SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

Stopping the red wave is a mainstream media and traditionalist analyst take that I don't particularly think can be subscribed too anymore.

People are turning on the anti-natalist nonsense that ultimately led to roe v wade and a deep abiding hatred of American institutions and political cliques is now mainstream.

A reversal of Roe v Wade could easily be seen as a
Mandate from heaven for the New Right.

But hey, at least no mean Tweets.

I kinda like this though, I'm of the mind that America's institutions need to be humiliated and need to have their mystique utterly shattered so as to begin the process of saving the Republic by drastically reducing our bureaucratic and public servant class. .

That can't be done, the Republic can't be saved if people still think there's a hallowed hall left free of the rot and corruption of the cold war.

Having the highest court of the land exposed as a pathetic gaggle of neurologically compromised High school mean girls is gonna go a long way to starting the debriding process.
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this doesn't mean abortion is illegal it just means it would be kicked to the states.

Blue states would still have legal abortion, most red states would have limitations on it but still have it be legal. And honestly there are a ton of birth control options for women and the morning after pill if you fuck up even after that. Women have a lot more options for avoiding unwanted pregnancy then when Roe V wade started.
No no. You don't understand.

This is a direct assault on all women and rips the constitution to shreds. The judges that voted for this are traitors and the only measured and reasonable response is to eliminate the filibuster and seizing control of the country and then packing the court with people that will rubber stamp anything the left wants.

Actual opinions I've seen on Whitehall.
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I seriously doubt this will hurt the red wave.

The Democrats weren't ever going to vote for the Republicans anyways... the Republicans just got something they have wanted for years...the Democrats might spend the summer burning things down over this. The media is going to work them into an absolute frenzy over this.. you think another summer of riots is going to HELP them? They may have just handed us 2022 on a silver platter.

And there's a surprising amount of pro-choice-ish people out there. Those like myself who think abortion is disgusting but aren't all that interestes in legislation about it. This makes no difference how I'm going to vote...and it won't be for democrats.

The people this was a deal breaker for...they weren't going to vote Republican anyways...

If anything, this might help the red know why Desantis is so popular? Why Trump won? Because they stopped caring what the hard left who will never vote for them, thinks about them. See this is one of those things where I think a lot of right leaners are kinda pussies. It's something they want badly, but they're afraid of it because it might help the Dems. No, guys. It won't. You got a win yesterday. Be happy about it.

Stop being afraid to pursue your political goal because it might upset people who are never going to vote for your side anyways.

Those of us who were willing to leave the left over their authoritarian, fascist, anti free speech, totalitarian wet dreams... are not going to go running back to them over abortions.

The right is so used to losing and getting screwed over that you all get a MAJOR WIN and you're upset that WINNING one of your most major battles might lose you 2022. Fuck no. If anything, this rallies the base. This is an absolutely stellar, MAJOR conservative victory. Light a cigar, pour a whiskey...have a laugh at the crowd losing their minds because they might not get to murder babies... Celebrate a little bit. It's okay to WIN.
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The right is so used to losing and getting screwed over that you all get a MAJOR WIN and you're upset that WINNING one of your most major battles might lose you 2022. Fuck no. If anything, this rallies the base. This is an absolutely stellar, MAJOR conservative victory. Light a cigar, pour a whiskey...have a laugh at the crowd losing their minds because they might not get to murder babies... Celebrate a little bit. It's okay to WIN.
Yeah, it's a major win. That's the problem. Dissatisfied voters are the ones who go to the polls. There's a reason why the President almost always ends up losing seats in his first midterm, because the people who are dissatisfied that he won go out again, while those are stay home.

I'm not saying that Roe v. Wade should not have been overturned, and I think there are reasons to think that it might not hurt the GOP too much electorally (the problematic economy is a bigger issue, and the possibility of a violent overreaction from the libs). But I do think that it is a damper on GOP hopes. Of course, that would be true at any time, so this is probably the best time from a political standpoint to take the hit, several months before a midterm which looks really good for the GOP.
Yeah, it's a major win. That's the problem. Dissatisfied voters are the ones who go to the polls. There's a reason why the President almost always ends up losing seats in his first midterm, because the people who are dissatisfied that he won go out again, while those are stay home.

I'm not saying that Roe v. Wade should not have been overturned, and I think there are reasons to think that it might not hurt the GOP too much electorally (the problematic economy is a bigger issue, and the possibility of a violent overreaction from the libs). But I do think that it is a damper on GOP hopes. Of course, that would be true at any time, so this is probably the best time from a political standpoint to take the hit, several months before a midterm which looks really good for the GOP.
Yeah after the 2020 Sham, and the disaster that is Joe Biden, and the high inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, trans grooming in schools...this isn't going to keep the GOP away from the polls, especially after the riots we are about to watch all summer.

This is a message that the right CAN win. It doesn't mean the right has won it all. I think people needed a reminder they can win. Really suspect this helps the red wave. It's okay to get a win once in a while.

It's understandable, we are so used to getting screwed and losing, that the first thought is "how is this going to screw us over," but I don't think it will.
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Yeah, it's a major win. That's the problem. Dissatisfied voters are the ones who go to the polls. There's a reason why the President almost always ends up losing seats in his first midterm, because the people who are dissatisfied that he won go out again, while those are stay home.

I'm not saying that Roe v. Wade should not have been overturned, and I think there are reasons to think that it might not hurt the GOP too much electorally (the problematic economy is a bigger issue, and the possibility of a violent overreaction from the libs). But I do think that it is a damper on GOP hopes. Of course, that would be true at any time, so this is probably the best time from a political standpoint to take the hit, several months before a midterm which looks really good for the GOP.
GOP still dominates the 2022 Midterms.
Whoever intentionally leaked this, will likeky lose his or her job & get criminally prosecuted.

There are some indications that it was clerk who works for Sotomayor, but nothing concrete yet. As it usually goes in these matters, it is unlikely the person will be punished.



Honestly, I expected a move like this closer to midterms.
Ouch! Fired, criminally prosecuted & disbarred.

Whoever did this better consider fleeing the country ASAP.
Nah, they'll be fine, the media will take them in as a "court commentator".

Shit it was probably the new activist judge who can't define what a woman is.
She's not been seated yet.
Could the leaker's plan have been a purely kneejerk 'hah I bet this'll get Antifa & the feminist mob fired up enough to scare squishier Justices like Kavanaugh into changing their mind' rather than any serious political calculations about the midterms?

Worse still - might that actually work? I mean damn, the American right has been working toward this for half a century. And if their first groundbreaking, legitimate socially conservative win in 50 years gets snatched away at the 11th hour by bullshit leftist intimidation...well. I can think of few other ways to make fedposting IRL more attractive than shutting the main avenue for peaceful change pro-lifers have been aiming for for 50 years in such a blatant fashion, so maybe SCOTUS is doomed to royally piss one faction or another off no matter whether they stick to their guns or cave to the inevitable intimidation campaign here (or simply wimp out of a tough decision, for that matter).

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