The truth is of course that no, not every LGHDTV person is some child diddler.
But when people started shouting 'groomer!', they started acting as if they were being singled out, targeted, and that something they wanted secret was being leaked.
Why would 'that' be?
They see it, for some reason, as an attack on
all gay/lesbian/Bi people than the elements in their toxic community which are full on predators. To them, it's an "us vs them" situation than a "them vs all the kiddie-fuckers and outright degenerates in our community".
And, yes, I call the LGBTIAQIAKitchenSink+ community toxic because it's an utter cess pit: There are many reasons why the sane/normal members of it are trying to retroactively split back into
just the LGB community, after all.
Here's what a lot of them don't want to accept: If someone's a regular, normal person who happens to be gay/Bi than straight, the broader strokes [I say this because there will
always be parents/families who will stupidly disown their kids for coming out -- they're the ones who need help/support] of Western society?
No one cares. Seriously, it's a "whoopey fucking do" thing.
We all have gay/Bi/lesbian friends or acquaintances, even if they're on the outskirts of our friend groups, communities, or workplace.
No one cares.
If they're a, well, an utter
weirdo that walks around in leather fishnets and a dog mask, or someone who makes their entire
personality their orientation, and yes we see this especially in media with certain stars/actors like Ncuti Gatwa, or someone who writes an agenda into their work because they can't just help themselves, like Russel T. Davies,
that's who people dislike/think are the fucking freaks, and these people have become the face of the Kitchen Sink community.
Let's put it this way and flip the orientations around: If a straight man went around loudly proclaiming about fucking women constantly, or doing everything he can to prove his, er, "heteroness", you're gonna think he's an utter douche/cunt and think, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" after three seconds on meeting him.
What about if the guy in question wrote a drama of a much older guy, e.g. his late twenties/early thirties, lusting after a sixteen/seventeen year old naive girl, to much "critical acclaim"? Oh, wait, that was the remake of Queer as Folk, which had a
29 year old dude falling in love and regularly fucking a 17 year old boy.
And, of course, not mentioned in the above are the predators, abusers, exploiters, and kiddie-fuckers who are using the Kitchen Sink Community as a shield/cover, like that soprano group in America that was literally saying "we're coming for your children" and it turned out over two-thirds, IIRC, were
actual convicted kiddie-fuckers, or "Jessica Yaniv" who follows little girls into bathrooms and locker rooms, or male athletes who "transition" because they're too much of a bunch of fucking losers to succeed in men's sporting leagues [e.g. "Lea Thomas"].
So, yeah: Again, no one really cares if someone's gay, Bi, or a lesbian if they're just a regular, normal person. The issues people have are with the freaks, degenerates, kiddie-fuckers, abusers, exploiters, et cetera, but the toxic Alphabet Soup community as a whole views the rightful disdain towards these detestable cunts as being an attack on
all gay, Bi, and lesbian people.
Oh! And let's mention that a good portion of that community turns on bisexual people on the regular, viewing them as either "traitors" if they decide to date/settle down with someone of the opposite gender, e.g. a Bi woman marrying a straight man, or "bisexuals don't exist; they're just gays/lesbians in denial".