Serious question about anti-Semitism.

I can't pretend to read the guy's mind of course. But in the modern left today, it's not hard to find white people who find the very concept of whiteness despicable and hate all white people. It's possible it's similar.

Those who conducted the Nuremburg trials, who did significantly more than skim a Wikipedia article, disagreed with your optimistic view of his influence and hanged him for it.

"One must never forget the services rendered by the Stürmer. Now that the Jews are known for what they are, nobody any longer thinks that Streicher libeled them." -Adolf Hitler, 1942

Let me point out the problem with this reasoning, Finklestein felt that directly inciting the worst war crimes in the history of mankind and publishing a cartoon of Muhammad were comparable. There's such a thing as degree, and nuance.

1.Finkelstein was writing about jews - and when most of them are white people,it not apply to all of them.
By the way - white jews actually prosecute black jews.Antysemites !!!!

2.If writing supporting germans without killing anybody mean death penalty,then all who supported commies should be hanged 10 times,becouse they killled at least 10 time more people.

3.Hitler and worst war crimes ? bullshit.Compared to Stalin,Mao or Polpot he was he was as average bandit compared to Al Capone.

And,since Finkelstein really farsee fact that jews organizations would try robb Poland,his theory is valid.
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By the same logic I'd be allowed to beat a black man senseless for calling me a "bitch-ass cracka!", right?
Maybe if white people did it more then blacks wouldn’t call whites crackers or honkeys. Note I’m not saying we should or shouldn’t simply that it’s understandable if someone insults your mother or wife or family seriously enough lots of people will get violent. And the law and society red to recognize that.


Well,most commies despised workers,so why ADL members could not despise jews? both groups are leftist,after all.

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