United States Predictions of a Biden Presidency

Race will become further solidified in national discourse, and anti Whitism will be further enshrined and solidified as the civic religion.

Which as evident by the above post.

Entertainment Media will see an increase in Identity Politics and forced lazy Tokenism and race/sex/gender/sexual-orientation bending of established characters

There will also be a push for publishers and platforms like Steam to get rid of games random journalists started hating, some games will be more protected than others

Indie Creators for games, comics, music and so on will be monitored, with some being blacklisted and unpersonned from sites like Amazon
Eh, that's one of the main complaints I have with the Trump administration. Part of this was moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. That was a massive mistake. The 'peace agreements' Trump put forward don't help either, as they do nothing to influence the religious fundamentalists.

Let me be clear.

Palestine is fucked. It was fucked the moment the Israelis took dominant power of the region. They effectively live in an open air-prison and the Israeli leadership is slowly choking them like a boa chokes the life out of a man. What you're seeing in this and the next decade is probably their last dying gasp.

And Palestine would have done it to Israel if the roles were reversed. Geopolitically, they are adversaries and a threat to the other. Palestine as a national concept will be broken and crushed.

Of course, I'm sure Biden won't mind so much having the opposite intent with the Beijing government. So long as he and his get their paychecks, China can rape and murder as many Muslim minorities as they want.
The Uighurs will likely be wiped out within a few decades. With Han Chinese colonizing the Western steppe and Central Asia, the US is not going to war over that.

As for Palestine, Abbas is old and the PLO discredited, I am curious how long it can hold once he dies, and Hamas doesn't have the same street cred it used to. Either in Gaza or the broader Arab street.

Israel will likely prevail over them, and as the US declines reorient its foreign policy to India and China.
The Uighurs will likely be wiped out within a few decades. With Han Chinese colonizing the Western steppe and Central Asia, the US is not going to war over that.

I don’t think they can even escape

As mentioned before, although they were Muslim, when they went to France they were turned over back to China and I doubt the majority of the Muslim world cares about them

65% of polled college students say rioting and looting are justified

Based Left.

So all the talk by the Left of insurance is the just giving a reply. They don't care if you recover or not.

Leftists and Liberals know how to win, we have to give them that. People just keep saying that the GOP will save us despite them for the past decades not doing much.
Most of leftist activity under Biden wont be obvious to the public. What the public will perceive is that Biden is a moderate Democrat who is often unable to act because of Republican obstructionaism. In truth, the deep state, big tech, and the vast and powerful left wing machine will gain far more power over the life of the citizens and people will seem like conspiracy theorists when ever they point it out.

Biden will likely pass some gun laws, which won’t be too draconian, but will the lay the foundation for future gun laws. Banning a list of “assault rifles” or banning certain kinds of magazines. He will probably pass a law trying to fight supposed police racism, which will be supported by a fair number of spineless Republicans, and might require minimum numbers of black police, maximum numbers of blacks in jails or prisons, mandatory “sensitivity” training, etc. He might tinker with Obama Care a bit, but it won’t be full fledged nationalized health care, it will probably just make US health care even less efficient. Biden will likely abolish a number of Trump’s minor accomplishments in fighting illegal immigration. If Biden can get full fledged amnesty then he will, and if he can pull it off, it’s game over (man, game over) for the USA. More likely, he won’t go for full fledged amnesty but will pass some limited amnesty that will be exploited to be more expansive then it seems at first. Biden will try to pass a stimulus bill as fast as he can, likely with mountains of over stuff added in. Biden will likely try to ramp up war with Syria but I’m not sure if he will go back to Obama’s Iran deal.

More covertly, big tech (now with nothing to fear from the Trump administration) will work to lock down the Internet. Expect to see all of the big social media corporations to ban dissenters. There will still be conservatives, but they will be of the Lincoln Project variety. They’re going to try to have even small time independent websites shut out or blocked. Along the same lines, they are going to shut out dissenters from all financial transaction. If you are a professional right political activist during the Biden era, you won’t be able to receive money in any form other than cash. You wont be able to receive donations electronically, no online payment service will do business with you. You won’t be able to get a credit card or receive payment from credit cards. You may not even be able to have a bank account.

There will be no Tea Party protests or anything similar while Biden is president. Any noteworthy protest like that will be swarmed with Antifa and the attendants will be viciously assaulted, then the leaders of those events will be arrested and charged disproportionately, they will also be sued into oblivion. The news will report on how violence broke because of Neo-Nazi extremists.

Universities will become even further left and will receive even more tax payers money to push their agenda.

I expect to see more events like what happened at Waco or Ruby Ridge, with the media coordinating coverage to make the victims seem like they deserve it.

The Deep State will recover from the minor damage done to them by Trump, becoming even more powerful and intrusive, likely gathering (or manufacturing) information on political enemies and prosecuting them, maybe punishing Trump, his family, or his loyal allies. They will be very prepared for other future Trumps and won’t let them get close to the White House again.

I predict that China will increase their activity in foreign nations and will be able to do so with no noteworthy resistance from the USA.

Republicans will make a token effort to block some of the Democrats‘ agenda, and on certain things they will be effective, but the main problems won’t be legistlation going through Congress through legitimate ways. Republicans will be utterly unable to counter the actions of the deep state, big tech, the media, de-facto amnesty, or the culture war. In fact, the Republicans will give moderate support to that leftist agenda.

I have a few other thoughts, but I think that’s enough for now.
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I'm cautiously optimistic, largely because of the economic policy moves that have been proposed. Schumer and Warren have been united for months in calling for $50,000 per student debt cancellation, which shows the Democrats are united on this and it's no longer just coming from their Progressive Wing. Reports out suggest the Biden camp is interested in this, so that's a good thing. Also, he officially endorsed the $15 minimum wage during the campaign, which would be another benefit for the working class. What I fear will happen, however, is we end up getting the same Fiscally Conservative, Socially Liberal doldrums of the Obama years.

It's hard being a Social Conservative, Economically Left voter.....
Student debt cancelation would be good for the people who receive it, but would be catastrophic for the nation in the long run as it leads to colleges and universities raising their tuition prices, more people going to college, and greater willingness to go into greater debt to go to college.
Student debt cancelation would be good for the people who receive it, but would be catastrophic for the nation in the long run as it leads to colleges and universities raising their tuition prices, more people going to college, and greater willingness to go into greater debt to go to college.

Would colleges still even be a thing outside of non-STEM courses?

I’m hoping that Online Classes become a good replacement for actually ever going to colleges too
Would colleges still even be a thing outside of non-STEM courses?

I’m hoping that Online Classes become a good replacement for actually ever going to colleges too
As long as there is a buck to be skilled out, yes. Most college these days is basically just sororities, advocacy groups and parties anyway.
Not even getting into the consequences of a Universal 15 dollar minimum wage. The potential inflation alone.
Also combined with restricting so many businesses for Covid, small businesses especially are already pushed to the limit, a $15 could do them in, and/or cause them to fire even more low wage employees. I don’t think that it will cause inflation, because while some people will end up with more money in their pockets, the end result will probably be less money in people’s pockets on average.
Also combined with restricting so many businesses for Covid, small businesses especially are already pushed to the limit, a $15 could do them in, and/or cause them to fire even more low wage employees. I don’t think that it will cause inflation, because while some people will end up with more money in their pockets, the end result will probably be less money in people’s pockets on average.
Might have got the word for it mixed up. But globally that would almost definetly result in a net loss to the dollars purchasing power.
Might have got the word for it mixed up. But globally that would almost definetly result in a net loss to the dollars purchasing power.

Your corporations then get to play “entrepreneur” and move to countries like mine and proceed to essentially exploit my countrymen and get lauded as heroes for bringing jobs....really low paying jobs and proceed to make things somewhat harder for our local businesses to compete in some areas

COVID-19 is STILL affecting my country’s economy, hell even the fancier restaurants around had to cut many of their employees off due to risk of infection and cut down on how many customers they can receive at a time
Your corporations then get to play “entrepreneur” and move to countries like mine and proceed to essentially exploit my countrymen and get lauded as heroes for bringing jobs....really low paying jobs and proceed to make things somewhat harder for our local businesses to compete in some areas
You know I'm Indian right? I'm not American so I get it. I'm a H1B IT guy. Been here for a few years since college and all goes well still would not be a citizen for like 20 years in a perfect situation. Biden gets in probabaly will end up going back when the tech industry crashes and there is no need for what I can provide.

And local jobs are usually worse compared to the low compared to US wage outsourced jobs. That's just a sad reality.
You know I'm Indian right? I'm not American so I get it. I'm a H1B IT guy. Been here for a few years since college and all goes well still would not be a citizen for like 20 years in a perfect situation. Biden gets in probabaly will end up going back when the tech industry crashes and there is no need for what I can provide.

And local jobs are usually worse compared to the low compared to US wage outsourced jobs. That's just a sad reality.

Tech industry crashes? How would that ever happen?

Point. I think Amazon only gets so much flak less because of their actual working conditions and more because Bezos may have flipped off a lady whom he thought to be a nobody compared to him
Tech industry crashes? How would that ever happen?

Point. I think Amazon only gets so much flak less because of their actual working conditions and more because Bezos may have flipped off a lady whom he thought to be a nobody compared to him
Reason for the stereotype of the Indian IT guy. Tech jobs pay well but on average are about as long term as a building remodeling job. Fact is IT Contract work is short term and seasonal based on a companies budget.

You've got your permanent IT personnel who dl Run and Maintain. Those are usually the people with long roots a couple specialized degrees and settled in one place. Contractors? 6 months to a year tops in any one company. Hired based on the allocated budged and let go at the end of it.

There was a bit a major crash in that front come March. I was lucky but one of the first things to be axed in a budget crunch is that new feature for an app or a website redesign. Lot of Contractors whove been in the H1B gambit for a decade left this year. Too bad too but we dont begrudge it. We know that's a chance and we'd do the same.
Student debt cancelation would be good for the people who receive it, but would be catastrophic for the nation in the long run as it leads to colleges and universities raising their tuition prices, more people going to college, and greater willingness to go into greater debt to go to college.

Realistically, our current system as a whole doesn't make much sense. The U.S. spends about $100 Billion every year on Federal Student loans and somehow still lose money on the program, which really says a lot I think in of its own. For comparative sake, 2016-2017 figures showed about $75 Billion was spent at Public Four Year Institutions on Tuition, not including room/board/books. Adding Two Year and Trade Schools brings the cost up to around $80 Billion.

If they converted the Federal Loan Program to a Block Grant at, say, $90 Billion (Assuming mass switching from Private to Public Institutions) and cut off Private Schools, we could easily afford college for everyone while saving $40 Billion annually. Let States, with their own financial aid apparatus, use them to cover for dorms, meal plans, etc. Block Grant funding would also, in theory, eliminate the extravagant spending we've seen in administration costs and amenities, since funding is effectively constant. We've also cut off private schools, which are the main source of debt accumulation by students and abuse the FAFSA system to raise tuition rates.
Reason for the stereotype of the Indian IT guy. Tech jobs pay well but on average are about as long term as a building remodeling job. Fact is IT Contract work is short term and seasonal based on a companies budget.

You've got your permanent IT personnel who dl Run and Maintain. Those are usually the people with long roots a couple specialized degrees and settled in one place. Contractors? 6 months to a year tops in any one company. Hired based on the allocated budged and let go at the end of it.

There was a bit a major crash in that front come March. I was lucky but one of the first things to be axed in a budget crunch is that new feature for an app or a website redesign. Lot of Contractors whove been in the H1B gambit for a decade left this year. Too bad too but we dont begrudge it. We know that's a chance and we'd do the same.

So, actually “learning to code” isn’t exactly a good skill-based-job strategy in the long run?

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