Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

I don't know if maybe you could have melded the Lovecraftian stuff in with the Leviathans, and scrap the larger reaper fleet idea beyond Sovereign and Harbringer? The idea of these ancient creatures slowly corrupting and devouring worlds using psionic powers sounds a bit better than robot fleet with poor programming.

Breaking! The Mass Effect Trilogy Legendary Edition has been delayed and the remastered trilogy won't see a 2020 release.

Also breaking, the Mass Effect Trilogy Legendary Edition is actually a thing suffering delays in spite of not even being officially announced yet! :p
Yeah, well, as long as they make ME1 not garbage to play, that's fine by me.
I must admit I still like the worlds of ME1, but whats needed is the inventory management changed. Also, try to do away with all the ships/vaults etc looking like pregenerated environments. I do realise it was a limitation of the time.

One thing ME1 did that none of the sequels did or Andromeda was the achievements that actually had an effect on subsequent playthroughs.
I just hope they actually include all DLCs for all three games. It's annoyingly difficult to get your hands on the extra content for ME1, especially now that Bioware closed that site with the list of theirs.
I just hope they actually include all DLCs for all three games. It's annoyingly difficult to get your hands on the extra content for ME1, especially now that Bioware closed that site with the list of theirs.
Pretty sure they're including all the ones they have source code for.

(They may have lost the Pinnacle Station DLC source code.)
Then why should I buy their new collection? Also how the heck do you use a freaking source code?
Because I'm pretty sure Pinnacle Station is the only they lost, and you can easily lose source code if the HDD it was stored on fails and the backup wasn't up to date/etc... You'll get literally every other DLC, an improved ME1, and the base games in one seamless package.

(If you're Square Enix, you lose source code by simply not giving a shit.)
They never should have revealed the motives of the reapers..only hinted at them. The reapers should have been this terrible, enigmatic and unstoppable thing that simply could not be beaten by any amount of force the galaxy could bring against them.

I disagree actually. Reaper strategy is religiously devoted to isolating and destroying their targets. This is why their invasion would begin by seizing the Citadel and cutting off the Mass Relay routes. Then, it's simply a matter of picking the systems off one at a time (note how I'm ignoring the stuff in ME3 about the Crucible. Vigil's recollection of the Prothean-Reaper War makes it clear that the Protheans were fucked from the word go and were slowly picked off over centuries).

In Mass Effect 3, they don't have that luxury. Those Prothean scientists utterly buggered their plans and now the Reapers have to do something they've never done before: fight total conventional war against an enemy who has a massive military industrial complex and can maneuver. They are no longer harvesting helpless, isolated planets, they are fighting vast fleets with a serious range advantage over them.

They should have lost because they jumped into such a conflict with a united galaxy. It would be a Pyrrhic victory for sentient life, but they would beat the Reapers back. The only thing that could work for Harbinger and co is sabotaging and breaking up alliances (feeding into their strategy of isolating the enemy), into which Shepard would leap as the great peacemaker and/or ruthless bastard he is and piss all over their schemes. Failing that, just a full on desperate charge at the Citadel, at which the decisive battle of the war would take place.
Frankly, the problem with the reapers, at least to me, was that "ancient and powerfully evil super race with mysterious goals" is a cliche I am thoroughly sick of. It's nice ME actually subverted it by having them talk up thier goals as being this awesome, incomprehensible thing, and then in ME2 we find out it's not, it's just for reproduction. At the end, they're constrained by the same basic drives as the organic life they loathe.

Then ME3 went and botched that, and then super-botched it by having them easily steamroll the galaxy even with, as @Lord Sovereign notes, most of their best advantages neutralized.

Then why should I buy their new collection? Also how the heck do you use a freaking source code?

I think some people would consider ME1 sans pinnacle station to be an upgrade, actually.
Pretty much. Mass Effect gameplay is a chore that only the promise of advancing the plot can get you through. Pinnacle Station has no plot, so there's no point in playing it.
I spit upon EA for basically abandoning the franchise after the mehness of Andromeda.
Referring to the "Mehness" of Andromeda is like referring to the "mehness" of a sucking chest wound. It was a colossal failure.

I managed to reconcile the Geth and the Quarians in the third game, I like them both.
Same here, but if you had to choose, I'd choose the Quarians.
The Quarians were portrayed as completely unsympathetic, genocidal, suicidal lunatics in ME3, I have no idea how anyone could possibly see their way to siding with them besides "Does the purple getty image edit have puss puss pls".
Then ME3 went and botched that, and then super-botched it by having them easily steamroll the galaxy even with, as @Lord Sovereign notes, most of their best advantages neutralized.

Yeah the opening of Mass Effect 3 was rather jarring when it came to the fact that it's a hearing and in the span of like a minute, and some cringey dialogue from the Systems Alliance triumvirate, you just get this rapid spiel of all of these places having contact lost, then the window literally explodes and kills everybody. I guess they were trying to make it shocking and impactful but it played as more jarring and a bit much front loaded.

Then what was worse was after such a dramatic and intense opening, literally the Reavers invading Earth and a literal atmospheric capship battle taking place, you have to go to Mars and fight lameass Cerberus dudes... which would be a theme throughout the game. The plague of the Cerberus forces somehow is almost as big a threat as the Reapers it seems, even able to muster enough force to challenge an entire Systems Alliance fleet and furthermore have a Call of Duty style teleporting Russian power where they show up on Salarian Special Forces bases and take over the Citadel with unchallenged impunity.
The reapers were pretty consistently established to be completely unbeatable conventionally, with a fleet that had more super-dreadnoughts than anyone had frigates. The writers put themselves in a corner from the very beginning.

They could have actually squeezed themselves out quite nicely (disregarding the invention of fucking thanix cannons). The reason Sovereign was so devastating in the battle of the Citadel was not only down to its size and power, but because the Alliance had to close in so as to avoid inflicting collateral damage on the Citadel. This puts them in reach of Sovereign's very powerful beam weapons.

Take the Citadel out of the equation and put them in open space, then it's a fairer fight. The Reapers can close the distance, but they've got to run the gauntlet first (and that's without Alliance/Citadel ships backing up and buying more time). I don't overly care how powerful you are, getting slammed by a few hundred mass accelerator cannon rounds is going to ruin your day. And every Reaper ship destroyed is not going to be replaced for millennia.

As for the size of the Reaper fleet, whilst the end cutscene of Mass Effect 2 shows thousands of the bastards, you could actually leave it at that. Say there's three or five thousand of them. A terrifying force to be sure that would be invincible if they controlled the Mass Relays, but in direct assaults they will get whittled down.

Ultimately, might sound strange, but a Reaper should be a bit like the KMS Bismarck in my view. Terrifyingly durable and heavily armed, but maintain distance, concentrate fire, and you can pelt it into scrap. Also, say whilst the Collectors have Oculuses, the Reapers might not in this hypothetical ME3 (the Collectors have probably had to fight engagements not nearly as stacked in their favour, so development of battle doctrine was necessary). In which case, the Reapers get a taste of carrier warfare.

Breaking! The Mass Effect Trilogy Legendary Edition has been delayed and the remastered trilogy won't see a 2020 release.

Also breaking, the Mass Effect Trilogy Legendary Edition is actually a thing suffering delays in spite of not even being officially announced yet! :p

Looks like the official announcement for the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is reported to happen on November 7th or N7 Day to the Mass Effect fandom (according to 'industry sources').

I'll believe it when it happens, because EA is shitty enough to give us a teaser, then have the actual reveal be at the VGAs.

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