United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

Obviously both kinds of people exist. Former liberal-progressives who got "mugged by reality" - or who got off the Leftist crazy-train at some point when the ever-moving goalposts became too much for them.

And former libertarian individualists, who came to understand the basic weakness of that ideology.

Of course. There is a solid contingent of former communists and left-lib types but the majority are either former conservatives or former libertarians.
I've never seen anything suggesting Spencer was a paleocon by such a definition, but then I've not seen a lot of what he may or may not have been before 2010 anyways.

What have you seen that suggests he was?
He used to edit taki mag and was pupil of guys like gottfried, buchanan and francis. Understand, the original paleocons like Sam Francis and Joe Sobran were far more radical than the comparatively watered down versions that use the term now.
The business interests and the righteingers basically wanted Hitler and Stalin to eat each-other.

To this number you can include early libertarians like Any Rand.

And while I disagree on her views that America has profited nothing from the 2 world wars, she had a point, "isolationism" is a favorite term used by liberal/"progressive" globalist smear merchants and their coterie of special Interest groups.
Usually groups that profit from the war or have some connection to or support for a particular side because of ethnic, racial, religious or ideological links, views and interests that have nothing to do with the nation at large's interests.

Ayn Rand and the World She Made - Wikipedia

As to this lady Bowhatsit that advocated for Rand to join the pro-war bandwagon, well:

Wasn't that some hyper-racis movie or something...
You want Rachel Maddow's Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism, the most infuriating possible history book on the interwar era. A bunch of propagandists and pro-war bureaucrats bragging about how before Pearl Harbor the American people didn't want to join WW2, until the propagandists and bureaucrats formed a conspiracy against the popular will to try and force them anyway. From the self-serving perspectives of said conspirators, arguing It's A Good Thing™.
You want Rachel Maddow's Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism, the most infuriating possible history book on the interwar era. A bunch of propagandists and pro-war bureaucrats bragging about how before Pearl Harbor the American people didn't want to join WW2, until the propagandists and bureaucrats formed a conspiracy against the popular will to try and force them anyway. From the self-serving perspectives of said conspirators, arguing It's A Good Thing™.
Yup, because the New Dealers and their forefathers, the supporters of Willsonianism were not fanboys of fascism and communism and didn't salivate at the chance to grab more power, censor more people and "manage" democracy so only they and their buddies are in power.
What you should read is Nemesis by C. A. Bond.
Prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, most Americans saw World War II (quite accurately) as little more than a renewal of World War I, a European conflict which America would do well to avoid repeating the mistake of being involved with. Those that were pro-war were even split between those who said we should side with the Nazis because Communism was the greater evil, and those who said we should side with the Communists because Nazism was the greater evil.

(My opinion is that American intervention in World War II was justified by the utter moral depravity of Germany and Japan, but we only knew about that retroactively. We certainly should have stayed out of World War I.)

Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were both prominently in the pro-Nazi camp. Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle and was repeatedly praised by Hitler himself for his pre-war contributions to the cause of anti-Semitism, while Lindberg notably was denied reinstatement of his Army Air Corps commission after he resigned in protest at war with Germany, and as a civilian "volunteer" had to be exiled to the Pacific theater of operations because he literally could not be trusted in Europe.

Israel Consulate in San Fran has been stormed by over 100 activists, set to occupy the building.
Compilation from polish press about antisemitism:

1.After 1968,polish commies kicked out some jewish commies from Poland/althought they still could take their property...or somebody else property/
some were commie cryminals,like Helena wolińska,responsible for many murders after 1945 in Poland.

When Jadwiga Staniszkis meet them in London in 1970 after commies murdered workers in Gdańsk,and when they both hear info,Wolińska was happy becouse,according to her,Gomółka who kicked her out of Poland would lost power becouse of it.
Polish workers were notching for her.
That was Staniszkis reaction - people are dying,what are you talking about?

But,it show why average poles could be antisemites - thanks to commie jews who ruled here after 1945.

2.Izrael ,among many others,murdered polish volunteer for WCK in Gaza,Damian Sobol.His funeral was 20.4.2024,and many people come,including catholic bishop,Palestine ambassador,envoy of polish president,envoys from Turkey embassy,WCK founder Jose Andres - only Izrael embassy send nobody.

And,they do not even mentioned it - but thank german embassy for partially paing for repair of dooe to Warsaw synagogue ,damaged in supposed antisemite attack.

Germans said,that they could not change destroyed jewish life in Poland,but could pay for doore.

Both Izrael and germans do not even mentioned,who destroyed jewish life in Poland.
I could undarstandt germans,but jewish ambassador sold memory of german crimes for repairing damaged doors.
And keep attacking Poland.

It is really hard to not be antisemite in Poland now,thanks to izrael ambassador.

3.Dude who damaged door was catched,and polish president and Foreign Minister both made apology.Everybody and his dog talk about it.
In Bytom somebody break into catholic Church,desacrated The Holy Sacrament.President said notching,polish media were silent,not mention in other countries.

4.In Ravensbruck,german work camp for woman,most/24%/ were polish woman.But - it was first turned into camp for jews/15%/ ,and now lesbians.Well,german cryminals send there - some were lesbians,and attacked other prisoners.

5.When you google "antisemitism in Poland" you get about 30M results.Antisemitism in Germany - half of that.
In RL in Germany we have 100 times more attacks on jews in Germany then Poland.

6.Polish jew,Marian Frenkiel ,become member of commie secret police in occupied Poland in 1946.Later become public prosecutor in military,always eager to kill as many polish patriots as possible no matter what law said.
After 1956 even commies accused him of crimes,but,of course,notching happened to him.

But,they must remove him from military - and send to made career and money in civilan life.
Died in 1995,never punished for his crimes.

It is kind of miracle,that we do not have pogroms in Poland now.Or,we are nation of Saints.
But,since we are not Saints,it must be miracle.
I come back to Sherlock Holmes,and discovered story which i never read - Shoscombe Old Place.
He check sir Robert Norberton,who behave strange - but when he discoverd,that he only hide natural death of his sister,waiting for horse race to win and pay usurers,Holmes did notching.

Usurers would take his horse and hause,becouse he hate them and almost kill one.
Sir Robert win and live happily in his house till his death.

In the end,Holmes mention,as if it was obvious,that all usurers,including that he get beaten,were jews....

Reality of 19th century England showed in one of Arthur Conan-Doyle works.
I thought therapy was all wishy washy nonsense about talking about your feelings and stuff.

I didn't realize psychotherapy could be so hands on.
I thought therapy was all wishy washy nonsense about talking about your feelings and stuff.

I didn't realize psychotherapy could be so hands on.

The psychiatric field, like all soft sciences, was fully capture by regressive leftist ideologues a long time ago. His job isn't to help people with their mental issues; it's to introduce new ones in them his ideology thinks are good to have, and to label people who don't share his insane ideology as insane.

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