2024 TX United States Senator: Will Allred pull the trigger ?
@f1onagher @Mimas @The Whispering Monk @Typhonis @Cherico @gral @stevep @TheRomanSlayer @Zyobot @Airedale260 @Carrot of Truth @Buba

Dallas Morning News thinks the DSCC & TX Dems might've found a potential recruit in challenging United States Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in 2024.
Dallas Democrat Colin Allred ponders Senate bid against Ted Cruz
while cruz is a mid at best candidate there aren't enough dems there without extensive fortification. he is likely better than beto for whatever benchmark that is.
while cruz is a mid at best candidate there aren't enough dems there without extensive fortification. he is likely better than beto for whatever benchmark that is.
The TX Dems are desperate down here. Big question is whether Allred pulls the trigger on running for the United States Senate in 2024 ?
The TX Dems are desperate down here. Big question is whether Allred pulls the trigger on running for the United States Senate in 2024 ?
for a while texas has been trending purple. with how Biden has handled the border historically blue holdouts along the border have gone red and stayed there. Unless republicans fuck up their messaging hard and convince their base to stay home it should be a pretty safe state for them. now this is the republicans and they are historically very good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and losing in a very graceful and somber manner. Couldn't say there is no chance there because of that but between the flipping of Latinos in general and the massive movement from blue states by their more conservative constituents historical trends got screwed and neither party understands how to read the board fully.

him being popular in Dallas or Austin with democrats isn't gonna carry him. if he runs he may not fuck it up as bad as Beto did but Beto has done a lot of good publicity for the republicans down there. him saying "Hell Yeah, we are going to take your guns" is gonna be something that every Texan remembers when they go to the polls. it really sucks that the best messengers for the republicans are democrats.

Lindsey Graham has put forward legislation for US military to enter Mexico to deal with the cartels after the kidnapping/murder of 4 American citizens in Mexico in broad daylight, though it would only be allowed with the permission of the Mexican government.

Lindsey Graham has put forward legislation for US military to enter Mexico to deal with the cartels after the kidnapping/murder of 4 American citizens in Mexico in broad daylight, though it would only be allowed with the permission of the Mexican government.

Got to have somewhere to exercise troops and use up equipment. The excuse is pretty BS as the state department stopped giving a shit about Americans abroad a long time ago. Only way this excuse holds water is if it was videotaped and spread around as a scandal.
Got to have somewhere to exercise troops and use up equipment. The excuse is pretty BS as the state department stopped giving a shit about Americans abroad a long time ago. Only way this excuse holds water is if it was videotaped and spread around as a scandal.
Looks like we'll find out in 9 months if United States Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) will be seeking reelection to 3rd full 6-year term in 2024.
Got to have somewhere to exercise troops and use up equipment. The excuse is pretty BS as the state department stopped giving a shit about Americans abroad a long time ago. Only way this excuse holds water is if it was videotaped and spread around as a scandal.
There is iirc video and photo evidence as well as witnesses.
It is a real thing
There is iirc video and photo evidence as well as witnesses.
It is a real thing
He's not saying there is realistic doubt as to whether it happened, he's saying that the government doesn't care unless it becomes a scandal, large scale outrage, public pressure to do something, etc.

Personally, I'm not so sure. The lawlessness, or cartel warlordism, across the border has consequences far beyond a couple medical tourists caught in crossfire, so it's hardly beyond imagination that the US government would be willing to step in directly under the condition that the Mexican government is on board genuinely and without coercion (doing it against their will is a mess we absolutely don't need). I have serious doubts that that's in the offing; it would be a pretty huge admission of weakness to go beyond "aid" or "cooperation" to "let a foreign country unilaterally handle your internal security problems".
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He's not saying there is realistic doubt as to whether it happened, he's saying that the government doesn't care unless it becomes a scandal, large scale outrage, public pressure to do something, etc.

Personally, I'm not so sure. The lawlessness, or cartel warlordism, across the border has consequences far beyond a couple medical tourists caught in crossfire, so it's hardly beyond imagination that the US government would be willing to step in directly under the condition that the Mexican government is on board genuinely and without coercion (doing it against their will is a mess we absolutely don't need). I have serious doubts that that's in the offing; it would be a pretty huge admission of weakness to go beyond "aid" or "cooperation" to "let a foreign country unilaterally handle your internal security problems".
Lopez Orbrador is banning US intervention.
Then he needs to go in and handle this shit.
Few years back, 2018-19?, there was a massive rash of killings of Mexican politicians running for election. The only survivors were either corrupt or cowards. This may have stayed true till today, but if so then it's not news worthy. If this Orbrador is doing this, then it's because he knows that his life persists at the will of the cartels, both large and small.
He won't.
How long until the cartels see that we won't do shit about our citizens being kidnapped and then do it again? Maybe even kill border agents en mass?
'bout negative two decades. I can recall family talking about strategizing to avoid cartel kidnappings in their business trips between California and Mexico a solid fifteen years ago so it was probably going on steadily well before that.

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