Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

Shipmaster Sane

You have been weighed
It's not just the migrant boats. These people are more than willing to set up a global center of jihad in any scrap of land they get to rule unmolested, we have seen that with ISIL and AQ before. Reminder that jihadists, like communists, recognize national borders or loyalties as nothing more than dumb unbeliever's obstacles their most righteous activities. Migrant boats or other ways, they would absolutely and unconditionally insist on making themselves a pain in the ass. Better crush their attempts before they get big and manage to get themselves some serious weapons rather than wait to do it afterwards.
I'm not actually pro anyone here, if anything I'm Anti-pro anyone. Feel free to crush away the second something becomes a problem for you. Not someone else, you.
We have the Maxim and they do not, as always.
No need to get suckered into a bad deal over it.


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Staff Member
So, nothing even approaching the scale of what Hamas did. Some individual cases, rumors by obvious Armenia supporter twitter accounts, all 3 specific cases involving soldiers vs soldiers. Happens even in more civilized armies.
If anything Armenians got the questionable honor of getting close to that scale in the previous war with the biggest war crime in it:
The event became the largest single massacre throughout the entire Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.[11]
I'm not actually pro anyone here, if anything I'm Anti-pro anyone. Feel free to crush away the second something becomes a problem for you. Not someone else, you.
Not noticing things beyond the tip of your nose in world politics as much as anywhere else is not a virtue, it's near-sightedness, only a fool would say a good thing about it.
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The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.

So Dave Chappelle probably just killed his career with this rant in support of Hamas.

Eh he's pretty teflon since the Gays and Queers couldn't really kill his career recently. And he even tried to kill his own career by walking out on Comedy Central a couple decades earlier. He'll probably find a way to mitigate any fallout into future standup content like he has before with other 'controversies.'


When the effort is no longer profitable...
Eh he's pretty teflon since the Gays and Queers couldn't really kill his career recently. And he even tried to kill his own career by walking out on Comedy Central a couple decades earlier. He'll probably find a way to mitigate any fallout into future standup content like he has before with other 'controversies.'
He hasn't been in the camp saying 'Go Hamas' before, and that's the sort of line crossing he really should know better than to do.

He ripped on Kanye for his shit with the stuff about Hitler, while now going on and cheering on Hamas because he is a Muslim now and believing a lot of the Pallywood lies Hamas and Islamic Jihadi push, from what the reports are.

This is also why Chappelle doesn't let people bring camera or phones into his shows anymore, so people cannot get direct recordings of things.




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Staff Member
How speaking for Palestinians is being pro-Hamas? So far here what I am reading is hearsay.
Well what Palestinians are fighting Israel right now?
While that was awful in itself, what made my heart sink and started to invoke fear was when the crowd of nearly 20,000 people started yelling out "Go Palestine. Go Hamas." and other related hatful jargon.


Well-known member
I mean, the fact he is Muslim should of made it obvious.

Why are Christians rooting for the Muslims? At least the jews you can live amongst, the Muslims have been trying to wipe yall out fir centuries
Not even headless corpses and border markers with their soldiers heads will stop them. It's only in the last 80 years after the Davao Sultanate dissolved that they've stopped trying to convert us by the sword. That doesn't count the 60000 asshole Jihadi in the Southern Philippines. They're still trying.


The Army Life for me! The POG life for me!
Eh, he did take time to condemn Hamas. One can be mostly on the Palestinian side, hate what Hamas did, and be concerned about Israel doing things that will kill innocents. I can disagree with his position here, but not be repulsed by it.
The attacks of Hamas.
One should mention that there really is no separation between Gaza and Hamas

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