Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes


I'll bet America sees a lot more of this in the decades to come. Between our embrace of perversion, the access to our children we grant to perverts, and a legal-judicial prison complex that is more about career than justice, we are a nation ripe for vigilante action.
The people in jail and prison hate pedos.
The people in jail and prison hate pedos.
Speaking for myself, I don't want child-rapers beaten, tortured, humiliated, or any of that shit. I merely want them dead, quickly and cleanly. It's not good for the prisoners to expose them to that sort of temptation, to give them creatures that most of us quietly agree are homo sacer and turn a blind eye when they are abused.

I'll bet America sees a lot more of this in the decades to come. Between our embrace of perversion, the access to our children we grant to perverts, and a legal-judicial prison complex that is more about career than justice, we are a nation ripe for vigilante action.

america has a very long history of viliganti justice and action, this current era where its rare is the aberation not the other way around.

The 'pureblood' meme is fucking hilarious. Apparently the original goal was to get the ADL to declare that armband a hate symbol, and thereby fuck over people who used it as a tattoo. I have no idea if that has or will happen, but anything that trolls the left with Harry Potter is okay by me.

I feel the urge to photoshop some pictures of Hermione being snotty with 'trust the science' quotes. Maybe do a couple tweets from Dumbledore, a 'got the booster' followed by a pic of him with the cursed hand.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Wizarding children!
I feel like the term bleaching of characters (a NSFW term) will start adding that to thier artm
They already add Swastika and various other things. Might as well have fun with the lefts favorite stuff, porn
I feel like the term bleaching of characters (a NSFW term) will start adding that to thier artm
They already add Swastika and various other things. Might as well have fun with the lefts favorite stuff, porn
Whitewashed SwastikAss?

Ehhh.. too degenerate for me, but the logic is sound.

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