The Consoomer Menace

It is if it's right.
But is it, or is that just your own prejudice talking? Many on the left use that same justification for their own accusations.

Or just find a hobby that requires you to work with your hands and build something in the real world.

This isn't groundbreaking stuff. Or it shouldn't be. I don't want to create a Department of Otaku Affairs where jackbooted thugs break down nerds' doors and force them to lift weights. I just want people to do something with their lives other than endlessly feed from the trough filled by companies who literally hate them and want them to be as helpless and compliant as possible.
Which is admirable, and something I can agree with; but that's not what you said before. You said you wanted people to stop "consuming" altogether; because, in your mind, consumption was the source of all the world's problems.

Just to put this out there; by YeahOkayCool's definition, I am one of those "Consoomers". A majority of my time is spent consuming media, and yet I am none of the things he insists I ought to be because of that fact. Except fat; that one is true, but I've been working at losing weight since last October, and have lost about 20 pounds so far.
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See, you don't sound like you actually haate consumer cultu-consumerism cuz' like, y'know' you're representing yourself with a creature from a Nintendo cash cow and using a meme that started out on a series of subcultures dedicated to consumerist escapism who were just mainly disgruntled with how people were hijacking their consumer products, and you're espousing an ideology that's basically exploit consumer culture or be exploited by consumer culture.
Yeah pretty much . it's just a 4chan meme like Doomer, Bloomer,Wojack etc.

/Pol/yp memes are mostly about how you should loathe everything except /pol/ypism. If you listen enough to them you'll find out that all religions, nations, brands and sexual lifestyles are one or more of:
  • Cucked and soy
  • Retarded and cringe
  • Degenerate and filthy
You can tell that someone hasn't learned to stop taking that memeplex seriously because their vaguely right wing worldview will display flagrant contradictions from this
Have we really degenerated into judging avatars now? Fine, I'll take the bait.

I use the Sceptile avatar because I happen to like Pokemon, but it's a balanced part of my life— I noodle around in Alpha Sapphire maybe an hour a week when I have nothing else to do, for nostalgia's sake as much as anything else. It's not an obsession. I don't consume it obsessively to the detriment of my real life relationships or responsibilities. You're reading too much into an avatar choice, which tells me:
  1. You take the Internet far too seriously, such that a funny picture used as an identifier is taken as a deep and meaningful look into of the state of my soul as opposed to, well, a funny picture used as an identifier,
  2. You feel personally convicted by the Consoomer meme, to the point that you're grasping at straws to try and discredit it with obvious ad-hominems.
You don't seem like a malicious person, just like you don't like imageboard culture and aren't really seeing the substance of my argument here. I've explained my opinion in more nuance in posts following the OP. That said, I don't actually mind this kind of pushback, since it lets me add more nuance to my bolder and more crude declarations. So... thanks for the honest feedback, I guess, but you seem to be engaging with the medium more than the message.

Got metanoia?
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Have we really degenerated into judging avatars now? Fine, I'll take the bait.

I use the Sceptile avatar because I happen to like Pokemon, but it's a balanced part of my life— I noodle around in Alpha Sapphire maybe an hour a week when I have nothing else to do, for nostalgia's sake as much as anything else. It's not an obsession. I don't consume it obsessively to the detriment of my real life relationships or responsibilities.
Well your OP was so as you put, "bold and crude" in its condemnation that the Sceptile just completely clashed with it, and more than half the text was about yourself. It's not hard for me to think that the greater apparent amount of loathing for "nerdshit" than you actually had is why almost everyone pushed so hard when you posted.
You're reading too much into an avatar choice, which tells me:
  1. You take the Internet far too seriously, such that a funny picture used as an identifier is taken as a deep and meaningful look into of the state of my soul as opposed to, well, a funny picture used as an identifier,
  2. You feel personally convicted by the Consoomer meme, to the point that you're grasping at straws to try and discredit it with obvious ad-hominems.
The first is probably true. As for "personal conviction" you are kind've reminding me of my bad habit o'flouncing out of other bad habits. It seems to apply more to the other people on this thread, though I would respond in the same way as them if I felt that you're being sincere, and I do think you're sincere enough for me to feel like explaining myself.
EDIT: Can I also mention that "you don't like this meme because it describes you" is pretty much the worst card to play in meme culture, especially since in this context it may obviously lead to a shitflinging war, but generally because it's a kind of fallacy that is so context unrelated that it's one of the SJW favorites to deploy.
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This creates a false dichotomy. We are all in part the “consoomer” and it is an aspect of ourselves that we should moderate. By creating and demonizing this caricature, we miss the real lesson which is to be introspective and to put things that matter in ours lives - family, friendship, community, morality - above things which do not - those materialistic interests of the so called “consoomer.”
Haven't we as a race consumed even before the current sources of consuming?

Alcohol as our old friend. Prostitution for sexual needs. Theatre play. At times very bloody stage fights and anything considered bread and circuses.

Shiiiieeet. Even back then the Romans know the idea of providing gibs for the lower masses to keep them satisfied.
Haven't we as a race consumed even before the current sources of consuming?

Alcohol as our old friend. Prostitution for sexual needs. Theatre play. At times very bloody stage fights and anything considered bread and circuses.

Shiiiieeet. Even back then the Romans know the idea of providing gibs for the lower masses to keep them satisfied.

Honestly, civilization grows decadent even when it has many people starving, cold, homeless, uneducated and in danger whilst having moved past hunter gatherer societies
Both the right wing and the left wing are oh so concerned with the private issues of others.

Being concerned about the "private issues of others," especially when they actively cheapen and degrade the common culture, is simply a major part of what it means to live in the same society. It is possible to be too intrusive and violate other people's privacy after a certain point, but that does nothing to eliminate the simple fact that we do all share a collective society that is affected, however little, by our own personal actions.

I can choose not to live a life of endless consumption. But I can't choose not to live in a society in which every message from every social institution reinforces the idea that blind consumerist hedonism is acceptable.

Haven't we as a race consumed even before the current sources of consuming?

Alcohol as our old friend. Prostitution for sexual needs. Theatre play. At times very bloody stage fights and anything considered bread and circuses.

Shiiiieeet. Even back then the Romans know the idea of providing gibs for the lower masses to keep them satisfied.

I shouldn't need to explain the obvious difference between going with some friends to watch some gladiators duke it out in the local arena, and sitting alone in a basement binge-watching anime dubs, and having no IRL social circle.

The fact is, that a lot of the nerd stuff that takes over so many people's lives is self-isolating, especially since it's not integrated in any sort of social context to limit the negative effects. There's a world of difference between sharing a few drinks at a bar with friends, versus having a few drinks alone. Likewise, a steretypical "nerd" who enjoys getting together once a week to play D&D with the guys from the game store is in a much healthier place than someone who plays single-player RPGs all alone for 10 hours a day and 90% of their social interactions are mediated through Discord.
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You are literally using the same dehumanizing tactics the left loves to use on us; including the bit where you try to wrangle taking issue with what you said into evidence supporting it.

You are dehumanizing people; period. You are pushing the idea that yours is the only correct way to live, and anyone who does not live as you do is nothing more than "an ugly blob filling every orifice and sense organ with childish treats until he ruptures" and "a grotesque, defective, stupid nullity, a sterile neotenous mutant, a sadistic, evil little pig."

In short; I recommend you take a long, hard look at the person you want to be, and ask yourself if it's a sanctimonious egotist who lectures others on how to live their lives. Because right now, in this thread? That's the sort of person I'm seeing reflected in your posts.

Please, stop this false egalitarian nonsense. If you are free to live your life how you wish, right-wingers are free to criticize the way you live. You characterizing this as being "dehumanizing" is exactly the kind of shit that I hate about the Left.

I mean, you claim to be against moralizing, but here you are, talking about how conservatives are just so evil because they say bad things about your unhealthy lifestyle. Please. If your entire problem with the Left is that they say mean things to you, then you're no different from your typical communist snowflake.

Both the right wing and the left wing are oh so concerned with the private issues of others. I suggest you let people exercize their free will, consume whatever and however they wish, and stick your nose firmly back into your own business.

If entire communities have the same "private issues," then they aren't private issues at all.
Being concerned about the "private issues of others," especially when they actively cheapen and degrade the common culture

I'm afraid I'm going to stop you right there, since this is the point where we part ideological ways. I don't acknowledge any claim that the private practices of people affect any "common culture", or that this "common culture" thing is even worth protecting. On the other hand, individual rights are definitely worth protecting. I'm not going to be commenting here any further, as it appears you are my enemy just as much as the SJWs are and there is no merit in discussing these things with you.
Both the right wing and the left wing are oh so concerned with the private issues of others. I suggest you let people exercize their free will, consume whatever and however they wish, and stick your nose firmly back into your own business.

The difference with principled conservatives, is that we will criticize behavior we consider immoral, but not try to legislate it.

One of the biggest mistakes conservatives made in the mid-20th century, was getting on board the 'ban drugs' train; they should have continued to hold what is now thought of as a Libertarian position, and just criticized it.

As a direct example, smoking is bad for you, but so long as you aren't blowing smoke in my face (or close enough to cause problems), it's your business if you want to wreck your lungs, not mine.

Everybody tries to advance their morality in social settings; that's what your quoted statement above is, in matter of fact. Don't act like it's wrong for others to argue their position too. It's only wrong when it gets to the point of harassment, which is what the left is so hated for these days.
I'm afraid I'm going to stop you right there, since this is the point where we part ideological ways. I don't acknowledge any claim that the private practices of people affect any "common culture", or that this "common culture" thing is even worth protecting. On the other hand, individual rights are definitely worth protecting. I'm not going to be commenting here any further, as it appears you are my enemy just as much as the SJWs are and there is no merit in discussing these things with you.

And this is why libertarianism is so seriously flawed. Absolutely everything we do affects other people.

The error at the heart of all libertarian thought is that the individual is the smallest and primary unit of society. The libertarian consistently frames social and moral imperatives in terms of individual needs and desires and freedoms. He posits that society is the sum total of individuals pursuing self-interest, but this is just myopia.

This is not true. The smallest unit of society is the relationship between two individuals. One, two, or a thousand individuals do not comprise a society until there are relationships connecting them to each other—agreements, customs, laws, values. The connecting relationship, not the individual, is the atom of human society. It is impossible to have a "society" of one person.
The difference with principled conservatives, is that we will criticize behavior we consider immoral, but not try to legislate it.

One of the biggest mistakes conservatives made in the mid-20th century, was getting on board the 'ban drugs' train; they should have continued to hold what is now thought of as a Libertarian position, and just criticized it.

As a direct example, smoking is bad for you, but so long as you aren't blowing smoke in my face (or close enough to cause problems), it's your business if you want to wreck your lungs, not mine.

Everybody tries to advance their morality in social settings; that's what your quoted statement above is, in matter of fact. Don't act like it's wrong for others to argue their position too. It's only wrong when it gets to the point of harassment, which is what the left is so hated for these days.
I'm not against people voicing their opinions. It's when they try to enforce it, whether by law, social/psychological manipulation or physical force that I start having a problem.
You're being intentionally ridiculous.

Not really. How are you going to enforce the NAP, once you've eliminated all possible enforcement mechanisms as inherently evil and unprincipled? The true test of an ethical code is whether you can live by it, and your ideology is an embroidered piece of needlework to hang in the front parlor: pretty to look at, but useless.

The difference with principled conservatives, is that we will criticize behavior we consider immoral, but not try to legislate it.

One of the biggest mistakes conservatives made in the mid-20th century, was getting on board the 'ban drugs' train; they should have continued to hold what is now thought of as a Libertarian position, and just criticized it.

Funny how all these "principles" seem to do is prevent you from actually advancing your conception of what is right. It's almost like the people pushing them on you are controlled opposition. Imagine that.

As to the drug legalization comment, I know it's a derail, but I want to pursue it a moment, to tie it into the thread's overall point. As recently as 1989, public opinion was overwhelmingly against legalization of any illicit substance. (And people weren't exactly ignoring the dangers of tobacco or booze then, either.) What changed?

The culture is what changed. No longer community-centered, and no longer really valuing productive labor (much of that was shipped overseas), America became a culture of consumption and addiction. This is far more dangerous than libertarians and reactive conservatives realize. The "culture of death" that St. John Paul II warned about has metastasized— we are now entering our third generation of the culture of death, and not improving. By all measures, things are looking very bad indeed.

That is why people aren't having kids, it is why people aren't getting married, it is why they aren't even fucking anymore— and I guess that is the real stumper, isn't it, because it was recently inconceivable that kids would prefer to consumption and masturbation to following their biological urges. But something changed— just what is one of those metapolitical questions that form the basis of worldviews— and so did those public views of legalizing drugs.

Of course, in many places they've already been legalized, and if not legalized then they've become normative. The naive argument was that marijuana could be a gateway drug— but in reality it's our consumerism that is the gateway drug, and once you're hooked on that marijuana is just another soma among many, chemical and memetic. It seems easy to just roll over. And my concern is that's as far as conservative-leaning people will ever go. They'll never spend five minutes thinking about why our opinions on social issues changed so radically— people in 1989 must have just been fucking morons scared of everything. It's just nobody's business but yours, right?

I don't think earlier generations were stupid, and even when they were scared by the sillier aspects of 80s/90s pop culture it was a healthy caution that something important and significant was changing around them. They knew more than they knew. But they didn't know enough. Now we do, so we should be able to do something about it other than yawn as our kids light up a doobie or waste another day speed-running Paper Mario in the basement as the days all blend together for them.

ADDENDUM: My argument about guns was different but related: while I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, universal concealed carry, and the lifting of many gun restrictions, I disagree with "gun culture." The problem with the conservative mentality on guns is that it has become fetishistic and totally separated from the utility of guns, so it's gone from sportsmanship/hunting/self-defense to roaming around northern Virginia decked out like you expect to take the next flight to Fallujah in your sideline as a tier one operator. Guns have become a form of consumerism. I should know: I live and work in rural Alaska, where hunting is not just a way of life but a means of survival. Nobody out here walks around prepping for Civil War 2.0. It's perverse, like a lot of things become once you destroy the outward reason for them.
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