"Woke" Franchises

Speaking of turning people white, nobody seems to think through the genetics in SF settings. Maintaining distinct races when geography isn't in the way requires deliberate breeding. In a cosmopolitan SF setting the majority of the population should trend towards mullato unless environmental pressures dictate otherwise. And mixing operates a lot faster than selection pressure except on low immigration colonies.

You go to Starfleet Academy in your mate seeking years and meet people from all over. Chances are your kids are not going to be racially pure. They grow up as Starfleet brats and are more likely to go into Starfleet themselves. In a few generations being of identifiable racial stock is a badge of shame for greenhorns.
Speaking of turning people white, nobody seems to think through the genetics in SF settings. Maintaining distinct races when geography isn't in the way requires deliberate breeding. In a cosmopolitan SF setting the majority of the population should trend towards mullato unless environmental pressures dictate otherwise. And mixing operates a lot faster than selection pressure except on low immigration colonies.

You go to Starfleet Academy in your mate seeking years and meet people from all over. Chances are your kids are not going to be racially pure. They grow up as Starfleet brats and are more likely to go into Starfleet themselves. In a few generations being of identifiable racial stock is a badge of shame for greenhorns.

I'm not sure how true this is - generally speaking, even in modern extremely multiethnic states which stigmatize racial identity for the majority and make a point of promoting mixing, people tend to self-segregate. This tendency in modern multiethnic nations doesn't totally preclude what you're talking about, but at least in my view it's very unclear if multicultural and multiethnic states are stable on a long enough time span.

But this is actually something many SF settings do think about in, my experience. For instance, in Mass Effect novelizations IIRC repeatedly mentioned that most humans in the setting were racially ambiguous mixtures. Generally this is kept out of visual media because of a variety of reasons - including actors for movies, and the fact that you're going to earn the ire of every diversity lobby except for one, but also because I think this is something most people would instinctively recoil from.
I think racemixing is not morally or ethically wrong. Maybe since I am Brazilian I never seen or heard of something near say US or South Africa and used to people and family members being darker than me.

Contextual information :

Even families with Ukranian, Polish, Italian and German sounding names have lost their characteristics and the closest the get to European looking is being similar to Southern Spanish individuals or Portuguese.

Some Brazilian are said to self segregate. Afro-Brazilians mostly but not American style. They are not borderline monolithic.

End of information dump.

I however do hate how media, elites and others promote and brand it and pervade and perverted it to satisfy themselves and allegedly create a single consumeristic "humanity".

The latter hopefully will fail since it's kind of a necessity of nature to be diverse, and human nature tends to also need individual mental and psychological diversity for better or for worse.

You can see also hypocrisy of the racemixing formula promoted by multibillion dollar companies in a few ways :


the owners of said company and their lackeys usually share the same ethnicity and they only have the decency of not going full Hasburg except a famous family which start their surname with R and end with D.


Well you don't see many companies promoting it from Morocco to India right ? Or Warsaw to Beijing and Tokyo?

You only see it in Latin American countries (but we all mixed as fuck and I am living proof considering I could have up to 5 damn surnames in three different languages if I was born THERE) but it doesn't get the effect desired.

Europe and North America and New Zealand and I would say Australia if it wasn't Prison Island 2.0 .

What worries me though is more absent fathers, either mentally, physically or well just simple shitheads as mine. Or that they were just present for the reproductive act with not having kids planned.

I am ashamed to admit it because it's a flaw in my country that we had for over 4 centuries and I can see the effects today. Just on tv and not in person.
I suppose the only 'good' thing I can take away from the Wheel of Time debacle is that now we have a pretty decent idea of how utterly shit Amazon's Lord of the Rings show will be.

Optymist.They would manage to do that much worst.Good multiracial jewish muslim lgbt Gondor fighting bad white catholic polish orcs from Mordor.
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Why do they suck at adapting material? Because for the most part they lack writers with creativity and spark. Dune was adapted easily why not Wheel of Time? Because they can't create. Hell, they barely have any life experience other than college then writing. Experience means you can put yourself in other peoples shoes. Experience means you know what it is like to suffer to actually have to work hard instead of coasting by on your parent's coat tails

They have to insert their own narrative to appeal to their crowd because we peons are a mindless lot of savages and they need to save us. Show us how great diversity and multiculturalism is. All the while ignoring that people can look at the Middle East and see what happens when you place cultures together without any underlying framework for them to use.

They can't write because they don't know how and no one has put them to the task about it. They wish to write for their own echo chamber and to hell with us normal folk.
First 3 episodes are decent. Maybe watch them if you want a movie. After episode 3, don't bother. It became cynical and nihilistic, pacing too slow, unlikeable characters, etc. And yes, it is woke.

Ok so it's definitively a hard as fuck pass. Any suggestions on aesthetically similar shows?

So...I haven't watched the Wheel of Time yet, and I've been intentionally avoiding reading what's come before this. I'm going to watch it tonight.

From what I have read,seen and more here and on Youtube, I rather sail the internet's high seas and get the audiobooks. I could watch it since I share Prime with a friend, but I am not inclined to do that either.

So, was looking for another audiobook and this two were proposed by the algorithm of the website. I honestly can't tell by the descriptions if it's woke, degenerate or based or a combination of the three.
Ok so it's definitively a hard as fuck pass. Any suggestions on aesthetically similar shows?

From what I have read,seen and more here and on Youtube, I rather sail the internet's high seas and get the audiobooks. I could watch it since I share Prime with a friend, but I am not inclined to do that either.
The audiobooks really are great!

So, was looking for another audiobook and this two were proposed by the algorithm of the website. I honestly can't tell by the descriptions if it's woke, degenerate or based or a combination of the three.
Degenerate and childish in the same way I’ve seen in bad harem/ Self Insert fanfiction. Pass.

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