United States Trump 2nd Term - Planning and Beyond

Heavily armed United States Marines have landed at the southern border to assist Border Patrol

One of the only times we've ever seen American troops defending *American* borders

Trump Admin Continues Rounding Up Illegals, Hits Sanctuary City Newark, NJ
Basically, win condition is that the Carels are broken and the Mexican government doesn't have to deal with the cartel's crap anymore with all the explicit and open violence either, thus regaining complete control of their country.

Force any new cartels to start doing subtle like the Mafia in the US, else the big daddy government will come in and throw them and all their non-subtle business associates into prison.

Other theoretical win condition is we break up Mexico into a bunch of different more easily manageable countries, but that probably doesn't sound appealing or feasible because of the international backlash of destroying a country completely and utterly and we would have to wage a conventional country to country war to do that.

I'm at the point I don't give a care about "International backlash" given the fact that half of the nations are getting infiltrated by enemy nationals and the other half are said enemy nationals. the ones that are not are mostly keeping to themselves (can't blame them) leaving U.S (I am not sorry for that visual pun. XD) to essentially pick up the bill, especially on the western front.

Trump Admin Continues Rounding Up Illegals, Hits Sanctuary City Newark, NJ

That isn't heavily armed and the National Guard who has been armed has been there for....a long time. So not the first time

Rhode Island Judge Joseph Molina Flynn, specializing in immigration law, resigns after FBI raids office

The Trump effect.

Roads heading to Mexico are JAM PACKED as mass deportations have started taking place in cities across the country.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
**[USNORTHCOM:](<Active-duty forces to bolster security at U.S. southern border>) The following units have been activated as part of USNORTHCOM's mission to bolster security at the United States southern border:**
### From the U.S. Army:
- Headquarters, 89th Military Police Brigade, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- Headquarters, 720th Military Police Battalion, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- 401st Military Police Company, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- 202nd Military Police Company, Fort Bliss, Texas
- Headquarters, 716th Military Police Battalion, Fort Campbell, Kentucky
- 23rd Military Police Company, Fort Drum, New York
- 549th Military Police Company, Fort Stewart, Georgia
- 530th Combat Engineer Company-Armored, Fort Stewart, Georgia
- 977th Military Police Company, Fort Riley, Kansas
- 41st Combat Engineer Company-Armored, Fort Riley, Kansas
- 569th Combat Engineer Company-Armored, Fort Carson, Colorado
- Headquarters, 759th Military Police Battalion, Fort Carson, Colorado
- 66th Military Police Company, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington
### From the U.S. Marine Corps:
- Detachment from 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California
- Detachment from 7th Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, Camp Pendleton, California
**[USNORTHCOM:](<Active-duty forces to bolster security at U.S. southern border>) The following units have been activated as part of USNORTHCOM's mission to bolster security at the United States southern border:**
### From the U.S. Army:
- Headquarters, 89th Military Police Brigade, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- Headquarters, 720th Military Police Battalion, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- 401st Military Police Company, Fort Cavazos, Texas
- 202nd Military Police Company, Fort Bliss, Texas
- Headquarters, 716th Military Police Battalion, Fort Campbell, Kentucky
- 23rd Military Police Company, Fort Drum, New York
- 549th Military Police Company, Fort Stewart, Georgia
- 530th Combat Engineer Company-Armored, Fort Stewart, Georgia
- 977th Military Police Company, Fort Riley, Kansas
- 41st Combat Engineer Company-Armored, Fort Riley, Kansas
- 569th Combat Engineer Company-Armored, Fort Carson, Colorado
- Headquarters, 759th Military Police Battalion, Fort Carson, Colorado
- 66th Military Police Company, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington
### From the U.S. Marine Corps:
- Detachment from 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California
- Detachment from 7th Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, Camp Pendleton, California
They sent units from the 1st Marine division...that's a rather serious signal to the Mexicans Trump isn't playing.
Because Mexicans dont like the idea of gringos bombing them or occupying parts of their country.
...You have some bizarre default 'America bad, everyone will hate America' mentality here.

The South Koreans sure as shit were and are happy we went into their country, bombed parts of it, and are permanently occupying others.

The South Vietnamese wished we'd never left.

The Iraqis were thrilled we came and got rid of Saddam. Shit went down the toilet years later, but at the outset pretty much everyone was thrilled we came in and got rid of the local thugs.

Why on earth would dealing with the Cartels be any different?

Especially when we're talking about rooting out criminal organizations, not trying to replace their entire government. You can bloody well bet that the Mexicans would rather have a few military bases strewn about their country, let's compare to Germany and say about 30k soldiers on permanent post, if that's what it took to make the Cartels stay gone.

And as Germany proves, we can have a permanent presence without needing to try to become some sort of occupying force or turn them into some kind of vassal state.

Not that I think we'd need to do that. Go in, shoot and bomb a few thousand cartel members, make sure you get the leadership, and leave. You'll shatter the current networks, improved border security will make it harder for them to reform, and when something inevitably at least partially replaces them, everyone from here to bloody Alpha Centauri will know that if you cause enough problems, you will get your shit utterly wrecked.

Odds are there'll be some losses suffered on our side. Some collateral damage which makes hated enemies out of immediate family of civvies who died. I'd be willing to bet that giving the cartels a hard smack down will result in a lot less death and suffering both in Mexico and the USA though, which is why I think it's a good idea.

He was being serious.

Of course.

Trump knows the CCP is coosying up to the Danes, may try to get resource extraction rights to Greenland, and wants to get ahead of it.

That's on top of the Danes having little ability to support the Greenlanders (who have really shit quality of life), the strategic position in regards to the Northwest Passage and CCP/Russian Arctic ambitions, as well as large mineral and petro chem reserves that the Danes cannot meaningfully exploit.

Lots of people in Greenland also do not like Danes control, because of how neglectful they've been, and the US can offer far more investment and better quality of life to the Greenlanders.

He was being serious.

He's serious to the extent that he'll absolutely make it happen if he can. But the main thing is: he wins no matter what. He's playing hardball to get the Danes to give in. To offer a generous compromise-- which they're already doing, desperately offering to re-negotiate all kinds of shit. If actually annexing Greenland proves politically too volatile ("more trouble than it's worth"), Trump will instead take anything he can get in exchange for backing down. And then he'll grin and say: "Look what I deal I got out of this! I took those morons to the cleaners!"

So he gets a win, even if he doesn't get Greenland.

It's the same with NATO. He plays hardball with his 5% of GDP demand, knowing that the other countries will desperately try to compromise. Offers of 3% are already on the table across the board. I think he's going to finally demand 3,5% -- and he'll get them to agree to it, too. And I think that's the percentage he really wants. He'll get it by playing hardball.

Panama is another example. If they resist him, he's prepared to move in and outright seize the canal. But I think they'll fear this far too much, and will offer a "deal" instead. In which he will, again, get the most out of it. Joint US-Panamanian administration of the Canal, for instance, with low (or no) fees for American shipping, and higher fees (or even denial of access) for countries on America's shit-list.

It's the art of the deal. He's literally used this approach since forever, he's literally got a whole book about it, and huge gaggles of morons the world over still haven't found a way to counter it.
He's serious to the extent that he'll absolutely make it happen if he can. But the main thing is: he wins no matter what. He's playing hardball to get the Danes to give in. To offer a generous compromise-- which they're already doing, desperately offering to re-negotiate all kinds of shit. If actually annexing Greenland proves politically too volatile ("more trouble than it's worth"), Trump will instead take anything he can get in exchange for backing down. And then he'll grin and say: "Look what I deal I got out of this! I took those morons to the cleaners!"

So he gets a win, even if he doesn't get Greenland.

It's the same with NATO. He plays hardball with his 5% of GDP demand, knowing that the other countries will desperately try to compromise. Offers of 3% are already on the table across the board. I think he's going to finally demand 3,5% -- and he'll get them to agree to it, too. And I think that's the percentage he really wants. He'll get it by playing hardball.

Panama is another example. If they resist him, he's prepared to move in and outright seize the canal. But I think they'll fear this far too much, and will offer a "deal" instead. In which he will, again, get the most out of it. Joint US-Panamanian administration of the Canal, for instance, with low (or no) fees for American shipping, and higher fees (or even denial of access) for countries on America's shit-list.

It's the art of the deal. He's literally used this approach since forever, he's literally got a whole book about it, and huge gaggles of morons the world over still haven't found a way to counter it.
Panama is a issue where there are legal documents and agreements regarding what the US expects out of Panama and the Canal, in exchange for Carter selling it back to them, and one of those is a provision about not allowing US adversaries control over the Canal's infrastructure or operations, and the CCP has been trying to get the Panama government to skirt around and ignore those provisions.

The Panama Canal is a proxy fight between the US and CCP at this point.
Panama is a issue where there are legal documents and agreements regarding what the US expects out of Panama and the Canal, in exchange for Carter selling it back to them, and one of those is a provision about not allowing US adversaries control over the Canal's infrastructure or operations, and the CCP has been trying to get the Panama government to skirt around and ignore those provisions.

The Panama Canal is a proxy fight between the US and CCP at this point.
Honestly at this point I consider joint US-Panamanian control of the Canal to be of the utmost importance. Greenland can wait, and plus going into a confrontational relationship with Denmark and its EU allies would prove detrimental to NATO and embolden the Chinese and Russians. Likewise, if the Canal remains under UN jurisdiction it will also benefit the Communist Chinese. We don't want to be sitting ducks for a Chinese-spearheaded UN coalition to come through the canal and bomb the shit out of our naval assets while they're concentrated at Naval Base Norfolk. A control of the Panama Canal would nip this in the bud.
Honestly at this point I consider joint US-Panamanian control of the Canal to be of the utmost importance. Greenland can wait, and plus going into a confrontational relationship with Denmark and its EU allies would prove detrimental to NATO and embolden the Chinese and Russians.
Panama and Greenland are about equal, because the CCP is already trying to make nice with the Danes to get access to it's resources.

Trump is trying to get ahead of that.
Panama and Greenland are about equal, because the CCP is already trying to make nice with the Danes to get access to it's resources.

Trump is trying to get ahead of that.
Well here's my reasoning that prioritizes the Canal over Greenland that you missed since I edited my post after you posted:

Likewise, if the Canal remains under UN jurisdiction it will also benefit the Communist Chinese. We don't want to be sitting ducks for a Chinese-spearheaded UN coalition to come through the canal and bomb the shit out of our naval assets while they're concentrated at Naval Base Norfolk. A control of the Panama Canal would nip this in the bud.
I partially agree with @Skallagrim he wants to get what it wants...by asking the "moon". And "getting" half way there.
On the military budget, doubtful there's any political will besides the Baltics and Poland to increase it. Even pro-NATO General Vannacci, who has participated in not one but FIVE America-led wars (Rwandan Civil War Somali Civil War Yugoslav Wars War in Afghanistan War in Iraq First Libyan Civil War), has asked Mark "Shoot the farmers" Rutte why they should spend more.

I am doubtful even pro-Ukraine UK can do that, France is too busy to NOT allow La Pen to take power, Portugal well is in the periphery and might as well be a Balkan country by its standards of living, Spain as well as is more worried with migration, then Germany has no will, Sweden just joined and I don't see ANY political will from its populace to join the armed forces of a country that until a few years ago openly discriminated against its own people. Slovakia and Czech republic who knows. Hungary is not in the mood. Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro who knows? Greece is barely getting out of a crisis that happened 17 years ago. Baltics, Poland and Finland might do that but there's no incentive otherwise for others.
...You have some bizarre default 'America bad, everyone will hate America' mentality here.

The South Koreans sure as shit were and are happy we went into their country, bombed parts of it, and are permanently occupying others.

The South Vietnamese wished we'd never left.

The Iraqis were thrilled we came and got rid of Saddam. Shit went down the toilet years later, but at the outset pretty much everyone was thrilled we came in and got rid of the local thugs.

None of those countries had a huge portion of their country conquered and annexed by the USA.

Mexicans wont want you there. Period.

Not that I think we'd need to do that. Go in, shoot and bomb a few thousand cartel members, make sure you get the leadership, and leave. You'll shatter the current networks, improved border security will make it harder for them to reform, and when something inevitably at least partially replaces them, everyone from here to bloody Alpha Centauri will know that if you cause enough problems, you will get your shit utterly wrecked.

It didnt work in somalia. Iraq. Afghanistan. It isnt working in Gaza or Lebanon. How many times do you have to see failure?

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