I wish. but their arguments are even dumber than cultural appropriation.
The reason they think it is racis is because they believe blacks are too dumb to do math. Because math was "designed from the ground up for white people" and how their brains work. (which they make sure to claim is not better, just different.)
This, they argue in article after article in MSM, is what makes math racist. Which is why they call for replacing math with "subjective math" where there are no wrong answers. Because "correct answers" is racism.
There are tons of articles saying basically the same thing above.
As well as multiple schools which have altered their curriculum with this in mind.
I have not been keeping up with the academic left's descent into luddite insanity, clearly.
1. Math (as we understand the term today) is a mix of Bablylonian, Greek, Arabic, and Hindu contributions, with only calculus and post calculus actually coming from "white" people.
2. Last I checked, presuming that any racial group has a group level average intelligence appreciably different from the norm was among the defining traits of racism. Apparently that has changed?
2.a. Why exactly are 'blacks' not up in arms about how massively insulting and patronizing this argument is? If a bunch of Brits had told my ancestors that they couldn't learn 'objective math' because their subhuman Irish brains were too stupid to grasp it, they would've gleefully murdered them in their sleep.
(Okay, yes, there is ample evidence that they would have, and did, happily do so anyway for other reasons. That noted, even if they were not previously so inclined, that would have been sufficient motivation.)
3. I sure as happy hell do not want to drive on a bridge, work in a building, fly in a plane or take a medicine produced under the auspices of 'subjective math'.
3.a. Something tells me that unless I am well connected to the Democratic party, trying to file taxes based on 'subjective math' isn't going to go well for me either...