United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

That's a complicated issue in our community.

As the old saying goes 2 jews three opinions and we bicker about that shit like...all of the fucking time.

We do have ethnicities though the Ashkenazi, Sepharadi, Mizrahi, and Ethipion being the main ones though there are other off shoots.

Simple way to simplifiy that down is thus.

Ashkenazi or my people are the snow jews, the Sepharadi or the meditarian community are the sea jews, the Mizahai or the middle eastern part of the community are the sand jews, and Beta israel of Ethiopia are the mountain jews.

No I don't take myself ultra serious. To some people in the community we absolutely are our own race, others of us think of ourselves as mostly a religion some a combination of both and over all this is just one of those topics we like to bicker about.

There is an old Jewish saying.

Don't invent evil where none exists.

I've dealt with actual anti semites, I know what they look like I know what they act like Zeno isn't one of them.

And the whole waving the Israeli flag thing is an argument I've heard around my own kitchen table where a few of us think its inapropiate because we are americans and its another country. Others think its ok when your standing on an issue where you think its morrally correct, and others don't even think of Israel and just think of it as an ethnic thing.

It would be hilarously hipicritical to give Zeno shit on having an opinion on shit we bicker about all of the time. One of the reasons why this website was created was so that people could have open honest conversations and get to a more realisitic view of the world and some times those conversations are uncomfortable.

Thats just the nature of life because life is uncomfortable.
It's more his insistence that the Mossad is responsible/part of the group responsible for the Wu Flu, and obvious dislike for anything related to 'zionism' that made me say that.

He wants to blame the Mossad and Israel for Anthony Fauci's crimes.
It's more his insistence that the Mossad is responsible/part of the group responsible for the Wu Flu, and obvious dislike for anything related to 'zionism' that made me say that.

He wants to blame the Mossad and Israel for Anthony Fauci's crimes.
I hate any sort of stupid supremacy nonsense that leaks outside it's containment nation, I don't see American Christians coming over here proclaiming their racial and religious supremacy. There are however zionists and islamic supremacists by the truckload. And worse, they actually get political traction!
We all have to pay extra for food, because some whiny jews and muslims insist upon free-jobs in the food industry to make sure it's blessed by god.
I hate any sort of stupid supremacy nonsense that leaks outside it's containment nation, I don't see American Christians coming over here proclaiming their racial and religious supremacy. There are however zionists and islamic supremacists by the truckload. And worse, they actually get political traction!
We all have to pay extra for food, because some whiny jews and muslims insist upon free-jobs in the food industry to make sure it's blessed by god.

That's actually a new one for me, for a good chunk of our history we got a lot of shit because we would sell the non koshure part of the animal to Gentiles at a discount which pissed off local butchers because it under cut them.

In the modern era we slaughter houses generally speaking sell us the hind quarters because your supposed to remove the sciatic nerve and its adjoining blood vessels which is generally speaking kind of a bitch and a half. So if you enjoy the hind quarters of the cow I suppose we do make that slightly more expensive but lets show a map.


We mostly get stuck with the Rump, the brisket and the round, but because of the issues I'm talking about were generally not going to be competing with you for the Sirloin, Flank, Short plate, short Lion, Rib, and Shank. So its really going to depend on the cut of meat if your worried about Koshure compitition driving up prices.

Also were generally speaking not supposed to be competing with you for Pork, shellfish and the protiens found there so if your really worried about us driving up prices that's another area were your going to have a lack of competition.

As for free jobs on average Koshure tends to add another 2 dollars to the per pound price of meat so those people get paid extra so that the company can sell a product at a slightly better price. Not every company does this because were not the largest market out there.

Honestly I think Bidens mishandling of the economy, the at times onerous over regulation of pretty much everything, taxes that are entirely too high, and other issues are affecting your grocery bills a lot more then we are. In fact if your really looking for a true culprit who you want to beat the shit out of then you probally should be rounding up the radical enviromentalists not us.
I thought therapy was all wishy washy nonsense about talking about your feelings and stuff.

I didn't realize psychotherapy could be so hands on.

Therapy was bullshit from the beginning,when Freud invented it to take money from rich idiots.
Another compilation from polish press:

1.Good news,for start - american jew,Roy Schoeman,lost faith after 1968,till he meet God at Cape Cod in 1987 - or,atleast,feelhis presence,but do not knew his name.later in dream meet Holy Mary.
As a result,he is catholic since 1991.

2.Cyprus - in 116 AD local jews massacred local christians.Romans kicked jews out of island - not becouse they loved christians,but becouse they loved their monopoly on massacring people.

3.Mediolan plan to made Conferency about Izrael as only democratic state in Middle East.Well,leftist protested,and it would be only on-line.

4.Somebody/police catch him,but we still do not knew name/ slighty damaged door to synagogue in Warsaw - USA ambassador protested,polish president begged for forgiving etc.When sometching like that happen to Catholic Church,nobody care.

5.polish jew from Cracov alarmed entire world that bad poles destroyed mezuza on his door,police seek crymiinals.Thanks to camera,they discovered that our jew destroyed it himself.
Police of course do not arrested him.

6.Eurovision was dominated by perverts,but jews did everything to bring attention,too.Eden Golan accused others of attack - when in fact they mock her when she mocked people shouting free Palestina.
And they faked applause for her,too.When in reality people shouted at her.

7.Jewish ambassador in Poland,Livne,keep ttacking Poland for antisemitism - when Poland is safest place for jews in Europe.
And lie about polish gas chambers.

8.Poland - worst commie crimes was done by polish jews,like Izydor Kurtz/later jozef Czaplocki/,Radkiewicz and Julia brystygier.They never was punished for their crimes.

9.Remember murder on 7 WCK workers? 2 officers was dissmissed for that crime.

10.Why jews hate us for german crimes? they must hate somebody for Holocaust,and,becouse they are germans frends now,they hate us.
logical,but sad.

11.Pierre Goldman,french jew,first was trained by soviets on Cuba,fight for them in Venezuella,but quickly come back to Paris,start rbbing shops,and murdered 2 womans there.And accused judges of being antisemites.
He belived that poles are antisemites,too.

12.Johhny Daniels,who is making big career in Poland,belived that poles were worst then nazis,and nobody speak about germans.Then he come to Poland - and,when he is still jewish racist,he at least knew that nobody hate jews here.

13.When soviets destroyed russian orthodox Churcjh,main role have organization Biezpoznik/unbeliver/ lead by jew Miniej Gubelman.

14 polish leftist and ex-priest,Stanislaw Obirek - is big Izrael friend.To the point that waifu on hewish diplomat,Szoszana Ronen,was his lover.

15.Guru of transhumanism is jew Yuval Harari.

16.There are normal jews,too - when polish president remove crossess in warsaw,jewish professor Joseph Weiler laugh at his ignorance.

17.Unfortunatelly - most are not normal,for example Jacob Robinson,lithuanian jew who run to USA,in 1943 blamed poles for german crimes

18.Raul Hilberg /american jew/wrote about Holocaust - Dstruction of european jews- and he wrote Truth,that jewish authorities cooperated with germans in killing their own people.Yad Vashem do not liked that.

19.In Łódż jewish leader,Mordechaj Rumkowski,send to death camps all his people.Dora Horn even wrote about that - but turned all germans into nazis there.
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Jewish racists - jewish racist sect "Chabad lubowicz" follow book "Tanja" wroten by rabin Szneur-Zalman,who created Chabad.
According to that,only jews have normal souls,all goim have lesser souls and live to serve jews.

When only jews are destinied to rule over world and unite with god,all goim msy become Noahides.Which mean,then we must not only serve jews,but also stop being Christians.
Becouse jews could not let anybody belive in Jesus.

And,they belive in great Izrael bullshit/from Egypt to Euphrate/ ,and want Temple build in jerusalem now,in place of mosque.Which mean WW3,of course.

There is book about those madmans - "Messianic Zionism in the Digital Age:Jews,Noahides,and the Third Temple imaginary" by Rachel Feldman.

P.S Normally,it would not be problem - but those madmans are influencing Izrael,and Natanjahu is doing what that sect want.
We could have jewish Hamas leading Izrael state soon.
Interesting sign from the DC Protests due to Netanyahu's visit.

Also showering the love upon the infamous Watergate Hotel where Netanyahu is staying at.

This is probably the most epic rant of the day. Lotta good quotes here.

Interesting sign from the DC Protests due to Netanyahu's visit.

Also showering the love upon the infamous Watergate Hotel where Netanyahu is staying at.

This is probably the most epic rant of the day. Lotta good quotes here.

"It's not about hate. You should take your hate somewhere else,"

Clearly, they have no idea what they signed up for, and absolutely zero self-awareness.
Interesting sign from the DC Protests due to Netanyahu's visit.

Also showering the love upon the infamous Watergate Hotel where Netanyahu is staying at.

This is probably the most epic rant of the day. Lotta good quotes here.

Our enemies are fighting over who would take Earth and rule over us?
Good,let them fight.
What's this "our" business you're going on about? The Israelis are your enemies, not mine; while the opposite is true of the Palestinians, at least from your perspective.
Chabad nutjobs want take over entire world,not only steal from Poland.And their puppet Natanjahu would start WW3 when he made temple in mosque place.
Which would destroy everybody including you.

If you think that they are not everybody enemies,read their sacred book,Tanja.According to that,we are all lesser humans who live to serve jews.Are you happy with it?

P.S If we still had old normal zionists there,you would be right - but,sadly,Chabad nutjobs replaced them.
Our enemies are fighting over who would take Earth and rule over us?
Good,let them fight.
No, you are the enemy of Jews and anyone who supports Israel, that is very clear in how you speak about Jewish people and the lengths you go to to stuff threads full of 'Polish news' that is always complaining about the Jews in one way or another.

The fact you continue to try to turn any thread you participate in, into someplace to dump Jew hate, is why no one cares what you think, except to laugh at you.

Half the time I would call you a fucking Russian bot, but even the Ru troll farms aren't this stupid and have don't have nearly as bad a grasp of the English language as you demonstrate.
No, you are the enemy of Jews and anyone who supports Israel, that is very clear in how you speak about Jewish people and the lengths you go to to stuff threads full of 'Polish news' that is always complaining about the Jews in one way or another.

The fact you continue to try to turn any thread you participate in, into someplace to dump Jew hate, is why no one cares what you think, except to laugh at you.

Half the time I would call you a fucking Russian bot, but even the Ru troll farms aren't this stupid and have don't have nearly as bad a grasp of the English language as you demonstrate.
Nope,my uneducated friend.Jews ruling Izrael are enemies of mine,necouse they lie about polish Holocaust and want steal money from us,but i do not care about them.

Only reason why i care about Bibi madness is becouse he could start WW3 when he built temple in place of mosque in jerusalem,and that war could destroy poland,too.

If Bibi started war in which he would die with Izrael and all arabs,i would not care.

And,i have notching against normal jews who do not want to take over world,made great izrael to Euphrat,or built temple.
Only Chabda lubowicz nutjobs.Who,by the way,consider you as lesser human who was made to serve them.
Are you really OK with that?

If you do not belive,read "Tanya",Chabad sacred book.And ask yourself,if you really is happy as goim in their world.

P.S Izrael ruled by normal zionists was OK.Current Chabad puppet ruling there is going to kill izrael,and many other people wit it.
"The Squad" Congresswoman of Michigan, Rashida Tlaib apparently reposted an obviously fake news article originally tweeted out by a distinguished Rutgers Professor and Human Rights Attorney Noura Erakat.

If the poll is fake then the creator of the fake poll should be shamed. What they did is wrong, as it then makes actual legitimate criticism weaker.

But the story itself might not be fake news, as there are Israeli groups that do support rape. And there was a group that stormed a prison to protest against IDF soldiers being arrested and investigated for rape.

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If the poll is fake then the creator of the fake poll should be shamed. What they did is wrong, as it then makes actual legitimate criticism weaker.

But the story itself might not be fake news, as there are Israeli groups that do support rape. And there was a group that stormed a prison to protest against IDF soldiers being arrested and investigated for rape.

There is in fact a follow up to this particular allegation, explaining why it was just that, and why pro-IDF people found the credit given to it outrageous.
Funny how you don't link to that...
Who would have thought, terrorists use classic criminal tricks.

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