MGTOW Opinion

I think this connects to our talk awhile back regarding feminists and their attempt to change beauty standards

All the butch, fat, androgynous-masculine body figures are their projection and them getting real self conscious, some ahead of time before their fertile years even end

Feminists tried to change beauty standards for several different reasons.

  1. There is the formal decorum of men treating women with respect, not just as playthings. This is a longstanding social value, whether it was embraced or not. It goes back and forth in the social consciousness. Impart, Feminists are responding to the sexual revolution's encouragement of loose women.
  2. It is a struggle against loose women. And not necessarily a prudish one, though it can be. Women who don't want to take the risk of having a fatherless child or getting a disease or who come from a respectable family and wish to maintain that image are not going to want to have to deal with men who think they should drop panties on the first date. Meanwhile, there are plenty of women who for their own reasons, absolutely will. Because they don't know about contraception, have no access, are against it on principal, want to entrap the man, or are too ignorant to use it. And men will generally go for the quick and free sex that presents itself. Even if they know there are strings attached. Hell, sometimes because they know there might be strings attached.
  3. Those same women who want respectability want to be able to carry it over into parenthood. When women do get hitched and have kids, their social power skyrockets and unlike unmarried women, it does not go away. Oh sure, their looks and sexuality fade, but they now have a husband. That gives her the same access to material power and resources as he does, so long as the marriage lasts. It gives her access to other women within his social circle and she naturally expands and strengthens it. Think Hillary Clinton; without Old Willy, she wouldn't be the major player that she is. But after she had access to her husband's power and resources, she became a power in her own right. So ensuring that men act with a degree of decorum for the "happily ever after" is also in their interest.
  4. Women who are ugly want to undermine women who are beautiful.
Because let’s face it, even at a younger age, not all women are pretty and the effort is “too much” and they know they will grow old and the fact that men look at prettier feminine younger women.....even fictional ones

Yes, but they are also able to settle for the lower-rung men. And make no mistake; even if men WANT hotter women, they will settle. I've seen guys with absolute dogs. Guys who could get something better. But because the women in their league are also looking for something better and those men don't respect themselves enough, they end up with something I wouldn't hand over to a wild hog to hump.

Really helps with their anger.

I think we're moving into broad brush territory.

Feminists want different things. Look at Anita. Wears make-up. Fashionable, form-fitting clothes. The truth is that they're either been unfortunate in romance or they have trouble in long-lasting relationships and hence probably feel used up. And of course, you do have women who are horribly overweight and think that if they demand things loud enough, men will change their sexual drives and they'll get better men. And of course others are dikes who just want to undercut men so they can get more women.

Plus having kids makes them older, both due to responsibilities and not being able to enjoy luxuries as much....not rven going to the effort of finding a pseudo balance

I think that's a minority. Although I do hear a lot of women talking about how they don't want women, especially the younger ones--I don't think they honestly believe it. I think they've decided that it's a bridge they'll cross later and they don't want to scare away a man or alienate themselves from their social life, without realizing that while children do change their life, it is not the end of your life and it does not mean you'll grow up miserable. There is a difference between a difficult life and a miserable life. It can be mutual, but you can also lead an easy life and be very, very miserable.
When i was lurking on stormfront a few years i saw a thread on MGTOW, and oh lord those loons think mgtow was created by the Jews to divide and depopulate the white race :LOL: .
So..I have never had luck with getting a girl, one could call it fear and cowardice, which it is, and I look at this movement and..a few videos I saw made it look appealing. Then I smacked myself and enjoyed a nice conversation with some battle buddies and was like "fuck no".
My fear comes from rejection/ruining something else. I have never been one to just go and ask, and MGTOW appeals to someone like me.
The US Army thiugh has a solution to this, by putting you in positions where you have to gain confidence. Like a Board.

So yeah
Like any other important relationship, if you're looking into romance, you need to make sure you know the character of the other person is strong enough that you can actually trust them with closeness and vulnerability.

And that's before you get into all the financial stuff and whatnot.
I like the idea of MGTOW and going monk, but I really like women and like romance, far too much to consider it.
When i was lurking on stormfront a few years i saw a thread on MGTOW, and oh lord those loons think mgtow was created by the Jews to divide and depopulate the white race :LOL: .

They fucking blame us for everything if it rains, its the jews, if they stub their toes its the jews, if we had that kind of power I wouldnt be living in a fucking RV

I like the idea of MGTOW and going monk, but I really like women and like romance, far too much to consider it.

Women are not the problem the problem is a broken and utterly toxic and corrupt family court and our broken laws which are often based on lies.
They fucking blame us for everything if it rains, its the jews, if they stub their toes its the jews, if we had that kind of power I wouldnt be living in a fucking RV

Women are not the problem the problem is a broken and utterly toxic and corrupt family court and our broken laws which are often based on lies.
Tell me about it.
Stormfags would probably say your " Lying " or some other delusional shit.
Then they have the nerve and utter gall to claim they are the most oppressed group in the US. Let me get this straight.

You are part of the Majority population. Check
You Control most of the State Legislatures, and Local Governments. Check
You Make up most of the Governorships in the US. Check
You are the literally Bulk of the Congressman and Senators in the US. Check
You have the most members in the US Military. Check
You have the most Corporate CEOs and Small Business Owners. check
You have most of the State, Local and Federal Judgeships. Check
And Damn near every President has been of their race save for one maybe two (The jury is still out on Calvin Coolege.) Check

If that is oppression sign me up.
Tell me about it.

Then they have the nerve and utter gall to claim they are the most oppressed group in the US. Let me get this straight.

You are part of the Majority population. Check
You Control most of the State Legislatures, and Local Governments. Check
You Make up most of the Governorships in the US. Check
You are the literally Bulk of the Congressman and Senators in the US. Check
You have the most members in the US Military. Check
You have the most Corporate CEOs and Small Business Owners. check
You have most of the State, Local and Federal Judgeships. Check
And Damn near every President has been of their race save for one maybe two (The jury is still out on Calvin Coolege.) Check

If that is oppression sign me up.
They're like SJW's but instead of blaming "whitey" for their problems they blame "Da Joos" and black people.
want to know a secret some times life is just shit, things go wrong and its not any ones fault. no matter who you are shit will go wrong. There isn't a grand conspiracy behind this the world has always been kind of shit.
So very true. That is at the end of the day the way our lives play out is up to us and us alone. You can either Bitch and Complain becoming a Poor Me Baby. Or you can take stock of your life and takes steps to become a better person.
So very true. That is at the end of the day the way our lives play out is up to us and us alone. You can either Bitch and Complain becoming a Poor Me Baby. Or you can take stock of your life and takes steps to become a better person.

And as much as possible, steer clear of trouble

That said, if society really is out to get you or a sort of demographic, get good friends who you can rely on to tell them to fuck off
Honestly a thread on why the Jews always get the blame would be a potentially interesting thread topic in and of itself.

Or you can take stock of your life and takes steps to become a better person.
Aye, trick is though finding what works best. Maybe this person is the solitary "OOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM" type where they just think about themselves and work from there or maybe they're the kind of person who needs to be moulded by their social situation as otherwise they just revert to their former selves or just fall into the wrong mould, like some MGTOW's to keep the example thread relevant.
They fucking blame us for everything if it rains, its the jews, if they stub their toes its the jews, if we had that kind of power I wouldnt be living in a fucking RV

Stormfags would probably say your " Lying " or some other delusional shit.

There are a fuck load of lefty jews in Academia that espouse utterly civilization destroying shit while doing the boomercon thing of 'muh Israel' and acting like complete hypocrites. It's not 'The Jews', but there are Jews in academia, in business and in film that essentially act as stereotypical rootless nation killers that Stormfags can and do point to and go 'it's literally the jews'. It's not 'the jews'. It's highly strung lefty academic globalists who happen to be jewish; and who espouse all the typical far left talking points but then switch on a dime when people try and apply it to them. The perfect example I can recall off the top of my head was a spokeswoman for some shitty refugee organisation that was 'reeeing' that Europe wasn't taking enough brown people in, but then immediately afterwards said that Israel should be exempt and couldn't possibly take any refugees.

When stormies say 'the jews' they're not thinking of an average jewish person, they're thinking of someone sitting in an expensive office making far left decisions, but then also being able to just move to Israel when those decisions fuck over the host nation they are living in. Either that or they're retarded and are literally just neckless wastes of space blaming the 'jews' for their own shitty failure.

It reminds me a bit of when the black power movement in New York was going in on the anti semitic stuff about some rich people that were doing something or another (I honestly can't recall why they were chimping it, not really relevant, just that it was about some rich jews doing shit, or they thought they were doing shit), and so they took to the streets and IIRC about five orthodox jews had the shit kicked out of them. I've worked in a Jewish summer camp with exchange programs; Orthodox jews and Long island rich people who are Jewish are insanely different; to the point where they may as well not even be part of the same religion. Like stormies the black power gang were 'reeing' about something a rich lefty who was jewish was doing and blamed 'the jews' without thinking (or caring) that the only 'jews' you can ID on the street as being such would A) Be poor enough that they had to live in the shithole parts of town with them and B) dress and act nothing like the 'Jews' that they are pissed at.

Women are not the problem the problem is a broken and utterly toxic and corrupt family court and our broken laws which are often based on lies.
Oh I agree, I was saying the idea of going full 'Monk' is appealing in a detachment sort of way, but I enjoy being with and around women far too much to actually do that; and I've seen a lot of MGTOW's advocate going full monk to fix the issue.
Oh I agree, I was saying the idea of going full 'Monk' is appealing in a detachment sort of way, but I enjoy being with and around women far too much to actually do that; and I've seen a lot of MGTOW's advocate going full monk to fix the issue.

Question, how hard is it to stop a possible sociopath?

Because I think that's what MGTOW are steering away from

Women who are a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths who see people only as tools
There are a fuck load of lefty jews in Academia that espouse utterly civilization destroying shit while doing the boomercon thing of 'muh Israel' and acting like complete hypocrites. It's not 'The Jews', but there are Jews in academia, in business and in film that essentially act as stereotypical rootless nation killers that Stormfags can and do point to and go 'it's literally the jews'. It's not 'the jews'. It's highly strung lefty academic globalists who happen to be jewish; and who espouse all the typical far left talking points but then switch on a dime when people try and apply it to them. The perfect example I can recall off the top of my head was a spokeswoman for some shitty refugee organisation that was 'reeeing' that Europe wasn't taking enough brown people in, but then immediately afterwards said that Israel should be exempt and couldn't possibly take any refugees.

When stormies say 'the jews' they're not thinking of an average jewish person, they're thinking of someone sitting in an expensive office making far left decisions, but then also being able to just move to Israel when those decisions fuck over the host nation they are living in. Either that or they're retarded and are literally just neckless wastes of space blaming the 'jews' for their own shitty failure.

It reminds me a bit of when the black power movement in New York was going in on the anti semitic stuff about some rich people that were doing something or another (I honestly can't recall why they were chimping it, not really relevant, just that it was about some rich jews doing shit, or they thought they were doing shit), and so they took to the streets and IIRC about five orthodox jews had the shit kicked out of them. I've worked in a Jewish summer camp with exchange programs; Orthodox jews and Long island rich people who are Jewish are insanely different; to the point where they may as well not even be part of the same religion. Like stormies the black power gang were 'reeing' about something a rich lefty who was jewish was doing and blamed 'the jews' without thinking (or caring) that the only 'jews' you can ID on the street as being such would A) Be poor enough that they had to live in the shithole parts of town with them and B) dress and act nothing like the 'Jews' that they are pissed at.

Oh I agree, I was saying the idea of going full 'Monk' is appealing in a detachment sort of way, but I enjoy being with and around women far too much to actually do that; and I've seen a lot of MGTOW's advocate going full monk to fix the issue.
This image describes stormfags and SJW's pretty well.

Question, how hard is it to stop a possible sociopath?

Because I think that's what MGTOW are steering away from

Women who are a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths who see people only as tools
That's an abusive relationship; and going 'monk' is a very extreme solution to that. At the very least we need society to get a better understanding of female-male abuse and honestly abuse in general. We have a very firmly entrenched view of abusive relationships as always being one sided and typically male lead (not without reason, men in abusive relationships when leading have a much, much higher chance of murdering their partner than the opposite); but the reality is that abuse is co-morbid. No one just sits there and takes it, they retaliate and escalate as well. The abuser in that situation though will then twist it to make it the other persons fault, isolate the abuse in a controllable manner and keep them locked in that abusive situation. It's like emotional yo-yo'ing.

When a man is abusing his partner he's doing it for control and generally it's not a spontaneous outburst, it's a prolonged campaign (abusive men always baffled me because of how much work they put into it; I'd get bored within a week honestly). The issue as I see it is that it's far easier for a woman to make it look as though she is the victim when she is the abuser because of abuse being two sided from an outside perspective.

Let's be real here, there is very little that is more convincing than a petite, attractive blonde girl crying in the witness stand. 'Facts don't care about your feelings' is true, but people 'feel' more than they think in cases of abuse.

I have no idea how you could fix that issue; physical and emotional abuse of your partner is wrong, it just is. The way the police deal with it in the UK is essentially a scorched earth approach where both sides are legally mandated to remove themselves from each other (in a voluntary sense, so the man cannot have contact with the woman unless she initiates it and vice versa); but abused people in long term relationships have had their contacts and their connections essentially 'pruned' by their abuser.

I would say that the only really practical thing I could see would be teaching boys to spot the warning signs of an abusive woman, but that would require us as society to acknowledge A) that women can be abusive and B) that the way women commit to abuse is very different to the way men do it. It's an extension of the problem that we don't seem to be able to admit that there are traits within women that make them prone to very toxic ways of thinking and acting.
This image describes stormfags and SJW's pretty well.

Pretty much yeah. I'll not lie, I'm 100% an ethnonationalist, but I don't hate other people the way /pol/ seems to, I don't want national socialism because it's essentially a fucking cult. I would prefer that people become more conservative and less just well disgusting in the way we engage in casual sex, abortion, obesity, etc. But the use of force rather than positive programs is insane as well; what pol wants is a revolution, and really the only reason a revolution is ever had is to essentially install a dictator, and dictators tend to not be great at helping the people rather than themselves.

I'm not going to fetish liberty, or democracy as I have severe issues with the excesses that have been born from the pursuit of freedom and the idea that giving the average person the vote is a good idea; but looking at the facts of it, having the people of a nation be the people to decide the fate of a nation just seems like the best option.

EDIT: As an aside I don't think that /pol/ and SJW's are really the same in general, SJW's are pretty unified and have a fairly consistent brand of insanity. /pol/ is - ironically - an incredibly diverse collection of eclectic lunatics with some really bizarre and out there views that are essentially a random slapdash of hearsay, ignorance, misunderstanding and cargo cultism; half of them are LARP'ing, the other half are devout neo-nazi's and pretty much all of them could do with about six months of bootcamp and paying their own bills to get them to focus on more realistic issues that they face.

EDIT2: /pol/ is the retard containment pen of 4chan.
/Pol and Stormfront seem to fucking despise each other oddly enough.
/pol/ and Stormfront seem to hate their own users. The internet Neo Nazi movement seems to be the most ethnically diverse globally connected white nationalist anti globalist movement I've ever seen. I've seen Black Nazi's, Japanese Nazi's, Brazillian Nazis, Argentinian Nazi's (though they might be the real deal actually. :unsure:) Chinese Nazi's, Polish Nazi's (what a wild ride that was), and everything else. Hell I've seen Jewish Nazi's' on /pol/. I tend to just assume that /Pol/ is one massive LARP because doing otherwise hurts my thinkmeat.

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