Matt Walsh: "Taking a sick day as an adult should be pretty embarrassing for you."
Fuck off Walsh, I've only used my sick days twice in my 4 years in my current job, 0 in two previous ones, and once in my first job, all for just medical visits I can't reschedule outside of worktime or for medical situations where I literally can't move or have been told by my bosses to go home and take a sick leave, and even I don't want the local workaholic asshole passing his cold or flu or whatever disgusting shit they have on to me. And if they're lying just to get out of work, well then I hope they enjoy not having any sick days for the medical visits when they actual get something serious.
"Oh, but Walsh is just saying you shouldn't be abusing it."
If that was what he meant then why the fuck say "adults don't have time to be sick". You know who has that attitude? Your average overworked, overstressed unhealthy Japanese salaryman who's lucky to have a few hours to see his family, let alone a doctor. If I wanted to be a corpo slave that has to work even if I'm dying I'll go back to Japan and work for some black company over there.