Leftist Child Grooming

London: #Antifa & left-wing protesters gathered at the @Tate Britain museum today in support of a children's drag queen story hour event that was being protested.
#Antifa posted instructions on how to conceal one's identity for the #London direct action in support of a children's drag queen story hour at @Tate Britain Museum. The drag queen reading at the event is "Aida H Dee."

The drag queen reading at the children's event at @Tate Britain museum in #London today had recently been fundraising in support of a deceased convicted child sex offender.

Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, a Conservative British politician & life peer, wrote a letter to the chairman of the @Tate museums. She asked why a drag queen who posts about anal sex and orgies was invited to read to children today in #London.


They will groom your children and you will not be told about it
To a certain extent this very much is an issue of poor parenting. Now 100% what the schools are doing is both wrong and evil, but parents have been unbelievably lazy for decades in just dumping their children into public schools expecting a favorable outcome. Now it's quite stark. Parent your children yourself, put in the actual time and effort to instill your cultural values, or have the teachers at school instill theirs. While not quite homeschool or die, it's certainly approaching it.
To a certain extent this very much is an issue of poor parenting. Now 100% what the schools are doing is both wrong and evil, but parents have been unbelievably lazy for decades in just dumping their children into public schools expecting a favorable outcome. Now it's quite stark. Parent your children yourself, put in the actual time and effort to instill your cultural values, or have the teachers at school instill theirs. While not quite homeschool or die, it's certainly approaching it.

home schooling rates are exploiding as we speak.
I literally saw a article the other day implying all homeschoolers are Nazis. Some family in bum fuck nowhere Ohio who was raising their kids as "upstanding national socialists" and who were being shown as a example of how the right could fight against school indocrination on a podcast called "Achtung Amerika" and whose Telegram channel showing off the "curriculum" had about 300 people.

No I am not joking they actually claim this is real. It was honestly shown on the article as if it is some sort of common thing happening right now in the USA.
I literally saw a article the other day implying all homeschoolers are Nazis. Some family in bum fuck nowhere Ohio who was raising their kids as "upstanding national socialists" and who were being shown as a example of how the right could fight against school indocrination on a podcast called "Achtung Amerika" and whose Telegram channel showing off the "curriculum" had about 300 people.

No I am not joking they actually claim this is real. It was honestly shown on the article as if it is some sort of common thing happening right now in the USA.

They call anyone who disagreees with them that so not surprised.

The left has been trying to stop the homeschooling movement for decades. Probably since it started, but I'm not certain about that.
They have, I know, my family was part of the second wave of homeschoolers starting in the late 1980s and was closely involved with the premier US homeschool law group: the HSLDA, who we happened to live right by.

What drove my parents to homeschool me? Loudon County public schools.

Yes, they have been shit and evil since the 1980s, it just took until now for them to fuck up so bad it made national news. That entire time you saw Leftists and public schools seeking to crush the homeschool movement using every tactic they could, from truancy laws, to child abuse laws, to trying to pass onerous regulations, with every trick in between. I just wish I had the time and money to homeschool my daughters, but our expenses won't allow it...

Going to paraphrase this twit(ter) lineup.
"Am I a bigot for disapproving of kids being exposed to hyper-sexualized drag queens?"


"Uhh guys it is a drag show...But the kid was totally fine!"

"It was a drag show, but so what? Conservatives do the same thing!"

"AKSHUALLY what is so wrong about it anyways? Expose your children to KWEENZ or you're a right winger"

"...But I wouldn't expose my kids to this stuff, really! Not to say anything is wrong about it!"
I'm more and more okay with the death penalty for these grooming freaks.

Hang the parents. Hang the drag queen, hang the onlookers who are cheering this on. This poor little girl is better off in state care than with her parents who are sexually exploiting her.

How does not one adult in this room stand up and get this child out of here? How does no one realize this is sick and wrong?

Look at that poor little girl's face.

These people are sick and evil.

You don't understand, they HAVE to go snip-snip to innocent children or you are a bigot!
You don't want to be a bigot now, do you? You wouldn't mind if your HR department was called up, would you?

I honestly would love to see the right engage in cancel culture of its own.

Just immediately begin accusing any HR people by name of being pro pedophilia when they fire you to cater to the groomers....all over social media in public and call up their neighbors and friends and the people who run the social clubs their kids are in etc.

Oh a company puts out a message in solidarity with rioters and condemns anyone speaking up?

A few million normies dump your stock and make sure the world knows why. And no apologies are sufficient, we aren't liberals we don't want concessions we want your bankruptcy because it's not about the message it's about shattering an enemy chokehold.

same heat should be applies to Feds. Massive and relentless online campaigns of demonization of federal law enforcement. Constantly memeing, mocking and spamming a list of their crimes.

If you don't have a written pledge from the candidats that the first thing he or she will do once she/he gets into the House/Senate/Whitehouse is shutdown one of the three letter agencies per term?

Don't vote at all
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