The Consoomer Menace


The Falklands are Serbian, you cowards.
Inspired by this tweet:


That "consumer" has become an insult among Gen Z has given me hope that the soul-deadening philosophy of the bugman is as futureless as the bugman himself. The insultification of "consoomer" condemns the corporate mass that has created this cancer, the social atomization that traps people in a despair of relentless feeding, the gnawing void of materialism that destroys reason and empathy.

The bugman consoomer visibly destroys his body with flab, sickness, and addiction. In an absurd extension of his weakness, he tattles to Internet companies to stop normal people from commenting on his degradation. He is obliterated as soon as you point out that his life is dedicated to endless consumption of corporate product; his fat dream is to become totally useless to everyone but the fat cats who profit off him, an ugly blob filling every orifice and sense organ with childish treats until he ruptures.

Look at him above, he has no counter other than saying "yes, this is what I am" in stunned obliviousness. He is a grotesque, defective, stupid nullity, a sterile neotenous mutant, a sadistic, evil little pig.

Data shows that most alcoholics start drinking in their teenage years, and become lifelong abusers because the substance prevents the formation of coping skills. You could argue that over-consumption of nerdshit has a similar effect. Shy or introverted kids who are constantly immersed in these artificial systems never learn to cooperate or master any organic body of knowledge. You could argue that someone like Chris-Chan is the index patient for this, but Movie Bob isn't terribly different.

About 10 years ago, my friend's dad told me something that's never left my mind:

"There are two kinds of people in this world: Producers and Consumers. You either produce, or you consume. If you produce, you're too busy to consume. If you consume, you're too busy to produce. If you ever have to ask which one you are, you're a Consumer."

I wish I could remember exactly what he said later, but it boiled down to not mattering what you produce, as long as you produce. If the world would be inconvenienced or made worse if you retired or died today, it's a pretty good indicator you're a producer. He gave the examples of plumbers, writers, even accountants, so long as you CREATE or CHANGE something. If you spend more time in your day consuming and doing nothing useful with it (this was specifically in reference to people who spend 10 hours a day playing video games or watching TV), your most important contribution to society is giving producers money to continue producing. This man was somewhat wealthy, having worked his whole life even after semi-retiring in his 70s, but didn't seem to view the world through the lens of a class divide. Instead, the world was divided by the producer/consumer line. He hated politicians that took excessive donations and clearly had no ideas of their own, probably moreso than any man I've ever met (he passed away shortly after Trump entered the race in 2015).

This site is one of only three things I really consume anymore. I've given up most video games, haven't seen the inside of a movie theater in years, and only watch TV shows with friends while shooting the shit. The last movie I watched was with a girl on a date, and that's for the intent of being a future Producer of children. That friend's dad's pep talk to me changed a lot in my life, and it's obvious that none of these vloggers and bluechecks have ever considered a life where their jobs aren't meaningless, where "spending time with your kids" can be spent constructing a treehouse or teaching them something instead of watching a movie or going to a local prolechow store, and that consumption of product only wastes their time.

Last note: Before he passed away, this man told me the greatest contribution you can give the world is a healthy, normal family. No one will care what video game you played 30 years ago, but they will care if your 30-year-old son or daughter is saving lives. Once YouTube and Twitter end up dead and gone, the name MovieBob will never be mentioned again.
The question is this can a subculture peacefully coexist with others.

The thing being described? Its not a threat to society people talking about minutia that doesnt intrest most isnt going to do any major harm to the world. I have real actual problems to worry about some guy who wastes his money and time on media isnt going to fuck me and mine.
The question is this can a subculture peacefully coexist with others.

The thing being described? Its not a threat to society people talking about minutia that doesnt intrest most isnt going to do any major harm to the world. I have real actual problems to worry about some guy who wastes his money and time on media isnt going to fuck me and mine.

How big is the Hikkikomori/NEET population of the world?
Okay, enough is enough. I get where you're coming from with this, I really do; but this sort of dehumanizing diatribe is no different than the ones the regressive leftists regularly go on.
I can agree but one difference is that the OP of this thread and others like him will not be going out and doing cancel culture or calling companies to fire people or deplatform them. So honestly, I say leave it be. Thats just me though.
This creates a false dichotomy. We are all in part the “consoomer” and it is an aspect of ourselves that we should moderate. By creating and demonizing this caricature, we miss the real lesson which is to be introspective and to put things that matter in ours lives - family, friendship, community, morality - above things which do not - those materialistic interests of the so called “consoomer.”
How is it dehumanizing to point out the corrosive and soul-destroying effects of materialistic consumption on people? If they've been dehumanized in any way, it's something they've done to themselves.
I'm just going to change one thing about what you just posted; let's see if you can recognize the hypocrisy.
How is it dehumanizing to point out the corrosive and soul-destroying effects of conservatism on people? If they've been dehumanized in any way, it's something they've done to themselves.
You are literally using the same dehumanizing tactics the left loves to use on us; including the bit where you try to wrangle taking issue with what you said into evidence supporting it.

You are dehumanizing people; period. You are pushing the idea that yours is the only correct way to live, and anyone who does not live as you do is nothing more than "an ugly blob filling every orifice and sense organ with childish treats until he ruptures" and "a grotesque, defective, stupid nullity, a sterile neotenous mutant, a sadistic, evil little pig."

In short; I recommend you take a long, hard look at the person you want to be, and ask yourself if it's a sanctimonious egotist who lectures others on how to live their lives. Because right now, in this thread? That's the sort of person I'm seeing reflected in your posts.
Dad I have a hard time making friends because I don't understand anything the other kids are talking about.
Would it also be so hard to respect a third of this website's basic purpose?
That "consumer" has become an insult among Gen Z has given me hope that the soul-deadening philosophy of the bugman is as futureless as the bugman himself. The insultification of "consoomer" condemns the corporate mass that has created this cancer, the social atomization that traps people in a despair of relentless feeding, the gnawing void of materialism that destroys reason and empathy.
That's why there's these things called self control and self awareness.

Each person can develop these and can practice these.

Furthermore, there are a lot of things that you can do and consume in this freer society. Where do you want to spend your time, money and energy. It depends on you to set your priorities and goals in your life.
Consumption is an essential aspect of existence-even if that is just food and water.

Nor do I think entertainment must inevitably lead to hedonistic oblivion.

One must have a balance between what they enjoy for themselves(consumption) and what they do for others or society(production).

Another problem is that society nowadays is relatively rich and prosperous.

Not everyone has to be involved in farm labor anymore. Or factory work. In older days, the only consumers of real note were the upper classes. If you were poor you were producing something.

We live in a very comfortable and developed society. And thus people by and large can afford to just consume.

In days gone by-if you didn’t produce(work) you starved. And that was the end of that.

Issues like this in my opinion come down simply to the fact that we are, all problems notwithstanding simply too prosperous and too rich to ever return to the idea that work is a virtue that all must engage in or be shamed and die.

Technology and outsourcing make this all the easier(and I speak of developed first world countries here-this isn’t the case in Bangladesh or say Nigeria).

Do I deny this is a situation that breeds decadence and people placing importance on ultimately trivial things? No of course not. But it’s not really people who are at fault here or even “society”. It’s the fact our economies and societies are just too prosperous.

People are well off enough they don’t have to slave away making cars, wheat or cast iron. So what do they do with their time? Consume stuff they enjoy. Some make stuff sure, but the value of that stuff depends on your value system.
Consumption is an essential aspect of existence-even if that is just food and water.

Nor do I think entertainment must inevitably lead to hedonistic oblivion.

One must have a balance between what they enjoy for themselves(consumption) and what they do for others or society(production).

Another problem is that society nowadays is relatively rich and prosperous.

Not everyone has to be involved in farm labor anymore. Or factory work. In older days, the only consumers of real note were the upper classes. If you were poor you were producing something.

We live in a very comfortable and developed society. And thus people by and large can afford to just consume.

In days gone by-if you didn’t produce(work) you starved. And that was the end of that.

Issues like this in my opinion come down simply to the fact that we are, all problems notwithstanding simply too prosperous and too rich to ever return to the idea that work is a virtue that all must engage in or be shamed and die.

Technology and outsourcing make this all the easier(and I speak of developed first world countries here-this isn’t the case in Bangladesh or say Nigeria).

Do I deny this is a situation that breeds decadence and people placing importance on ultimately trivial things? No of course not. But it’s not really people who are at fault here or even “society”. It’s the fact our economies and societies are just too prosperous.

People are well off enough they don’t have to slave away making cars, wheat or cast iron. So what do they do with their time? Consume stuff they enjoy. Some make stuff sure, but the value of that stuff depends on your value system.
I would much rather have a society that is so rich that people have leisure time, rather than one so poor that every day is a struggle to survive.
Inspired by this tweet:

Classic case of taking a good point, and then extending it out to a destructive extreme.

Also, misunderstanding a big part of why people have become so consumerist.

There has been a strong cultural current in the US since the 60's, that your purpose in life, is to pursue your own pleasure. Now, humans have always had a tendency to go in that direction, and a tendency to take the easy way out. In the 60's, the cultural movement that tried to cast aside pursuing something more meaningful and transcendant, in favor of simply pursuing pleasure, started to rise to power.

The current consumerist culture is in large part a consequence of that.

The destruction of the family unit, both because of making sex into something casual as part of the aforementioned hedonist cultural direction, as well as relentless feminist attacks on anything remotely resembling 'patriarchal' gender roles, has also played a huge part in this. Close relationships are hard work. Raising children is hard work. Yet these are two of the most rewarding things in life, if you're willing to put in the effort and sacrifice. But people have been fed lies that romance 'just works' when it's with 'that special person,' not that healthy romance is built on a foundation of hard work and sacrifice, and that if it gets hard, get a divorce. The lack of care in choosing a partner also makes it more likely that you get into a relationship so bad a divorce is actually a good idea.

So, long and short of it, the problem isn't 'are you a producer or a consumer?' the problem is 'Are you in pursuit of something transcendant, or are you just focusing on the material?

Or, put another way, are you pursuing pleasures of the world, or are you pursuing God?
Really, I think my OP did a pretty good job of explaining the overall rationale behind my disdain for the Consoomer, and think the people who called my post "dehumanizing" might be showing a very incomplete idea of what constitutes harm to society. You're ignoring cultural intangibles completely.

Ultimately, IMHO, the libertarian's seemingly broad-minded and generous idea of personal freedom is really just a long-form way of saying "go make as big a mess of yourself and your life as you want, I don't care what happens to you." It's not the type of idea you can build a genuine society on.

And however much you want to argue that people just enjoying hobbies isn't a bad thing in and of itself, there is a lot of philosophical and social science literature out there to suggest the the type of self-centered hedonism exemplified by the Consoomer is.
The question is then, alright what do people devote themselves to?

Religion? Society is becoming ever secularized and reversing that is dubious and brings its own problems. Such as which religion? How do we deal with those who do not believe? Or other religions? The answer to that question won’t please most people.

The state? That’s basically socialism. Not to mention the state as an institution’s legitimacy in the eyes of the population(and this is the world over) is diminishing.

Some nebulous “community”? Which community? The local community? The provincial community? The national community? The world community? Communities based on some form of exclusion? Race, gender, ideological grouping? What?

People are self centered and live lives of hedonistic nihilism because all of the above has either been discredited in the eyes of our intellectual elite, or because nobody can agree on what they are.

Ideally people would devote their time to meaningful endeavors, but your not dealing with moral rot my friend, so much as you are dealing with our post modernist, post Christian twilight of the west. It’s not there are no gods to serve, we have rejected just about all of them except the god of self.

And the only way that will change is either the collapse of the west, the end of days itself, or the victory of a certain ideology and new social and political model. The first two may very well happen soon, but their affects don’t allow much in the way of renewal and transformation. And the third is highly dubious to ever occur.
Fundamentally we run into the central theme and problem of post modernism.

There are no more grand narratives. And people don’t believe in them really anymore.

That isn’t to say everyone, but the sense that “all has been tried, nothing has really changed things” permeates society like a sick fog over a dying river.

There’s also the problem that individualism is probably the ideal of the modern US and the modern west.

To reverse this-you either have to get people to willing submit themselves to some greater authority, or force them to.

Neither is easy and the latter is questionable. Forcing people to abide by anything creates resentment and rebellion. Trying to get people to join whatever cause or submit to whatever authority voluntarily-is dependent upon their voluntary will and continuation of said choice.

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