is:


Would Europeans actually want Kazakhstan as a member of the EU? And would Kyrgyzstan seek to unite with Kazakhstan in such a scenario since Kyrgyzstan by itself is not eligible for EU membership?

lol at Anatoly Karlin for thinking that a 5-10% population difference makes all of the difference in the world in regards to this. Even in the very best case scenario, Russia's Ukraine invasion won't boost its population by more than 10% since Ukrainians now hate Russia's guts and thus most of them would very likely move to either what remains of Free Ukraine or to the West rather than to live under Russian rule. Russia would get 15 million Ukrainians at the very most (excluding the Donbass, which Russia could have annexed without war), and possibly even considerably less than that. 15 million Ukrainians is 10% of Russia's total population.

With or without a depopulated Ukraine, Russia simply doesn't have the demographic base necessary to be a peer competitor to either the EU, the Anglosphere, or China. So, it's either Russia becoming a European/Western appendage or Russia becoming a Chinese appendage. Choose one.

And being a self-sustained technological civilization is overrated anyway when you don't produce very much elite science. Germany, Italy, and Japan all previously tried to become self-sustained technological civilizations, or at least their unique own civilizational spaces, in World War II and failed, and yet they are all relatively happy right now. Both Italy and Japan have even managed to remain pretty Based, and Germany, Italy, and Japan all each produce much more elite science than Russia does in spite of each of them having less (sometimes much less) people than Russia has.

And Russia's miserable 20th century was in part self-inflicted since no one forced Russia to fight for Serbia back in 1914.
Important political news - Zelensky take ukrainian citizenship from Ihor Kołomyjski,jewish-ukrainian oligarch who created Zelensky as president.
He is also backed by powerfull jewish sect Chabad Lubawicz,which has money and influence in both Izrael and Ukraine.

So,why Zelensky attacked Ihor,his patron? becouse he is fighting with other Izrael powerhause,Lauder foundation,and had some problems with USA.

We would have jewish cyvil war on Ukraine.Interesting times,indeed.
WWII might have ironically been a blessing for Ukrainian nationalism:

It's worth noting that World War II in real life ironically helped the cause of Ukrainian nationalism by demographically devastating the most nationalist parts of Ukraine the least of all:


Off-topic, but I wonder if Crimea would have still been given from Russia to Ukraine had Stalin lived for at least an extra year. The decision to transfer Crimea was done in the Khrushchev era in real life, after all.
Russia is a master 666-dimensional chess player. 41% of Ukrainians consider themselves and Russians to be one people, or at least did before the invasion, and yet Ukrainians nowadays overwhelmingly hate Russia's guts:

Oh shit they got Steven Seagal. He's going to make a documentary about Ukrainian Atrocities apparently. If you thought his films post-Under Siege were bad, wait til you see his documentaries.

Does every pro-Putin shill whose a public figure have to be a sex pest?
Your own people are still much more pro-same-sex marriage and/or pro-same-sex civil unions than Russians are:

Poland can fit into the Hajnal Line!

Well, Kosovo right now is going to be not universally recognized by the international community indefinitely. Of course, there is the option of joining another internationally recognized state--specifically Albania. But if Kosovars don't want that either, then they will continue to be stuck in legal limbo where the West and some other countries will recognize them but Russia, China, India, et cetera won't.

FWIW, personally, I'm quite content with the principle of national self-determination being applied to Kosovo, Crimea, Donbass, and the rest of Ukraine. I'm just very sad that Russia doesn't quite see it that way. Russia could have simply sent its own troops into the Donbass and perhaps outright annexed it without actually invading the rest of Ukraine, yet Russia unsurprisingly chose the bloodier option, in keeping with the tradition of its Mongol Golden Horde legacy.

From commenter AP:

If in February, Russia would have declared Donbas to be part of Russia and placed Russian troops there, Ukraine would have been as likely to attack Donbas as it was to attack Crimea. Not at all.

Russia could have done that, or it could have invaded Ukraine.

That was the choice.

So between the choices of a nationalist-run Ukraine and invasion/war, Russia chose war. Probably because of the gross miscalculation that Ukrainians wouldn’t fight for their country and that Russia’s moles would be able to deliver it to Russia with minimal bloodshed.

As for sanctions etc., Russia could have played the games with its gas even without invasion, if no invasion Germany would have had much more room to maneuver and water down anti-Russian measures.

Russia's decision to sodomize Ukraine was absolutely unforgivable! :(
Physically, he doesn't look half bad for his age. Such a tragedy when the body outlasts the mind like that.

What's especially ironic is that he's a Russia shill even though he's Jewish, and Russia was historically the biggest oppressor of the Jews before Nazi Germany came along. Of course, maybe he remembers the Soviet Union's role in saving over a million Jews from the Nazis during World War II, but still, many Ukrainians fought for the Soviet Union in WWII as well. It wasn't just Russians.

lol at Anatoly Karlin for thinking that a 5-10% population difference makes all of the difference in the world in regards to this. Even in the very best case scenario, Russia's Ukraine invasion won't boost its population by more than 10% since Ukrainians now hate Russia's guts and thus most of them would very likely move to either what remains of Free Ukraine or to the West rather than to live under Russian rule. Russia would get 15 million Ukrainians at the very most (excluding the Donbass, which Russia could have annexed without war), and possibly even considerably less than that. 15 million Ukrainians is 10% of Russia's total population.

With or without a depopulated Ukraine, Russia simply doesn't have the demographic base necessary to be a peer competitor to either the EU, the Anglosphere, or China. So, it's either Russia becoming a European/Western appendage or Russia becoming a Chinese appendage. Choose one.

And being a self-sustained technological civilization is overrated anyway when you don't produce very much elite science. Germany, Italy, and Japan all previously tried to become self-sustained technological civilizations, or at least their unique own civilizational spaces, in World War II and failed, and yet they are all relatively happy right now. Both Italy and Japan have even managed to remain pretty Based, and Germany, Italy, and Japan all each produce much more elite science than Russia does in spite of each of them having less (sometimes much less) people than Russia has.

And Russia's miserable 20th century was in part self-inflicted since no one forced Russia to fight for Serbia back in 1914.

Interestingly enough, back in late 2018, Anatoly Karlin condemned the idea of Russia using force to reconquer Ukraine since that fed into the extremely unpleasant and unsavory idea that Ukrainians could only become Russians at the point of a gun:

Reunification through military means was ruled out – probably permanently – in May 2014, when Putin recognized Poroshenko as the legitimately elected President of the Ukraine. While certain nationalists, including on this blog, still entertain fantasies about invading the Ukraine and ruling it like a Reichskommissariat, that would be worse than just immoral – it would almost certainly fail, since it buys into the narrative that Ukrainians can only become Russians at the point of a gun. “There is no compulsion in religion”, as the Muslims say.
To an extent, maybe. But if you look at wokeness maps (1,2), situation generally gets worse the further West one goes, even within just the Eastern Europe. And countries of former Yugoslavia especially are waaay too woke, despite having been Communist (perhaps because Communism here wasn't as murderous as elsewhere? I do not know).
That was with Tito at the helm. If someone like say, Peko Dapcevic or Aleksandar Rankovic was in power, they'd be extremely brutal as their Soviet counterparts. Rankovic though, would have simply continued to expel the Albanians from Kosovo and had opposed giving autonomy to Kosovo and probably Vojvodina.

This is literally just mixed race children getting confused when people try to teach them to be racist. If they were being taught to have a national identity rather than an ethnic one, then they wouldn't have any problems.
Wouldn't there also be some form of self-loathing on the part of the mixed race children as well? One of the infamous incel shooters who went on a rampage was mixed though.

I would also point out that large scale race mixing is precisely the reason why far-right fringe groups are using this very same issue as their talking points as well.
I would also point out that large scale race mixing is precisely the reason why far-right fringe groups are using this very same issue as their talking points as well.

Only 17% of newlyweds are mixed-race:

That's not that high, and in any case, just how many of these are mixed white-Asian couples?
Wouldn't there also be some form of self-loathing on the part of the mixed race children as well? One of the infamous incel shooters who went on a rampage was mixed though.
Only if induced by a culture that puts value on race. Children don't understand race until it is taught to them, before that someone's skin being a different color is just a curiosity. The idea of race supplanted a much more narrow ethnic identity only 3-400 years ago, and before those ethnic identities developed it was a matter of "everyone not from my village" sort of thing- literal tribalism. Nationalism was on its way to supplanting race as a more inclusive identity, which was also more utilitarian because people can change national identity, but this got reversed during the last few decades.

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