This is a personal reaction of a sort. I'm a mod, but I haven't really trusted myself to mod the Israel thread. Some of the folks posting there are just proving me right when I am convinced anti-semitism might be on the damn rise in this country.
My grandfather and his comrades did not spend 15 months in the ETO, culminating in the liberation of Odruf Nord (A subcamp of Dachau) just to see this become fashionable again. And I as his grandson am not going to put up with it either.
I am a American Jew. I love my country. I loved it enough to put up my right hand and write the proverbial check that included my life to my country. I found out I was an epileptic, which precluded my career plans in the Army, but I took the damn oath.
But I don't get to stop being a Jew. Not now, not ever. Because every time something like October 7th happens, there's always some idiot who's all too happy to remind me I am a Jew. Guess what? I am not afraid. I am a proud Jew of a long line of Jews who fought when their country needed them. I am proud of my damn lineage.
But now I hear Jews being afraid. Jews removing the mezuzahs over their doors. Worried about wearing their yarmalukes in public. Wondering if their synagogue is safe. Worried their kids are safe at school. And in every Jew's mind is one damn phrase "Dear G_d, not again."
We aren't Nazi Germany. We fought and beat Nazi Germany.
When I see idiots removing posters of missing children in Israel, I wonder if they have checked out on the human race. Really, if you agree with this? Are you a conservative? Do you stand for human freedom? What are your principles? Do you even have any? Or are you just a baying member of a bloodthirsty mob?
We see our supposed best and brightest at our elite universities join that baying mob. We see our media organs give them cover. Kudos to Fox News for not doing that. And we see a president whose party can't condemn it because they're scared of alienating their base. Um, excuse me? Part of your base are vile anti-semites. Who cares?
I know anti-semitism is against the rules here. And that is a good thing. But it's time to make a choice as members of this board between civilization and barbarism. Between light and darkness. It's time to take a stand. I'll stand alone if I have to. But I'd be grateful for the company.
My grandfather and his comrades did not spend 15 months in the ETO, culminating in the liberation of Odruf Nord (A subcamp of Dachau) just to see this become fashionable again. And I as his grandson am not going to put up with it either.
I am a American Jew. I love my country. I loved it enough to put up my right hand and write the proverbial check that included my life to my country. I found out I was an epileptic, which precluded my career plans in the Army, but I took the damn oath.
But I don't get to stop being a Jew. Not now, not ever. Because every time something like October 7th happens, there's always some idiot who's all too happy to remind me I am a Jew. Guess what? I am not afraid. I am a proud Jew of a long line of Jews who fought when their country needed them. I am proud of my damn lineage.
But now I hear Jews being afraid. Jews removing the mezuzahs over their doors. Worried about wearing their yarmalukes in public. Wondering if their synagogue is safe. Worried their kids are safe at school. And in every Jew's mind is one damn phrase "Dear G_d, not again."
We aren't Nazi Germany. We fought and beat Nazi Germany.
When I see idiots removing posters of missing children in Israel, I wonder if they have checked out on the human race. Really, if you agree with this? Are you a conservative? Do you stand for human freedom? What are your principles? Do you even have any? Or are you just a baying member of a bloodthirsty mob?
We see our supposed best and brightest at our elite universities join that baying mob. We see our media organs give them cover. Kudos to Fox News for not doing that. And we see a president whose party can't condemn it because they're scared of alienating their base. Um, excuse me? Part of your base are vile anti-semites. Who cares?
I know anti-semitism is against the rules here. And that is a good thing. But it's time to make a choice as members of this board between civilization and barbarism. Between light and darkness. It's time to take a stand. I'll stand alone if I have to. But I'd be grateful for the company.
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