United States Predictions of a Biden Presidency

But he won't be gone, he'll still be alive, so will his supporters

They'll be people to find and do stuff to

Can't afford another Trump, gotta find anyone who remotely supported him or anyone who remotely went against the Far Left

Have to intensify what's taught in the schools and universities after illegalizing homeschooling

Have to increase the "rules" for what can or can't be allowed in certain platforms and publishers, with those corporates agreeing to find out these guys whose money they can live without

Plus, it's not as if all those people who bought guns will actually use them, if anything they will surrender them

"Soft Power" can do more than "Hard Power" ever could. Getting people to hand the whip over to you is a better show of power than simply using said whip to force them to do what you want.
Until they too fall in the purity spiral.
Many people here have been concerned that if and when Trump no longer enjoys the protections of the presidency, he'll be a target for democrats seeking to imprison him. But won't he also be a target for the Iranians since they hold him responsible for killing General and Arch-terrorist Suleimani?
Many people here have been concerned that if and when Trump no longer enjoys the protections of the presidency, he'll be a target for democrats seeking to imprison him. But won't he also be a target for the Iranians since they hold him responsible for killing General and Arch-terrorist Suleimani?
Probably. Will that be an excuse for invading Iran?
Biden dies in a few years. Probably first year.

And we get our first female president through fraud and lines of succession.

Middle east falls apart and terrorism rises, we get involved in a foreign war or wars.

International relations is Biden's weak spot and Dems have become the warhawks since Obama.

Other than that, mostly gridlock as the Senate blocks legislation. Which is a best case scenario. This will be the first time since the 1800s that a democrat came into office without both houses of congress on their side. He won't be able to do most of his promises. Keeping the Senate may be what saves the nation from radical leftism taking over.

Bets on how many countries we bomb?
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Biden dies in a few years.

Middle east falls apart and terrorism rises, we get involved in a foreign war.

International relations is Biden's weak spot and Dems have become the warhawks since Obama.

Bets on how many countries we bomb?
Africa might get some new freedom spots too.
Biden will resign within a year. If you listen to Joe talk for long enough eventually nonsense starts spewing out of his mouth, and you think to yourself "did he just have a stroke?". He'd never be allowed to negotiate with anyone. His press conferences and white hall dinners will be embarrassing to watch.

Harris won't be tough on Russia or China. I expect America to lose its place as a world superpower as Russia and China begin stepping in and filling the gaps and slowly encroaching on America, knowing that Harris won't fight back. Taxes will be raised for more social programs, middle class will continue to die out. More unchecked illegal immigration. Harris will exacerbate our situation by taking refugees from Europe.

I think there's momentum for Google to be broken up in an anti-trust action by the US government. Both the Republicans and Democrats are in favor (even for different reasons) and I think this election will only add fuel to the fire.

Doubtful. Silicon Valley has been fully converged by the Left. The Left has an effective monopoly on the internet, with Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter in their pockets. They aren't going to give up that control over what people think and are allowed to say. If Pelosi's proposed HR1 bill is anything to go by, they want more total control.

I do think there's going to be a lot of resentment in right wing circles. A resurgent Tea Party type movement? Something else? No idea.

Maybe but they won't be able to do anything about it, because they've proven unwilling to change their way of thinking. Trump will be the last non-Leftist President of the US.

The Republicans have been willfully losing for the past 70 years. They've had their head in the sand, thinking that focusing on the economy will win them popular support, rather than winning people's hearts and minds. While the Left was converging the education system and began educating the next generation with their ideology, the Republicans did nothing. While the Left converged Hollywood and used pop culture to disseminate their ideas, the Republicans refuse to support and promote artists that reflect their ideology. Now the Left controls the people. They control what the people think through the schools they attend during the day, what the people see on the news (they're converging Fox News so pretty much every cable news station is Leftist now), what people see online through search engine results and curating what can or cannot be said, and what people consume through TV, Hollywood films, and AAA video games. It is far, far too late for the Republicans to try to get in on that.

Trump won the 2016 election because he wasn't complacent like the rest of his party. He understood the power of the internet, of social media. He wasn't content to play by the rules when he understood that his enemies weren't either. Unless the next Republican presidential candidate also recognizes this, they have no chance of winning whatsoever.
Republicans and Conservatives in general serve an important purpose in the system, which is to keep their constituents, tied to the spinning wheel, and to demobilize their resistance.

This has been the case for the past seventy years, if not for the past century.

Conservativism itself serves to keep Americans(oh well I'll be blunt White Americans) from organizing and defending their interests in an ethnic way. White identity politics is the greatest threat to the system, which is why Conservativism Inc. serves to keep it within electoral and thus ever losing grounds.
Biden the establishment moderate reenables crony capitalism while throwing a couple of tokens at BLM like a national ban on choke-holds. Mitch blocks everything else, and the country continues its intractable stalemate for another four years.
Assuming people's belief that Biden will be pushed aside for Harris is accurate, don't expect it before 2023. That way Harris could theoretically get two full terms in addition to the remained of Biden's term, whereas if it happened earlier Harris would be limited to the remained of Biden's term plus one of her own.
Biden dies in a few years. Probably first year.

And we get our first female president through fraud and lines of succession.

Middle east falls apart and terrorism rises, we get involved in a foreign war or wars.

International relations is Biden's weak spot and Dems have become the warhawks since Obama.

Other than that, mostly gridlock as the Senate blocks legislation. Which is a best case scenario. This will be the first time since the 1800s that a democrat came into office without both houses of congress on their side. He won't be able to do most of his promises. Keeping the Senate may be what saves the nation from radical leftism taking over.

Bets on how many countries we bomb?

Many,but i bet that North Korea would be no one of them.Comrade Kemala would not hurt her brothers.
Biden the establishment moderate reenables crony capitalism while throwing a couple of tokens at BLM like a national ban on choke-holds. Mitch blocks everything else, and the country continues its intractable stalemate for another four years.

This is a poisoned chalice election for the establishment democrats.

They have been caught red handed, and seriously pissed off the republican party even the most milktoast republican is furious about this kind of open corruption, then theres the fact that they cheated Bernie a second time and will not be able to keep their promises to the extreme left. So you know a democrat civil war with an enraged republican party going populist.

Expect more black and Hispanic republicans soon.
Good Luck, US, you're going to need it.

Gun rights are going to be whittled away till they try to do what they did in New Zealand and freedom of speech will also be chipped away till it's like what's available in EU nations and then you're going to be double-fucked. If you thought critical race theory is bad, wait until it's mandated by the government in class rooms.

Biden and Harris don't have a clue about the economy so you're going to get a recession and it's going to be bad.

The democrats can't afford another Trump administration, they can't afford to have successful opposition who managed to do what they only ever promise to do. Your only hope is that when Biden's or more accurately, Harris's four years are up, the ship is going to correct to the right and it doesn't over correct to being far right.

[Edit] Biden and the democrats cheated. Until there's a complete recount and deep investigation into this election, I won't ever believe it wasn't outright stolen.

[Edit2] Also good luck getting my fellow EU nations to honour their agreements, pay their fair share etc and to be the whipping boy/mule for the rest of the world and that very much includes China. The CCP are going to be laughing all the way to the bank as they cement their economical stranglehold over the world.
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Race will become further solidified in national discourse, and anti Whitism will be further enshrined and solidified as the civic religion.

Which as evident by the above post.

Some have said, Biden will have limits on what he can achieve due to a republican senate, the problem is the Republicans can lose the Senate, and the cultural effects of a Biden and then Harris presidency will be far more long lasting.

We can see the enshrinement of CRT in all schools and public institutions, hate speech laws that target religion and opposition to degenerate behavior will be propounded and enforced, censorship of the internet will accelerate and the bogeyman of White Supremacist terrorism will be constantly propagandized against, as taxes rise, and corporations enforce social policies.

By 2030 the US will be a bastardized mix of EU and Canadian hate speech laws and deification of multiculturalism, and like Brazil in terms of crime and (Democrat) corruption.

Biden can serve two to three years, with Harris finishing out his term and then running herself. If Biden lasts two terms, Harris will have the presidency for the next eight years minimum.

We are entering an era of darkness, and utter ruin, degeneracy and lies will be propounded from the highest of heights, and truth and virtue demonized with a viciousness that would shock even the worst of the gutter rats.

The Republican party will beg and plead to remain, but eventually will itself be disposed of. Its role no longer being useful once the one party state has consolidated control to prevent any challenge emerging again.

The US will decay, and will perhaps within the century collapse. If Jesus Christ does not return first.

America is passing away, and will within the century of this election fade from history.
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