Taiwan Straights Tension

Probably visibly but under the table they are taking it.
Iirc a pipeline is being built
Sure, they can and probably will try.
However, there are 2 problems with that:
a) Building the pipeline infrastructure to move oil and gas from the Siberian fields to China is going to be a slow, technically hellishly tough and expensive endeavor, due to the geographic conditions. Perhaps with the Chinese industrial complex helping they can pull it off. Eventually. Somehow. But it won't be fast and it won't be cheap, that much is certain.
Making the ones for Europe took decades, and that includes a good chunk of it going through less harsh lands with proper infrastructure.
b) And once they do, now they have to deal with the Chinese, who certainly didn't pay for it from their own pocket, and they know Russia has to get the investment repaid, somehow, while Europe won't do it for them.
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They already missed their window.

Trump's in the White House now, not Biden, and if they try a move while he's there, they're going to learn *real* fast how much their Navy really is or is not worth.
Agree.Besides,they really belive that they have time,and could wait till USA would fall about 2040 - which should happened becous of USA debt.
Since they need to conqer Taiwan till 2049,there is no need to rush things.
Agree.Besides,they really belive that they have time,and could wait till USA would fall about 2040 - which should happened becous of USA debt.
Since they need to conqer Taiwan till 2049,there is no need to rush things.
At this point, it's about how far we pull the US back from the brink, and whether or not that pushes some corresponding dominos in China to start cascading.
At this point, it's about how far we pull the US back from the brink, and whether or not that pushes some corresponding dominos in China to start cascading.
True,Trump have chance to unfuck american economy...but he mus kill Fed tos do so,starting with coming back to silver dollar.JFK was murdered becouse he tried that.
We would see if Trump manage to do that.But,if he do that,then China,not USA,could collapse becouse of economy.

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