Five minutes of hate news

See stuff like this is why people think you are Bryan from spacebattles. Whenever antisemitism on the right comes up they say “conservatives are the real antisemite. They want Jews to go to Israel so God will destroy them and cause revelations.” But I’ve never seen any evangelicals say that stupid shit you posted as the reason for why they support Israel. No they give two reasons first is Gods promise to Abraham to give his descendants the land second they believe Jews to be gods chosen people and god will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.

Nothing about revelation or end times bullshit.

That’s also cringe. They don’t actually believe in Odin or Thor.
Some do. Some don't.
I know plenty of both.
You talking about pagans?

You do get that the pagan gods were quite prideful and did not tolerate disrespect. So if they were actual beings with agency and could act why did they tolerate their people being slaughtered, raped, and enslaved, and converted by Christians?
Because they are nature gods. They are more bestial in their pure form and only really take a humanoid form to relate to humans. I take that belief and combine it with monotheism and Zoroastrianism to propose that God has many faces and personalities, so the "Gods" were really just God the whole time
You talking about pagans?

You do get that the pagan gods were quite prideful and did not tolerate disrespect. So if they were actual beings with agency and could act why did they tolerate their people being slaughtered, raped, and enslaved, and converted by Christians?
I mean, *Looks at history* most of the Norse were doing the raping enslaving and slaughtering to Christians. And even when Christianity eas introduced it was slowly added into Norse as well, before conversion...
See stuff like this is why people think you are Bryan from spacebattles. Whenever antisemitism on the right comes up they say “conservatives are the real antisemite. They want Jews to go to Israel so God will destroy them and cause revelations.” But I’ve never seen any evangelicals say that stupid shit you posted as the reason for why they support Israel. No they give two reasons first is Gods promise to Abraham to give his descendants the land second they believe Jews to be gods chosen people and god will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.
No, I'm very painfully aware that leftists are no less psychotically antisemitic than even the Charlottesville crowd - but are considered mainstream rather than a fringe radical group.

As someone half Latino, I would prefer them to get the rope. Or firing squad. But those are also expensive "treatments".

For a couple of Venezuelans who stabbed a cook a few years ago we kicked even people who hadn't nothing to do with it out of the country (granted that was easy because it is/was a border town).

Cool newsweek, now do a story about while nearly half of all women  feel unsafe, more than half of men actually  are unsafe, what with being the most likely demographic to be the victims of violent crime and all.

Well looking around you have a huge large mass of men with no realistic possibility of getting laid or having a future, a society that actively punishes family formation. Most young men are being actively discriminated against at all levels of society and being fucked over, and feminists loudly led the charge for all of that.

On top of this you have an entire generation of military aged men who have spent their entire lives being ritually humilated and abused and being gas lit about all of it.

So yeah women have very much a reason to feel unsafe because shit is going to be very unsafe.
Well looking around you have a huge large mass of men with no realistic possibility of getting laid or having a future, a society that actively punishes family formation. Most young men are being actively discriminated against at all levels of society and being fucked over, and feminists loudly led the charge for all of that.

On top of this you have an entire generation of military aged men who have spent their entire lives being ritually humilated and abused and being gas lit about all of it.

So yeah women have very much a reason to feel unsafe because shit is going to be very unsafe.
Most don't even know what it feels like to actually be unsafe; they think it's just them being exposed to the reality that the world doesn't actually revolve around them, or exists solely to bolster their egos, because someone had the temerity to tell them "no".
You know, well regulated sex industries could fix a lot of the problems with this phenomenon of sex starved young men. If you really consider it that serious a problem, that is.
You know, well regulated sex industries could fix a lot of the problems with this phenomenon of sex starved young men. If you really consider it that serious a problem, that is.

The issue runs much deeper than simply having lots of young men with no sex lives. Feminism is a fundamentally delusional and misandrist ideology.

It has women convinced that men are evil predators, and therefore subject to any and all negative treatment. It has nearly half of women convinced that they can't go outside at night or they'll be raped or killed, when the truth is a man is far more likely to be attacked than a woman.

It has seen many unequal laws and government policies discriminating against men for solely being born male.

Most egregiously, we still are forced to sign our sons and brothers up for forced military conscription into the meatgrinder of pointless D.C. wars, while women enjoy the freedom of knowing the men will be shipped off to die or be maimed while they are safe at home. Simultaneous with feminism acting like women in the US have it worse than women in Afganistan.

Legalized prostitution isn't going to fix these problems or the many others that I didn't even touch on. Men have noticed that in the so called age of equality, they are less than equal, and that genie isn't going back in the bottle.

Frankly if there isn't anything done to correct the legal and social inequalities faced by men, and soon, women and feminism will probably be on the bad end of a very angry reactionary backlash. We are already seeing the beginning of it.
Then can't they just go and find some friends?
Friends absolutely help! A friend is not the same as a close, intimate partnership with someone you love, though.

A lot of things help, but they're not necessarily replacements. Having a good group of friends, being close with your relatives, joining community and church groups, volunteering. Commonly, meaning and the sense of feeling needed is found in your career.


Shit leftists throw a bitchfit and attack tourists because "TOURISTS GET OUT!", while happily insisting for infinite migrants to show up.

Their official stance is:
People paying your nation, behaving and leaving peacefully<Violent thugs leeching from your nation and refusing to leave


Shit leftists throw a bitchfit and attack tourists because "TOURISTS GET OUT!", while happily insisting for infinite migrants to show up.

Their official stance is:
People paying your nation, behaving and leaving peacefully<Violent thugs leeching from your nation and refusing to leave

Contrary to popular opinion, leftists are not pro-immigrant, they are merely pro-ILLEGAL immigrant because it disrupts the system and most far-leftists are fundamentally accelerationists at their core. I'm all about disrupting the system, but there are ethical ways to do so. Encouraging unfettered illegal immigration is not one of them.
Contrary to popular opinion, leftists are not pro-immigrant, they are merely pro-ILLEGAL immigrant because it disrupts the system and most far-leftists are fundamentally accelerationists at their core. I'm all about disrupting the system, but there are ethical ways to do so. Encouraging unfettered illegal immigration is not one of them.
It's deeper than just "distrupt the system."

They are trying to import favorable voting demographics. This is the long game, they've been doing it for decades, and it's already paying off for them.

Let illegals in, those illegals have kids who are now citizens. Boom. In 18 years, they have new democrat voters.

Now, this is STARTING to fall apart, with this election cycle. Right now Biden only leads with Hispanics by 7%.

I wouldn't count on that staying that way. Biden is a terrible candidate, and a better dem candidate could still pull in a bigger Hispanic vote.

But even so, if the Hispanic vote is 7% in favor of democrats, they're still getting a bump by importing voters.

On top of all this, there are movements to allow the illegals to vote too. That's mainly happening on a municipal level, but that makes a huge difference, too.
You know, well regulated sex industries could fix a lot of the problems with this phenomenon of sex starved young men. If you really consider it that serious a problem, that is.
How so? The only legal brothels who don't have BIG issues with forced prostitution is Switzerland and that's because they have their " Swiss precision reputation" to defend and that's from a country that didn't allow women voting rights till the 1970s. Porn likewise has been marred by loopholes and it was made explicitly so by a journalist who faked interest in a date with someone who worked with the major sites and told her that the big wigs didn't care about what criminals did on them.

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