It's more his insistence that the Mossad is responsible/part of the group responsible for the Wu Flu, and obvious dislike for anything related to 'zionism' that made me say that.That's a complicated issue in our community.
As the old saying goes 2 jews three opinions and we bicker about that shit like...all of the fucking time.
We do have ethnicities though the Ashkenazi, Sepharadi, Mizrahi, and Ethipion being the main ones though there are other off shoots.
Simple way to simplifiy that down is thus.
Ashkenazi or my people are the snow jews, the Sepharadi or the meditarian community are the sea jews, the Mizahai or the middle eastern part of the community are the sand jews, and Beta israel of Ethiopia are the mountain jews.
No I don't take myself ultra serious. To some people in the community we absolutely are our own race, others of us think of ourselves as mostly a religion some a combination of both and over all this is just one of those topics we like to bicker about.
There is an old Jewish saying.
Don't invent evil where none exists.
I've dealt with actual anti semites, I know what they look like I know what they act like Zeno isn't one of them.
And the whole waving the Israeli flag thing is an argument I've heard around my own kitchen table where a few of us think its inapropiate because we are americans and its another country. Others think its ok when your standing on an issue where you think its morrally correct, and others don't even think of Israel and just think of it as an ethnic thing.
It would be hilarously hipicritical to give Zeno shit on having an opinion on shit we bicker about all of the time. One of the reasons why this website was created was so that people could have open honest conversations and get to a more realisitic view of the world and some times those conversations are uncomfortable.
Thats just the nature of life because life is uncomfortable.
He wants to blame the Mossad and Israel for Anthony Fauci's crimes.