General Gaming Thread

Yeah, I know about the anime is Satan thing, but a friend also told me that Walsh is more recently arguing on Twitter with the Quartering, Rageaholic and other anti-woke streamers about vidya being evil and whatnot. I don't really want to go into Twitter to see, even if Elon is trying to clean it up. Either way, I would think Walsh would spend his time better than trying to piss off non-boomers in the anti-woke crowd. Considering video games and its hobbyists have been attacked by both sides of the aisle since its inception you would think people like Walsh would understand gamers are extremely sensitive about their hobby coming under further attack, especially with games being infested with wokies.

His "argument" is that any time spent playing video games or watching anime could be better spent elsewhere and should be spent elsewhere.

This, of course, ignores that no human on earth can spend 100% of their time working.
Actually, he said that anime just looks Satanic to him.
TBF a bunch of manga artists just grab whatever symbols they think look cool without regard for what they mean. sometimes they do just grab satanic imagery. mostly just because it looks cool to them. I just am in the camp that parents should know what their kids are watching and reading. freaking out over harry potter or dragon ball or call of duty is silly.
It's one of the stupid things about conservatives like him, and is frankly one of the things that makes them like Leftists in that they will find something they don't like to blame for something else. Leftists will blame guns for mass shootings and want to ban them, and conservatives will try blaming video games. It's laughable.
It's one of the stupid things about conservatives like him, and is frankly one of the things that makes them like Leftists in that they will find something they don't like to blame for something else. Leftists will blame guns for mass shootings and want to ban them, and conservatives will try blaming video games. It's laughable.

I find it highly amusing that compared to Walsh's fellow Daily Wire podcast host and conservative Christian commentator Andrew Klavan, that Walsh seems so Luddite when it comes to video games and leisure technology compared to the much older Klavan, who's always enthusiastic when someone asks him about video games.
So what's this I hear about Matt Walsh pulling a Jack Thompson? Is he trying to hide a "vidya is from Saytuuuuhn" stance under an "ackshually, I just said moderation (but yeah vidya is from Saytuuuhn)" statement or is he just making a sarcastic tweet again? From what I've been told its the anti-woke non-boomer non-Christian streamers who are arguing against Walsh over video games.

EDIT: just realized I didn't include the "non-" qualifier before the Christian descriptor

Anime, not vidya. Still retarded tho.

Yeah, I know about the anime is Satan thing, but a friend also told me that Walsh is more recently arguing on Twitter with the Quartering, Rageaholic and other anti-woke streamers about vidya being evil and whatnot. I don't really want to go into Twitter to see, even if Elon is trying to clean it up. Either way, I would think Walsh would spend his time better than trying to piss off non-boomers in the anti-woke crowd. Considering video games and its hobbyists have been attacked by both sides of the aisle since its inception you would think people like Walsh would understand gamers are extremely sensitive about their hobby coming under further attack, especially with games being infested with wokies.

DW guy going on a moralizing purity spiral alienating people who otherwise agree with him? wow who could have seen that coming.

Matt Walsh is a meme, and not someone you should take seriously.

His "argument" is that any time spent playing video games or watching anime could be better spent elsewhere and should be spent elsewhere.

This, of course, ignores that no human on earth can spend 100% of their time working.

Actually, he said that anime just looks Satanic to him.

he said both.

It's one of the stupid things about conservatives like him, and is frankly one of the things that makes them like Leftists in that they will find something they don't like to blame for something else. Leftists will blame guns for mass shootings and want to ban them, and conservatives will try blaming video games. It's laughable.

I find it highly amusing that compared to Walsh's fellow Daily Wire podcast host and conservative Christian commentator Andrew Klavan, that Walsh seems so Luddite when it comes to video games and leisure technology compared to the much older Klavan, who's always enthusiastic when someone asks him about video games.

On Matt Walsh arguing on videogames being Satanic shows he is excessively classic conservative of the 1990s early 2000s , the only proof he could use is the immoral behaviour of progressive cosmopolitan companies such as EA, 2K, Activision and Ubisoft and more; additionally, if you want to be generous towards him games like the following could be considered "pro-Satanic" :

( Same company ALL of those games. Apparently they found their niche and are managing to stay afloat. )

the game showed between 1:48 and 1:51 by this youtuber

But then you have games where you fight literal or metaphorical forces of evil such as :

The entire DOOM, F.E.A.R. and Resident Evil ips plus these ones below ⬇️

Prodeus on Steam

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide on Steam

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on Steam

Propagation: Paradise Hotel on Steam

Hunt: Showdown on Steam

Evil Dead: The Game on Steam

CULTIC on Steam

Forgive Me Father on Steam

So his argument is fucking moot on that.

On doing better things with your time than videogames he barely has a point in my humble opinion. I was clinically diagnosed with addiction to videogames before I started therapy and nowadays not only I didn't cry or wailed ( or any deranged idiotic reaction a soy boy would do ) when I sold my PS4 with all the games but I don't spend half a day on a console and I can quit before 23:00 and don't go on.

Not to mention that you look that there a "metaphorical" cash whales that spend between free to four/five digits in a year for their favorite "game" I can say that you can spend your time better (and cheaper) with other things IF you take into consideration this perspectives of mine.

Consider Matt Walsh good for what he did with his documentary and maybe one of his books but disregard the rest of his persona in my humble opinion.
Literally nothing about this video is good.
In my theory we should equally watch bad and good videos, that's why I shared it. The thread is useful for discussions as well. I am interested in why you personally think it is not good.

Also, this could be more of your liking. I haven't seen Razorfist appearing in my YT feed since he posted the video about Lincoln

TBF a bunch of manga artists just grab whatever symbols they think look cool without regard for what they mean. sometimes they do just grab satanic imagery. mostly just because it looks cool to them. I just am in the camp that parents should know what their kids are watching and reading. freaking out over harry potter or dragon ball or call of duty is silly.
@Blasterbot you made realize that funnily enough nowadays is mostly the progressives that freak out over gaming.
In my theory we should equally watch bad and good videos, that's why I shared it. The thread is useful for discussions as well. I am interested in why you personally think it is not good.

Well as one major example he calls Civilization a city builder. There is also no such thing as an "Anti-game". Changing up core tenants or adding new twists on a genre does not make it some type of inverse of the genre.

The aspects in his major example, Tera-Nil, that he says makes it an anti-city builder are... present in a lot of other city builders in the form of Scenarios and Puzzles. That's all Tera-Nil is in the end: a series of scenarios with no sandbox mode. Is it a good game? No clue, never played it. It seems pretty shallow overall and designed to fit that idea(scenarios and puzzles over complex optimization) so it's at least well made on that front... but it isn't a reverse or anti anything. It's just a city builder painted green.

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