United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

Whatever his reasons, losing Curtis is a shame, and sadly not an isolated one. We seem to have absolutely hemorrhaged users over the last year. And almost no new users have come to replace them. Those few who do come rarely stay for long.

I don't think anyone is at fault, but this site seems to be in a death spiral. Another year or two like this and the Sietch will be a ghost town.
Whatever his reasons, losing Curtis is a shame, and sadly not an isolated one. We seem to have absolutely hemorrhaged users over the last year. And almost no new users have come to replace them. Those few who do come rarely stay for long.

I don't think anyone is at fault, but this site seems to be in a death spiral. Another year or two like this and the Sietch will be a ghost town.

We still have a pretty good crew around here and a lot of fun people.

Over all as internet communities go its pretty nice here.
We still have a pretty good crew around here and a lot of fun people.

Over all as internet communities go its pretty nice here.
Think what you will some people disagree on the way things are going here.

In any case this is talk for TS affairs not the Antisemitism thread.
I'll be blunt, with the amount of open antisemitism that is showing up more and more on this site, I'm surprised we have as many Jewish members staying around as we do.
I'll be blunt, with the amount of open antisemitism that is showing up more and more on this site, I'm surprised we have as many Jewish members staying around as we do.
Because the majority of level-headed jews don't fear 'antisemitism' because they're synonymous with 'normal people' and not racial stereotypes.
Because the majority of level-headed jews don't fear 'antisemitism' because they're synonymous with 'normal people' and not racial stereotypes.
Uh, plenty of normal Jews fear antisemitism, particularly when pro-Hamas and anti-zionist groups are getting rather bold and brave in attacking Jews across the world just for being Jews.

Or do you think all those pro-Hamas folks who are harassing Jewish people in the US 'in support of Gaza' aren't real?
Uh, plenty of normal Jews fear antisemitism, particularly when pro-Hamas and anti-zionist groups are getting rather bold and brave in attacking Jews across the world just for being Jews.

Or do you think all those pro-Hamas folks who are harassing Jewish people in the US 'in support of Gaza' aren't real?
A metric shitload of jews are so comically similar to Europeans phenotypically that you require actual nazi-era physiogamy to figure out who's a jew or not.
Aside from their comical names like Goldberg, Silverstein, etc you'd have ZERO DAMNED CLUE if they were just minding their own business doing their jobs or whatever.
Which is exactly what happens in real life, there's craploads of jews running about just doing normal people things. They aren't coveting money, drinking blood or doing weird shit. They're just normal people. The scary 'anti semites' aren't even aware of their presence.
The pro-Hamas people are harrassing the jews in the US because the jews in question are waving israel flags in a foreign nation, with stupid made up names like "Shekelberg Goldsmith" who are insisting their superiority due to their religion. The harrassment still shouldn't be occuring. But god damn it's understandable.
Imagine if a bunch of retarded arabs with names like "Mohummad Derka Derka" was in Israel flying the palestine flag while insisting death to the infidels? Throw a stone at the bastard for all I care!
A metric shitload of jews are so comically similar to Europeans phenotypically that you require actual nazi-era physiogamy to figure out who's a jew or not.
Aside from their comical names like Goldberg, Silverstein, etc you'd have ZERO DAMNED CLUE if they were just minding their own business doing their jobs or whatever.
I actually know and live around a lot of Jewish people, who I see going to temple or afterwards, have been around Jewish coworkers and classmates my whole life. They aren't all the same skin color either, because shock of shocks, Jews can be of many ethnicities, and still be Jewish.

Knowing if someone is a Jew is not a guessing game for me, because the Jews in my area aren't afraid to show their faith in public.

You are the one conflating 'Jewish religion' with 'Jewish race' at a biological level that seems very reminiscent of the way the German's treated Jewish people in the 30's and 40's.
Which is exactly what happens in real life, there's craploads of jews running about just doing normal people things. They aren't coveting money, drinking blood or doing weird shit. They're just normal people. The scary 'anti semites' aren't even aware of their presence.
The pro-Hamas people are harrassing the jews in the US because the jews in question are waving israel flags in a foreign nation, with stupid made up names like "Shekelberg Goldsmith" who are insisting their superiority due to their religion. The harrassment still shouldn't be occuring. But god damn it's understandable.
Imagine if a bunch of retarded arabs with names like "Mohummad Derka Derka" was in Israel flying the palestine flag while insisting death to the infidels? Throw a stone at the bastard for all I care!
That you honestly believe this shit is disturbing, moronic, and you aren't presenting any evidence of anything except how unhinged you are with regards to the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.
You are the one conflating 'Jewish religion' with 'Jewish race' at a biological level that seems very reminiscent of the way the German's treated Jewish people in the 30's and 40's.
Eh? Jews absolutely are a race though, they insist upon it.
The pro-Hamas people are harrassing the jews in the US because the jews in question are waving israel flags in a foreign nation, with stupid made up names like "Shekelberg Goldsmith" who are insisting their superiority due to their religion. The harrassment still shouldn't be occuring. But god damn it's understandable.
Most aren't "waving Israeli flags", and most of the pro-Hamas people can hardly complain about that as they are even worse in that regard because they not only wave Palestinian flags at best (insert random anti-immigration meme), but they wave outright terrorist and jihadist flags at worst, including some organizations recognized as adversarial to USA.
Even going as far as supporting certain people who shoot at US ships regularly right now.
Most aren't "waving Israeli flags", and most of the pro-Hamas people can hardly complain about that as they are even worse in that regard because they not only wave Palestinian flags at best (insert random anti-immigration meme), but they wave outright terrorist and jihadist flags at worst, including some organizations recognized as adversarial to USA.
Oh, the palestine flag waving is absolutely abhorrent too. And completely non-nationalistic. D:<
Eh? Jews absolutely are a race though, they insist upon it.
Not in the sense your stupid 'A metric shitload of jews are so comically similar to Europeans phenotypically that you require actual nazi-era physiogamy to figure out who's a jew or not.' type bullshit.

Jewish people are not all of one skin color, nor are they all of one phenotype either.

They are a 'race' only in the sense that they have a shared heritage in the old Jewish kingdoms around Israel, before the various exiles scattered them to other nations, as well as the whole 'Beta Israel' situation in Ethopia with the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon's alliance.
Not in the sense your stupid 'A metric shitload of jews are so comically similar to Europeans phenotypically that you require actual nazi-era physiogamy to figure out who's a jew or not.' type bullshit.

Jewish people are not all of one skin color, nor are they all of one phenotype either.

They are a 'race' only in the sense that they have a shared heritage in the old Jewish kingdoms around Israel, before the various exiles scattered them to other nations, as well as the whole 'Beta Israel' situation in Ethopia with the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon's alliance.
There's multiple ethnicities of jews though? They all call themselves jews and they look different. But they just give themselves a unique label.
"Ashkenazi" and so on.
They aren't being harassed because 'right wing' behavior gets you arrested in America/West. X_X
So if hating on Israel and its supporters in USA is a left wing thing, why does a certain bunch of aspiring right wingers here do it?
Look, what Jews had better understand is that this is all the Golem running amok. They brought it upon themselves.

For decades whites have been guilt-tripped for land-grabbing from weaker people, especially "people of color." But that's in the past, and barring time travel nothing can be done about it.

So you have guilt-tripped LEFTISTS, which Jews largely created, guilt-tripped about something they can do nothing about- oh but wait, "whites" in Israel with the help of evil white America are grabbing land from Palestinians, people of color! THAT is happening NOW, so there IS something that can be done about it! Down with whitey Israel taking land from the new American Indians! As for attacks on Israel, that is so heroic and brave- you know, like when the Zulu or American Indians attacked and killed the ones grabbing THEIR land.

But there is something more now. Jewish groups made leftists as a proxy army against whites. The Frankfurt School hated blacks and had little respect for women but when it was obvious long ago straight white men wouldn't drink the Kool-Aid only then did those leftist (and usually Jewish) groups suddenly show concern- and pushed "kill whitey" along the way.

Problem is, as with Hollywood, leftism is out of control and is costing their former masters billions. And newspapers like The NY Post screaming rage about how not only should the protestors be arrested but jailed for daring to oppose Jews (that's the real crux of the matter) has made leftists wonder why the media was so pro-BLM but now suddenly is against them.

It's for the same reason Occupy Wall Street was brought down. If it had stayed on campuses and opposed capitalism in favor of communism (a Jewish creation) all well and good but those idiots went too far and actually physically went to Wall Street- and guess who has a disproportionate presence there? What's more, with the financial meltdown of 2008 fast approaching the last thing they wanted was the spotlight on them, so all of a sudden the media turned on the protestors, and infiltration ruined them from within. It was not so much disorganization and too many "causes" because leftism has been about that all along.

They have finally figured it out. They are now and were always meant to be attack dogs for their Jewish supremacist masters. But what do you do if your attack dog turns on YOU? That's right- you take it down.

No, it's not ALL Jews but I haven't exactly heard a lot of "normal" Jews bashing their own for what they are doing to my demographic while my moronic demographic will ban and even kill each other for them. If Jews want my help they had better start helping me, even if that means turning against fellow Jews. It's all gone too far for it to be any other way.
Eh? Jews absolutely are a race though, they insist upon it.

That's a complicated issue in our community.

As the old saying goes 2 jews three opinions and we bicker about that shit like...all of the fucking time.

We do have ethnicities though the Ashkenazi, Sepharadi, Mizrahi, and Ethipion being the main ones though there are other off shoots.

Simple way to simplifiy that down is thus.

Ashkenazi or my people are the snow jews, the Sepharadi or the meditarian community are the sea jews, the Mizahai or the middle eastern part of the community are the sand jews, and Beta israel of Ethiopia are the mountain jews.

No I don't take myself ultra serious. To some people in the community we absolutely are our own race, others of us think of ourselves as mostly a religion some a combination of both and over all this is just one of those topics we like to bicker about.

Yes, I know you are a moron who believes all sorts of antisemitic bullshit, you don't have to keep proving it.

There is an old Jewish saying.

Don't invent evil where none exists.

I've dealt with actual anti semites, I know what they look like I know what they act like Zeno isn't one of them.

And the whole waving the Israeli flag thing is an argument I've heard around my own kitchen table where a few of us think its inapropiate because we are americans and its another country. Others think its ok when your standing on an issue where you think its morrally correct, and others don't even think of Israel and just think of it as an ethnic thing.

It would be hilarously hipicritical to give Zeno shit on having an opinion on shit we bicker about all of the time. One of the reasons why this website was created was so that people could have open honest conversations and get to a more realisitic view of the world and some times those conversations are uncomfortable.

Thats just the nature of life because life is uncomfortable.

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