Five minutes of hate news

It's funny how authoritatively people will make claims about the attitudes of 'evangelicals' on specific subjects.

You almost might as well make decisive claims about 'protestants.' There's certainly some core things anyone who is an 'evangelical' will believe in, but there's a massive suite of differences in other areas, such as regard towards the present-day nation of Israel.

Any claim that 'evangelicals' believe in some bizarre form of 'jewish superiority' is nothing more less than exposing ignorance of what the evangelical sub-culture is actually like.
No. This is an innately pro-abortion argument pretending at being neutral, unless you are full anarcho-sociopath who believes the government should have no say over a parent murdering their baby. You've implicitly assumed when personhood happened, then snuck in a pro-choice conclusion.
Being pro-choice and pro-abortion are not the same thing unless you're a deluded far-right extremist :p
It's funny how authoritatively people will make claims about the attitudes of 'evangelicals' on specific subjects.

You almost might as well make decisive claims about 'protestants.' There's certainly some core things anyone who is an 'evangelical' will believe in, but there's a massive suite of differences in other areas, such as regard towards the present-day nation of Israel.

Any claim that 'evangelicals' believe in some bizarre form of 'jewish superiority' is nothing more less than exposing ignorance of what the evangelical sub-culture is actually like.
I'm neither evangelical nor Christian but if I could add my 2 cents there is usually a difference between the people who consider themselves evangelical and the people who have been classified as evangelical by non-evangelicals
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It's funny how authoritatively people will make claims about the attitudes of 'evangelicals' on specific subjects.

You almost might as well make decisive claims about 'protestants.' There's certainly some core things anyone who is an 'evangelical' will believe in, but there's a massive suite of differences in other areas, such as regard towards the present-day nation of Israel.

Any claim that 'evangelicals' believe in some bizarre form of 'jewish superiority' is nothing more less than exposing ignorance of what the evangelical sub-culture is actually like.
I mean it's funny how when I provide proof you will deflect. If I show a high ranking prominent Evangelical Protestant engaging in this heresy you'll deflect and say "Oh no us Protestants don't have a hiereachy you can't judge us off this bad apple, because there is no leader!" And if I show a local grassroots church you can claim "That is just one instance you can't tar the whole movement based on this group of bad apples engaging in heresy!"
Here is the evidence by the way.

Gotta say, I just love all the cultists going along with this insanity in the comments. Even openly stating that they'd vote for a corpse if it was running as a Democrat, because they're the good guys; and there is nothing neither you nor I could say to disabuse them of that delusion.


Holy shit, they really cannot be concise or brief, can they?
Never forget their official mantra is 'no wrong tactics, only wrong targets'.
That is true and they really have no standards. I remember even reading one of them say something like the rapes hamas or other "marginalized" groups did is "resistance against oppression." There have even been earlier instances where they justified what blacks in Haiti did to whites after the slave rebellion.

Everyone here knows I'm no Israel simp. But the leftists that slobber over Hamas's chode are disgusting.
The only reason evangelicals support Israel is because they hope all Jews emigrate there and bring on the apocalypse. Which is....a reason, I suppose.

Naturally, the more brutish types of altrighters can only understand any support for any group as being motivated by fear and domination, because that's the only reason they would support anyone. But credit where it's due, evangelicals are a lot smarter than them. Their goals may be irrational, but they pursue them in a rational manner.
The only reason evangelicals support Israel is because they hope all Jews emigrate there and bring on the apocalypse. Which is....a reason, I suppose.

Naturally, the more brutish types of altrighters can only understand any support for any group as being motivated by fear and domination, because that's the only reason they would support anyone. But credit where it's due, evangelicals are a lot smarter than them. Their goals may be irrational, but they pursue them in a rational manner.

let me translate
I've always found atheism cringe and soy. Why not be a chad and just convert to Satanism? It makes more sense than being a an edgy contrarian asshole imo
The Satanists are the edgy douchebags though lol. The entire concept of Satanism is to troll the Christians.

Atheists? Some of them are insufferable. You know which kinds I am talking about. They make me not want to use the atheist label. I'm just a "non believer" and my opinion is "I don't know," but many atheists are so sure about their beliefs, that it's just as religious as the religions that they're opposed to. And they never shut the fuck up about sky daddy/sky fairy this or that. Etc
The Satanists are the edgy douchebags though lol. The entire concept of Satanism is to troll the Christians.

Atheists? Some of them are insufferable. You know which kinds I am talking about. They make me not want to use the atheist label. I'm just a "non believer" and my opinion is "I don't know," but many atheists are so sure about their beliefs, that it's just as religious as the religions that they're opposed to. And they never shut the fuck up about sky daddy/sky fairy this or that. Etc
I dunno, its usually the atheists running around acting all hoity toity and wagging their fingers constantly and belittling religious people that gets on my nerves, not atheism as a belief system. If Soli wants to distance himself from fundamentalist Christianity the most vocal way to do so is to declare Satanism, even if you don't personally believe in Satan. Usually its people who are narcissists though, who would prefer to worship themselves over any God or being. I personally unironically think evil plays a key role in the world, and was created as something to unite peoples across the world against
The only reason evangelicals support Israel is because they hope all Jews emigrate there and bring on the apocalypse. Which is....a reason, I suppose.

Naturally, the more brutish types of altrighters can only understand any support for any group as being motivated by fear and domination, because that's the only reason they would support anyone. But credit where it's due, evangelicals are a lot smarter than them. Their goals may be irrational, but they pursue them in a rational manner.
See stuff like this is why people think you are Bryan from spacebattles. Whenever antisemitism on the right comes up they say “conservatives are the real antisemite. They want Jews to go to Israel so God will destroy them and cause revelations.” But I’ve never seen any evangelicals say that stupid shit you posted as the reason for why they support Israel. No they give two reasons first is Gods promise to Abraham to give his descendants the land second they believe Jews to be gods chosen people and god will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.

Nothing about revelation or end times bullshit.
Just become heathen, grow a beard and become viking
That’s also cringe. They don’t actually believe in Odin or Thor.

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