Armchair General's DonbAss Derailed Discussion Thread (Topics Include History, Traps, and the Ongoing Slavic Civil War plus much much more)

Not really. Foederati were border guards, but were not used as an internal police force as a mater of policy (there were exceptions on a case-by-case basis however). Ottomans on the other hand intentionally favored Orthodox Christians over Catholics, using former to keep the latter under supervision because Catholic countries were the only serious opposition they had left in Europe.
I am pretty sure roman generals used them as auxiliaries even in internal disputes and civil wars.
Also, the Varangians were a thing.
Ah yes, that makes it ok to dismiss an entire nation and its people as "animals". With your rhetoric, calling someone a nazi makes him a target for genocide, you realize that?
Oh, you mean like what the West is doing to all Russians, and Russian cats and dogs?

I am becoming less and less sympathetic towards the average Ukrainian the more shit like shooting and cutting the throats of prisoners and turture and rape happen:

Add the fact that they and the British are trying to drag the world into WWIII with all these false flags and disgusting stunts, and that bare minimum we might have a massive recession that would make 07 look like a cakewalk, well, the Ukrainians should really think about what human garbage they are supporting.

Letting the Zelekski/Azov thugs do shit like what I linked to makes the whole country complicit, by the west's own retarded collective responsibility logic, either they stop this shit and deal with their bad actors or they suffer the same fate as them eventually, e.g. getting bombed into the stoneage and getting introduced to slontsepek-chan.
And then they will be the proud owners of a pile of rubble filled with insurgents.

Which they could continue to bomb until there's no more insurgency in there, peaceful rubble that isn't going to join NATO.

'Hey Igor, can we add some extra protection to our fuel tanker?'
'Sure, just try not to use something that would make things worse if we get hit. Like anything that will burn.'


Like wood.

Heheh. Well, I suppose it does do some good at blocking bullets.
Also... it makes the fuel truck look less like a fuel truck and more like a stack of firewood.

Remember that when the Left calls our side nazis again. They hate us and want to murder us all.

I remember when the whole Donbas thing started, I didn't believe the Russian posters on SB when they talked about Ukrainian Nazis. So much of the Western liberal "everyone I hate is Hitler!" stuff had made me assume all such claims were just hot air.
But it turns out the Ukrainian Nazis are real. And not nice people at all.
Heheh. Well, I suppose it does do some good at blocking bullets.
Also... it makes the fuel truck look less like a fuel truck and more like a stack of firewood.
Or maybe the idea is for it to look like a truck carrying chopped down wood?
You know, at the moment when gas and electric supplies are disrupted good old firewood still works.

I remember when the whole Donbas thing started, I didn't believe the Russian posters on SB when they talked about Ukrainian Nazis. So much of the Western liberal "everyone I hate is Hitler!" stuff had made me assume all such claims were just hot air.
But it turns out the Ukrainian Nazis are real. And not nice people at all.
Yup, I was still in my pro-western libertarian phase back then, too.
Then I got a dose of reality thanks to the likes of Patrick Lancaster and the west managed to show how throughly rotten with neoliberal insanity and hypocritical it is on the inside.
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I am pretty sure roman generals used them as auxiliaries even in internal disputes and civil wars.

They did, but that was mostly during civil wars. Under normal conditions, they were kept well away from cities, because using barbarians to police Roman citizens was... not good PR, to say the least.

Of course, late Empire was at a state of civil war half the time, so the above may have been less relevant than it seems...

Also, the Varangians were a thing.

Varangians were foreign mercenaries, not an ethnic group that was settled into the Empire. And they were extremely apolitical (which is why they were used). Ottoman treatment of Christians in the Balkans cannot be compared to Varangians - these are completely different situations.
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US actively targeted civilians in the GWOT and it sanctions and direct military actions have killed millions. Sorry but neither side we have as choices are good, in fact they are all shit.

US doesn't get to claim the high ground anymore than Russia does.

My answer was incomplete.
USA would be like kgbstan,if:
1.They declare that Canada have no right to exist,canadians do not exist as nation,and invade to kill everybody who want be canadian and turned others in lesser americans.

So,if you belive that current USA are as shitty and weak like kgbstan,then....maybe you buy Moon from me ?
Can you explain to me why they would need to attack you?
"Need"? Lol, Russia needs to fuck off from other countries, not attack them.
Want? Plenty of possible reasons, starting with elected government not being servile enough for their liking at any moment in the future while feeling they can get away with it.
Same goes for Baltics, Finland, Romania, Sweden, Moldova and so on.
There is no Russian population there, any invasion would be bitterly opposed by a decent-sized modernized army and angry populous, and unlike Ukraine there is no real historic connection between your lands and the Russian lands.
"Historic connection" is something that can be invented and forgotten as needed, especially with Russia's state need based historiography. If they need a connection, they will easily find one, when they need it as an excuse.
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"Ukie animals"? The fuck, man?
War does that. You see this side or that side killing the other in real time or whatever stands for evidence fake or not especially unlawfully they harden their own hearts and call them slurs.
But it turns out the Ukrainian Nazis are real. And not nice people at all.
I heard they aren't yes. They do paramilitary assassinations before this invasion started.
The withdrawal continues in an orderly fashion. It is clear these units are intact. Also should note the Russians never tried to set up collaborators in the north west and east of Kyiv unlike in the south where they are working overtime to find collaborators and get former police officers back on duty to enforce civil law.

UkA finding the decoys left behind by Russia. On satellites it would look like the real thing, a low flying drone would have to go in to see its real nature but risk being lost.

Russia continues the drone strikes, likely with Belarussian Support. Belarus soldiers may not invade Ukraine but their artillery and drone forces plus Airforce and Helicopters using standoff weaponry will take their toll. And Zelensky can never be too sure.

No quarter for Azov Battalion. And Comrades can we please stop stealing Nasheeds from the FSA. Get your own Nasheeds.

2.Belarussia would not attack,but send artillery ,drones and air forces.Well,once you said that Belarussia would attack for sure,so....
But - Let assume,that it is true.Russian artillery,drones,and air forces could not prevent defeat - what belarussian might could change?

3.No quarter for Azow,and they are cowards anyway.

Last units of the largely disbanded O group get their medals.

A view of how forested the terrain is.

A Comrade tells the truth, not that anyone cares as its besides the point.

An irreplaceable S-300 command post lost to UkA whose military industries are destroyed.

Night movement of UkA forces caught and destroyed.

1.Medals for disbanded groups,which failed to take Kiev.Lucky guys,sralin would kill them.And - they stil claim,that war is special operation.cute.
2.Prisoners tell,that lithuanians trained him and that they would attack 8.03.22.If you were putin prisoner,you would say anything,too.Just like any normal people with normal level of pain.
3.Ukraine is loosing stuff,and arleady lost industry.Tell me,FROM WHOM RUSSIA WOULD NOW BUY WEAPONS? TILL NOW,THEY GET IT MOSTLY FROM UKRAINE.....

Also note that many of the actual dead in Bucha also have Russian Emergency Ration Boxes near them.

Russia vacated Bucha on the night of the 30th. The Mayor raised the flag of Ukraine the next morning with the city council and called on the UkA to arrive, UKA forces arrived the next day.

Then on the 3rd we start seeing pictures and videos.

Not that facts matters anymore, we live in a post-fact world.

Heading towards Barvinkove.

O group units arriving in Donbass. Amazing what you can move rapidly when you dominate the air and have an intact infrastructure.

Comrades, tone the music down, and let the engines and explosions be the music.

Day and night, the RuAF attacks the columns of UkA. Good luck redeploying UkA forces in the Kyiv Region south in coherent units. The real war now begins.
1.So,in Bucha ukrainians murdered,not russians.Soviets said the same about Katyń.But,after 50 years,they finally say truth.
In 2072 Russia would finally tell,that they were murderers,if such state woud still exist.
2.Russians dominate the air,have intact infrastructure,and still could not win.
3.Attacking in night - good,polish MANPAD Piorun work then even better.

Another compilations, no commentary as I have a planned Raid on Molten Core in WoW Classic and I need to do the tribute run first. So bye for now.

1.Russians are winning everywhere,so they could not advance.
2.Marjunpol is taken,so they still fight there.Probably becouse of single french foreign legion soldier,becouse Azow members are all hiding.

Raid whatever you can,becouse if you are not troll but work for fsb,they would kill you.That what Putin is doing with no-longer-needed agents.
And if you click on his source...

To no surprise of anyone, it's a Russian, with no actual evidence other then saying "you have to believe me!".

In the future you should probably vet things a bit better... Especially when the claimer is using telegram.
So, no difference at all from all American sources in the past decades when they talk about WMDs for example? Because, let's be frank - the US has an even worst reputation.
250+ UkA Marines from the 503rd surrender in Mariupol. They saw the fate of Azov Battalion and chose life. The Chechen Comrades reassures them they will be spared and even gets started on convincing them to switch sides.

Actually a massively downgraded version only slightly better than the T-72 Ural base model. And UkA simply doesn't have the fuel to move them in time to make a difference.

Too late he realizes he would have been better off staying below Putin's radar and not letting Azov put a gun to his head.

Attacks on the main rail junctions now.

Georgian Battalion commit war crimes.

1.So,ukrainians are surrendering in Marjupol.Great,but...YOU SAID,THAT RUSSIAN MADE NO SURRENDER THERE,RIGHT?
2.Czech T.72 - yeach,there are obsolate.But - for russian it would be enough.
3.Zelensky is sad after seeing cyvilians murdered in Bucha by russians.Normal thing for all peoples who are not psychos like Putin.But - russian are retreating,and arleady must forget about denazification of entire Ukraine.So - he saved his nation.
4.Georgian are committing war crimes,becouse they killed russian soldiers.If captured russian sodiers was murderers,that execution was right choice.
Besides,if russian play with no prisoners,ukrainians could do the same.

Mass grave contained Russian Soldiers as well as UkA citizens killed in the crossfire of the multiple battles around Bucha. Also clear evidence of doctoring the scene to fit a narrative.

Lighter note, hypocritical Irony is not yet dead Comrades.

1.So,russians who denazify Ukraine are nazis themselves,but you are OK with that.
2.In Bucha mostly russian soldiers died,and that is why president Zelensky was so sad.Suuure.

Last of O group has disbanded and been sent to Kharkov Front to join Square Z for the Kharkov holding action. Izium Front is advancing on Barvinkove and has a breakthrough. From there, they can hit Slovyansk and Kramatorsk simultaneously or simply continue south at the discretion of the Russian High Command depending on the operational needs of the Campaign.

If you are still fucking clueless as to the point of sending 40,000 troops on a mere diversion to Kyiv and then pulling them out, Armchair Warrior, a US Veteran whose specialty was artillery operations and logistics will explain to you:

Key highlights, the Russians were able to break contact without hindrance from UkA SOF which were largely destroyed. UkA Forces were reduced to a technical force using commandeered civilian vehicles with the odd AFV and had little artillery left. From the Russian perspective mission accomplished and unlike the Soviet 24th Tank Corps, they got this Raid Force back largely intact and ready for redeployment. A good investment. Western "Military Experts" opinions are irrelevant to them, what wars have they won since the year 2000?

Now on to the main things.

A Tor with visible battle damage continues to protect the Russian Forces.

Finally an original Nasheed. But the Comrade with the PKT is to be fined the cost of the ammo, it has a bipod Comrade, stop just dumping rounds downrange. Use an RPK for that purpose.

Would explain why the Russians keep capturing so many Javelins and NLAWs, turns out just handing them to every man and his dog doesn't work if you don't also instruct them on how to fire them. Especially with the English Instructions on them.

Why the 503rd Marines wisely threw in the towel in Mariupol.

1.According to you,russian made raid on Kiev and widraw with little casaulties.Let assume,that it is true - WHY THEY STARTED WAR WANTING DENAZIFICATION OF ENTIRE UKRAINE,AND NOW WONT ONLY DONBAS?
2.Czeczen are fighting nazis on Ukraine.Then why they do not win yet?
3.Ukrainian soldiers do not knew how use NLAW.Russian take them.GREAT,WHY RUSSIANS DO NOT WIN YET?
4.Flamethrower killed some ukrainians in Marjunpol.Great,why they could not take city then?
And how ukrainians could surrender,if russians do not take prisoners ?

LPR continues its advance.

More UkA surrender footage.

UkA Surrenders picking up. They know which way this is going.

Russian Aviation still has freedom to strike at will within acceptable loss margins.

Russian Reinforcements to the Kherson Lodgment. Possible move on Kryvyi Rih with a screen force on Mykolaiv Direction. Or both pursued simultaneously. Depends on Russian High Command and what UkA does.

1.Ukrainians are mass surrendering.
2.Russian air forces destroy those who fight
3.Counter attack near Kherson.


1.Ukrainians are mass surrendering.
2.Russian air forces destroy those who fight
3.Counter attack near Kherson.

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So, no difference at all from all American sources in the past decades when they talk about WMDs for example? Because, let's be frank - the US has an even worst reputation.
Yet the US called this before anyone else.

But also it seems Maxar keeps being the ones to help prove Russian propaganda wrong.
A independent group who gets imagery from satellites.
No offense, but 'independent' groups these days are like many NGO - not. Until a proven independence is confirmed, for me are like many others, just fronts for the usual suspects.
Well, we will not have a truly independent investigation, thanks to the viceroy and local administration of the stationary US aircraft carrier off the shore of France.

In any case, Satellite images are conclusively disproven as per the telegram research I shared.

Maybe the NY Lies will change their tune in, oh about a year, like they did with the Hunter Biden laptop.

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