Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

and I didn't want to be their pocket book but here we are anyways. a few hundred thousand dead a few hundred billion wasted and all we got to show for it is "we have degraded the Russian military machine". meanwhile gas is up. electricity costs are up. wages are stagnant at best. food is up. rent is up. Criminal aliens are coming across our borders. infrastructure is fucked. our economic reports are quietly adjusted down due to "mistakes" months after they put out the best possible numbers to make Biden look good. people are not happy with prioritizing a foreign pissing match that they don't care about over very real issues at home.

Literally none of those are because of the war in ukraine.
Why would they ever want to wage war with China? They just spent decades transferring all our wealth to China. After they're done demolishing America, our elites will simply pivot to China, where a ready-made totalitarian shithole full of obedient workers entrapped by mass surveillance and social credit scores will be ready to obey their every whim.

After years of this shit, the Davos freaks tell us we need to eat only a tidbit of meat every month and re-wear the same shirt for a year to protect the environment. After they spent decades benefiting from rampant consumerism and sweatshops, these same rich kleptocrat crooks are now funding Extinction Rebellion to sit down in the roadway and block ambulances.

The establishment will never go to war with China. China is the technocrats' pet project. Xi Jinping literally pinned a medal to Klaus Schwab's chest, the same Klaus Schwab who quite literally introduced Deng Xiaoping to our way of doing business and paved the way for China to become the world's factory, and you think our "Young Global Leaders" are gonna go to war with China? Never going to happen.
Potentially because now that they’re wrecked America, why would China let them in? Promises? No enforcement mechanism.
Interesting. I didn't even know these rumors were circulating. People are stupid (but very funny)
Wouldn't matter anyway - another would take his place.
and I didn't want to be their pocket book but here we are anyways. a few hundred thousand dead a few hundred billion wasted and all we got to show for it is "we have degraded the Russian military machine". meanwhile gas is up. electricity costs are up. wages are stagnant at best. food is up. rent is up. Criminal aliens are coming across our borders. infrastructure is fucked. our economic reports are quietly adjusted down due to "mistakes" months after they put out the best possible numbers to make Biden look good. people are not happy with prioritizing a foreign pissing match that they don't care about over very real issues at home.
And...how many reforms for all of that will get done woth the current admin?
And why can't the government just put bills passing those funds as well as the foreign policy?
And...how many reforms for all of that will get done woth the current admin?
And why can't the government just put bills passing those funds as well as the foreign policy?
Because the people in the establishment would rather send money overseas then actually fix a single problem at home. we are incapable of solving the world's problems. we are incapable of solving the world's problems while fixing our own. we probably can't solve like half of the issues we face as a nation through any amount of government intervention and redistribution. sending more money overseas won't solve any problems but will exacerbate many issues we have at home. even if it is "just" a few hundred billion.
They do though. we went over this. the FBI literally has people inserted in every tech company to censor you.

did you completely forget the twitter files?
They violated people's First Amendment protections. Flagrantly.

Where did you get the idea that those you attack are widely cherished?
They are more like a corpulent dead horse that everyone kicks and complains about the smell of but no one has idea how to move out of the way.
Our foreign policy machine is more like a bloated, dead draft horse that has reanimated into a horse zombie and is dragging us all kicking and screaming in a steel cage behind it, gripping the bars with our knuckles turning white and begging it not to use our nuclear arsenal in a hot conflict.

Again, your overdramatization badly tips off the fact that you have no friggin idea what you are talking about.
"Spending American lives like water"? Have you compared the loss rates of GWOT USA and Russia or Syria right now? THAT is spending lives like water. America is insanely conservative with lives of their soldiers.
Every single one of the 7,000 Americans killed in the War on Terror was a life spent in service of fat cats who sit around sipping wine in giant wing-backed chairs. It did not advance the cause of American nationalism. It did not make Americans safer. It was not patriotic. It was a scam and a fraud and it wasted lives and money.

No, you don't, and if you think you do, don't be surprised if you get thrown in one bag with the people who shout about uniting the proletariate of the world.
Without resorting to going full-blown Marx and Engels, it is a fact that the particulars of my life are little different from people of the same economic class from around the rest of the world. We all generally do the same things. We clock into work. We clock out. We play Xbox. We laugh at silly meme pictures on the internet. The proles of one nation do have common cause with the proles of basically all others. And, as a matter of fact, basically all wars in human history have been started by rich thugs herding common people against each other and then enjoying a windfall from it.

To begin with, the nation-state is basically a kind of criminal cartel that extorts money from innocent people to fund the wanton murder of other innocent people. Pretty much all governments that exist today started life in antiquity as roving bands of warlords draped in loot, or descended from such states through revolutions. When they won conflicts, they assigned themselves titles and became the establishment.

Frankly, I don't understand how people can practically worship the country they live in. The idea of saluting a flag to begin with is absolutely foreign to me. It seems like a brainwashing tool of the rich. What does that flag even represent? Does it represent your neighbor, to the left and right of you? No.

To quote H.L. Mencken:

The state — or, to make matters more concrete, the government — consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get, and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting 'A' to satisfy 'B'. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction on stolen goods.

It represents a tiny clique of wealthy oligarchs who think we're their cattle, and that they have the right to tax us and draft us and send us to die, spending our lives on whatever project they see fit, all just to enrich themselves further.

So fucking what? Yeah, nation building was stupid because it didn't work, that doesn't make killing of jihadis of the world stupid, that makes the "liberal tolerant" way of waging war of them stupid - as you see with the connection in hiring local contractors in the name of shitlib idea of making things better for Afghans - disregarding the fact a lot of them are savages.
They are poor and uneducated. There are Afghan men out there who are so uneducated, they don't even realize how sex works.

Our own governments divvied up the Ottoman Empire through the Sykes-Picot agreement and promoted Salafism to keep the Islamic world poor, stupid, and divided between warring tribes of religious fanatics. All so that we, today, can dismiss them as backward savages worthy of being bombed into submission and deprived of education and economic prosperity.

The immigrants flooding our borders have nowhere else to live. We reduced their homes to rubble. By all means, let's invite the "savages" here and give them a dole. Surely, that will improve their lot.

That was sarcasm, by the way.

Or perhaps that's just the historical norm. Again, don't even bother trying to sell pacifist sentiments to me, it only raises my bullshit alarms.
I am more anti-war than Caitlin Johnstone. Always have been.

All wars, everywhere, are fundamentally a form of criminal fraud and racketeering. They are presented to the public as one thing, as a guarantor of security and prosperity, but accomplish the exact opposite, draining away treasure, creating regional instability, greatly diminishing people's living standards inside conflict zones, driving up the cost of goods with inflation, and so on.

They cannot be rationally justified. Not when the spending could be put toward better, life-improving projects.

Then the people were stupid in both electing him and the reasons they elected him for. Obama is a perfect example of worst of both worlds - a leftist and a managerialist corruptocrat all in one. He tried to wage wars, but waged them in very unoptimal, naive, and easily scammed by islamist shitters way.
Neocons and shitlibs all generally want the same things. Hillary Clinton and John Bolton and the rest of the Blob want more war, more deficit spending, and more Americans impoverished and living in soulless bughives with shitty, unmaintained infrastructure.

Far-left and far-right populists also, generally speaking, want the same main thing, which is food on the table and a roof over our heads.

Is it such a big ask?

Random bullshitting about le evil rich people for clueless teenage socialists.
Why doesn't it work in the more socialdemocratic countries in Europe in any way resembling what these people promise, including the countries they put up as their examples? Buying from China and the like is as, if not more popular there than in USA.
In the past fifty years in America, when you account for inflation, the cost of housing has more than doubled, the cost of education has tripled, the real GDP has more than quadrupled, and our wages have remained basically the same.

Back in the sixties, America was an industrial powerhouse with the best educational institutions in the world. People could afford a house and a car and a family practically right out of high school. They didn't need degrees. Now, after the Nixon Shock and decades of outsourcing and free trade and basically letting rich people treat the entire planet as a borderless, undifferentiated pool of labor, we have people with BAs flipping burgers and spending half of their income on renting a tiny, prison-cell-like studio apartment.

Who would willingly go to war to defend this? Rentier scum have made us their bitches! Even medieval peasants had more vacations than we do.

Which ironically is an argument shouted from the rooftops by people who want NATO to back down on Ukraine, both in Russia and USA, and as something desirable by them of course.
Ditto for all other western interference in places Russia and China want to grab.
A multipolar world is a world of constant war (and not meme forever war leftists scream about because some jihadi shitsters in bumfuck nowhere are getting bombed, but actual constant high level warfare that will compare passably to 40k and Battletech) , and timidity and weakness on western side will bring it about.
Hence, i oppose the world WEF wants, i want total global western domination, with dictators of Russia and China worrying whether they are going to wake up every time they go to sleep.
Kayfabe. Fake. Theater.

Our leaders don't give a damn about Russian or Chinese dictators. They're all on the same side. They just prop Xi and Putin up as boogeymen to keep the rest of us in line.

Here's Bush, Hu Jintao, and Putin hobnobbing around in robes.


To quote the late George Carlin, it's a big club, and we're not in it.

Have you ever read Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope? Every armed conflict is inching us that much closer to the world that Davos Man wants. World leaders appear as enemies to the public, but behind closed doors, they have a consensus, and that consensus is to herd the rest of us off a cliff to our untimely demise and then to sit on a beach sipping pina coladas while robots build a free cornucopia of wealth for them.

Why the WEF wants that? Because in a world of shaky balance of many powers, a bunch of well connected people with some meaningful influence can pick the winners by merely putting their thumb on the scale, as kingmakers, giving them more power than they have by themselves.
In the dreaded by leftist "unipolar world", the western powers can just decide to ignore them if they wish so one day, even if they decide to retaliate by putting their thumb on the other's scale, it won't change anything.
Davos already plays kingmaker as it is. This idealized "west" you're describing doesn't exist. It's a proxy of Davos.

Oh it is very real for the CCP. It is not real to the elites - fighting it would be too difficult and costly for both their capabilities and dirty alliances. So they eternally kick the can down the road, and call getting a decent price for the next kick a victory.
They never intended to fight it in earnest. They want America to lose and for China to take over. Why else do you think they poisoned our servicemen with a vaccine that causes myocarditis and other chronic illnesses? They plan on US airmen being so disabled that they can't keep the CCP from crossing the Taiwan Strait. Our own Pentagon did that to our own soldiers, on the globalists' orders.

We are being set the fuck up, and people are too dull to see it.

So am i. They should worry about policing the seas and China's cyberwarfare instead. But hey, that's actually hard, useless fucks they be, easier to police spicy memes on the internet.
Every branch of politics is completely moronic.

The far-left have sunk into a pit of identitarian lunacy, advocating for every pet minority to be elevated to practical godhood and given a pat on the ass for nothing. In a world where people are no longer measured by their accomplishments and everyone is trapped in a simulacrum of reality, broadcasting one's own identity is the last refuge of emotional security they have left to them.

The center-left managerialists are a bunch of finger-steepling Machiavellians and weird mincing Fabians cozying up to old money aristocrats, trying to eliminate the middle class's gains and prevent the emergence of a new Elite by keeping everyone stalled at a level of base subsistence. They run all the NGOs, all the bureaus, all the intelligence services, and they hold all the real levers of power.

The Neocon/Shitlib centrist blob keep sending people to fight and die on behalf of the center-left finger-steepling Machiavellians who write the actual policies that our useless politicians rubber-stamp before kneeling and kissing their masters' signet rings.

Conservatives are busy cheerleading for a corporatist system that hates their guts, lavishly funds left-wing causes, and wants to replace all of us with cheap immigrant labor so their shareholders can sock more money in Panama.

The far-right are living in a weird Ragnar Redbeard, Evolapilled fantasy where they imagine they can reclaim their lost dignity through raw martial might that is absolutely useless in a modern society ruled by information warfare. The far-right proposition is essentially that if you go to the gym, sit outside in the cold like Wim Hof, pray to Odin, and eat a sufficient quantity of organ meat, it will somehow miraculously transport us back to mid-1950s racial demographics. Not going to happen.

It's the people being different, and the place reflects that change.

Invite even more third world people, they will reach a whole another level of disgusting, with more slum vibe.
Material culture reflects the culture of people who build and live in it, and this theory fits well with what we know of the recent cultural transformation of western societies and city dwellers in particular.

It's the other way around. It looks this way because the psychological war made them tolerant, even welcoming of it in the most successful cases of brainwashing, see Bezmenov, demoralization. Or the recent "package cuck" news story for a demonstration that such people exist, and how they think. The modern shitty city is a place made for "those people", not for us, and "those people", however insane it looks to us, are fine with it.
We could call them the Soviet Man 2.0.
It wasn't a natural evolution. The anarcho-tyranny and demoralization are the products of the system's deliberate design. Our leaders want us to be desperate and atomized and insane, so they can mold us into whatever form they desire in the future.
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Every branch of politics is completely moronic.

The far-left have sunk into a pit of identitarian lunacy, advocating for every pet minority to be elevated to practical godhood and given a pat on the ass for nothing. In a world where people are no longer measured by their accomplishments and everyone is trapped in a simulacrum of reality, broadcasting one's own identity is the last refuge of emotional security they have left to them.

The center-left managerialists are a bunch of finger-steepling Machiavellians and weird mincing Fabians cozying up to old money aristocrats, trying to eliminate the middle class's gains and prevent the emergence of a new Elite by keeping everyone stalled at a level of base subsistence. They run all the NGOs, all the bureaus, all the intelligence services, and they hold all the real levers of power.

The Neocon/Shitlib centrist blob keep sending people to fight and die on behalf of the center-left finger-steepling Machiavellians who write the actual policies that our useless politicians rubber-stamp before kneeling and kissing their masters' signet rings.

Conservatives are busy cheerleading for a corporatist system that hates their guts, lavishly funds left-wing causes, and wants to replace all of us with cheap immigrant labor so their shareholders can sock more money in Panama.

The far-right are living in a weird Ragnar Redbeard, Evolapilled fantasy where they imagine they can reclaim their lost dignity through raw martial might that is absolutely useless in a modern society ruled by information warfare. The far-right proposition is essentially that if you go to the gym, sit outside in the cold like Wim Hof, pray to Odin, and eat a sufficient quantity of organ meat, it will somehow miraculously transport us back to mid-1950s racial demographics. Not going to happen.
spot on there. on all of those.
Our leaders don't give a damn about Russian or Chinese dictators. They're all on the same side. They just prop Xi and Putin up as boogeymen to keep the rest of us in line.

Here's Bush, Hu Jintao, and Putin hobnobbing around in robes.


To quote the late George Carlin, it's a big club, and we're not in it.
This is an especially important point that cannot be understated, the Communists have been bankrolling the U.S. Liberal Democrat elite for decades, the Bilderberg Group has invited Chinese elites to their meetings. And then there's that David Rockefeller connection to modern China, probably the closest thing on Earth to a modern Nazi Germany. Don't be fooled, it isn't the rabble-rousing leftist agitators blocking traffic you need to worry about. It's the fucking Communists who are IN POWER RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK in the SECOND MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY ON THE PLANET...

The US deep state supported and bolstered the Islamist fundamentalist extremists in the 70's against the Soviets (who we were also in bed with at the uppermost echelons of US elitism), which would then go on to seize power in Iran and become the most powerful military in the Middle-East due to all the fancy equipment we armed them with. And now you have Russia led by Putin, a protege of Yeltsin, whom we supported against Gorbachev...

@Iconoclast @mrttao

By 'far right' you mean what? Non-neocon right wing? Neo-Nazis? All the above?

And regardless, how do we fix the situation we're in?

Because waiting for the current elected to die off seems foolish- it will take too long, will only allow them to inflict further damage and let them line up their replacements.

They aren't going to let the reigns of power be peacefully transferred away from them. At least not beyond doing so for show while they retain all the real power. They’re already kicking and screaming over a mild reformer like Trump.

Which, to me, leaves either the cartridge box or nothing.
They violated people's First Amendment protections. Flagrantly.

Our foreign policy machine is more like a bloated, dead draft horse that has reanimated into a horse zombie and is dragging us all kicking and screaming in a steel cage behind it, gripping the bars with our knuckles turning white and begging it not to use our nuclear arsenal in a hot conflict.

Get it into your heard that the foreign policy machine is nowhere near important to the deep rot you are pointing out. It's mostly independent really. Look at other countries. Some even with quite lefty policy, joining into the complaining about muh genocide in Gaza, like Sweden - yet they have the same local problems, sometimes even worse, cities full of third world migrants, ridiculous laws facilitating that, leftists going crazy in education, ordinary people even more economically stuck as welfare cases, and so on.
Every single one of the 7,000 Americans killed in the War on Terror was a life spent in service of fat cats who sit around sipping wine in giant wing-backed chairs. It did not advance the cause of American nationalism. It did not make Americans safer. It was not patriotic. It was a scam and a fraud and it wasted lives and money.

Don't care about the lefty sentiments really.
Without resorting to going full-blown Marx and Engels, it is a fact that the particulars of my life are little different from people of the same economic class from around the rest of the world.
No they are not. You are naive if you think you are. This very same naivety among our elites has led to the migration crisis. Different cultures are different, news at eleven.
We all generally do the same things. We clock into work. We clock out. We play Xbox. We laugh at silly meme pictures on the internet. The proles of one nation do have common cause with the proles of basically all others. And, as a matter of fact, basically all wars in human history have been started by rich thugs herding common people against each other and then enjoying a windfall from it.
Read up on any societies that still live in clans before repeating that.
To begin with, the nation-state is basically a kind of criminal cartel that extorts money from innocent people to fund the wanton murder of other innocent people. Pretty much all governments that exist today started life in antiquity as roving bands of warlords draped in loot, or descended from such states through revolutions. When they won conflicts, they assigned themselves titles and became the establishment.

Frankly, I don't understand how people can practically worship the country they live in. The idea of saluting a flag to begin with is absolutely foreign to me. It seems like a brainwashing tool of the rich. What does that flag even represent? Does it represent your neighbor, to the left and right of you? No.
It's not about the piece of cloth, it's about what it represents.
Of course anyone controlling a massive organization will get rich one way or another.
But the anarkiddy complaining with a pacifistic tone is no solution at all. At best you would get a return to the era of warlords. The kind of order and at least occasional local peace we enjoy is possible only by taking the conflicts to a level of states.
Though i understand it may be getting questionable to those living in states that are not nation-states.
They are poor and uneducated. There are Afghan men out there who are so uneducated, they don't even realize how sex works.

Our own governments divvied up the Ottoman Empire through the Sykes-Picot agreement and promoted Salafism to keep the Islamic world poor, stupid, and divided between warring tribes of religious fanatics. All so that we, today, can dismiss them as backward savages worthy of being bombed into submission and deprived of education and economic prosperity.

That's a whole lot of hindsight abuse right here.
Also, the whole Ottoman Empire, yeah, surely that sounds like a very friendly and innocent thing mostly interested in making house furniture that le evil western government murdered for no reason at all.
Would you prefer the Islamic world's poor and stupid tribes of religious fanatics united and warring against other peoples like us instead?
The immigrants flooding our borders have nowhere else to live. We reduced their homes to rubble. By all means, let's invite the "savages" here and give them a dole. Surely, that will improve their lot.

That was sarcasm, by the way.
Not *we*. Their own compatriots usually.
I am more anti-war than Caitlin Johnstone. Always have been.
I've been more pro-war than Bush Jr since he was president.
All wars, everywhere, are fundamentally a form of criminal fraud and racketeering. They are presented to the public as one thing, as a guarantor of security and prosperity, but accomplish the exact opposite, draining away treasure, creating regional instability, greatly diminishing people's living standards inside conflict zones, driving up the cost of goods with inflation, and so on.
Wars exist for as long as human civilization, and will continue for as long as it does. Take any more or less exotic major culture, it did wars, and probably was good at it. It is part of human nature in terms of social organization at this point.
They cannot be rationally justified. Not when the spending could be put toward better, life-improving projects.

Neocons and shitlibs all generally want the same things. Hillary Clinton and John Bolton and the rest of the Blob want more war, more deficit spending, and more Americans impoverished and living in soulless bughives with shitty, unmaintained infrastructure.
I think what you really need is a close look at the more lefty socialist run western countries to get the idea that grass is greener on the left side out of your head. There you have all the shit you complain about and then some, but with none of the neocons and wars.
Infrastructure? Dude, the worst of them want us to not even have industry, military or otherwise. To save the planet they say.
Far-left and far-right populists also, generally speaking, want the same main thing, which is food on the table and a roof over our heads.

Is it such a big ask?
Don't you have that? Most of us in civilized countries have that and more, we can even sit and shitpost on internet basket weaving forums. It's not what we consider ordinary people in those tent cities. Junkies, migrants, people who should be either in an asylum, prison, or another country in an ideal world. Throwing more money at them like the bleeding hearts on the left want would only attract more of them.
In the past fifty years in America, when you account for inflation, the cost of housing has more than doubled, the cost of education has tripled, the real GDP has more than quadrupled, and our wages have remained basically the same.
Cost of housing where?
Blame environmentalists who are willing promoters of legally enforced artificial land scarcity combined with mass migration. It's basic economics, if something has rising demand yet limited supply, it's gonna get expensive.
Also the urbanization push has gone too far IMHO, that's also a contributing factor, city land was always more expensive than the alternative.

Back in the sixties, America was an industrial powerhouse with the best educational institutions in the world. People could afford a house and a car and a family practically right out of high school. They didn't need degrees. Now, after the Nixon Shock and decades of outsourcing and free trade and basically letting rich people treat the entire planet as a borderless, undifferentiated pool of labor, we have people with BAs flipping burgers and spending half of their income on renting a tiny, prison-cell-like studio apartment.

Who would willingly go to war to defend this? Rentier scum have made us their bitches! Even medieval peasants had more vacations than we do.
But you yourself said you see the world's peoples as undifferentiated, so which way is it?
And don't repeat lefty memes like the one about medieval peasants.
For one medieval peasants were never fully out of "work". They never had vacation in the same sense of modern urbanites, who can sit on their asses and get drunk half dead for all they care, or travel to another country for 2 weeks, no one will give a damn.
But a medieval peasant could not explain to his pigs that they aren't getting food because it's a holiday, or to the cows that they can spend a day or three unmilked because it's holidays...
Life on a farm, especially pre-modern one, was always at least half time work.
Kayfabe. Fake. Theater.

Our leaders don't give a damn about Russian or Chinese dictators. They're all on the same side. They just prop Xi and Putin up as boogeymen to keep the rest of us in line.

Here's Bush, Hu Jintao, and Putin hobnobbing around in robes.


To quote the late George Carlin, it's a big club, and we're not in it.

Have you ever read Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope? Every armed conflict is inching us that much closer to the world that Davos Man wants. World leaders appear as enemies to the public, but behind closed doors, they have a consensus, and that consensus is to herd the rest of us off a cliff to our untimely demise and then to sit on a beach sipping pina coladas while robots build a free cornucopia of wealth for them.
Armed conflicts pre-date the Davos Man by millenia, and will outlive him most likely by even more.
Davos already plays kingmaker as it is. This idealized "west" you're describing doesn't exist. It's a proxy of Davos.

They never intended to fight it in earnest. They want America to lose and for China to take over. Why else do you think they poisoned our servicemen with a vaccine that causes myocarditis and other chronic illnesses? They plan on US airmen being so disabled that they can't keep the CCP from crossing the Taiwan Strait. Our own Pentagon did that to our own soldiers, on the globalists' orders.

Do not exaggerate the numbers in front of people who know them.
If the neocon hating people who complain about military spending had their way, the airmen you speak of will have nothing to fly, nor even to practice their qualifications as pilots on.
We are being set the fuck up, and people are too dull to see it.

Every branch of politics is completely moronic.

The far-left have sunk into a pit of identitarian lunacy, advocating for every pet minority to be elevated to practical godhood and given a pat on the ass for nothing. In a world where people are no longer measured by their accomplishments and everyone is trapped in a simulacrum of reality, broadcasting one's own identity is the last refuge of emotional security they have left to them.

The center-left managerialists are a bunch of finger-steepling Machiavellians and weird mincing Fabians cozying up to old money aristocrats, trying to eliminate the middle class's gains and prevent the emergence of a new Elite by keeping everyone stalled at a level of base subsistence. They run all the NGOs, all the bureaus, all the intelligence services, and they hold all the real levers of power.

The Neocon/Shitlib centrist blob keep sending people to fight and die on behalf of the center-left finger-steepling Machiavellians who write the actual policies that our useless politicians rubber-stamp before kneeling and kissing their masters' signet rings.

Conservatives are busy cheerleading for a corporatist system that hates their guts, lavishly funds left-wing causes, and wants to replace all of us with cheap immigrant labor so their shareholders can sock more money in Panama.

The far-right are living in a weird Ragnar Redbeard, Evolapilled fantasy where they imagine they can reclaim their lost dignity through raw martial might that is absolutely useless in a modern society ruled by information warfare. The far-right proposition is essentially that if you go to the gym, sit outside in the cold like Wim Hof, pray to Odin, and eat a sufficient quantity of organ meat, it will somehow miraculously transport us back to mid-1950s racial demographics. Not going to happen.
Your problem here is that you are joining up so many angles of attack that your political position is no longer coherent. You can't spend half the post criticizing the "American empire" and then the other half criticizing the demolition of it, and then take a dump on mostly strawmen of the whole political spectrum...
Make up your damn mind on what you want and how does that fit with other political factions or not, and then make up your mind on what to do with potential allies (there will have to be compromises with them, and also with reality in general) and with irreedeemable enemies (your pacifistic sentiments may not survive that).
It wasn't a natural evolution. The anarcho-tyranny and demoralization are the products of the system's deliberate design. Our leaders want us to be desperate and atomized and insane, so they can mold us into whatever form they desire in the future.
I think Bezmenov had quite a better story of whose system's design it was.
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Because the people in the establishment would rather send money overseas then actually fix a single problem at home. we are incapable of solving the world's problems. we are incapable of solving the world's problems while fixing our own. we probably can't solve like half of the issues we face as a nation through any amount of government intervention and redistribution. sending more money overseas won't solve any problems but will exacerbate many issues we have at home. even if it is "just" a few hundred billion.
So...you would rather the dems have more money going into thier pet green and free gibs to illegals and thier voter base then supporting the eventual destruction of someone who wants to see us as a NATION dead.
Nit just as a political party like the dems.
Got it.
How about "the American empire could have been a force for good, but not with the sociopathic morons currently running it" ?
Yep.Hang entire Fed reserve and maybe Wall Street,too, and USA would be right place to rule world.
Well,Hang Antifa,too.
So...you would rather the dems have more money going into thier pet green and free gibs to illegals and thier voter base then supporting the eventual destruction of someone who wants to see us as a NATION dead.
Nit just as a political party like the dems.
Got it.

Nice false equivalence. It’s always ‘if we don’t do what the neocons want, we have to do what the neoliberal want’ with you. Here’s an idea, do neither.

Also, bold of you to think that the Democrats are going to give anything back. Never mind that an unsecured border plays right into their hands.
How about "the American empire could have been a force for good, but not with the sociopathic morons currently running it" ?
It cannot be a force for much without being even more of what some people call "sociopathic", and it cannot be for anything good without listening less to the bleeding heart morons (think going full James Napier on Afghanistan while there).
Nice false equivalence. It’s always ‘if we don’t do what the neocons want, we have to do what the neoliberal want’ with you. Here’s an idea, do neither.

Also, bold of you to think that the Democrats are going to give anything back. Never mind that an unsecured border plays right into their hands.

Correct, as long as the democrats are in change... the money either goes to crippling our enemies overseas or to crippling us domestically.
It cannot be a force for much without being even more of what some people call "sociopathic", and it cannot be for anything good without listening less to the bleeding heart morons (think going full James Napier on Afghanistan while there).

Alright - maybe just explain in simple terms how a "tradie" like THASF is better off under the American Empire than he would be were the USA isolationist.

Bonus points: explain to someone from the middle east how he's better off with the town he lives in bombed to rubble and rival gangs of Islamicists fighting each other for power, than he would be were he still living under an oppressive but stable secular dictatorship.

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