United States Trump 2nd Term - Planning and Beyond

His sex parties in the notes include behind the scenes drinking, fornication and homosexuality.
Somewhere sometime - 30? 40? years ago? - I came across the leaked line "Imma fucking white hoes! Imma white nigger!" (or words to that effect) quote attributed to "Party Animal MLK" and acquired through some planted microphone.
Truth denied to American People for over half a century?
not completely surprising. he did cheat on his wife and the Admin at the time threatened him with going public about the infidelity. it being more serious and there being more to it than just him being a cheater would just make it more threatening.

Edit: reading it though it looks less like a Diddy Party where the goal was to collect blackmail and more like him being a hedonist or degenerate behind closed doors while putting forth a public persona as a pastor and moral man. I can see why they would have felt this would be incredibly damaging to him at the time. nowadays this isn't a big deal beyond MLK being a sacred cow of the civil rights era. him having feet of clay isn't something some groups would take well.

Honestly all things considering I was expecting worse. Though I will admit now I can't help but wonder if his death was really politically charged or if he just crossed the wrong person at one of his parties. Would not be the first time someone insulted a guy while under the influence and said guy decided to get back at him.
Trump having even that minimal level of class was not on my 2025 bingo. I suppose he'll try and balance it out soon enough. Can't have the base thinking you sold out and became a normal statesman.
Ok so Trump did what Biden, Clinton, both bushes, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, and LBJ didn't have the balls to do and unclassified the JFK, RFK, and MLK stuff.

And he gave the pen he signed that document with to RFK junior.

That's a promise no one expected him to keep and was honestly a pretty heartwarming moment.
Him pardoning the Silk Road guy as a promise to the libertarian vote was unexpected.

He even recognised some Amerindian tribe.

Turns out many things he promises to do he fulfils them.
Trump actually rewarding the people who voted for him was also not on my bingo.

Even if those voters are objectively stupid, they are still the real rulers of the Republic and deserve to get the policy they voted for.
Ok so Trump did what Biden, Clinton, both bushes, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, and LBJ didn't have the balls to do and unclassified the JFK, RFK, and MLK stuff.

And he gave the pen he signed that document with to RFK junior.

That's a promise no one expected him to keep and was honestly a pretty heartwarming moment.
Everytime someone has TDS this can be pointed to as something not even their favourite president has done.

Trump leaving the WHO (OMS in Italian) gave the example for one of the parties of the current Italian government coalition to push a legislative draft decree (disegno decreto legge) in Italy, to leave the WHO.

And he gave the pen he signed that document with to RFK junior.

Now we have to hope the declassified docs AREN'T NOT black obsidian sharpie colored.

I think that's also why he wanted to "bunker" down with the secret services. Remember how people like Zachowon didn't like the Trump team would be using their own comms for secure comms? I think this was one of the main reasons.

Trump leaving the WHO (OMS in Italian) gave the example for one of the parties of the current Italian government coalition to push a legislative draft decree (disegno decreto legge) in Italy, to leave the WHO.

Charting a path ahead for others to follow right?
Mind you, I don't think this argument is going to fly in court because there's (regrettably) precedent against it. But I'd like it if it did.

There are the Slaughter-House Cases of 1872. I believe the Supreme Court stated there that the intention of the 14th's qualifying phrase doesn't include offspring of "ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States". There's also Elk vs. Wilkins, when citizenship was denied to an American Indian because he "owed immediate allegiance to" his tribe and not the United States and the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. If being born in the US was the only qualifying requirement, it can be argued, then Elk v. Wilkins would have gone the other way and the Indian Citizenship Act would not have needed to pass.

EDIT: Also, that Wong Ark case (the one that folks that are pro-birthright citizenship for illegals' kids love to cite), IIRC, noted that Wong's parents were in the US legally at the time of his birth.
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Charting a path ahead for others to follow right?
If it gets anything CONCRETE, YES.

But it's only Italy so far. Also, hopefully we don't get Meloni following EU laws just because one judge is pro-EU and globo-bullshit. Italy is the most important Mediterranean country AFTER France, but it's only us so far. Iberia (Andorra, Portugal, Gibraltar, Spain) is globalist-controlled, Greece I don't have info, then Turkey is controlled by that OGRE in Ankara. So it's only us in the South and it's only a proposal.

Let's see.
The idea that dealing with the cartels will be worse than Iraq is hilarious and not something a serious person would propose.

Nobody should ever defend themselves because it only makes more enemies you can never beat. This is why no war has ever been won in the history of the world and definitely no nation has ever been invaded and defeated in its own territory.

No, you have not learned anything at all.

if you go into Mexico, you will turn a criminal enterprise into an actual insurgency financed by people with immensely greater resources than ISIS ever had, an insurgency that will extend across the border and involve the 60+ million mexicans and central americans now living in the USA. If you like the idea of cartel gunmen shooting up and bombing american suburbs, drone striking your politicians and killing american expatriates and tourists throughout south america, be my guest.

They arent going to be intimidated by Delta force supersnipers or whatever because they already shoot each other. Drone striking their compounds will kill alot of civilians, piss off governments and people all throughout Latin America and turn gangsters into heros and patriots.

Your tanks and heavy equipment will be useless unless you physically invade Mexico, and that will be a clusterfuck of truly historic proportions.

This is a matter for careful police work, border guards and intelligence. Seal the border, smash the gangsters up here and go after the NGOs, bankers and lawyers that provide cover.

This is not a matter for the military.
As I understand some Cartel units are very well kitted out and have the experience to use that kit effectively. And some of their hitmen are very effective professionals. But they aren’t anywhere approaching the majority of most gang members, who more closely resemble the “gangstas” of America’s inner cities.

That lot would be cut down like wheat in harvest.
They arent going to be intimidated by Delta force supersnipers or whatever because they already shoot each other. Drone striking their compounds will kill alot of civilians, piss off governments and people all throughout Latin America and turn gangsters into heros and patriots.

Why would people who have suffered under the Cartels suddenly see them as heroes and patriots when someone actually brings the hammer down on them?

Why would people who have suffered under the Cartels suddenly see them as heroes and patriots when someone actually brings the hammer down on them?
Drawing experiences from the past wars the US has been involved in especially in Iraq and Afghanistan?

I honestly think it'll be different for this administration if it does happen simply because what the cartels do next door has more casus belli to interfere and a new administration to learn from the mistakes of the past administrations when it comes to mission creep.
That we can operate with near impunity across the globe and dictate most engagements on our terms?
Or that we only stopped because we wernt willing to go further and chase them down?
Cartels are solely in it fir the money, take away that money you destroy what they are in ir for

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