Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

It’s amusing how in a franchise obsessed with and priding itself on diversity and progressive nonsense, easily the best thing about modern live action Star Wars turned out to be a middle aged white man.

Rest in Peace Ray Stevenson. You were taken from us far too soon.
Having not seen Ashoka I can't comment on his overall performance, but I do think its indicative of the declining quality of actors. We have all these great last performances by the actors of yesteryear right before they die or retire, meanwhile the new generation of actors struggle to convincingly emote on screen.

RIP Ray Stevenson
Speaking of Jedi and Sith, I don't suppose ya'll have any lightsaber forms or types of sabers you really like?

Myself, I'd be inclined towards mastering Form VI, albeit as the backbone for a more personalized hybrid style that mixes and matches the other forms as needed. Indeed, Niman may be too "spread thin" for casual users to really leverage a specific strength or advantage, but as I recall, those who'd actually mastered it for combat use (Exar Kun and Darth Krayt, for example) have proven to be some of the deadliest and most unorthodox duelists in the setting.

Given this, I'd say combat-oriented Form VI makes the best gateway for a "master-of-all-trades" approach, with liberal use of Form II (manual dexterity and precision strikes) and Form V (counterattacks and targeted blast deflection, albeit with more favor for Shien over Djem So) that are complementary and easy to transition between while still being versatile. Maybe Form III every so often, too, if mainly for emergency situations where I need to hunker down and have no easy way out. No Form IV or VII blitzkriegs for me, thanks!
Speaking of Jedi and Sith, I don't suppose ya'll have any lightsaber forms or types of sabers you really like?

Myself, I'd be inclined towards mastering Form VI, albeit as the backbone for a more personalized hybrid style that mixes and matches the other forms as needed. Indeed, Niman may be too "spread thin" for casual users to really leverage a specific strength or advantage, but as I recall, those who'd actually mastered it for combat use (Exar Kun and Darth Krayt, for example) have proven to be some of the deadliest and most unorthodox duelists in the setting.

Given this, I'd say combat-oriented Form VI makes the best gateway for a "master-of-all-trades" approach, with liberal use of Form II (manual dexterity and precision strikes) and Form V (counterattacks and targeted blast deflection, albeit with more favor for Shien over Djem So) that are complementary and easy to transition between while still being versatile. Maybe Form III every so often, too, if mainly for emergency situations where I need to hunker down and have no easy way out. No Form IV or VII blitzkriegs for me, thanks!
As the many fake martial artists and actually effective mma fighters have proven, if you're still talking about a 'style' or 'form' you're not fighting.
Speaking of Jedi and Sith, I don't suppose ya'll have any lightsaber forms or types of sabers you really like?

Myself, I'd be inclined towards mastering Form VI, albeit as the backbone for a more personalized hybrid style that mixes and matches the other forms as needed. Indeed, Niman may be too "spread thin" for casual users to really leverage a specific strength or advantage, but as I recall, those who'd actually mastered it for combat use (Exar Kun and Darth Krayt, for example) have proven to be some of the deadliest and most unorthodox duelists in the setting.

Given this, I'd say combat-oriented Form VI makes the best gateway for a "master-of-all-trades" approach, with liberal use of Form II (manual dexterity and precision strikes) and Form V (counterattacks and targeted blast deflection, albeit with more favor for Shien over Djem So) that are complementary and easy to transition between while still being versatile. Maybe Form III every so often, too, if mainly for emergency situations where I need to hunker down and have no easy way out. No Form IV or VII blitzkriegs for me, thanks!
I did then I saw the massive Chaingun Paz Vizla was using. So I converted to the Church of the Yeetus Deletus. The one true path.
Palpatine: Lightsabres? Lol. Lmfao even.

Speaking of the big guy, I had a shower thought today. I think (I’m a little foggy on Lord of the Rings lore though) that Sauron himself is less of a terrible person the Papa Palpatine. He was interested in establishing a twisted order that he thought would make things better, whilst Sidious just wants to furiously beat his meat to his one true fetish.
Black Pill much. Look you probably was not alive in the late 70s and Early 80s but Disney was in the same position it is now. They restructured and bounced back. Multi-billion dollar companies just don't collapse no matter how much the Fandom Menace youtubers crow about it.
That's a very fair point. Companies like Disney have a lot of inertia and "staying power" for lack of a better term. Obviously they are a known brand with a lot of recognition.
And I'm too young to remember Disney's dark age of the 70's and 80's but as just someone looking back at that period from the outside in, the current era seems worse.

Disney was willing to try new things even if they ultimately didn't pan out whether it was "The Black Hole", "Black Cauldron" or "Dragonslayer". But now it just seems like Disney had no ideas other than buying IP's and coasting on them until they exhaust/burn out the fanbase. I just don't know if they can bounce back from that.
Speaking of Jedi and Sith, I don't suppose ya'll have any lightsaber forms or types of sabers you really like?

Myself, I'd be inclined towards mastering Form VI, albeit as the backbone for a more personalized hybrid style that mixes and matches the other forms as needed. Indeed, Niman may be too "spread thin" for casual users to really leverage a specific strength or advantage, but as I recall, those who'd actually mastered it for combat use (Exar Kun and Darth Krayt, for example) have proven to be some of the deadliest and most unorthodox duelists in the setting.

Given this, I'd say combat-oriented Form VI makes the best gateway for a "master-of-all-trades" approach, with liberal use of Form II (manual dexterity and precision strikes) and Form V (counterattacks and targeted blast deflection, albeit with more favor for Shien over Djem So) that are complementary and easy to transition between while still being versatile. Maybe Form III every so often, too, if mainly for emergency situations where I need to hunker down and have no easy way out. No Form IV or VII blitzkriegs for me, thanks!

My head canon also says a composite works best, but without going as far as the 'jack of all trades, master of none' extent of Niman. I'd use Form V as the core of my personal form, augmented with elements of Forms VII and II to varying degrees. Form VII elements would be more evident in actual bladework, while Form II elements would lean more towards combat mentality, to better control the aggression of Forms VII and V.

That said, Form I works well as a backup, while Form VI is still better suited for jar'kai and light combat than any other form.
Wasn’t Darth Vader effectively the finest swordsman in galactic history (better than Dooku himself apparently)? He created his own form (whose name I don’t know) to compensate for his slower speed and take advantage of his mass, as I recall.
Wasn’t Darth Vader effectively the finest swordsman in galactic history (better than Dooku himself apparently)? He created his own form (whose name I don’t know) to compensate for his slower speed and take advantage of his mass, as I recall.
Ehhhhhh. In Legends, while he was an effective swordsman who knew his limitations, he wasn't the 'finest' except that by that point most of the competition was dead thanks to order 66 and so on.
Wasn’t Darth Vader effectively the finest swordsman in galactic history (better than Dooku himself apparently)? He created his own form (whose name I don’t know) to compensate for his slower speed and take advantage of his mass, as I recall.

Seems to be the right idea, though I wouldn't go so far as to claim he created an entirely new form without precedent.

More like he devised his own variant of Form V that mixed and matched all the other forms as needed. Not sure he had more mastery or technical sophistication than Dooku (they're about equal, I'd say), but he's certainly far more inventive and would have a mechanical advantage via Djem So.

Only problem is that Original Trilogy lightsaber choreography was too brittle and reserved to show the true extent of Vader's skill and power levels in-universe, which most subsequent media (especially Disney Canon, ironically enough) goes out of its way to correct. In which case, I think even the greats of SW would have the fight of their lives when pitted against Vader, lightsaber combat or otherwise.

The guy does a LOT of great break downs for hypothetical Star Wars duels. I’d highly suggest checking him out.

Funny, I was tempted to post a Jensaarai One video here myself! :LOL:

But yeah, definitely one of my favorite references for SW lore and analysis that Wookieepedia covers only superficially. If nothing else, he's observant about the actual logistics and mechanics of combatants' martial skills to an extent that the writers (let alone casual fans) don't consciously recognize themselves. Very much an "Outsider looking in!" sort of mindset, is what I'm saying.
Which was Lucas’s mistake. What he should have done was focus more on the notion that the droids are deadly against normal people, but don’t do so well against Jedi. Which would help sell the idea of the Jedi being amazing.

And they were threats, or at least not treated as total jokes and slapstick; mostly in the 2003 series and in other spin off media. TCW absolutely doubled down on making them a joke though.
Sorry for the bit of a necro but I thought this was kind of interesting in how different people view Star Wars whether we're talking Lucas, the general audience or what have you.

I myself never saw the TCW depiction of Droids, or General Grievous for that matter, as truly that horrendous even if flanderized. To me it wasn't far removed from how they were depicted in the live-action films and just as importantly it fit the function they served in the story Lucas wanted to tell or at least how I perceived the story he wanted to tell. That they were the faceless minions of what amounts to Ming the Merciless and designed to be a "safe threat". One that is just dangerous enough to threaten our heroes but not to the point we ever seriously question for the hero's safety whether said hero is a Jedi, just a smuggler with a heart of gold or a trashcan on wheels with motor oil. The silliness and the slapstick is part of the charm rather than a defect. A way to make them less scary to their intended audience.

So for myself I couldn't really say it was a mistake so much as a conscious decision on Lucas part for good or ill.

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