Baby boxes are emergency drop-off locations. The idea is to provide a widely known about "no questions asked" location as a safe alternative to abandonment -- it's preferable to get proper surrender/adoption paperwork done, and they will ask the person to complete paperwork if possible, but the priority is to make sure baby is safe.
Baby boxes are emergency drop-off locations. The idea is to provide a widely known about "no questions asked" location as a safe alternative to abandonment -- it's preferable to get proper surrender/adoption paperwork done, and they will ask the person to complete paperwork if possible, but the priority is to make sure baby is safe.
Anonymous abandonment is not illegal in the USA...
Which state are you're referring to ? OH 🤔

IANAL and the legal specifics vary from state to state, but it is a consistent rule of law throughout the United States that parental abandonment is in fact a crime outside of specific legal exemptions. Indeed, safe havens were heavily debated as dangerously undermining the parental abandonment laws, and the counter-argument was that was absolutely true, but that protecting abandoned infants should be the priority over punishing abandoning parents.

Note that when baby box / safe haven laws started being widely adopted in the early 2000s, Nebraska initially did not impose an age limit which resulted in children of all ages being abandoned under safe haven provisions. This loophole was amended out within about six months, and no other state had it.
IANAL and the legal specifics vary from state to state, but it is a consistent rule of law throughout the United States that parental abandonment is in fact a crime outside of specific legal exemptions. Indeed, safe havens were heavily debated as dangerously undermining the parental abandonment laws, and the counter-argument was that was absolutely true, but that protecting abandoned infants should be the priority over punishing abandoning parents.

Note that when baby box / safe haven laws started being widely adopted in the early 2000s, Nebraska initially did not impose an age limit which resulted in children of all ages being abandoned under safe haven provisions. This loophole was amended out within about six months, and no other state had it.
Here, pregnant women can just say at the hospital they don't want the baby ahead of time and leave it right after the birth.

What, do Murikhan waminz give birth outside of a hospital that often?!?!
Here, pregnant women can just say at the hospital they don't want the baby ahead of time and leave it right after the birth.

What, do Murikhan waminz give birth outside of a hospital that often?!?!

Over 98% of American childbirths occur in hospitals, but the United States is so much bigger that the remaining 2% is still over 60,000 childbirths per year. Safe haven laws aren't really about large numbers of abandonments, but on providing a safe option for the small number of cases that would otherwise be greatly endangered by an unsafe abandonment out of desperation.
The US has a bunch, bunch of empty space. Also our distances are greater. Going from London, England to Moscow, Russia is quicker than going from New York, NY to Los Angeles CA.
It's pretty unclear what this is stated in relation to, or what bearing it has on... Well, anything.
I'm trying to show the size of the US. Emphasise how much empty space this country has. I mean it is one thing to say it but to actually see it and understand is another.
Mega death is australian he really should get it.
Oh, I very much do get that's the point and how you mean it. As Cherico implies, it's even more so here. But I don't understand the relevance, sorry?

apparently this is him giving a speech to his constituents. they want him to retire. here is hoping they can primary him if he tries to run again.
@Morphic Tide @Pocky Balboa @The Whispering Monk @TheRomanSlayer @The Immortal Watch Dog
Tuberville Military Promotions Blockade Update: Looks like United States Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) blasted United States Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) over the months-long holds of military promotions because of the US Department of Defense's abortion policy. Looks like I do NOT see Tuberville lifting his holds anytime soon and I also do NOT see United States Air Force General Charles 'CQ" Brown, Jr., becoming the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff barring some miracle.

Let's not forget about Schumer's lazy ass scheduling of not forcing vote also on Senate-confirmed officers to leading the United States Marine Corps and the United States Army.
Senate Democrat: Tuberville ‘prepared to burn the military down’ with promotions blockade
How long do you think Tuberville's hold on over 300+ military promotions will last ?
A.) Until Biden leaves office on 20 January 2025
B.) Likely Republican President (either Trump or DeSantis) take office
C.) Forever
How long do you think Tuberville's hold on over 300+ military promotions will last ?
A.) Until Biden leaves office on 20 January 2025
B.) Likely Republican President (either Trump or DeSantis) take office
C.) Forever
If Biden leaves office on Inauguration Day 2025 (i.e. is not reelected), it seems very likely that his replacement would be a Republican vs. Democrat/other. So what's the difference between (A) and (B)?

As for my answer, I suspect that Tuberville's fellow Republicans will crack on holding up appointments before the Democrats/military crack on the policy that inspired it. Before the election.

If I'm wrong on that, and a Republican is headed for the White House, then I think Democrats will crack instead of delaying the inevitable. If Republicans fail to win the presidency then they will probably drop it as quietly as possible with Democrats not publicizing it in return for speed. I don't think Republicans are willing to hold things up indefinitely (e.g. 4+ years).

Under the current rules (or is it custom?) Tuberville can hold things up singlehandedly, but if enough Republicans disagree with what he's doing they can threaten to work with Democrats to alter the rules to change that. I don't know Tuberville that well, but all I have to know about him is that other Republicans will crack before he does and I think that's correct.

So in all cases I think the jam will be over before any of the options you listed, although they might not finish getting through all the backlog before then.

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