United States The Left Can't Meme


Yeah, I’ll have to take the half-empty guy’s side here.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder if the people who like and make these memes are sentient beings with minds of their own… or if they’re just NPC meat-robots who’ve scarcely had an original thought or “Come to your senses!” moment in their entire lives. Probably most people throughout history, unfortunately, but that’s no source of comfort to me, either. :(
Yeah, I’ll have to take the half-empty guy’s side here.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder if the people who like and make these memes are sentient beings with minds of their own… or if they’re just NPC meat-robots who’ve scarcely had an original thought or “Come to your senses!” moment in their entire lives. Probably most people throughout history, unfortunately, but that’s no source of comfort to me, either. :(
The funniest thing about that meme is that life since 2015 or so has made it obvious the Republican is actually right on the money in almost everything he says, except the tiny bit about fascism. And even then I'm reasonably certain that like virtually all of his cohorts, 'Mr. Fish' (left-wing cartoonist Dwayne Booth) thinks anything to the right of Mao is 'fascism' anyway.
The funniest thing about that meme is that life since 2015 or so has made it obvious the Republican is actually right on the money in almost everything he says, except the tiny bit about fascism. And even then I'm reasonably certain that like virtually all of his cohorts, 'Mr. Fish' (left-wing cartoonist Dwayne Booth) thinks anything to the right of Mao is 'fascism' anyway.

For now, maybe.

But if the Left keeps throwing haymakers at a Right that continues to sit on its hands and take it, then at some point, I can see the “Star-spangled combination of Fascism and Christianity!” that Mr. Booth fearmongers about roaring to life when they least expect it. To quote an oft-used meme: “And then, for no reason at all, Hitler got elected!”
More Orange Man memes:





Think all of these came out when he was running or while he was president, so it makes sense people would be mostly making Trump memes at the time. :sneaky:
honestly both are kind of bad ass I mean it takes work to create cosplay that ornate.

Eh, that’s true.

Also, who else bets the OP would get shitcanned for “Muh misogyny!” on 2023 Reddit, per the woman cosplayer on the right obviously being portrayed as “lesser” than Big E?
Eh, that’s true.

Also, who else bets the OP would get shitcanned for “Muh misogyny!” on 2023 Reddit, per the woman cosplayer on the right obviously being portrayed as “lesser” than Big E?
it is trying to dunk on right wingers and consistency takes a back seat for ideology. 50/50 if they feel like they can use it to climb their hierarchy or not.
I actually sort of agree with that last one but not as a general critique of libertarians but as a critique of any right wingers who think multinational corporations would have any sort of checks and balances with the NAP alone.

You can't criticize commies for thinking their government would be magically moral and decent and then turn around and do the same for corporations and companies.

If Nestlé wants they should be able to privately own a water source. But it should be understood this is a direct attack on those who depend on that water source who did not get asked to take part in the transaction, and are now justified in attackong Nestlé for violating their NAP.
I actually sort of agree with that last one but not as a general critique of libertarians but as a critique of any right wingers who think multinational corporations would have any sort of checks and balances with the NAP alone.

You can't criticize commies for thinking their government would be magically moral and decent and then turn around and do the same for corporations and companies.

If Nestlé wants they should be able to privately own a water source. But it should be understood this is a direct attack on those who depend on that water source who did not get asked to take part in the transaction, and are now justified in attackong Nestlé for violating their NAP.
Huh. I didn't actually make that connection because the meme used the word "Kidnapped" instead of sensible like robbed or mugged, so I didn't make the connection to taking natural resources instead of human ones. That does make a lot more sense.
I actually sort of agree with that last one but not as a general critique of libertarians but as a critique of any right wingers who think multinational corporations would have any sort of checks and balances with the NAP alone.

You can't criticize commies for thinking their government would be magically moral and decent and then turn around and do the same for corporations and companies.
I'm not a friend of big corporations at all, but the left-wing "anti-libertarian" argument is still invalid.

Here's the key thing it ignores: the big corporations get most of the power and wealth excusively due to government patronage.

This means that if you (let's not go 100% ancap here) reduce the government to something minimal that stays out of the marketplace entirely, the big corporations will actually lose most of the power. In fact, most of them will go belly-up within a year. Check it out: the decline of small (typically family-owned) businesses and the rise of vast megacorps goes hand-in-hand with the massive growth of government.

Big government and big business are one club. All notions of using the government to curtail the power of the megacorps is an illusion at best, and more probably a deliberate lie.

So, here's the lesson: there is no either-or. The false dichotomy of "big government is needed OR big business will reign freely!" is a trap meant to deceive you. If you weaken the government, you weaken the megacorps. If you strengthen government (no matter what your intentions are), you will empower the megacorps.

So who's the utopian? The guy who sees the government protect the megacorps every single time and still thinks we need government to protect us from megacorps? Or the guy who sees that and concludes we should dismantle the government because it's obviously the weapon of our enemy?
I'm not a friend of big corporations at all, but the left-wing "anti-libertarian" argument is still invalid.

Here's the key thing it ignores: the big corporations get most of the power and wealth excusively due to government patronage.

This means that if you (let's not go 100% ancap here) reduce the government to something minimal that stays out of the marketplace entirely, the big corporations will actually lose most of the power. In fact, most of them will go belly-up within a year. Check it out: the decline of small (typically family-owned) businesses and the rise of vast megacorps goes hand-in-hand with the massive growth of government.

Big government and big business are one club. All notions of using the government to curtail the power of the megacorps is an illusion at best, and more probably a deliberate lie.

So, here's the lesson: there is no either-or. The false dichotomy of "big government is needed OR big business will reign freely!" is a trap meant to deceive you. If you weaken the government, you weaken the megacorps. If you strengthen government (no matter what your intentions are), you will empower the megacorps.

So who's the utopian? The guy who sees the government protect the megacorps every single time and still thinks we need government to protect us from megacorps? Or the guy who sees that and concludes we should dismantle the government because it's obviously the weapon of our enemy?
This is mostly true. There are a few industries that can result in natural monopolies where government regulation CAN be helpful to alleviate abuses, but outside of those very few areas (and many areas of natural monopoly can be argued to be areas where a government could take direct control as a public utility), this was and has been the case historically.

For instance, the late 19th century rise of the Railroad Robber Barons is actually directly correlated with Federal government subsidizing expanding the railroads. Now, this was arguably a good thing and clearly within the US government's purview, but as soon as the government got involved is when things started getting corrupt and you saw a lot of the subsides set up not in such ways that benefits the far flung communities of the US western territories, but rather than favored those railroad magnates and their bottom line.

Now, there are absolutely some areas we need SOMEONE to coordinate and regulate how things are used. For instance, satellite orbits, radio broadcast frequencies, etc. These are areas of common concern that cross state lines and even international lines, thus in the US system the Federal government is probably best placed to handle them. So there is a proper role for government regulations of industries... it usually just much narrower than everyone accepts it to be today.
I ran into so many anti-Libertarian memes I decided to do a sequel on that theme.

Everything the left doesn't like are Nazis.

Pretty sure I was better at drawing than this when I was in the first grade. Also everything the left doesn't like are Nazis.

All libertarians are pedophiles, that's literally their entire platform.
Lmao this dude is complaining he joined just to post a troll and got banned? What is his point? It would be like me complaining I joined EnoughLibertarianSpam and got banned cause my first post was a big defense of why Ayn Rand is Christ 2 and a strawman of leftwing authoritarians.

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