Musk actually buys Twitter.

The latest cope on the internet: Vijaya and her trust and safety coders were the only thing protecting user anonimity from foreign governments, and with her gone Elon will be eaten alive by the Saudis. This is proof that he spent the last few months being dropped on his head repeatedly. /S
Eaten alive by the Saudis? Bruh he does business with everyone that has money. He won't be eaten he'll eat with everyone willing to give him that money when he payed a lot to get twitter.
A lot of people are reporting anecdotally that their posts are appearing in feeds again etc and the Shadow banning of a lot of wrong thinkers seems to be in recession.

But others report no real change or ongoing lack of engagement.

Also... Trump won't be the last one unbanned.

Will the Babylon Bee comeback as well?


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